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Wattle Club Please don't post on here GO to Wa

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Trifley Report 20 Feb 2006 03:19

Afternoon all It took me a little longer to get to my puta today....I was stuck in the shower !! Sliding door came off its thingy and I couldn't open the door (I was inside at the time !!) Hubby says I haved 'fixed it good & proper this time'. I think I might have to get some quotes on a new door. Tassie the brick walk must have been fascinating. Almost makes me wish I had a convict ancestor. I am hoping to find something when we go to Norfolk Isl in Sept. Isn't it always the way....if you want something done in the community get a volunteer to do it. They have passion, energy and a selfless narure. A big YAAAYYY for the organisers of the brick walk. Hi SuzyQ nice to have you back. What is this I hear....thinking of leaving sunny Qld for Tas? The idea sounds better every time we get a high humidity day! But it sounds like a fantastic place for a holiday. Must go now. son is helping me sign up for 'msn' so I can chat to my sister. The marvels of modern technology. Toodle ooo Trifley


Anna Report 20 Feb 2006 04:23

Hi everyone Another humid afternoon - I'm sick of it, sick of it, sick of it!!! I'm feeling so distressed about that horrific accident in Victoria where all those teenagers were mowed down by a car. What on earth could have happened. I feel so terribly sorry for their families and friends. All those promising young lives finished in seconds. It just doesn't bear thinking about. Imagine the impact that something like that would have on their high school where a lot of kids are struggling with emotional issues at this time in their life anyhow. So good to see you back SuzyQ - and what's this about moving to Tassy? It sure is a beautiful spot - and the weather is better!! O Trifly - you being stuck in the shower reminds me of that old song we used to sing when we were kids. Oh dear what a calamity Three old maids were locked in the lavatory They were there from Monday to Saturday Nobody knew they were there. etc etc etc!! Devly - I don't envy you the redecorating. It's about to happen at our house. We are having a new ceiling put in the family/dining/kitchen area. The original timber ceiling has warped and can't be fixed so its all got to come out. That means we have to move everything out of that big area - blinds, curtains as well as furniture and there will be dust everywhere. I can't bear to think about it. I told hubby I would go stay at a motel and come back when it was all finished! Oh well - at least we are getting air conditioning at the same time so that will be fantastic! Anyone else besides Lew got any advice re airconditioning? Sounds as if lthe convict bricks were interesting Devly - what a good idea. Lara - congratulations to Cassie for her achievement in the triathlon. Well done. I don't live near Bribie - I'm inland from Brisbane on the Great Dividing Range. We are about 3 hours from Bribie. Laurie - hate those wisdom teeth. Both my boys had to have them out and it was really painful. Can you believe, I never got wisdom teeth - which would account for a lot of things!!!! Not long until your 'take off day' now!! Sandra - congrats to your granddaughter also - and good luck for the state titles. I've been plaguing Lew about airconditioning - so I'll plague you - what sort have you got? Rebs - hope you've been dosing up on chicken soup and toddies - watch out for those toddies - they have a very high alcoholic content! Well - should do some organising of details as our genealogy group is going on a bus trip to the Family History Society in Brisbane on Friday so I want to get a list of 'things to look up'' worked out. Cheers to all Anna


Unknown Report 20 Feb 2006 04:25

Hiya folk, Rebs here, reporting in to avoid getting in trouble again. Devly, the brick was lovely. Thank you for all the trouble you went to. Much appreciated babe. Trifley, must be the day for shower experiences. Mine happened after I got out, possibly traumatised my son for life...............and that's all I'm saying. lol!! Oh well, back to the grindstone. Got heaps to do after my time off last week. Mothers just can't afford to get sick, it's not worth the fuffle afterwards. : (( *waves to Anna who snuck in underneath while I wasn't looking* Rebs x

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 20 Feb 2006 04:32

Afternoon all, Hectic weekend over and at least son has finished up (well almost) everything from Albury. Took twelve hours yesterday and 8 of them were driving!! I am very slooooow today. Managed to get his stuff over to his sister's place this morning but it's not unpacked. He will stay with us for the rest of the week and move on Sat (I HOPE:) It's cheaper at home of course! Had a good Genes contact on Friday. If you want to see hubby's 3x great grandmother, Google Sarah Cobcroft and click on one of the top two choices for a picture. A very formidable lady. She is 84 in the painting and died a year later. Was 17 when she followed her convict 'husband' to Oz!!!!! (free passage in 1791) They actually married in the 1840's Must go and catch up on general and then sleep! Vonny ~~~~~~~~~ waves to everyone especially hello to Rebs :)


Trifley Report 20 Feb 2006 05:24

Hi Yvonne my puta is playing up again so can't get a look at Sarah's picture. Boy your hubby is lucky...having someone famous in his tree. My lot & hubby's were all the shrinking violet kind not a famous one anywhere yet. I will keep looking tho. I did have a grandfather who was a carpenter who built a local hospital and coffins for his town. Does that count lol :}? Laurie...Wisdom teeth...our son doesn't have any either (explains a lot :}). They can be a bu***r and painful. Hope he feels better soon. I also feel bad about those poor kids killed in Victoria. This kind of thing effects not only family but also friends, class mates and the community as a whole. Tragic. I am sending healing thoughts and big hugs to all concerned <<<0>>>.


Lewella Report 20 Feb 2006 07:20

Evening all. Nice refreshing storm has just passed through Mudgee and is heading north. Nice piece of Tuna steak for dinner tonight. Yum. Come on - one more post and we'll have hit the big 500!!! Hooray for the chatty wattlers. Lew Lew


Trifley Report 20 Feb 2006 07:23

I find this family tree searching sooooo frustrating. Why doesn't my 'hot match' contact me? He has 3 of hubby's rels on his tree and I can't get intouch with him. What does a girl have to do....go on national TV and broadcast his name just to get him to answer??? It has been 3 weeks since I GR emailed him the first time. No true tree searcher would stay off the site that long. That is my gripe for today. I thought if I sounded off to you lot at least you would understand.


Unknown Report 20 Feb 2006 07:24

I'll take this one. Ta, Thank you, very much!! lol!! Trifley beat me to it. that's what I get for leaving the puter and making a coffee.


Trifley Report 20 Feb 2006 07:26

Bells ring. Fireworks fill the sky. 'I still call Australia home' plays proudly in the background. The Wattle Club turns 5oo!


TonyOz Report 20 Feb 2006 07:27

Arvo Wattlers. Nice day in Melb, so will fire up the barbie for tea. I can feel a fishing trip coming on this weekend with brother and mates, so i have told Barb not to buy meat, and i will bring back the goodies, as us blokes know how to catch fish and we......'the hunters' .....will supply the family with fish.....:>)) Heather. You share your birthday with me dad.....25th June. Vonny. Had a look at the painting of Sarah Cobcroft. What a great peice of family history for you to have in your tree. Anna. Loved the song. Haven't heard that since i was knee high to a My sisters used to sing that when we was kids. Back in the early 50s, every sunday night we used to sit in the lounge room after tea and my mum would sing, while my uncle played on the squeeze box. My favourite was Barefoot days. Barefoot days, when we were just a kid Barefoot days, o'boy, the things we did We'd go down to the shady brook with a bent pin for a hook...... we'd fish all day an fish all night but the bloody ol fish they wouldn't bite How we'd slide down some ol cellar door slide, an slide, until our pants got tore Then we'd have to go home an stay in our bed till Mam'a got busy with the needle an thread O'boy, what joy, we had in barefoot days. Ahhhh...the memories come flooding back, and can still see us all singing songs......what great days they were too. Well time to get the barbie lit......and let the smell woft through the neighbourhood..hee hee. I think my neighbour ( once he smells the onions ) will dig into his fridge....and bring over an entrance fee......a few..'Coldies' Av a good one. Tony Oz :>))


Unknown Report 20 Feb 2006 07:32

Fishing trip eh Rudes..... thank goodness for the gatherers.(woman) ; -P *floats very quickly back to the naughty corner*

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 20 Feb 2006 07:33

Patricia February 28th 1949 Wine Trifle February 5th 1950 Susan February 6th Judy YV march 16th 1954 Shazz March 20th Vonny May 19th 1950 Anna May 22nd 1945 Tony June 14th 1949 Sandra June 23rd 1946 Heather June 25th 1951 Lew July 17th Lara July 31st 1945 Judy (Joodles) August 1st Sue August 6th Reb (Sharyn) August 8th Gwenda August 9th Laurie Sept 3 rd but celebrates on fathers day Sorry Sandra same excuse as for Laurie its here now for those who want to copy ( I'm just a bit thick ) Laurie sorry mate did have on original list must have disappeared on its own like original thread did ,dolly did it lol Alsao still waiting for donna to tell me am all of te peeps from WA who we seem to Have lost somewhere Reb are they in the naughty corner trapped some where perhaps ?


TonyOz Report 20 Feb 2006 07:44

Rebs!!!!..... We always bring back fish mate. Two pieces of flake and a min chips........:>))


Unknown Report 20 Feb 2006 07:58

lol!! May as well go the full deal then Rudes. Tattie cakes, scallops, calamari rings. I'd give the flake a miss though, you don't want to be eating the top of the food chain. Go for the smaller, sweeter reef fish, delicious.!!

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 20 Feb 2006 09:52

Tony even if from Cons the Greek fish shop down the corner eh lol tony what a bout a nice big snapper yum baked in the barbie stuffed with orange lemon and macadamia stuffing yum yum Anna thanks for the congratulations for Cassie she deserves to win she works so hard at everything she does and had aspill of her bike a week or so ago and still went in the triathlon bruises and all , and she has had so much bad luck lately . vonny had a look at sarah cobcroft how very exciting to have thatportrait for your family history and for the generations to come Trifley don't despair as I found out some peeps don't have their own putors and go the library or somewhere to log on to gr and some only do every three months or so just go and do something else and guess what that's when it happens they send a message , or you can make a big boo boo like me and think someone is definatly an ancester of yours and then find out sadly they are not and you have made three NOT cousins because of it who you wish were related cause they are real nice peeps but now theyve told me they want to be honorary cous's any way how nice eh Reb can I share Brigit with you as none of my lot are convicts just so honest and truthful ha ha just didn't get caught is more like it, because if fibs got you sent here they would have been on the first ship for sure the lot of them odays days wards and oloughlins and bryne and kavanough cavenagh big fibbers anyway they can go and stay lost I've had them and are going back to mums line looking for much better ancesters who like to found he he . Have to go as I am about to fall asleep again blasted narcolepsy drives me bonkers so will say bye and talk to you all tomorrow love Lara


Unknown Report 20 Feb 2006 10:10

Claytons Convicts. For all those with a deprived ancestery who covet a convict of their own. lol www(.)convictcentral(.)com Of course you can share Bridget Lara. Or you can have her sister Catherine. She was sent out from Cork in 1852 aboard the Martin Luther . 7 years for larceny. She married George Weller, who was listed as free at time of marriage application, but there are two George Wellers in the convict listings, so he may have travelled to Tassie courtesy of the crown but finished his sentence.


TonyOz Report 20 Feb 2006 12:12

Evening. Lovely night in Melb. Just added a few more links to my Ozzie thread on the tips board. Thought i would post them here also, just in case they help someone. NORFOLK ISLAND LINKS http://www.zades(.) http://www.brandis(.) TASMANIA GENWEB.... ( type surname into space box ) http://www.rootsweb(.)com/~austas/ QUEENSLAND MINING ACCIDENTS A - Z (1882-1900) QUEENSLAND RAILWAY EMPLOYEES June 1890 - June 1901 Southern and Western Q.L.D Railway Employees, 1866-1876 Tony Oz :>))


Lewella Report 20 Feb 2006 21:01

Morning All and thanks for the further links Tony. You're a gem with the info, as usual. Storm passed over Mudgee and dumped a very quick 2mm of rain. Not a lot, but it washes off the dirt. More predicted this afternoon. Will be speaking to hubby today and will get a further Canadian weather update. Another day in the office (oooooh goody) and better go a check to see what the builders are up to. Seeya Lew Lew


Gwenda Report 20 Feb 2006 22:02

Morning everyone, Off to Adelaide tomorrow so last chance to catch y'all. Won't have access while I'm away so could you all waffle one line messages for the next 10 days or I'll be spending a couple of weeks catching up - pmsl. Still got ironing to finish off, packing to do, some more cleaning - the list goes on and on - I'll be ready for this holiday and a change of pace. Anna - whatever a/c you get make sure it's ducted to cool the whole house. When we lived in Alice we had evap coolers - when it was humid we would just run the fan without the water. As OH was a shift worker we had a r/c unit in the bedroom for those humid days - I find them far too cold tho so my fave was the old ceiling fan especially on the hot nights. Trifly - aren't sons the greatest when you need puta advice - mine was a lousy student otherwise but a whizz with the puta - funny tho he doesn't want a job working with them. Laurie - have a wonderful trip - hope you get good results with your research as well. Gotta go - it's nearly 9 am - I haven't had my brekky or shower - have had my walk tho - must be the cooler mornings or I'm just that bit later going but it's getting congested out there with walkers - LOL I'll try and get back before I hit the sack tonite - son has to work so I will be able to get back on - can't when he's home unless he goes to bed early - yeh right. Have a good day peeps, cu later Gwenda


SuzyQ Report 21 Feb 2006 01:50

Hi Wattlers, Can't stay long, but just wanted to let you know that I had an e-mail from Donna. She has been very busy with her parents, but she also hasn't been very well. She is going to Adelaide at the weekend with her husband to visit friends. Leaving the kids with her parents. Will try to get back later SuzyQ