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Trifley Report 18 Feb 2006 12:00

Just thought y'all would like a bit of a laugh THIRTY LINES TO MAKE YOU SMILE 1. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't. 2. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. 3. I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me! 4. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. 5. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke. 6. Don't take life too seriously; no one gets out alive. 7. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me 8. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. 9. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe. 10. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are missing. 11. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes. 12. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine. 13. God must love stupid people; He made so many. 14. The gene pool could use a little chlorine. 15. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. 16. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? 17. Being 'over the hill' is much better than being under it! 18. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up. 19. Procrastinate Now! 20. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That? 21. A hangover is the wrath of grapes. 22. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance 23. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere! 24.They call it PMS because MadCow Disease was already taken. 25. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead. 26. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory. 27. Ham and eggs. A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig. 28. The trouble with life is there's no background music. 29. The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson. 30. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.


Trifley Report 18 Feb 2006 12:02

We need something to keep our minds off the fact that no one can find Rebs! Hope the '30 lines' gave you a bit of a giggle Trifley


Trifley Report 18 Feb 2006 12:06

Hi Joodles {happy wave from sunny Qld} A winery then a museum....sounds like a fabulous way to spend a Sunday. Have a drinkies for me (I like Merlot). Which winery & museum?


Aussieone Report 18 Feb 2006 21:44

Morning all Just popping in before David and I go to Campbell Town to check on the convict bricks today. It is another warm day today. Yesterday I had to go to Hobart for a meeting and on the way I stopped the bus at Campbell Town so a couple of people could go to the shop, While I was waiting I had a quick sticky at some of the bricks, they go the whole length of the main street by the look of it. David told me I had missed my chance as I had 8 people on the bus which meant more eyes to look for the names, only thing is we would have missed our meeting. Could you imagine eight females walking sidestep up a quiet country town, many of them dressed in white !!!!! Could have caused an accident or something lol. Apart from this not much is news here so I will go and catch you either later today or tomorrow. I hope someone manages to find out where Rebs is, and that she is ok. Cheers Sue


Joy Report 18 Feb 2006 21:51

Is it possible for someone to contact Mike and Shirley, please? to see if Rebs did meet them? She has not replied to my emails and has not been on messenger while I have been online since last Saturday when she said she felt ''crap''. Thanks. Joy


Lewella Report 18 Feb 2006 22:22

Okay, now we're all starting to get a little nervous Rebs! Come out, come out wherever you are!!! Lew Lew


Joy Report 18 Feb 2006 22:30

Has she ever gone awol before for a whole week?


Laurie Report 18 Feb 2006 22:38

No not like her at all - hopefully Lara can find the home phone number they exchanged whenthey met up last year luv Laurie


Joy Report 18 Feb 2006 22:43

Just had an email reply from Rebs. She's not been well but getting better now. :-) Joy


Laurie Report 18 Feb 2006 22:47

Thanks Joy . . . (thanks for pm too) Laurie


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 22:52

Oh dear, I'm really, really sorry if anyone was worried. Like Joy said, I was feeling crap last Sunday morning and went back to bed................and stayed there for the week. Logged on this morning to find I'm at the centre of a fuffle. Highly embarrassed, but thanks guys, love you all. ((((((((((hugs all around))))))) Rebs xxx *blushing profusely, tiptoes away in search of Lauries thread that Joy told me about*


Aussieone Report 18 Feb 2006 22:53

Joy thanks for that at least we know what is going on and that she is getting better. Hi Rebs good to see you back I was missing my near twin devil he he Cheers Sue


Lewella Report 18 Feb 2006 23:03

Welcome Back Rebs. Hope it wasn't some kind of bird flu!!! Naughty corner just hasn't been the same without you (although damn it we've tried). Lots of nasty bugs about at the moment. Hey Winey. My sister Ros is into mosaics. She even does demonstrations at the Sydney Royal Easter Show. The group she belongs to is called 'All Fired Up'. Not much happening today. Clean Villa to within an inch of its life yesterday, so I'm going to take it easy today and just veg out. Lew Lew :-))


Unknown Report 18 Feb 2006 23:18

Laurie, you naughty thing!!! But I love you to bits.I don't know whether to laugh or cry, don't even get this much fuff made of me at home. lol!! Can't believe how much you lot can write in a week. I'm going to have a relapse trying to get through it all.


TonyOz Report 18 Feb 2006 23:39

Morning Wattles. Drizzlin rain in Melb. Still quite warm though. Rebs. Good to see your O'k mate. Take care. Goin to check me tattslotto ticket, maybe i'm rich...????? Tony Oz :>))


TonyOz Report 19 Feb 2006 00:38

Well i aint rich...:>((.....but i did get a 5th divy..22..25..45..and a supp $24.90. This weeks Tattslotto No's....11....21...22....25....32...45...sup's 5 - 44 *ETYMOLOGY AND HISTORY OF FIRST NAMES* Thought i would post this www for those looking for first name meanings. English Names. French Names. German Names. Italian Names. Spanish Names. Arabic Names. Indian Names. Irish Names. Mythology Names. Biblical Names. African Names....... http://www(.)behindthename(.)com/ Tony Oz :>))

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 19 Feb 2006 02:36

where r you lot please ok found you Joodles do you know judy s birthday please don't have it or can you tell mewhere it is on the thread please love lara

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 19 Feb 2006 02:57

hello all have to be quick so much to do been chatting all morning on msn and looking up missing peeps phone noslol so need to get busy sue how did the convict finding go yesterday please did you have much success with all the names you had, if you keep losing weight the way you have been we will be sending out search parties for you too as well as Reb lol hello to all the others who didn't win tatts lotto last night so not going on cruise on QE 2 that was in melbourne must gpo back later on bye for now Lara


Trifley Report 19 Feb 2006 03:18

Yaaayyy...Rebs is back :} Sorry to hear you have been unwell, drink plenty of fluids & get plenty of rest. Happy thoughts winging their way to you, also big healing hugs <<<<Rebs>>>> Trifley


Trifley Report 19 Feb 2006 04:23

I am bushed today. I didn't think all this 'arty farty' mosaic stuff would be so tiring! i admire people who do it a lot...they must be fitter than poor lil' old me. Lew Lew...your sister must be good if she displays @ the 'Royal'. I spent most of yestreday standing, bent over a table to end up with something which looks like kindy play time :}{ Maybe it will look a little less chaotic when I do the grout next Saturday. Fingers Xed Sue convict you are lucky the local council has preserved them. Up here they would just want to build a bl***y great building on them or with them !! You will have to let us know how your little 'brick crawl' went. Tony you know just the right things to silver tongued devil ! I bet Rebs loved the song !