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Wattle Club Please don't post on here GO to Wa

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Aussieone Report 28 Feb 2006 23:35

Bye Laurie Hope you have a great holiday and find lots of dead peeps, and cheap bargains. Another sunny day here today it is suppposed to be warming up for the weekend with temps at the moment of around 20 - 23 we coould be in for a great evening on Saturday of sitting in that great big stadium watching the feathers fly lol. Not much else is going on here. I have just got back from taking Tamika to the Dr's she has been diagnosed with hayfever or an allergy similar. So she is home from school today, she wasnt well on Monday, went to school yesterday as they had school photos and came home went to lounge and fell asleep on coouch for a cooule of hours, had tea and went back to bed just after 8.00, which is not her, so hopefully she will be feeling better soon. Jude Melb dont forget to let me know when you are coming on your little trip with your friend over here, I think you was talking about it being next week? Cheers Sue

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 28 Feb 2006 23:47

Hi Sue, just sent you a mes

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 1 Mar 2006 02:02

where are you all today? you cant all be stuffed into Lauries Jude2

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 1 Mar 2006 03:52

Hi Donna, did you see on the news that Sizzlers all around Aust have closed their salad bars due to a poisoning scare? You can tell your son its probably a good thing your not going there, an afternoon tea with his mates will be a much better option. Jude2


Trifley Report 1 Mar 2006 04:20

Hi Donna You are lucky you found out Sizzlers BEFORE you went for Zack's birthday. It certainly would have been a birthday to remember if you had all got poisened by rat bait! My hubby & I like a drop of wine (red & white) now & then so let me know next time you go to Adelaide and I'll get you to bring some back for us lol :). I know what you mean by being spoilt by living on the Gold Coast. The only thing which would make it better is if we had a decent council and a bigger dam! We have had so much rain here that we have toadstools growing in the lawn. Not much of it seems to be going in the Hinze! 'Bye Trifley (aka Dianne)

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 1 Mar 2006 04:51

Hi Everyone, We are back home again, I have only had a quick look at the threads. Soooo much to catch up on, could take me days, he he. We had a good trip, after a rough start, spiders, awnings, dents etc. Really enjoyed Kangaroo Island, will definetly go back there. Caught heaps of fish and just had a really relaxing time. Had no luck ffinding dead people in the various cemetary's we visited. But caught up with a relly in Adelaide that helped fill in some family blanks. Ok have to go, will have a look in tomorrow

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 1 Mar 2006 05:12

Bye Laurie find heaps of deads peeps, shop till you drop and have a good time and send photos ,emails, and posts on here too, love from Lara bye, cya ,,, later, arriva derci, x

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 1 Mar 2006 05:34

Oooooo, we've been phantomed!!! I wonder why??


Judy Report 1 Mar 2006 05:43

Vonny - phantomed????? Jood


Unknown Report 1 Mar 2006 06:11

lol!!! who would phantom us? Joodles, phantomed is when is when someone adds a short post to bring a thread to the top of page 1, then deletes their post. No one knows who did it unless they were caught out, hence the term 'phantom nudge' Quite often some bored peep who doesn't have a life phantoms a controversial thread to stir up trouble, but I can't think why anyone would phantom us. pmsl!! Rebs x


TonyOz Report 1 Mar 2006 06:20

Arvo Wattlers. nuther nice day in Melb. Well Laurie is probably at the airport, already checking in. They probably wont let her get through the International customs anyway,because she has a sheep in her suitcase.........SHEEP!!!! Yes............a 'Wooley Jumper'....LOL Tony Oz :>)) O'k... will go stand in the naughty corner......:>((


Unknown Report 1 Mar 2006 07:29

Don't give up your day job Rudes :-ppp


Judy Report 1 Mar 2006 08:01

Aww thanks Reb - I have the Wattle page saved - and when I open - it opens right at the latest page, so I never know what number we are up to. Hadnt heard that before - Im young and innocent hahahahaha Jood


Lynda Report 1 Mar 2006 10:08

Hi everyone thank you for the talkback invitation. Emigrated with parents and younger brother in May 1963. Only been back for Xmas 1994 and my last grandparent just happened to pass away before I could get to see him again. I'll let you know now I'm a chatter box. I live in Mackay with my third hubby. Have three sons from first marriage, they are all grown up now. No grandkids yet but a few near misses though. I'll go for now and let someone else in. Please let me know if anyone lives in the Mackay area. Love Lynda.


Unknown Report 1 Mar 2006 10:17

Hiya Linda, I'm in Redcliffe. Welcome to our thread, but be warned, we don't always make sense. And we unfortunately have a couple of C*ll*ngw**d supporters too. We humour them though. lol!!! Rebs x

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 1 Mar 2006 11:07

Hi Rebs, Yes phantomed!! No reason that I could see except that the other Aust thread (that was also phantomed from a year ago!) was higher than us. Unfortunately, I didn't even realise till I was reading Lara's thread for the second time! pmsl - bit slow here. I actually thought it might have been one of us just making sure the Wattle thread was on top! Welcome Lynda, glad you joined us. Night all, trying to have a relatively early night. Vonny


Lewella Report 1 Mar 2006 20:59

Morning All. Sorry I missed Laurie's departure. I know she'll have a wonderful time! Was laid up in bed yesterday with some kind of food poisoning - and no, we don't have a Sizzlers here! Must've been something I cooked. That'd be about right, I managed to poison myself!!! lol. Anyway feeling much better (and lighter!) today. I'll try and chat from the office. See ya and have a good one, Lew Lew xxx


Unknown Report 1 Mar 2006 21:20

You poisoned yourself!!! There has to be kind of award for that doesn't there? Poor Lew...........((((hugs)))) coming your way.


Unknown Report 2 Mar 2006 00:31

11.30 am and no-one around?? Has everyone slept in today or something..............or do I need to change my deodorant. : (( *no body likes me, everybody hates me, think i'll eat some woooormmmms*


Lewella Report 2 Mar 2006 00:39

Ah, my little paranoid friend! What are you worried about, at least you didn't poison you! lol. Trying to catch up on work. Funny how nobody does it when you're away, isn't it!. Lew Lew