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Trifley Report 17 Feb 2006 04:59

Hi Wattlers You all seem to have been busy - keep it up - it is good for the soul. Took Tony & Lew Lew's advice and had some wine without the trifle. Stood in the lounge room with a drink in one hand and waved the other around directing furniture. Had a wonderful time. Hubby is not quite convinced that this is the best sort of therapy for bottled up anger but because he is a dear he did it anyway. :} Favourite nephew & his wife dropped in and added their 2 cents worth to the re-decorating. A jolly time was had by all (except maybe hubby). Sue...keep up the good weight loss girl! Remember, slow & steady wins the race. You will be looking slim, trim & sexy in no time. Next episode in the enthralling case of....'The Wheel & the transport company' Received a phone call this morning from the tyre company. They have spoken to the Nationwide Transport company to be told.....da da da (drum roll)...'Sorry, we have lost the paperwork. Could you fax it to us again?' LOST, how could they lose the paperwork? My God, how do these people run such a big company if they go around losing paperwork all the time?? {Trifley yells,almost losing her cool) Stay tuned folks. This farce will be worth telling to your grandkids! Adding my concerns to the growing list. Where is Rebs? Is she ok? Does anyone know where she is? She hasn't gone skiing in Canada has she? See y'all later. WT

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 17 Feb 2006 05:39

Arvo Wattlers, whew I was getting worried that no one was around- checked thread at 8.30 this morning and then about 10.00 am ( did'nt get a chance to add anything) and found Devily's message. Then didn't get back until a few moments ago (3.15pm) and we are back in business! Oh Sue its such a pain when the bathroom is out of action, but think of me the cottage has no floorboards (except for 2 in middle of the room, when we go to the loo our feet hang in mid air, stepping out of the bath is a challenge, and no going to the loo in the middle of the night with ones eyes closed - its life threatening! lol. You will love the new paint job when its finished though, I don't mind the smell of paint in the summer when you can open all the windows, but then I love to paint, Ken always says don't stand still when I have a paint brush in my hand - or you will get a paint job as well. I have been known to paint vertical blinds (didn't like the colour and couldn't afford new window coverings ). Congrats on the weight loss keep up the good work! OH and I have been on a diet for a week I lost 1 kg - he lost 3 - its not fair. (its probably the lack of liquid malt (ie VB) thats helped him. WT don't you just love the way big companies expect you to accept the fact that they can s***f (read mess) you around and not take any responsibility for it. Lost paperwork - bah humbug!!! I had an internet provider (P****s T****om ask me for updated credit card details so as to put through 1/4 'ly payment, dear OH changed the details ( you don't want to confuse these companies as i found out) from my credit card to his. Big mistake. Still took 1/4'ly payments out of his account but then took $110 out of my credit card (which they weren't supposed to have details of ) it took 3 months to sort it out with the money still going out of my account each month. I faxed through 4 copies of credit card statements - rang every day sometimes waiting for up to an hour to get through.But did document time, person I spoke to each time. Bank could'nt do anything to stop debit, and P****S wouldn't let me speak to a supervisor, they 'would ring me back' huh! I threatened in the end with ombudsman and finally got accounts department supervisor. She still took 4 days to sort it out and re-credit my account. Do I like direct debits ? you must be joking!! Don't you just love re-arranging the furniture, although my other half would probably like to sit having a beer while he watched rather than providing the manual labour. But a change is as good as holiday ( well actually it isn't come to think of it - we should have all gone with jude 2 to Qld, and be relaxing ! rather than shifting furniture). Its a bit worrying Reb's is missing, maybe you are right Sue she has met up with Pommy Mike and they are doing a bit of revelling, or maybe she is sewing again. Hope we see her back soon. Vonny it will be nice to have you computer back again, I can only get on the net at work, youngest son always commandeers our home one as he freelances as well as last year at uni. Its sooo good to get a hot match that connects, as well as saving some research you get to meet more of one's extended family. Well (inbetween customers) it has taken me an hour to get this finished, nearly home time. catch you tomorrow. Jude 3

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 17 Feb 2006 05:39

hello all sue you are a marvel 3.6 kg is alot to have lost in eleven days you are terrific ok go and get 3.6 of fat from butcher or margarine and have alook at it I wish I had the get up and go to do it as I'm steadily going up again and even though I have walked alittle way for three nights in a row my knee gave me hell last walk and could hardly make it home again ,lol nOT a laughing matter as I'm a lot fatter than you and health wise a heart attack looking for somewhere to happen so you keep it up it great. I have sent a email to Reb to see whats up hope she'll answer soon have to bye again now as so hot and have to get some work done too love Lara


Trifley Report 17 Feb 2006 06:13

Oooohh 3.6kg of fat looks ugly. Where do you think it goes when you lose it? Is there some big, wobbly place where all the fat in the world goes? Yup , to my hips. Sue...if the water gets a bit boring just add a small nip of something to make it taste better. Jude 3 - Paimting, painting walls, blinds etc. Isn't that how Rolf Harris started? You never know...there could be money in it. Call it performance art.

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 17 Feb 2006 06:20

Wine Trifely, If saw my efforts at art you would know why I stick to walls! I aint no Rolf Harris mores the pity. I'm much better at using a sewing machine to create art. Do you think Rebs is sewing her fingers to the bone? jude 3


Trifley Report 17 Feb 2006 06:44

Don't know where Rebs is :(( Have sent a GR message to her. I hope it is only because she is off enjoying herself that she is neglecting us. I haven't looked on any of the other threads....perhaps she has found another mad lot on a pommie site and has forgotten us? Art...I used to volunteer at a local art gallery and some of the stuff which came in through those doors was AMAZING! We had one thing which was a piece of perspex with scribble on it in red chinagraph pencil! They called this art! Art, my old aunt Fanny could do better. We should have a comp on Wattlers to see who could do the worst piece of art. It would be a scream :) :) :)


Lewella Report 17 Feb 2006 09:00

Just out of curiosity, when it gets real hot, like we've had, you know days on end over 40C, doesn't fat melt and, if so, where does it go?? Can't stay for long. That mob in the naughty corner have turned Crewella into a frog!! A very attractive one, but none the less. Lew Lew xxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 17 Feb 2006 10:36

true story. After one of the very bad floods along the Hawksbury River, someone got a Casurina tree that had been washed down and exibited it as an art work. They poured honey over the roots and called it 'Tree in Honey' !!! Vonny


Lewella Report 17 Feb 2006 23:26

Good Morning Wattlers and a lovely day it is in Mudgee. Have been out to the house site. Pool is half full, tilers have been very busy and so has the electrician. The storm during the week has seemed to slow anything down and the olive trees (220 of them!) appear to have enjoyed the rain. Doesn't seem to matter how much watering you do, the rain is so much better for them. Hubby is having a great time in Canada. Yesterday's 'maximum' temp was -26C. Yuck, he can have it! Not much happening today. Just going to catch up on the housework, then will take it easy for the afternoon. Might even try to get the ironing up to date (yeah right!! that'd be a first). Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Happy Weekend to everybody. Lew Lew xxx

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 17 Feb 2006 23:32

Oooo Laurie, Did we get nudged??? Hurray!!!! :) Morning Lew Lew, nice to see you're back to yourself. Have you seen Angel cat by any chance??? *innocent enquiry* Very busy weekend for me so may not post again till Monday. 'ave a good one' Vonny

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 17 Feb 2006 23:57

Good Morning Wattlers, Another hot muggy night, be glad when winter comes. Tassie devil, you are doing so well with that weight loss, thats a lot to lose in only 11 days, I was flat out losing that in 2 months, Good on you. Had a wonderful breakthrough last night, i had contacted a hot match 2 months ago and got no reply, so thought give them one more try as I was certain we had a link. Lo and behold had reply, sent more details and yes they are conected to one of my branches, but better still he has his own web site on his family tree. So I have got rid of one brick wall and have opened up another branch for him. So just goes to show never give up. A busy day today well whats left of it, spent most of the morning looking at that web site. Tomorrow off to St Georges basin to watch grand daughter and grandson in the regional comp of Little A's Laurie I bet your getting more excited by the day (how many sleeps now) lol Mary when you look in hope your having a wonderful time over there. To everyone else hope you have a good weekend, whats left of it, catch you all on Monday . Cheers Sandra in the Gong


TonyOz Report 18 Feb 2006 00:47

Morning. Hope everyone is fit n' well. Been trawling/surfing the internet looking at B&B's in Scotland since yesterday. So many lovely places. Its a toss up for either B&B or Guest houses/Hotels. Guest House are a little more up market, but there are some wonderful farm B&B's also, that have some great views, and a bit more friendliness, personal touch, country atmosphere,and away from the major towns. Laurie. Thanks for your email mate, and i will have a look at what you sent me, ta. Did we get a free 'nudge'..? bewdy (singing ) I'm not a phantom nudger I'm a phantom nudgers son, and il'e keep on Phantom nudging till the phantom nudgings done.......:>)) Lew Lew. Hubbie can have his -26...hee hee Hate the cold and snow, as i ain't got enough meat on me bones to keep warm, although it would be nice to visit Canada. Haven't been myself, but Barb has been to Toronto and Quebec, and visited Niagra in the 80s. Would love to visit Winnipeg, as a few ancestors moved there in the 1840s from England.........perhaps one day. I think you ladies worry too much about the weight. I mean.......who's gunna keep us skinny blokes warm in bed during winter if you all keep losing it. Some peeps are born to be cuddly. Barb wanted to go on one of those weight loss thingies, and i told her we would be like two sticks rubbing together in bed like a scout on a bush hike.....and she could start a fire????? ( Joke) An elderly man in Australia calls his son in England and says, 'I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.' 'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams. 'We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' his father says. 'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in New York and tell her,' and he hangs up. Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. 'They're not getting divorced if I have anything to do about it,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this.' She calls Australia immediately, and screams at her father, 'You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?' and hangs up. Their father hangs up his phone and turns to his wife and says, 'Okay, they're coming for what do we tell them for Christmas?' Av a great weekend all. Tony Oz :>))


Anna Report 18 Feb 2006 01:28

Morning to the mottley Wattley Crew Ah ha ha ha Tony - I love the phantom nudger ditty! Was he related to the pheasant plucker? Chris has gone to his wood work club - daughter has gone to band camp so I have a bit of uninterrupted time to do some research. Too hot to do anything else anyway. I really feeled drained after all these hot and humid days -and the nights aren't much better. We are making enquiries about air conditioning - we've never really felt the need for it before. Looks as if we're in for lots more hot summers with global warming, so we reckon we might as well be comfortable in our dotage! Anyone got any advice to offer re airconditioning? We are tossing up between ducted and split system inverters. Hi Sandra - isn't it great to get a contact? I contacted someone re an English ancestor yesterday and received a reply - wouldn't you know it - he's in Australia! It's a connection through the wives 4 generations ago. Hi Vonny - I keep bumping into you in various places!!!! Still no word from Rebs - funny as she didn't say she would be missing from the boards. Lew - you've nudged my conscience about the ironing. Perhaps I should do a bit later. Trifly - don't talk to me about art! Some of the stuff that gets put up in our local gallery and is called art would amaze you - on second thoughts, it probably wouldn't! Jude - at least your work with the paint brush is productive! Well, shall get stuck into a bit of research. It sometimes strikes me that while I am looking for dead people, MY life is passing me by - but it's so addictive trying to find those dead people! I'll certainly be leaving plenty of info for the next generation to digest! Have a good weekend Anna


***Shaz*** Report 18 Feb 2006 02:04

Aah Tony, love it, you crazy nitwit you, dont know how you remember them all Hi Lew glad to see house coming along fine, by the sounds it wont be too long before you move in Joodles, am coming up mountains today, going to Bilpin for dinner so Rob is going to show me exactly how to get your place Sue Sue where are you cant see you any more your wasting away to a shadow it seems, keep up the good work, wish I had your will power to stick to a diet Well have booked into caravan park for coming april visit to Laras' , should be great weekend Hope you have Sandra, as they said all cabains were already taken at this park, hope its cooler down the basin tomorrow, think about 28Deg here today, we were going to go down to Manyana today but I didnt feel like travelling in the heat so decided to wait until next week and travel down on Friday night , so am veging out on puter for while until time to get ready to go out Have found a couple of relatives on hot matches this week so at last my patience seems to have paid off, one in Newcastle and other in Jacobs Well in QLD Hi to Vonny, Laurie, Leah, Anna, Jude, Jude YV, WT, and anybody elsse I've missed Taking a leaf out of Tony's book -- Rob has told me Joke How was the Grand Canyon formed? A Jew dropped 5c down a Rabbit Hole Yea Yea I know its old but I thought it was good Hope I havent offended anybody if I have SORRY See Ya Shazz

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 18 Feb 2006 02:43

Hi to every body, Reb you little devil where are you?? no answer from even her personal email addie do hope she is ok strange as she was going to the airport to meet Mike and his wife Shirley isn't it and that was today so maybe she has done that, but as for the past week who knows could be busy sewing and killing son if he has fiddled with her machine again lol Anna you live near Bribie Island don't you Cassie daughter is in triathlon there tomorrow but she just told me she came of her bike last week and is still badly bruised so hope she is ok tomorrow came of rounding a roundabout in all the traffic as she rides 70 kms every Saturday , she had the fastest bike leg for the girls last one at Bribie when we were there in September she lives at Woody Point . Laurie who was that phantom nudger I know and know why too they couldn't find the thread and thought s***t I've done it again and wiped it or something awful like that and panicked real bad didn't think it would be noticed heehe Schmidt the Spy gonna call you now, Just talked to Ray on msn and shazz and she told me what's happening please send me email when you can and let's know how you are please? must go been yakking on msn and need to do some more around the house before the weekend ends as pool coming on Tuesday and lots to do after that as so much dust around as mike is pulling up all the pavers he put down few years ago and redesigning it allgonna look good I hope Love to all Lara


Lewella Report 18 Feb 2006 04:11

Afternoon All. Glad to hear everyone's okay, but starting to worry about Rebs! Anna, go for the ducted air conditioning. Split systems are noisy (I don't care what they tell you) and ducted can be zoned for various parts of the house. I've had both, so can tell you from experience that ducteds the way to go. Chat Soon Lew Lew


Judy Report 18 Feb 2006 05:44

Geez you lot - I' ve been away since Thursday lunchtime, come on here Saturday late afternoon - and hardly any msgs, wots up with you all? We went to the Police Acadamy to check the bums oops the buildings out, and were shown around by volunteers - even ate in their canteen. Must fly tho as we are going to the local club at Batemans Bay for dinner. Cheers all Jood


Gwenda Report 18 Feb 2006 06:06

H O T T T T T - too b....y hot - not happy Jan, Feb & March. Hope everyone is surviving wherever they may be. One more shift then I'm on hols - yaaayyyy. We're off to Adelaide on Wednesday - bet it will be just as blooming hot there - ugghhhh Have been keeping up with your news but I've been busy ironing - want to have it all up to date before we go away - would hate the kids to run out of clothes - pmsl - with all that needed ironing they've never run out yet. Congrats Sue - wish I could lose a bit, lots - still I shall keep to my morning walk and I may eventually see some results. The good news on the 8 glasses of water is that it doesn't have to be totally water - the 8 glasses refers to any liquid during the day although I would draw the line at 8 alcoholic drinks. Just add a bit of diet cordial if you're still struggling with the taste. Off to a 21st birthday party tonight - one of the young people I work with - nice to invite an old fogey - haha Take care and keep cool Gwenda

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 18 Feb 2006 07:28

Ok everyone here is the birthday list so far if I've missed you please let's know I havn't heard from susan or reb or wilson or any of the west aussies at all so they are not on here yet if you save it you will be able to add theirs when they give them to us ok 1st up for each year so far is Patricia February 28th 1949 Wine Trifle February 5th 1950 Susan February 6th Judy YV march 16th 1954 Shazz March 20th Vonny May 19th 1950 Anna May 22nd 1945 Tony June 14th 1949 Sandra June 23rd 1946 Heather June 25th 1951 Lew July 17th Lara July 31st 1945 Judy (Joodles) August 1st Sue August 6th Reb (Sharyn) August 8th Gwenda August 9th Laurie Sept 3 rd but celebrates on fathers day Laurie sorry mate did have on original list must have disappeared on its own like origanal thread dolly did it lol regards from Lara


Judy Report 18 Feb 2006 11:52

Ummmmm .... matey - ya forgot Laurie and the other Jude I been out on the town tonight - well .. playing the pokies. I had two enjoyable evenings and finished a little ahead of what I started with, maybe a bit more - so I'se quite happy. Starting to fade now tho, gotta get up at 7 for brekky then we are off to a winery and a museum. A winery for morning tea????? Oh well, a girls gotta do what she has to do! See you all soon. Joodles