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~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 19 Feb 2006 05:56

hello everyone again great to find you well again Reb and will pop your birthfday on in a minute ok And now where is Donna are you feeling down too like another unnamed peep who hasn't been on here either for about a week, she'll tell you all who I'm talking about she'll be back soon too I'm sure , Donna come on if you are reading this and tell us you are ok sweetie alright, we want to hear if you are not feeling good can't help other wise please lets some one know you are ok Wine trifle please can you sign your name on the bottom of your messages I can't keep calling you this can I and have to go back to find your real name as have a slight memory problem ok now don't be mean you lot its the only thing wrong with me after all the rest is so perfect ok pmsl, Joodles when is judy's melb birthday please do you know ?? Tony I did real well in Tatts Lotto too the best line innmy quick pick gave me 2 subs and one number hhheee about same as normal about 37c here today againanway going toadd acouple of peeps to birthday list bye for love Lara


Trifley Report 19 Feb 2006 06:23

Hi Lara I think your memory is better than mine...I don't think I could remember all the names of the 'Wattlers'. Heading off to the dreaded ironing. how I hate that chore. To make matters worse both hubby & son wear white shirts... creaseless...I don't think so :{ Toodle pip Will catch up with y'all tu morah Dianne {aka Trifley or Winey depending on the time of day} :}


Unknown Report 19 Feb 2006 06:23

lol Lara babe, you forgetful? never!!! By the way, Trifleys' name is Dianne. xxx Beat me to it Trifley!!! : )))


Lewella Report 19 Feb 2006 06:27

Afternoon all and a big thanks to Tony for his help with my research this arvo! Have heard from Hubby who is a little grumpy 'cause he had to travel 13 hours to get from Banff to Whistler (bl***dy whinger!). Went out to the property this arvo to water the olives and all looks good. Some more rain would be handy though. Having a nice little rack of lamb for one for dinner tonight. Sunday roasts, yum. I too have forgotten WT's real name Lara and we can't keep calling her Winey. Perhaps we should just call her Wineo. (lol) Lew Lew


Gwenda Report 19 Feb 2006 08:24

Evenin' all, Another hot day here but cooler tomorrow. No more work until 10th March for me - yaaaaayyyyy. Jude2(Melb) birthday is 15 January Hi Rebs - glad to see you're back with us - hope you're feeling better. Have just had one of those 'can I view your tree' messages - at least I knew the person as we have made contact before, just wonder what she will think when she gets a message from me in some weird hieroglyphics (is that spelt ok?) The message I got from Genes didn't say Gwenda - it was a long list of nos - what a hoot!!! Hoping that the cleaning angels will visit while we are away but really doubt it and I know I will come back to a pile of washing as my kids have problems with washing machines, dishwashers, vacuums etc. If it don't have food or can't cook food it won't get used. Will look in again before we head off on Wednesday, so catch y'all later Gwenda


Aussieone Report 19 Feb 2006 10:32

Hi Wattlers Well I have been for my brick walk and had some success found 12 out of 34 names so I suppose it could be worse. I met with one of the people behind geting the walk together and they actually take the orders for the bricks, if you know you have an convict ancestor that has not got a brick you can pay for a brick, they call it sponsor a brick, you get a certificate with details of the brick. Anyway I made a new album on Aust surname list and added a pic of one of the bricks, which was one of my ancestors, so you can see what they are like. I think it was wine Trifle that mentioned about being lucky that the council do something like this, well it is not the council but a group of locals doing it. You can check out one of the bricks that the group have done, the walk goes from one end of town to nearly the other with bricks nearly side by side all the way embedded into the footpath. They are adding bricks all the time. The bricks are not actually the bricks that convict made but there are details of the convict on a brick. They used a brick as a symbol of what a lot of convicts made and were known for. Anyway I need email addys for these lucky people as I have a pic to send them of their ancestors brick. Tony, Jude in Melb 2, Jude 3(Joodles I Believe if I have the Jude's right) and Rebs. Sorry to Lara, Vonny and Anna could not find a brick for you :-(( Well must go as nearly bed time, landlord will be back in morning to do the rest of the painting :-)) cant wait to have a nice clean, fresh looking bathroom. Cheers Sue


Unknown Report 19 Feb 2006 10:41

Ooh Devly, that's wonderful!! Now don't go getting me all excited, or I'll have a relapse. Which one did you find? Hope it was Bridget, she's my favourite ancestor. Oooh, this is wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Rebs xxx : )))


Aussieone Report 19 Feb 2006 10:51

Hi Rebs Good to see you back. Im not telling you which one it was but I have just sent you an email so you will have to go and have a look. Cheers Sue


Laurie Report 19 Feb 2006 10:58

Glad your OK Rebs . . . just next time crawl to puter and let us know what were worrying about OK . . . Well done you little devil you, do they have a list of the names on the bricks or have you just got to walk along till you find or dont find the name your are looking for ??? cheers luv Laurie


Joy Report 19 Feb 2006 11:00

Phew! Good, Rebs is still with us! :-)


Aussieone Report 19 Feb 2006 11:07

Evening Laurie We met up with a person who has been the main person behind the brick walk and all the bricks are numbered and he has a list of all the convicts that are on the bricks and what number they are. Which was good as it saved us a lot of time, the names were on about 80 pages I didnt ask him how many bricks that was, but it is a lot. He also gave me information on some of the convicts I was looking for with details that can be found on Microfish films in the library giving me reel numbers ect. where you can find out not only name and crime but what the convict looked like as in round face, square shaped head any birthmarks etc etc, I think Tony or someone mentioned something like this earlier so I am going in one day this week to have a look. Joodles have sent you an email with a pic for you. Cheers Sue


Unknown Report 19 Feb 2006 11:10

I'm sorry Aunt Laurie. Truly I am, didn't realise anyone was worried until I read Lara and Joys emails this morning. *shuffles feet and fidgets, sending laurie a big puppy dog stare*


Judy Report 19 Feb 2006 11:18

You are sooo sweet Sue, but it wasnt me - must have been Jude's 2 & 3, i.e Jude in Melb or Jude yv - let me know if you want their email address. Love Jood


TonyOz Report 19 Feb 2006 12:15

Evening..... Well thats the weekend gone...:>(( Lew Lew. Glad i could help a bit mate. Sue. Thanks for the 'Brick' its much appreciated xx When you go to the Tassie Archives, ask for the 'Surgeons Report' on ya convict. If they have one, it gives great detail and sometimes it lists hers/his parents names as well ( If known ) which can lead to a new find. Wonder if Mike ( geordie ) has arrived in Q.L.D yet...? Probably locked up or lost somewhere in the Bundy rum factory ( Bundaberg ) doing some sampling....hee hee. Dont drink it all Mike..:>(( ..leave some for the Well Av a great day tomorrow all. Tony Oz :>))


Anna Report 19 Feb 2006 21:37

Good mornirng Have a nice day everyone Back later Anna


Laurie Report 19 Feb 2006 21:37

Good Morning All Waffling Wattlers fromBotany Bay . . . OH Jeppers Creepers its down to single digits now . . . . ONLY 9 MORE SLEEPS . . . . Seems only yesterday it was 3 months away! As you can imagine there is little else on my mind at the moment. I have had a steady stream of visitors, today my Oni, sister Marie and fam are coming for a couple of nights - so mad dash today to clear the 'wanna takes' off the spare bed - that will get me actually packing! There weather was magnificent over the weekend, yesterday it was amazing how many were out on the water. Woke this morning to overcast sky and not much visibility. Can't tell you how many giraffes are doing what - can't even see the outline of them. So glad to have our little 'Rebel in Disguise' back - hope your feeling back to your old self real soon. Going to beat Lara to it . . . . Congrats to Lara's daughter Cassie who won her age group and got 2nd overall in the Bribie Triathalon yesterday. Poor kid had a nasty fall the weekend before - but the adreneline rush yeaterday would have made all the pain go away for a while. My baby (27) had a few days in hospital Had to have impacted wisdom teeth cut away from hugging the jaw bone. We knew he had to have it done, but didn't tell us till it was all over - didn't want me rushing up there little sh*t !!!! grrrrr. He's fine now though in some pain, but not got time to think too much about it got a thesis due Wednesday - then my study-a-holic will be finished till he starts another course. Got to admire the little (6'6') sh*t, he has a very demanding job as well as everything else he fits in! Ah Lew, I spend a lot of time on my own as a rule, so know all about the dinners for one - boreing to say the least! Hardly seems worth the effort to dirty up the kitchen for one does it. Bit I hate is - not enough dishes to use the dishwasher so have to wash & dry the dishes and actually put them away not leave them in the machine till I feel like it. I have loads to do today so best get at it - I made up a list last night of things to do before I go away and now it has me all in a dither! Hope you all have a wonderful day will talk later cheers, luv Laurie

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 19 Feb 2006 22:09

Good Morning All Wattlers, Very grey and overcast today, no rain but OHhhhh so much cooler. Yesterday went to St georges Basin and it was so hot and 98 percent humidity, I couldent live in those other climates. (9 year old granddaughter won the 700m walk so now goes to the State tittles soon. We stopped at Huskison for a nice cold beer ( I had wine) before the drive home and the aircon. Lara you left me off the birthday list, BOO HOO I had put it on some threads ago never mind here it is again 23rd June 1946, slot me in after Tony. Well had better go and get something done so will catch you all later, have a good Day Sandra in the Gong


SuzyQ Report 20 Feb 2006 01:19

Good Morning Wattlers, Thought that I had better let you know I am still alive and kicking. Also I think I may have been sent to the naughty corner for not talking. I have been reading though and know what you have all been up to. Sue in Tassie, thanks for all the info, we are seriously considering a trip to Tassie later this year, maybe a permanent one. Laurie, thanks for all the funnies, you really cheer me up. Lara, thanks for the kind words. I think that Donna will be busy with her parents who are out from England. Maybe they have gone away some where. I have sent her an email. Anna, nice to hear from you also. Did you get the certificates that you sent for? I got mine took about 2 weeks from ordering. Unfortunately it hasn't helped much. It has given me another dillema. My 2 x ggrandfather was married twice. Now I have to find his first wife. No luck so far. The hot match that I had turned out to be the right one, but he has lost contact with my long lost cousin, so I am still no nearer to making contact. Makes you wonder why peeps do family tree and not contact their close living rellies. Tony and Barb congratulations on all your wins. Do you ever need to pay for your lottery entries. I would love just one last divvy occasionally. Rebs, glad you are back. and everyone that I have forgotten to mention, have a nice day. Neville's is starting to chew the table leg so I must go Love SuzyQ


Aussieone Report 20 Feb 2006 02:19

Afternoon All Busy day here today with painting and sewing on badges on scout uniform and sending messages to people to do with the bricks. Rebs did you get your piccy? Tony not a prob and thanks for the little tip on Archives Records. Susan let me know if you need any more info on Tassie or want to met up if you come for a holiday. Well must go and do a bit more, maybe make a coffee for the workers, even though they put me to work with the vaccumm after they sanded down the walls from where they filled the cracks :-( So now we are going to have a white roof and cream walls in the bathroom not the horrible mustardly ceiling and green wall that used to be in the bathroom. Cheers Sue


Lewella Report 20 Feb 2006 03:02

Good afternoon everybody and hope you are all having a great day. Suffeirng from mondayitis today and just want to go home! I think I've been doing my job for too long and need a break. Anyway, at least I'll be moving house next month so that will keep me occupied. Sue, don't you just love that white film over everything! Why can't workers clean up after themselves, but I suppose they wouldn't do a proper job anyway. Yes Laurie I don't like doing the washing up for one either, but it is nice to eat when and what I want, although I must say Hubby's not that demanding and he likes to cook which helps. Hope you all have a great afternoon. I think I need a cup of coffee! Lew Lew xx :-)))