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Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 24 Feb 2006 09:41

Hi Wattlers, Im home for the next week having taken Scottish friend to my sister's in Geelong for a week. They are touring the local wineries then off to Phillip Is to see the penguins. Week after next we are thinking of going to Tassie to do a quick tour, we were going to leave it for another week but have just realised it will be school hols and probablt twice the price . A hugh thankyou to Devily for the photos of the bricks with my convicts names on, will let you know when I'm passing through. Tony, hope you have more luck than me. We went fishing last week and I was the only one who didn't catch anything, but I left alot of very well-fed fish behind for someone else to Hope all those on hols or about to go are having a great time. Jude2


Aussieone Report 24 Feb 2006 10:36

Hi All Jude Melb I just read your posting and thought I might mention that it is only a holiday in Vic, Tassie dont have their holidays til Easter. No sure what you were refering to as in prices being cheaper, if you meant the airline well you may be right, but if you were talking about accomodation I dont think it will be much different, but check on the prices. I am able to meet either week so that wont be a prob. Glad I could help with the Convict bricks. I thought it would be just as easy to find 30 bricks as it was to just look for 2, still used the same amount of petrol, so no extra cost just a little more time and walking, which didnt hurt. We have just got back from Dannielles Scout swimming carnival so I am going for a coffee. I thought school carnivals were loud but the scouts can beat the schools hands down, :-(( Oooh all that cheering not good for the ol' head lol. I might quietly sit and watch the footy and get the passion ready for tomorrows match. Catch you later. Cheers Sue

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 24 Feb 2006 10:41

Hi Sue , I meant airfares, can get $59 one way if its not hols so will probably take them . just had to add ''Go Cats '' Jude2


Judy Report 24 Feb 2006 10:42

Hi all Good to see you again Jude in Melb - kinda missed your contributions lol and the other Jude YV - also Heather's - seems like she's been gone for months - and Mary too. I cant remember who else is away - they all seem to be heading for South Oz or Tassie. (Says one who doesnt travel much <tongue in cheek>) aveagoodweekend everyone. Jood

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 24 Feb 2006 10:49

Hi Jood, just here for a week then off to Tassie, Port Fairy and then my daughter flies into Sydney for 36hrs so will have to go to see her end of march., she then goes back to the Uk via HongKong and has to spend 2days there so I couldnt let her be on her own now could I? so 2days in Hongkong it shopping


Judy Report 24 Feb 2006 10:53

Its a hard life isnt it Jude? But there is always something we dont really need in Hong Kong isnt there? lol But hey - you are just fulfilling your parental duties keeping an eye on your daughter, arent you? I notice Laurie will be checking Singapore out also. btw - Happy Anniversary Shazz and Robert. Now where's that Lara - did she say she was going away, or what's she up to? Jood

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 24 Feb 2006 10:55

I dont think of it as buying things I dont need Jood, I'll be helping the local

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 24 Feb 2006 11:22

hello to all so tired my friends but just wanted to say I'm happy and well talk to you all soon hello jude melb and joodles too and sandra and laurie and shazz and hello donna and susan and sue and tony and anna thank you yes was me who wanted sth aust book, where are you cilla email bounced back please email me hello patricia and lew lew will put pictures on of my dear little pool soon ok very tiny but beautiful and warm too even without the solar on to all I havn't mentioned talk soon , also hello trifly please remind me your real name mate love Lara goodnight ps jude yv, heather gwenda hello too and jude look no punctuation again


Laurie Report 24 Feb 2006 13:32

Sandra, and anyone else interested . . . The 10quid a night hotel rooms in UK are with Travelodge. Go to www*travelodge*co*uk/ on the right hand side is a red box with supersaver 10pound rooms . . The Big Sleepover . . . . click and off you go! You have to book online - at least 21 days in advance, and of course there are limited numbers. Not always where you want them - but if your lucky . . what a bargain! Cheers luv Laurie

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 24 Feb 2006 20:10

Hello Everybody, Dawn is breaking and I am here lurking, it has been another hot week, time for a change. Our fence can get fixed in APRIL!!!! Life is very busy at work as I have new staff to train, always time-consuming. We have also had school events to attend (swim carnival, music night), and some extra activities to fit in during the week – DD 14 is in Yr 9 and her friendship group have signed on for Bronze Duke of Edinburgh this year, seems to involve canoe/kayaking and starting Yoga!! One of the Dads is a local Firey, so I think he’s got something in mind for the Service bit – anyway, she seems to have it all in hand. And is doing her homework. And the family washing!!!!! Dishwasher died and replaced too. OH working very hard has had his work hassles too, we’ll all be better when it cools down and better still if it rains. On the genes side I have had a triumph on my Mum’s UK side. Got a GR message enquiring match to two names, older brothers of UK Nana. Sender turns out to be grandson of one of the brothers. When I replied affirmatively he answered that it was wonderful to hear from me, apart from his immediate family and brothers and sister, I am the closest living relative he has found!!! His Dad was an only child, no info passed on. So I have to compose this weekend a comprehensive reply, and later today phone my third cousin to tell her the news. She’s the one going to UK later this year to catch up with other rellies from Canada – well, they all might get to meet Colin too, and especially he them. It’s goosebumps all round!! I have a full day today - I get computer till 8.30am, then I go to Gym, quick supermarket stop for bread rolls, home to DD for breakfast, chores, her friend comes over from the school boarding house and they both go the Fruit Flies at 12.30, I collect them at 2.30 and today DD goes out to another friends 20 minutes away on a farm for a birthday sleepover. And so it goes. I WILL get puter to myself tonight YAY. Tomorrow I work every Sunday 6.30 – 11.30, and will have to go out to friends to get DD in afternoon, but that will be a nice relaxed visit with time for a cup of tea . Then the weekend will be over and we start again. Hello to Joodles, Laurie, Lara, Jude2, Sue, Trifle, Sandra, Vonny, Shazz, Tony & Barb, Anna, Lew Lew, Rebs, Donna, and all occasional visitors ! etc etc I love the jokes, don’t like spiders, look forward to perhaps meeting some of you in Yarrawonga - avagoodweegend, Heather


Lewella Report 24 Feb 2006 23:12

Good Morning, Heather, Laurie, Lara, Sue, Sandra, Vonny, Jude, Jood, Jude (etc), Rebs, WT, Shazz, Anna, Tony. And a big wave from Mudgee to all I've forgotten to mention! Last night, went out with a friend to a new restaurant called 1894, which is in the old Mudgee Railway Station. The place looks fantastic and the food was marvellous. So next time your passing through Mudgee, pop down to the station for a great meal. Have been spending a lot of time on the Records Threads and have this morning come across a most wonderful name - Fanny Lusty!! Hate to think what her nickname would be these days!! lol. Nothing much planned for this weekend, just taking it easy, filling in some more family tree and chatting with sisters and friends. Hope you all have a great day. From Sunny Mudgee, Lew Lew xxx


Laurie Report 24 Feb 2006 23:21

Ah Lew, your not allowed to pick on names . . . I did it bad enough went from Goodfellow to Titman . . . but my poor old gtgtaunty Fanny went from Fanny Goodfellow to Fanny Badcock. So no picking on names . . . . not fair . . !!!!!!!

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 25 Feb 2006 00:12

Hello all well rested after trying to clean up all the dirt and dust around from the digger and mike cleaning pavers right outside glass doors and with the evaporative on all the dust and dirt had set like concrete so worked my butt off (I wish )yesterday and day before trying to clean it off everything and cobwebs everywhere too like we all of a sudden have daggy (call them that cause when Cassie was little she thought that was their name) long legs everywhere never had many before and they make web like there's no tomorrow, Anna thanks for the name of that book about SA peeps,I have sent it to my friend and hopefully she will find out who her grandmother really was and where she came from, not sure about your name now Anna Down Under as long as its not down under the ceiling which has come down eh Joodle I'm sure you did me proud and only wish I was there too, next time you go to that sweet shop let me know please sounds like it has some things I might need like the one called 'arousal' just the thing for me in the morning with this narcolepsy, they are for waking you up arent they ????? Shazz did your friends decide if they are coming to Yarrawonga with you or not ?, and how did Rob go on internet?I bet he's nearly as good as Mike now who's sole thing he learnt to say is 'You better defrag that putor as he walks past'and as for the learning bit he can't seem to comporhend it at all like anything he doesn't want to know I guess he just says 'I'll leave that to you dear 'even though he hands out my (our he says) email addie to all at his golf club in queensland for them to keep in touch and then I have to reply ho hum.same old same old how many of you are the one to keep in touch with hubbies family? and you tell hiubbie the family news and the next time he actually condescends to speak to one of them himself and they say did lara tell you such and such he says no I didn't know a thing about it ,after you have told him repeatedly just wondered if its only Mike that does that drives me mad as they think I don't pass the news on. Mike has been doing his bit for the community today and went and helped with the parking for Junior Fire Brigade Championships are on in town and thousands of people here for it. Lew pool is nothing spectacular a very small pool for moi its called a courtyard pool and is sort of kidney shaped not at all 'with it' as Cassie told me lap pools are all the go but I like it, even without the solar as we were in it at 5pm yesterday and the water was 30c just gorgeous as I hate cold water, I went back in at 7:30 pm and was still nice and warm so won't have to put solar on at all for a while going to do some nmuch work now might be able to get back later today love Lara

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 25 Feb 2006 00:16

Hello Wattlers, Have been so busy at work, was getting quite peeved at not being able to catch up on all the reading! Have spent the last hour finishing off all the messages since last Saturday. Had a lovely surprise this week daughter arrived Thursday morning from Pt Douglas, youngest son picked her up from the airport and she walked into work and her mother was speechless - I can tell you all that doesn't often happen! Anyway have been catching up on lots of cuddles. We haven't seen her since June last year. Her husband arrives Monday to surprise his parents so we will have them here until the 6th of March - yeh!! You have all been so chatty over the last week, even with lots of peeps away , so I'm not even going to venture to comment on all the topics. Laurie have a great trip, shame we cant join you especially for the research side of things, but just imagine the face of the records office staff if we all descended en masse! Sue thanks again for convict brick pics - sent them off to 2 distant Bunton cousins and got an email back to say a huge get together on October 23rd at Longford, (as this is the anniversary of the first day Joseph Bunton stepped ashore in australia)so will finally get to see the area where he settled after being freed. Jude 2 hope you had lovely break in Qld, and it will be lovely for you to catch up with your daughter, Hong Kong what a great place for retail therapy! Actually going to indulge in some of that this afternoon, knowing my daughter I'm going to have to choose comfortable footwear. She has booked us to a hotel in Melbourne, so we can have a M & D (mum & daughter) weekend with no males to interfere. I noticed Rebs, Lew and W.T have been spending an awful lot of time in the Naughty corner - must be all the BBBB 's (booze),(bums)(bad)(behaviour) luring them there! lol Well have a good weekend - to all the travellers - safe journey. Lara you are doing my head in - lol. I didn't take a breath (in my head) reading your second last post! (You sneaked the last one in while I was still typing) byee jude 3

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 25 Feb 2006 01:53

hi Jude thought you two Judes would like that one with NO puncuation at all, you can see from that that's what my tablets do, that's the speed my head goes at and the poor old overweight body tries to keep up and hasn't got a hope .lol hehe but I didn't have the energy to go back and punctuate properly tooooooo tired mate ! Do you know if Jude Melb is coming up to Yarrawonga please? I'm really shirty you are going to have a shop till ya drop with your daughter lucky duck get some foot soak while shopping if she is like Cassie you'll need it . c u love Lara

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 25 Feb 2006 02:10

Hi Lara, I communicated (not very well) with some of my hubby's fam for about 30 years before he decided that he might as well talk to them! And yes, I can tell him all the family news and he just looks blank the next time someone mentions it! This even happens with our own kid's news. Grrrrrrr. Nice day today. Had a small cooling shower yesterday arvo but could do with some rain. Think I'm going to have to upgrade to unlimited downloads. if I spend any time on the boards it just chews through my allowance. Now that Son and DIL are back at Uni they need to use the computer for most subjects online. Well best away - I have to do some h****work. :) Vonny

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 25 Feb 2006 06:15

Hi All, Been a hot one in the Gong today. Thanks Laurie for the info have filed that away for future reference. Heather you made me dizzy just reading your post, but I bet you enjoy it all lol. Yes can relate to having to write all the letters and then emails to OH's family, I don't think he has had to write one in 40years Lew re names there are some corkers out there ( my maiden name was Cock) and as a child put an S on the end as would have been teased no end. Had the new hot matches in today and there was names not even in my tree, work that one out. also had a few from that man who puts out death index for WA, has anyone had any yet, Honey Rum put a thread up about it, dont know what happened about it yet. Off to do some gardening now it is cooler Sandra in the Gong


Lewella Report 25 Feb 2006 06:35

Evening All. About to go out to a friends place for chinese dinner. Remind me, am I missing the hubby yet? Glad to hear the weather's cooled down in the Gong, Sandra. Wish it would do the same in Mudgee! Smart move, adding the 's' to your maiden name. You would have been given hell. *Waving madly to everyone* Hope you all have a great evening. Chat with you in the morning. Lew Lew (or if I'm going chinese Rew Rew) lol

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 25 Feb 2006 08:03

Good on you Hawks eh Sue we are a happy team at Hawthorn


Aussieone Report 25 Feb 2006 08:32

Hi Everyone :-)))))))) :-)))))))) :-)))))))) Lara yes I am happy, cause the Hawks win means I am off to the Footy over here next week to see the Hawks play, then we see them again in Round 1. Tony are you going to start the AFL thread again? Or do we have to wait for the Pies to win their match :-))) Anyway after rain this morning it has turned out a nice day. We went to a 1st birthday party for a step relation to my children, dont ask me to explain it as its on the childrens fathers side and its a bit like his kids, her kids and our kids then their is also step brothers of the childrens father etc etc etc. I am going to have a rest as still havent unwound from watching the footy, we nearly lost it, but was able to come back. Cheers Sue