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SuzyQ Report 21 Feb 2006 01:51

Hi Wattlers, Can't stay long, but just wanted to let you know that I had an e-mail from Donna. She has been very busy with her parents, but she also hasn't been very well. She is going to Adelaide at the weekend with her husband to visit friends. Leaving the kids with her parents. Will try to get back later SuzyQ

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 21 Feb 2006 01:57

Afternoon all, am at work on lunch break. Quiet at the moment but will have to vacate puta when all return. Have a great time away Gwenda. Son came home very excited about uni - reckons he will 'ace' his media subjects so that is a lovely change :) Won't have any time to do research now till next weekend. Love to all, maybe catch you tonight, Vonny


***Shaz*** Report 21 Feb 2006 01:58

Goodness Gracious its 12.45pm and nobody has been on the board at all today where is ya all Have travelling Gwenda, nice in SA only been twice and still havent explored much down there but beautiful the places Ive visited, didnt even get to Barrossa area but will eventually Sandra hope you have booked for weekend in Wonga morning Laurie , what happened to the giraffes today gone on strike Hope your having a better day at work today Lew Sue hows the diet going isnt is marvelous, OH says I can talk under water but can never seem to think of anything to say on here, cat gets my tongue and the old brain gets a bit addled better start eating a bit more fish isnt that whats supposed to help or maybe Im a bit too far gone for that anyway all enjoy the rest of the day Shaz Vonny just sneaked in whilst writing Hi Vonny


Aussiegirl Report 21 Feb 2006 02:20

Hi everyone... Mary is waving to you all from New Plymouth... no time to read the messages or chat but having a good time and will see you all soon I hope.. Love Mary


Lewella Report 21 Feb 2006 02:27

Afternoon All. Works not bad today. A few things falling into place and situations rectifying themselves. Still trying to help friend find info on her adopted mother. Mother was born in UK in 1927 and adopted to Manchester family in 1931. Mother has sinced passed on and any rights regarding obtaining birth records ceased when she died ! How stupid. Now trying from the medical angle. Surely my friend is entitled to know family history. Very frustrating!!!! Have just spoken with Hubby in Whistler Canada. Still having a good time, but reckons its a bit crowded. Well, lunchtimes over, back to the grindstone. Lew Lew


Anna Report 21 Feb 2006 05:59

Afternoon Wattlers It is quiet on here today! Hi Mary - saw you waving! Gwenda - have a great holiday. A change of pace will be wonderful for you. I hope you've barked at them about keeping the house as you left it! And thanks for your advice about the airconditioning - we ordered ducted today. Hey Lew - you seem to be forever gettting storms in Mudgee - not fair, not fair, not fair I say! Send some up to us! Vonny - is your son doing media? My daughter is doing media for a Year 12 subject and seems very interested in it. I'll be keen to hear how your son goes with it at Uni. Hi SuzyQ - thanks for keeping us up to date with Donna. Glad to see you back on line again. Shaz - I think we all get the 'addled moments' - don't know whether fish will fix it. I'm sure dark chocolate and red wine would be better! Laurie - I guess you are busy with your packing and your visitors - leave some room for what you buy overseas! Someone at door - gotta go. Hi to everyone Anna


Gwenda Report 21 Feb 2006 06:32

Afternoon everyone, Hi Mary ~~~~ waving to you - hope you're having a good time. Anna - there is no way I want to come back to the house the way I leave it - pmsl - I'm hoping for a miracle that it's all nice and tidy - providing none of my stuff gets moved as I don't know where things are now so I don't need them tidying my piles of paper. Would probably drop down dead if I came home and found son had cleaned his bedroom and his computer space. OH is busy in the garden getting the soil into his new veggie boxes that were delivered today - he'll be ready for a holiday too. Catch you later, Gwenda


Lewella Report 21 Feb 2006 06:45

Have a great holiday Gwenda. Love Adelaide, brilliant city. Glad you're going with the ducted air Anna. Best choice! Sorry we're getting all the storms, but unfortunately not a lot of rain and lots of damage. *Waving to Mary, Shazz, Vonny, SuzyQ, Laurie & Tony - oh okay And Rebs*** :-) Lew Lew


Trifley Report 21 Feb 2006 08:59

Gwenda yes, Lew Lew is right. Adelaide is a wonderful place. You could never get lost as it is so well sign posted. Enjoy your stay. Lew Lew from Mudgee gets all the storms Lew Lew from Mudgee gets all the storms Lew Lew from Mudgee gets all the storms While the rest of us miss out {singing voice no better in this room than in 'the corner'} I realy do hope that none of the damage is to your new place...or the olives! Anna ducted a/c is the way to go, more expensive to start but it works better. Don't forget to insulate the roof. We have split systems in 2 bed rooms & the lounge room. They are good but ducted is better. THE NEVER ENDING SAGA OF ....(da da da)...THE DAMAGED TYRE Just to let you all know....there is no more news. I suppose we will have to wait another week to see if the Nationwide Transport company is going to pay for the tyre. I would like to see them try to explain to a 26 year old young man why he can't finish the work on his car because he only has 3 wheels ! I am off now to find a velvet lined box to hold my tiara while I am not wearing it. toodle ooo Trifley


Aussieone Report 21 Feb 2006 09:05

Good Evening all Well I have now got a new bathroom YaY!!!! now I just have to go around and dust everything as I look on sideboard in passage and other furniture and can see that dreaded film on them. So busy day tomorrow putting everything back into bathroom. I was busy doing nothing much today I looked in a coupleof times and got doing something else and didnt leave a message. I know someone mentioned about how my weight loss was going well it wasnt over the weekend, I didnt have any water and I didnt do my 45 minutes walking apart from Sunday when I was looking at bricks but not enough to count, it told on the scaes as I didnt lose anything from Saturday to Monday, but they did drop another 0.3 of a kilo today. I am still waiting for Jude YV and Jude Melb to give me their email addies so I can send the pics of the convict bricks, I gather you are both busy and the pics will keep, I do have them backed up on disc just incase the unmentionable happens with the puta. Joodles the one you gave me didnt work, email came back undeliverable, not sure why. My girls seem to have settled into school without any probs. I hope Anna and Vonny's children have a rewarding year in uni with great marks. Wine Trife you popped in under me while I was typing lol, I gather the tyre saga is still going :-((( Well must go Catch you all later. Cheers Sue P.S It's Launceston Cup tomorrow and I am thinking on putting a couple of dollars on a horse called Mr Buttkicka just cause I like the name :-)) What do you think? There is only 13 horses in the cup dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thing lol.


Trifley Report 21 Feb 2006 09:40

Tassie big yayyy for your bathroom. It is such a bother having workmen in the house. Listen...when you're finished dusting your place do ya wonna do mine?? I turned the ceiling fan off in our bedroom the other day...OMG ! the dust !! Didn't notice it while it was going. I got energetic and did all the fans in the house. Now that they are back on you can't see what a good job I did :{{{ Have just had a stroll thro' the 'healing book' thread. OMG and I thought I had problems! Losing a couple of tropical fish is nothing compared to the trials some of these people are going through. I know it is not the right time of day but I'm sending happy thoughts to them all. Only check out the thread if you can stand some misery.

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 21 Feb 2006 11:48

Pool went into day omg that's all folks see you all tomorrow love Lara


***Shaz*** Report 21 Feb 2006 18:45

Morning All, 5.20am thought I would haave a look see what yas all been up to , just got OH off to work and having a little squizz early as its my day out today, only allowed one day a week lol, yeh sure as if id take notice anyway Hi Mary you behaving yourself over there, hurry home, blowing raspberries, whoops mean kisses Hi Vonny niece in Canberra spent years studying media, did about 6yrs on Melb radio (behind scenes) and has now given it up to become mum says she enjoyed every moment of it Sue dont you go using that new bathroom now it would be a shame to get it all dirty after being all so shiny and bright, keep fingers crossed that Buttkicka comes up maybe you might win enough for visit to Y/Wonga in april Laurie hope you girls are not misbehaving ogling all them bottoms love the jokes by the way, im thinking the next door neighbour must think im ready for the looney bin, cackling away to myself we're so close that when our windows are open you can hear everything Hm Anna red wine, chocolates, yeh sure sounds healthier than fish he he might give it a try, didnt they say chocolate is good for losing weight, I wish, keep heaps in fridge for g/kids, well thats my story anyway Hi to Vonny, SuzyQ, Joodles, Sandra, Rebs, Tony, Donna, Cilla and anyone else Ive missed, have a good day all off to do a little housework before making myself bootiful for my little outing Chiao Shazz

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 21 Feb 2006 22:21

*runs in screaming* BIG SPIDER!!! sorry don't normally scream, spiders are usually a bit ho hum but........ There was I sleeping peacefully, got up to go to the loo, returned to bedroom and JUST above my head(well, near the ceiling) was the biggest huntsman I have ever seen inside a house. (and I've seen lots) The HEAD was 50c piece size and the body was larger than that. All up, including big fat hairy legs, it would have comfortably filled a saucer and dangled over the edges. I just whimpered a bit and went and got hubby. KILL IT!!! Now I am wondering where the mate is! Anna, Shazz, Son's media studies are for education and seem to be how to understand and use the media for information, how it influences us and to use it as a teaching tool. There is also a lot of computer work involved. Got to go. it's grandchild minding day :) Vonny


Laurie Report 21 Feb 2006 23:47

G'day Wattlers . . . . guess what only 7 sleeps to go . . . excitement is not the word . . . not big enough to cover all the emotions! Taken me ages to catch up on what you have all been up to this past 48hrs or so . . . Had a lovely BRIEF visit by sister Marie, neice Oni -her hubby and eldest son (Rob), went too quick though! They have just headed back home to West Wyalong. Joodles the fam send their love! Yesterday they took Rob (25yrs) over to Many to the Far West facility over there for a visit - he was proud as punch. They got him to talk to the young people over there about what he does, and how when he started to go there 12years ago he couldn't read or write - he now owns his own wheat/sheep farm, does his own bookwook, uses the puter and has made a great life for himself. We're all really proud of him too - the education system wasn't doing much for him, and the Far West did wonders, he and his mum used to go there for 6 week blocks every couple of months for several years, they helped him to develop techniques to deal with his dyslexia - and the old dreaded ADD. Lara thats how I made contact with Debs, she had my rellies in her tree, but later we found that she had picked the wrong George Woods as her rellie - so we aren't rellies just honarary cuz's now ! Glad the pool went in as planned . . . now I bet you are both busy getting everything back in order - hope you dont get any rain till its cleared , hate mud! Have a great time on hols Gwenda - though I have probably missed you . . . . Paul, eldest son did multi/media - journalism at uni - always had these big plans for a future in the media . . . . but while he was at Uni he worked for me part time taking the young lads with disabilities out to bowls, movies, general living skills etc. When he finished Uni, he decided he wanted to stay in the disability field, and worked his way through to management - I know the ministers office used to tremble when they heard my name - but, I think maybe Paul is a lot more in their faces than I ever thought of. I think the young people he goes in to bat for a very lucky because he never takes no for an answer, and works on the theory that the squeaky door gets the oil. I'm glad I'm not going up against him trying to win the old govt grants. Lew, what stage r your builders up to ? . . . If your going to be in next month, you must be just down to the final tizzing up. Good luck with your move. Shaz isn't it odd how you get the strange looks from laughing at a puter . . . Ray thinks I'm crackers most nights as I talk to Debs on msn, she says she gets the same strange looks from her hubby too . . . me thinks the two guys are in for a right treat when the two of us ladies get together in a couple of weeks time. I got the house rules today - apparently cause of my dubious convict heritage I am to be searched to make sure I don't nick off with the family silver when I leave. . I did explain it was not the silver but a peticoat that my gtgtgtgran nicked . . . . Winey, if your son needs that tyre to fix his car . . . I have a spare one !!! Returns the wave to Mary . . . . Thanks SuzyQ for keeping us up to date on the goings on of Donna . . . . thats great for them all that they are going off for a break and leaving the grans to mind the kids - the grans & grandkids will get to know one another that little bit better. Eh Tony, I just looked on that site - and they say you can book up to twelve months in advance now . . . keep looking till you get what you need - even if its just for a few days will give you/Barb more spending money . . . . 10 quid a night not to be missed if you can get it! Rebelangelo . . . never know what your going to come out with next girl . . . keep it up! Von, I'm with you on the spiders, just a spider web touching me is enough to send the shivers down my spine. Well have a long list of things to do so best go get some scratched off . . . . 7 SLEEPS yahoooo !!!!! cheers all luv Laurie


Lewella Report 22 Feb 2006 00:02

Ooo Vonny, shouldn't have killed big spider! Bet it has mates. Be afraid, be very afraid!!! Morning Shazz, you're right about the laughing. I wonder what the neighbours think as I sit there by myself giggling away! Mad as a hatter, but who cares. Glad to hear about the new bathroom Tassie. Don't you just love it when everything is new and shiny and tidy. Tell us more about the new pool Lara. Went out to the house last night. The painters have started. Hooray! Chat soon Lew Lew


Anna Report 22 Feb 2006 00:21

Good morning all Oh my God - hubby is in the roof clattering around moving insulation and vacuuming and who knows what. I'm sure the ceiling is going to cave in any minute and he will be like that bloke on the TV ads - legs hanging through the ceiling. And this is just the start of the renovation! He says to me - 'Have faith in your husband woman!' Blimey - this has to be a giant leap of faith believe me! Can't concentrate - gotta go Anna


Lewella Report 22 Feb 2006 00:46

Mental picture of Anna's hubby dangling thru ceiling! lol. Vacuuming ceiling? See if you can get him to do the rest of the house while he's at it. Lew Lew :-)


Trifley Report 22 Feb 2006 04:48

Hi Laurie yes I have a spare tyre too but not quite the type he needs lol lo :}}} The damaged tyre is still sitting in his bed room waiting for the transport company to make up its mind about insurrance. All this stuff & nonsense for the grand total of $500 ! ! Who mentioned hairy legged spider....where ! ! How big??? OMG keep the thing away from me, don't trust anything with more or less limbs then me ! ! Don't care if they eat mossies...the only good spider is a flat one! New pools, houses, renovations that's the way girls! Keep your nests cosy, comfy and the way you like them. It also adds money to local business and keeps people in jobs. Big yaayyy for you all. More healing hugs and thoughts to all those friends & relatives of the poor young people killed in that horrific car crash in victoria. <<<0>>>


***Shaz*** Report 22 Feb 2006 04:56

Oh well back home from the movies, very short day today, girls didnt like to stay out today, never mind gives me more time to talk to you lovely people The insy binsy spider climbed up the bedroom wall, I can just hear them poor little hairy ones now, mummy wheres my mummy, Oh vonny your gonna get it now daddy spider is just lerking around the door waiting for u tonight you'd better sleep on the couch tonight and leave hubby to tend to daddy spider lol just saw the trails of pink panther with Steve Martin, guess what he fell through, thats right the ceiling, very funny movie, had us in stitches and only saw five minutes of it Anyone going to movies must see Just from Heaven, Reese Witherspoon, great viewing miniscule sad but funny, loved it Has anyone see memoirs of a Geisha yet, girlfriend saw it on DVD so didnt get to see it today and forgot to ask her about it Love the jokes Laurie had to send them to Pat and Joy, glad u had nice visit from family, time goes so fast when your having fun, looks like full house this weekend, daughter and family coming down from Newcastle on Sat, poor old Rob getting stressed already, cant handle three boys altogether in house, maybe the eldest boy and girlfriend will also come down, anyone got any tranquilisiers Have a good day everybody else, whats left of it Shaz