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Trifley Report 22 Feb 2006 05:08

Hi Shaz you should get your hubby to visit the 'naughty corner' thread. It is amazing what a romp around in there can do for the soul ! You can relax, be yourself ( or someone else) and as mad as you like. It is a great stress reliever. I feel invigorated after a visit there. He would be able to handle a house full of problem! Have fun with the rels. Trifley


TonyOz Report 22 Feb 2006 06:18

Afternoon Wafflers. Lovely day in Melb city. Gwenda..( who probably has gone now.) Have a nice holiday..:>)) Vonny. Big spider..... with a body the size of a saucer!!! Sounds a bit like my fishing trips know.....the big one that got Arachnophobia or that movie 'Eight legged freaks' was a great movie......... Shouldn't have killed it know they send out a cry for help just before they die, and he/she would have heard you cry out....KILL IT!!....( even though your hubby did the deed ).....Don't be surprised if you wake up to-morrow cocooned in a web, with little spidees crawling all over you crying out....mummy killer...mummy killer....hee hee. You should talk to Barb...she knows how to get rid of them, whole ( 250g net.)....can of spray. They dont die of poisoning.........they Drown. You can see the poor little buggers gasping for Laurie. I am still checking out the 10quid a night accomodation, but finding them where we will be staying is the hard bit. Buy plenty of film for the camera know you wont have Anna. Have faith in your me, us blokes no what where doin......well........most of the time we do. Looking forward to me fishin trip on the weekend, and we will be off to the ol fishin hole to catch the one that got away last time...and the time before....and the time before....and We river fish ( Goulburn river )..near Thornton - Eildon. Been going to the same spot on and off since 1960. ( we know the farmer ) and he comes down to the camp with us, to make sure we empty all the cans of liquid amber,( a very important part of fishing ) and make sure we are not swearing or telling lies about life in general.The fishing rods will be in the water ( somewhere?? ).........hee hee Well back to the records board i go..........been doing lots of look-ups for peeps............ it keeps me off the streets. Av a good one. Tony Oz :>))


Aussieone Report 22 Feb 2006 07:39

Evening All With everyone telling tales about spiders, poor Vonny probably wont be able to sleep tonight :-( Well today we had a beautiful day for the cup, the rain that was forecast has showed up, but not before the cup was finished. Talking about the cup I am the last of the big spenders lol. I put $2.00 each way on Mr Buttkicker and also $2.00 each way on another horse total outlay of $8.00. Mr Buttkicker came in 3rd the other horse is still running I think :-( anyway 3rd place paid $4.10 return for $1.00, so I got a whole $8.20 Yipeee!!!!!! I wonder how far 20 cents will get me :-(((( Oh well such is life !!! Catch you later. Cheers Sue


***Shaz*** Report 22 Feb 2006 18:45

Morning Wattlers am off up the mountains today with old schoolmate, hopefully Joodles will meet us there after her tech has gone should be a good day HAS Anybody seen Vonny today ooh maybe Tony was right and she cant get up because she is cocooned in a beautiful gossamer garb at least she will be all shiny and velvet Sue $8.20, should get you at least one foot on the Tassie cruiser for the meet at Laras, just think this little piggy went to Laras,this little piggy went to Laras and so on Must be something special going on in Adelaide at the moment seems everyone is visiting down there lately Donna, know what you mean, when speaking to mum, she comes back with those same kind of remarks, when asked why he or she is never mentioned answer is as always you never asked chee, didnt even know he or she existed Trifly you could be right you know,naughty corner and case of Tooheys or scotch bottle, yeah that should keep him calm for two days Laurie has 6 more sleeps and she is outa here lucky duck Shucks Sandra cant make it to Laras in April, gonna miss her catch you all later bye Shaz


Unknown Report 22 Feb 2006 20:31

Morning folk!! *special wave to Donna, who's been having a crap time lately, and one for Donnas mum who's been have a wet time.* Been busy working on the masterpiece all week. Finally got the skirt put together. Found the dress pattern (which I stupidly lost) and can now start designing the bodice. I have just over a week. Eeek!!! So no search parties (that includes threads Laurie babe) if you don't see me around. *sheesh, even Mikey didn't have to work under this pressure.* btw.....don't expect to see LewLew for a while. She's busy chas...erm undre...erm, interviewing perspective barmen (victims) for the naughty corner. *spider scuttles across the wattle page looking for it's mate* Vonny, always remember huntsman spiders have Noahs Ark syndome. Rebs x


Anna Report 22 Feb 2006 22:43

'ullo, 'ullo, 'ullo Happy to report ceiling is still intact! He's up there again poor soul 'doing stuff'. He's all frocked up in a spacesuit with a bonnet thing that covers his head, goggles and a mask as he's working with fibre glass which really irritates your skin if you get too much of it on you. He's been up there since 5am trying to get some done before it gets too hot. Meanwhile I'm packing up everything in the kitchen/dining/family room area and moving it elsewhere in the house so that the plasterers can come in and redo the ceiling. So it doesn't matter if himself falls through the ceiling there as it's going to be replaced anyhow! Rebs - glad to hear the masterpiece is taking shape. All I can say is that you must have the patience of a saint. I'd have chucked it all out the window by now! You deserve your halo! Hi Shaz - have a great day up the mountain and hope your meet with Joodles goes as planned. By the way - I saw Memoirs of a Geisha and enjoyed it but it was a bit of a let down if you've read the book. The book has so much more detail in it. Wow Devly - you are almost as big a gambler as I am. I buy sweep tickets on Melbourne Cup day!! At least you're ahead with your 20c profit! Vonny - wwwwwwhere aaaaaaaaaare youoooouuu? Did a nasty arachnoid seek vengeance during the night? As the ad says - 'Hit 'em high, Hit 'em low, Hit 'em with the old Peabeau'! Tony - we'll expect plenty of fish for the freezer after your expedition this weekend. Mind you - I have my doubts about how much fishing actualy goes on during these so called fishing trips! Drinking, lots of telling huge porkies, and sleeping it off is about the extent of the fishing I'd like to bet! I've no doubt the lines are thrown in - and the fish have a great feast on the bait! And the local fish shop does a good trade on your way home! Donna - enjoy Adelaide. Kid free is good! Best get some more furniture moving done or hubby will be down from inside the roof and suspect I've been on the puter! Cheers Anna


Laurie Report 22 Feb 2006 22:51

YYYaaahhhh . . . . (no nothing to do with sleeps. . . ) Our Rebs is a normal one of us sewers . . . . Who ever heard of a sewer that didn't leave it all till the last minute . . . well not me anyway - is a Ray joke in our house as to me hemming or sewing on buttons on the way to an event - way to go Rebs . . . (thanks for letting us know - good luck with the stress level, and I hope you have a lock on the door to keep the distractions away) Yes Shaz - only 6 more sleeps - finding it very hard to think of anything else. Debs got 4 certs for me yesterday - so on a high with that 3 of them are the right ones - only one dud - but poor Debs she got 3 for herself and they were all wrongies! Now know I have reached the end of the line with Rays paternal line - one side anyway - NO DADDY !! (Gtgrandaddy for Ray didn't exist . .) Grandpa James came from the perverbial cabbage patch . . . Nice cool cloudy day here at the bay - doesn't look like there is any rain in them there clouds, but keeping temps nice. There are five giraffes with heads in the sky - but that will change soon as the pilot boats are on their way out to guide another block of flats in - some of those container ships have the most enormous loads. I wonder what the number of containers lost at sea in a year would be . . . how many loads are sitting on the bottom of the ocean . . . I remember way back in the dark ages in my navy days that ships would be despatched to shoot holes in some that were floating because they were navigation hazards . . . makes you wonder doesn't it . . . what have we dumped on the bottom of the ocean ???? How are you this morning Von, aren't they mean . . . sound like my brothers they did! Lara must be too busy cleaning up after the pool men - and too pooped to come online. Hang in there kid, be worth it in the end. How did the ceiling hang in there Anna . . . if it were my OH, I would have just rung up and ordered new sheets for lining as soon as he started . . . I wont start on his accidents, would miss my plane next Wednesday! . . .just read where you slipped in in front of me . . . glad both ceiling and hubby survived (so far)! Donna I am so pleased for you getting the break, plus your kids getting the chance to have the grans on their own - good stuff! Good luck with the fishing Tony, look forward to hearing how big that one that gets away has grown since last he avoided you. Hey Rebs, know you were sick and couldn't meet him - but did you ever hear from Mike ????? Hope he's enjoying the thaw out up north. Waves to Devly, Lew, Suzy, Winey, Sandra, Leah, Joodles, Jude2 & 3, where are our WA friends ?? Hi to all Best go pretend I am getting somwhere . . . cheers luv Laurie


Lewella Report 22 Feb 2006 23:42

Morning All and thanks for all the greetings. Sorry I haven't been here for a while, but my alter ego, Crewella, has been busy 'interviewing' bartenders in the Naughty Corner. Exhausting work, but someone's gotta do it! Gorgeous day in Mudgee above 29C and sunny. Nights have been cooling down quite nicely. Rebs, you little sewer you. The patience of a saint. No wonder you got that halo. I have enough trouble threading a needle. I was such a disappointment to my MIL. She was one of 3 life time members of the NSW Embroiders Guild and she was always disappointed that I didn't darn Hubby's socks!!! Unfortunately, she had 3 sons and 3 stepsons. No daughters to pass all her knowledge onto. She passed away back in 2001 aged 91 and 2 weeks before she died she told me she didn't care about dying, she was just annoyed that she'd miss out on the telegram from the Queen! She was an old rascal, but we loved her anyway. Anna, glad to hear ceiling is still intact. My hubby would definitely have come through it! Yeah, what is it with Adelaide? What's going on that some of us haven't been told about? *Waves to all the wattlers* Well, best pretend that I'm actually working in the office, although today's property settlement just fell over 'cause the Solicitors on the other side aren't ready! Have a great day. Lew Lew

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 23 Feb 2006 03:34

Pathetic figure struggles into wattle thread covered in sticky web and mumbling incoherently...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Morning all. Had a lovely sleep. (must admit I did check the ceiling for dark blobs everytime I woke up!) Rebs, I am in awe of anyone who can sew. Lew Lew, I'm with you. My MIL was also disappointed in me! Fortunately, she taught her son to sew :) Laurie, your Grandpa James and hubby's grandpa must have come from the same cabbage patch!! Shazz, hope its a good day and that Joodles can join you. Tassie, you obviously need to go with your hunches :) Wow, 20c profit. pmsl Lovely day in the capital - cool nights and sunny days :) Counting down the days to Yarrawonga. Vonny


Trifley Report 23 Feb 2006 03:36

G'day Wattlers. Just a quick several phone calls to make. I'm getting quotes for a new shower screen. I have been putting up with the b****y thing for sometime but hubby got stuck in the shower this morning so he has decided it is time to get it fixed. Also going to make a few more calls to hunt up about the tyre (that should be fun :{). After all that I really must finish the tiling on the mosaic. I have to grout it at class this Saturday so time is getting short. Looks like it is not only sewers who leave things to the last minute! Have a great day everyone. See y'all later Trifley PS Lew Lew did you get my specifications for bartender???:}}} (drool)


Lewella Report 23 Feb 2006 03:49

Yes, WT, your bartender requirements have been noted *she says putting up her umbrella for fear of drowning!* Now stop that drooling. Lew Lew


Anna Report 23 Feb 2006 11:16

Evening all Well, got through the day with the ceiling still intact and no frantic calls to the ambulance - things are looking up! I'm going to Brisbane on a genealogy bus trip tomorrow so himself is going to pull down my beautiful timber ceiling whilst I'm not there to grieve. When I come home, there will be just a huge hole where the ceiling used to be! Spent all day unpacking book shelves, the welsh dresser, the side board etc etc and moving furniture. We now have 2 rooms full of furniture in the lounge - not a good look. Had to laugh - daughter got home from school and surveyed the empty family room and said - I like it like this - it looks so spacious! Yet you should see her room - you can't move in there!! Lara - was it you who wanted my SA source for early settlers? Seeing that the original thread has disappeared, I can't look back and check!!!!!!! Anyhow - whoever it was - here's the info. Checked it at our local Family History Centre. The Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885. It comes in 4 volumes with people listed in alphabetical order and was published in 1986 to commemorate the 150th Jubilee of S.A.It gives details of people who lived in SA during the first 50 years of settlement. That's where I found the details of Chris's g.grandmother. Well - best get organised for this bus trip tomorrow. Good night to all Anna


Judy Report 23 Feb 2006 19:40

Gidday all I met Shazz and her friend Pat, plus Shazz's schoolfriend from Lithgow, at Leura today. We wandered down the main street looking at shops (were we REALLY looking, or just talking too much??) I must confess we did actually buy a few things though, and drooled over other things. We had a delightful lunch in a cafe with a view, - and talk …….. you'd be proud of us, Lara. It was a loooong enjoyable lunch fortified with at least 2 cups of coffee. I showed the girls the local lolly shop, and jokingly handed Shazz a big basket to put her purchases in, but she gracefully declined She did buy a bag of old time lollies tho - I bought Columbines (remember them?) and Cobbers and Licorice - someone else bought humbugs, not sure about the others, but we all had a reasonable size bag each. I did offer a couple of bottles of sweets with suggestive titles on them for Shazz's hubbie, but she didnt take up the offer, tho we all shrieked with laughter at the names on the bottle like 'After Sex Mints' lol & “Arousal” (that was probably to wake you up in the morning ????? lol) A really great day - thanks guys, hope we can do it again (well, we will, won't we!!!) Jood


***Shaz*** Report 23 Feb 2006 20:01

Morning Wattlers Had a great day in mountains yesterday with Joodles, Pat and Faye, browsed the shops and talked then went for lunch and coffee and talked then another browse off rest of the shops and then it was time to go home, I know I had an enjoyable time so hope you did Joodles how about Windsor next trip Vonny reading thru local paper this morning and guess what I think your hubbys 3 x grandmother might be paying us a little visit, headline reads From Rags To Riches- Convict -turned-artists get chance in spotlight at Campbelltown Arts Centre re colonial Macarthur, will have to go and check out paintings to see if Sarah Cobcrofts' portrait is here, it says the works of convict turned artist Joseph Backler makes an appearance in exhibition although it may be that the only ones on exhibition down her is the Macarther district landowners and not the Hawksbury gentry anyway will have to check it out Oh shucks Joodles beat me to the punch thought Id be first on but as usual tooo slow, was checking out Vonny's 3xgrandmother in law, was a good day wasnt it Joodles, mention to hubby about after sex arousal pills(mind you that Joodles found) amongst a few other naughty sugestions, shes bad that lady cant take here anywhere he he hey Joodles how about meeting me up at the Paragon Cafe (an in joke) between myself and Joddles lol, yes Joodles we will!! Will have to go back and buy some perfume Joodles, dont know the name but has a beautiful lingering smell, me thinks I will have to take OH back up there on Sat he he Anniversary today so thats a good excuse now that daughter not coming down Sharyn


***Shaz*** Report 23 Feb 2006 20:24

Oh Vonny, My girlfriend has just sent me this and it is ever so appropriate LOL UNDERSTANDING WOMEN (A MAN'S PERSPECTIVE) I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider. A couple more WIFE VS. HUSBAND A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, 'Relatives of yours?' 'Yep,' the wife replied, 'in-laws.' WORDS A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day.. 30,000 to a man's 15,000. The wife replied, 'The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men... The husband then turned to his wife and asked, 'What?' CREATION A man said to his wife one day, 'I don't know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time. ' The wife responded, 'Allow me to explain. God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me; God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you! God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece. The Silent Treatment A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day, he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, 'Please wake me at 5:00 AM.' He left it where he knew she would find it. The next morning, the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, 'It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.' Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests Sorry GUYS I'll stop now Shaz

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 23 Feb 2006 21:50

Shazz: pmsl thanx :) have a great anniversary - go for the perfume. That's incredible about great granny!!!!! let me know if it is and we'll see if we can come up!! :) Actually, hubby also had a rellie who worked for the Macarthurs at the Campbelltown area property and my rellie was sent to work at Elderslie at 12 years old. maybe we had better come up anyway, when is it?? On my side of the family I actually have a convict who worked for Elizabeth Macathur at Parramatta, but that was earlier - 1820's. must away to work Waves ~~~~~~~~~ wake up and have a nice day you lot (except of course the peeps on HOLIDAY (boo hiss)) catch you later Vonny


Laurie Report 23 Feb 2006 22:22

OMG . . . . only 5 sleeps to go . . . . . away for a whole month, bet I foget to organise something or other - ah well older son Paul will be here for a holiday while were away - he can sort anything I forget! Good morning all from Botany Bay . . . we've got fluffy clouds again this morning - but they are darker - so hopefully we will get some rain out of them. Happy Aniversary to Shaz & Rob, hope you have a great day and spoil one another . . . Already shipping is on the move, one ship com,ing another going . . . Only 4 giraffes having a break at the moment - The fish must be active out near the mouth of the bay as there are lots of little boats out there - guessing they are the fishermen looking for the big one that got away - like our Tony will be doing this weekend. Sounds like you girls had a great day up the mountain yesterday . . . doesn't suprise me . . . mad as hatters, but ever so loveable! Anna - have a great day out with the family history group - hope you get lots of leads, and some good info to pass on to us wafflers . . . hopefully they will have your home back in ship shape for you when you return. Thanks Lara for the tips, I have been through and culled another couple of kilos out of the suitcase. Glad Ray is carring the backpack - I have squeezed as much of the heaviest things as I can in there. I have to carry ALL the clothes for the stop over . . . . (shorts & shirts for Singapore!) hehehehe . . . Ray got a new lappy yesterday, so tiny - and light - a little white apple job. Every time you turn around technology has downsized and increased its capacity . . . doesn't sound right does it! Ah well jobs to do - best get on with it - catch you all later . . . have a great day one and all cheers luv Laurie


Aussieone Report 24 Feb 2006 03:19

Afternoon Wattlers Gee we are really going to be down in numbers next week with Laurie gone too. Oh well we will just have to yak more, Im one of the guilty ones that havent been on much lately. Too busy drinking water and walking, well thats my excuse and sounds better than nothing has happened here very quiet and mundane life I lead. Shazz loved the jokes, but he who lives with me didnt find it so funny and thinks you should pay the naughty corner a visit, I have sent him off to scrub the toilet in my clean bathroom as I havent got around to it yet lol. Catch you all after, might go and watch over the work to make sure OH does a good job he he. Cheers Sue

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 24 Feb 2006 03:43

Good Afternoon Wattlers, Well not a lot happening here as you say tassie , a bit boring in the Gong at the moment. Not that I haven't been busy just diden't seem interesting enough to put on here. Laurie you must be so excited now, hope you have plenty of thermals, I was talking on msn this morning to my SIL and she said it was snowing in most parts of the country and was down to -2. My brother has some heath problems and their heath system is so bad, he had to wait 4 weeks for results of a cat scan . I hope our system dosent get so bad, although the wait in ER is very bad these days. Shazz/Joodles sounds like you had a great day out together, I stayed at the Leura Gardens Resort last year when my brother was over on holiday . Hope everyone else is well and enjying life. PS Laurie what is this 10quid a night you were talking about please enlighten me. Sandra in the Gong


Trifley Report 24 Feb 2006 03:58

Hi Wattlers hope you are all having wonderful weather like us. It is raining here...yaaayyy! Even if it isn't going in the Hinze dam at least it is watering my garden. Joodles & Shaz It sounds like you had a great 'girls day out'! This time of year through to autumn is perfect in the Mountains. Does that lolly shop do care packages? They sound yummy. I must do some more research today. One of my cousins put a spanner in the works and suggested the uncle we are looking for might have been an 'Alfred' not a 'Frederick' as we thought. If they liked a name why didn't they just christen the person that name in the first place! Noooo....they had to call the child something different! If it wasn't for my trips to the 'naughty corner' to relieve my stress I would go bonkers doing this 'tree' business. Toodle ooo, see y'all later. Trifley