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~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 25 Feb 2006 08:32

OMG we in Victoria are just devastated by the deaths last weekend of six teenagersand the funerals this weekend, and I have just heard on the news headlines that five young women have been killed in a car accident in Tasmania, poor darlings please spare a prayer for all those involved in Victoria and in Tasmania too just feel its so unfair and ask why why why and don't get any answers like the poor young father minding his business on the train at Boxhill and a half wit drug addict stabbed him to death for his guitar please is there any one who can explain to me because I am really wondering what reason there would be for this, love to all Lara


Aussieone Report 25 Feb 2006 08:39

Hi Lara you must have been typing the same time as me. You are so right with all the heartache at the moment with car accidents. This morning we had a bad accident on the North West Coast which took the lives of 5 young women who was on way to a sports event. there was a mother and daughter in the victims, the deceased were all in the one car and police at the moment dont know what caused the accident apart from it was raining at the time. The deceased came from a small country community that only last year lost 4 children in a house fire, they are a close knit community and will really feel this latest tragedy. But no I cant explain why things happen to the people who are just going about their business and get attacked, like the one you mentioned on the train. Cheers Sue


Anna Report 26 Feb 2006 00:47

Hi everyone Have a good Sunday. I agree - one cannot understand the reason for events such as the 2 traffic accidents over the past week or so. I just imagined as I was driving my daughter to work this morning how my husband would feel if we were both wiped out and he never saw us again. It is too awful to contemplate. How I feel for those that are left behind. Still in a tizz with renovations! Had a good trip to Brisbane on Friday with the genealogy group and yesterday there was a tutorial at our local Family History Centre about searching the net and good genealogy sites so that was interesting. Must fly XX Anna


Aussieone Report 26 Feb 2006 02:40

Afternoon Wattlers My we must all be busy or having a good time. Loved the clipping you send me Lara about the man working on his bike inside, bet he wont do that again in a hurry :-)). Nothing interesting has gone on here just having a quiet family day before we take Antony (Son) back to his place. Well there is no other news so I will leave it at that instead of just prattling on. Catch you all later. Cheers Sue


TonyOz Report 26 Feb 2006 03:20

Afternonoooon....Wafflers. The hunters have returned...: Uuug.....>)) There will be feasting and merryment of the fish they call 'The Big Mac' ( quarter pounder ).....on the dinner table this evening. I did manage to bring home some fish..( although it be in tins ) Sardines, Salmon, name it...... i got it...hee hee But in saying all that it was an enjoyable weekend away with my mates. There were 16 of us, and not one fishy between the lot of us. I could say that the Goulburn River was to high...but you woundn't beleive me At this time of the year the flood gates are open at the Weir for irrigation for the farmers ( which we knew ) but more so a blokes weekend away. Haven't had time to read all the postings yet. Sue. ( Tassie )The Footy thread is up and running mate, but i think you were on the Brick trail last weekend when i posted it, and the local bush telegraph ( mobile Phone ) when we were away tells me Brisbane Lions beat Essendon by a point, and the Hawks did Richmond by 10 points. Laurie. Only a few sleeps till take off. Are you stopping over in Singapore.? Well must go unload all the Tony Oz :>))

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 26 Feb 2006 03:59

Afternoon wattlers, bit drab n Melb today but we had a lovely lot of rain late yesterday and during the night, if you look really hard you can almost see the lawn trying to turn seeing as Tony forgot to mention the mighty cats won last night I thought I'd just slip that piece of info in . Tony did you actually put a line in the water or were you too busy 'male bonding'? I hope all those tins have labels Have a good day everyone Jude2


Laurie Report 26 Feb 2006 07:14

Good afternoon all . . . . ONLY 3 SLEEPS TO GO !!!! Yes Tony, we leave here Wednesday afternoon, arrive Singapore about 10pm their time Wed, and dont leave till 11.15pm on Thursday - so have a good days retail therapy there. Soorrrrry Jude . . . helping the local economy . . . . Glad you and your mates had a good weekend . . . . we just got back from the fish markets, caught a nice piece of salmon and a few prawns! We have three from Jakarta (to assist on the display stand) coming with us as far as Cologne, once the Trade Show is over - we're out of there and they will return to Jakarta the next day. Lara, re the in-law contact . . . I dug my feet in about 20years ago and its Ray's job to keep in touch with his family. I have to remind him when it birthdays etc. but thats about all. He calls his mum all the time (nearly every day these days) if he doesn't call she rings to see whats wrong. I go shopping with him and make suggestions - but he has to make final choice of pressies. He also shops for our boys without me sometimes, and doesn't do a bad job. When we are up home, (started before we came south) we have solo nights - he takes one son out to dinner - I take the other, next time we swap son. The boys often laugh that they have tell everything twice! Sandra, were still waiting for GR to do something about that Chris . . . a few of us have written and complained and got the stock answer fromGR - they will investigate. Hi Lew in Mudgee . . . (we had a birthday girl out there yesterday) . . . You obviously know how to do it - keep yourself busy so the time flys quicker when the OH is away! But not the same is it - I can't stand it in the place on my own for too long - have to have someone to talk to - even if it is just the shop assistants! Lara, we got a good giggle out of the guy with his motor bike too . . . . After a beautiful day, the weather here has turned and it is now raining, just light - but has cleared the beach and waterways of people. Just want to say again, how much I appreciate you all, its great to have you all there, sharing and caring ! Well I should go cook the piece of salmon . . . under the grill with a drizzle of lemon and cracked pepper . . . . Thankfully we can still sit outside and eat - just pull the table over to the more protected area. Watch this space for the number 2 tomorrow cheers luv Laurie

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 26 Feb 2006 07:15

Hello all, Welcome back hunter and gatherer Tony What No Fish what a shock hehehe never mind lots of fun and games I bet ,and we want to hear all (well maybe not all) the jokes etc ok. Laurie 4 or 5 sleeps now is the luggage actually ready yet mate or does it still need adjusting did you put the gloves in don't want the puds to get cold you won't be able to work the keyboardand keep in touch with us most important and don't forget scarf too,ok , Jude yes Mike and Josh said hooray for Geelong they are mad Geelong supporters too, few mistakes made though so will need to sharpen up for when the real stuff starts or they meet a good team like you know who, lol We had a storm here last night and it really rained for about 10 mins then today back to about 35c lovely day and got a lot of gardening done it was good and did my first pool vacuming job it took all of 10 mins as pool is so tiny but lovely the brick wall between our place and next door is coming along nicely Tiger reckons I owe him big time now and will be even more when he has paving to do still ohhh the mind boggles how will I ever pay him lol, the poor neighbours came up to their house for the weekend to all the mess and their lawn all ripped up by the digger who had tracks on the bottom not tyres and it made an awful mess of their lawn so we will have to fix that too.But I am trying to see what it will be like when its all finished and hope that it will be as nice as I think it will be, I already know that I will enjoy the pool itself. I was in there after the rain last night about 8 o'clock and was so lovely and warm.Any way folks will get back to work here on the family trre and talk again tomorrow Love Lara


Lewella Report 26 Feb 2006 09:39

Evening All. Nice breeze just starting up here, so sleep should be comfortable. Busy out at the new house today. Damn builders used the tank water without refilling from the bore! How hard is it to flick a switch. Anyway, tank now full and olives are currently being watered. Painters due to put second coat on during the week. Have gone with muted greens, blues, mauves and greys and am very happy with the outcome. Lap pool is now full of water. Pity the power's not on so I can run the filter. Hopefully, this will happen next week. Your pool sounds wondeful Lara. I can just image you soaking in the cool of the evening. Hubby phoned from LA on his way to Aspen and is having great time, although he confesses he misses me (better not forget the duty free!!!) You must be very excited now Laurie and I'm pleased to hear that you are supporting local economies along the way. What a saint! *Waving like a lunatic in all directions to everybody, all the Judes, Vonny, Shazz, Anna, Tony, Sue, Sandra, WT, Rebs and everybody I forget to mention* (God I feel like Miss Helena out of Romper Room, best get meself a mirror - funny she never mentioned seeing a Lewella, oh well* Nighty night all. Chat with you tomorrow when I'll be pretending to very serious legal work! Lew Lew xxx :-)

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 26 Feb 2006 22:09

Morning all, Cooler down here too. Ah, Romper Room, you reminded me. hands up anyone who remembers Miss Patricia??? I never saw it (not old enough cough, cough) (actually, we didn't have a tellie!) Anyway, Miss Patricia was my daughter's kindy teacher about 20 years ago. lovely lady - she was older then of course :) Are we giving Laurie a virtual 'Bon Voyage' Party???? I'll bring dips and bikkies, leave drinkies for those more experienced in such things. Vonny


Unknown Report 26 Feb 2006 22:46

Hiya folk!! Just popped in for a minute while my back recovers. Dining room table was not made for sewing. Oooh Lew, I remember Miss Helena. She always reminded me of a ventriloquist dummy the way her mouth moved. Noodle survived her first week at uni. I'm just pleased to have her out from under my feet. lol! Did someone say party!!! Not sure i could stay long, but I'll throw in a couple of plates of nachos, with guacamole and salsa. Back to the grindstone, catch up later....................hopefully. Laurie, have a great time on hols. Try and be good, we all know you're not as innocent as you make out. :-p Cheers, Rebs xxx *wanders off singing.........bend and stretch, reach for the stars, there goes Jupiter, here comes Mars.*


Aussieone Report 26 Feb 2006 23:25

Morning All Party???? Well I will have to bring the fresh fruit, Strawberries, Cantelope, Grapes, Kiwi Fruit anything else??? Have to look after my figure and diet he he. Well it is a lovely sunny day here today and I am going to have 2 excited girls this afternoon when They get home from school as I have won tickets to MS Fest Concert that they have been harping to go to but at $60.00 a head I couldnt afford it. The local radio station had tickets to win and I scored 2 ticket for them. Pity they dont have air fares up for grabs lol. Anyway that unmentionable word awaits me so off I go to do some . . . . Catch you all after. Cheers Sue

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 27 Feb 2006 01:34

morning wattlers..oops afternoon that should be, whens the party?? I'll bring the pizzas. the morning has just flown by, phonecall from very homesick daughter put be behind to start with and since then I keep finding things to clean. I was so looking forward to a whole day home alone today, I was going to fly through the housework and then sit in the garden with a good book but I guess since I haven't done much in the way of cleaning for weeks I really should get stuck in to it..not that anyone else will notice. Lara with only 3 days to go now is the time to go back to the suitcase and take half of what you packed out, you know you dont need it and you will need the extra space for the trip home....helping the local economy is a very charitable thing to Has ayone heard from Wilson? should we send out a search party to the wineries of SA? Hi to everyone, not going to attempt names I'll only forget someone, Have a good day Jude2


Aussiegirl Report 27 Feb 2006 01:40

Hi all you lovely people.. Laurie. Have a good holiday and find lots of dead peeps.. Hope the weather is fine for you and not too cold. Wish I could wave at you as you fly over our place but wont be there... so I will wave from here. We are in Whitianga on the Coramandel Peninsular at the moment but head back to Wanganui tomorrow. Lara Cant believe my eyes ... did I read that you have a pool in.. wont you miss your blow up one...LOL glad for you and enjoy it as it gets so darn hot where you are. Tony. Ok.OK. what did the fish cost at the fish shop .. bet you bought it before you got home... Dont have much time so only had a few minutes to read messages. Noticed some new names so Hi to you all. will have to catch up when I get home.. Love to you all and hope you are all well. Mary


Lewella Report 27 Feb 2006 02:18

Afternoon Wattlers and greetings from Sunny Mudgee. All's well here this afternoon and the office isn't too much of a pain. Hubby's just arrived in Aspen and ready for a final week of skiing before coming home next Monday. Hope everybody is having a great day. Chat this evening. Lew Lew xxx :-)


Trifley Report 27 Feb 2006 05:16

Hi Wattlers I have had a lovely weekend. Visited my nephew & his partner on Saturday and we just sat on their porch and stuffed ourselves with king prawns and chardonnay! I wonder what the poor folks were doing?? Spent most of Sunday finishing the furniture moving in the lounge room. Well Hubby & son finished it, I just supervised. This of course meant that the TV had to be moved from one side of the room to the other (also vhs, & dvd machines). Thank the goddesses that our son knows what to do with all the plugs & cables! Hubby would never have known how to put what back where. Any way the room looks good for another couple of years or until I get the urge to shift things again :} You all seem to be having fun at the moment. Visiting friends, relatives and planning holidays. Isn't life grand when you have plenty to do? Lara....your little pool sounds cosy. If it was too large it could be a bother to clean and become a chore instead of a relaxation. Enjoy! Now the ongoing saga of the tyre/wheel. I have been on to the company which sold us the tyres and they have not heard from the Nationwide Transport company since Monday 20th Feb. The new set of insurrance claim papers were faxed to them on that date as the transport company said...'we have lost the other papers'. This has been going on for over a month and I am determined not to give in. The wheel was delivered damaged and insurrance should pay for it. Needless to say our son can't put the new wheels on his car because he only has 3 of them!! That feels better....a bit of a gripe, get things off my chest and I'm ready to start the ironing. I might make a short stop by the 'corner' and check out the new 'tender'. See y'all later Trifley (aka Dianne)


TonyOz Report 27 Feb 2006 07:53

Arvo everyone. Nice day in Melb. B.B.Q coming up for thinks. Mary. Hope your having a great time. Now Mary!!...would i do fish from the fish shop and tell Barb i caught them......( psst.).......u betcha mate...:>)) Laurie. Up ...Up ..aaaaand awaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.....hee hee...You must be able to hear the plane engines kicking over by now..??? Are we having a Ciber send off for Laurie....O'k i will bring the grog. 6 slabs of V.B 6 slabs of Fosters 6 slabs of xxxx 6 slabs of Carlton draught. 6 slabs of Swan Lager. 6 slabs of Toohey's 6 slabs of Newcastle brown. 3 dozen bottles of Stout. 6 dozens bottles of Guiness. 8 bottles Irish Whisky 2 dozen bottles of Brandy. 2 dozen bottles of Vodka 4 dozen bottles of Coke 6 casks of Red. 6 casks of White 4 bottles of each,sweet and dry Sherry. 6 bottles of crouchen reisling brown bros. 8 litres of cola turka 4 bottles of Turkish brandy 2 dozen Ada Kadasi red 6 botles of Glenfiddich Scotch whisky. 8 bags of ice. 1 bottle of Holy water ( Lemonade ) 12 dozen bottles of Baileys......and a partridge in a pear tree.! Hello to everyone else....hope you all had a great day. Time to fire up the Barbie.......and......light the B.B.Q as Tony Oz :>))


Anna Report 27 Feb 2006 08:00

Hi everyone Just popping in quickly. I have to work all this week at my old school - the teacher who replaced me has an injured son - he's 5 and has fractured the neck of his femur so he will be in hospital in traction for some time poor kid. So I'll be busy - but to be honest I'm pleased to be out of the house while all this renovation is going on! And of course the extra money will be nice - should buy a few certificates! Laurie - if I don't get back before you leave - have a great holiday. Hope you'll keep in touch from far away places. Mary - glad to hear you are having a good time. Look forward to hearing all you holiday news when you get back. Tony - women love to be able to say 'I told you so' - so I'm saying it!! You may remember I said you would be calling in at the fish shop on the way home!!! Lew - you'd better make the most of those 'foot massages' over the next week - I'm sure hubby will not approve!! Lara -pool sounds great - enjoy! Reb - they tell me there's a certain bartender who does a great massage! But there's a long queue! To everyone else - cheers and I'll catch you later. Anna

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 27 Feb 2006 08:15

Evening Wattlers, Had a lovely storm here l ast night (Sunday) and a lovely drop of rain.Today overcast and cooler, had a visit to the skin doc, car rego to be done tomorrow, all the mundane things. Lauries cyber space party----- I will bring the prawns ( king size) as Tony is bringing the grog. Laurie here's hoping you have a wonderful trip which I'm sure you will, and send us some lovely reports back. Catch you all later Cheers Sandra in the Gong

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 27 Feb 2006 08:21

Judi wish it was me going unless laurie has said she is going to shout me wow better get packing just joshing Laurie have wonderful holiday find lots of dead peeps and take lots of photos don't lose the camera. Yes let's party tonight I'll bring the brown bros and the cobram creme el cheapo baileys but just as nice and some nice dips cheeses and biccies too, Devily can you run up to the female factory and get csome of their fudge please on the way will go nicely withthe cobram creme, Mary I do have a pool you have got to come and see now, its going to look good its only tiny like a big spa but oh so warmand so private too as none around here and suits me as my body is not for public exhibition these days. Reb and Lew Miss Helena I remember her too and does any one remember the other lady who used to be on with uncle doug I can't remember her name I rang into her later on when Josh was about three comparing fashion parades for Myer her name was miss Madeline and she was very nice too. your pool sounds ok too Lew Dianne thank you for putting your real name for me it was driving me nuts just went through all the names over and over should have remembers as I was going to be Dianne until my nan said no and my poor mother just did as she was told and chose another name , my pool is great took ten minutes to vac it, and will have to do every second day until all the walls around it are built and the pavers a down as lots of dust and bits of broken tiles and pavers too are getting in it but will try and get rid of them must go again Love Lara