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Lewella Report 27 Feb 2006 09:00

Evening all. Nice night here in Mudgee. Hubby's now in Aspen and joining up with a bunch of mates. Quiet night today, just blobbing about. Might have pedicure in front of tele. Play on the net a bit. Nothing too strenuous! Nighty night. Lew Lew xxx


Judy Report 27 Feb 2006 10:56

Hi all - nearly time for beddy byes. Have a wonderful trip Laurie - hope you'll have time to drop a line now and then. Definitely lunch when you get back. Gidday Mary (tho you probably wont see this) Love to all Jood

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 27 Feb 2006 12:07

okay all you party animals where are you all I'm all dressed up and not one of you here I've bought pretendy baileys and brown bros and dips and all sort of good stuff, Where the bloody hell are you ? its alright to say that if its good enough for our government to use this phase to try and get tourists here who am I not to follow suite. ok crank up the music turn off that tv and get here for lauries farewell party ' I'm waiting singing away and getting quietly blotto ' W ell I'll just have asnooze and see if any one is here when I wake up probably all in that naughty corner wonder what the attraction is over there might go over later zzzzzzzz omg now I know what the attraction is where did they get that very attractive barman he must be at least 6ft 4 tall and what a body zzzzzzz


Unknown Report 27 Feb 2006 12:12

Sorry Lara. I'm barefoot, pregnant.......not, and chained to the sewing machine. Only get let off for a bit of exercise. Walking between machine and pooter. lol!! I will have a Baileys though. claytons or the real thing, as long as it's alcomaholic hic!


Laurie Report 27 Feb 2006 12:40

Good Evening all . . . . you guessed it 2 SLEEPS TO GO !!!!! . . . . . Wake up Jeff. . . . I mean Lara . . . Hey Rebs, stop slurping your drinkies .. . . Ray tells me anything thats not packed tomorrow night is not going with us - no problem for me - I'm packed! I didn't notice too much about today - it began and it disappeared. . . . madly cleaning, cooking and sorting . . . son arrives this weekend for a bit of a hol while were away - got some cyclist thingy on at the Olympic Veledrome - so mum is leaving all his favourite meals in the freezer for him. Lara, I have all the necessary items packed, scarves, gloves, beanie . . . this will be the first time I wear my overcoat with the linning - the linning has always been rolled up in the top of the cupboard! To my friend Bev who went shopping with me for a coat a few years back and poo pooed me buying the one with the heavy linning . . . nahnahnananah !!!! Party sounds great . . . but Tony have you got enough Baileys . . . Lara will go through that in a flash! Who is bringing the Olives and sundried tomatoes ? - I'm addicted so bring plenty! Dont forget plenty of chilli and a few beans on the nachos please Rebs! Sandra - the prawns sound great - but I thought for sure you would be bringing muscles. Just for you I will have a feed of them at the place in Whitstable that is famous for their muscle dishes. (name escapes me at the moment - too much other important stuff on the floppy disc) Mary glad your having a good time - so lovely to see you drop in! Hey Lew, were going to have a baby in Mudgee to add to the family tree in August . . so excited! ! !, that young lady deserves all the happiness in the world. Be out when I can after I get home, so maybe we can do drinkies. Your on for lunch cuz! Winey . . . you stay on their backs, what us mums do really well - get our backs up when someone rips off our kids! Fire up the Barbie . . . Tony ! you be careful there my friend, you could end up loosing your place on the holiday roundabout. yes, living so close to the airport I get to hear plenty of planes and smell the fumes, so I'm ready! Lara, I think Ray will be tying the camera around my neck . . . tight! I most certainly will inundate you with reports and picis when I get the chance. Thanks for all your good wishes folks, your ever so kind. Last week I told Lew about my gtgtaunty Fanny when she brought up about strange names . . . well she is on someone elses tree on GR, found her today, fingers crossed that this one gets back in touch with me. Didn't get her as a hot match but rather as I scanned thru the names. Found another family member on the same GR members tree too, so not a fluke! Be back tomorrow with satu malam cheers luv Laurie


Unknown Report 27 Feb 2006 12:44

Wow, we've reached 600 already. Impressive!!! Laurie, love sun dried tomatoes. I make my own semi- dried ones using roma tomatoes. Just cut in half brush them with oil ( I prefer macadamia) sprinkle with herbs of choice and cook in very slow oven for an hour or two. delicious. I easily go through a plate of them with chunks of cheese. now I'm feeling peckish. wonder what snacky things I've got???

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 27 Feb 2006 13:04

hello ive been here for ages ooohhh going back to sleep hugging empty pretendy bottle of baileys

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 27 Feb 2006 13:25

oooooohhhh I've missed the party did anybody come, they did ohh guess will have to drink this bottle of brown bros on my own now, glug glug ohh that's better been snoring my head off. ands dreaming about that naughty corner sure it was just a dream there was this magnificent barmen over there nooo must have been a dream ,,, gets off recliner and tries to look sober. Reb thought you would be one who got here but you are forgiven is it nearly finished the dress I mean and so sorry drank all the tendy baileys but nice drop of crouchen reisling here try one of these girl joodles you party pooper you really went to bed early lol Laurie we will miss you so take care of yourselves and have heaps of fun I guess you won't be back on here so will say bye now and please jot down notes so you won't forget to tell us it all love lara really going to bed now half silly NOT


Judy Report 27 Feb 2006 19:01

awwww Lara - Im so sorry I went to bed early. I have had a bad throat for over a week now, can't get into bl**dy doctors till 11th March. Am desperate now, will have to find a medical centre somewhere and just wait. I also have to be out by 7.20am this morning, got a full day out - can't cancel. Im sure there was enough food and drink to go around, and Im sure you wouldnt have missed lil me. Have a great day everyone. Jood

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 27 Feb 2006 23:05

Good Morning all, Joodles of course you would be missed mate I guess by now you have gone out and I've missed you , do hope you get that sore throat fixed soon I have suffered with crook throats all my life and have son in law who is a tonsillitis carrier and my poor little grandaughter had a perpetual sore throat and if I visited them with in a week I would have a bad throat again Ihad my tonsills out and then got pharengitis for years and then one side of tonsills grew back and I'm now allergic to most antibiotics so makes it darn hard if it comes back , also get a hayfever throat which you would swear was an infection and find ifI take some sort of antihistamine it fixes it so if you cant get into dr try one of them or garlic and echinacia it works sometimes to hello to everybody else will talk later have some of that unmentionable stuff to do so bye for now Love Lara


Lewella Report 27 Feb 2006 23:47

Morning All. Laurie, I don't pack until the night before a trip, 'cause I can never remember what I've put in and then I have to unpack again to find out what's missing! lol. Anyway, I work on the premise of 'if it aint packed, buy it when you get there'. Really pleased to hear about the upcoming addition to the tree. Keep me informed as to the bump's progress. Nice day in Mudgee today, sunny but with a pleasant breeze. *waves to everybody with a big cheesy smile and blows lots of kisses* Lew Lew :-))))) xxxxx


SuzyQ Report 28 Feb 2006 01:26

Hi Wattlers, I am still here and still reading all your messages. Sorry that I missed the party Laurie but I will be there for the welcome home one. I hope you have a really fantabulopus time. Wish I was going with you, just to get away from all the goings on here. We are hoping to get away for a holiday soon, just to clear our heads. I read a good article in our On the Road magazine this week, about Budget Britain. Basically it's about renting self catering holiday cottages for about $720.00 per week that sleep 4 adults. You would need to travel with some-one you really liked. If anyone would like the info I will try to scan it and then send it on to you. The weather has cooled down a little and we are getting some rain. Well, that's all for now SuzyQ


Trifley Report 28 Feb 2006 02:51

'Mornin' must have been a good send off party but, Laurie....chilli and nacho beans before you travel on a plane! My goodness you must have a strong constitution! I am feeling 'windy' just reading about it! The coat sounds as if it was a clever buy. It must be a good one if the linning is removable. i am sure you will look stunning in it! Have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Hi Donna sounds as if the trip to Adelaide was fun. I bet the cruise on the Murray and the visit to Hahndorf more than made up for the rels kids. Did you get any bottles of red while you were there? They make some nice stuff in SA. Hi SuzyQ how you going sunshine? Keep on keeping on!! Had a phone call from the transport company this morning....they are now argueing with the wheel company about paperwork. They have acknowledged that we did all the right things about notifying of the damage so we are not to blame. This saga looks as if it will go on for another...'2 to 3 weeks'. It is getting awfully close to the time our son wants the car finished to attend a club rally in Coffs Harbour on 24th, 25th & 26th March. I am not caving in !!! Feel better now. It is always good to have a gripe, gets it off my chest! Toodle ooo hope everyone has a happy day. See y'all later Trifley (aka Dianne)

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 28 Feb 2006 06:17

Hi all, just keeping tabs on all of you ,did you all survive the party? Been watching the goings on but too busy doing end of month stuff at work to play. Have to keep it all up to date so I can take Scottish guest away on another hol.....I know tough isn't it? Have a great time away Laurie, hope you find lots of dead peps(only on paper of course) and dont forget ,,,shop ,shop, shop. Jude2


Laurie Report 28 Feb 2006 12:45

Evening all - just one more sleep I have had a hectic day, thank goodness the packing is all done - Ray has just finished his case - and they are lined up at the door. Mind you we dont leave until 5.45pm tomorrow, so I have to fill in a whole day tomorrow yet! Apparently the big chill has come down - so we will be using all those woolies we packed I think. Germany is said to be in for some really bad weather this week. (just what I wanted to hear . . .not!) Off for some sleep to get rid of this one more night but will pop in before we leave tomorrow. Cheers all luv Laurie


TonyOz Report 28 Feb 2006 12:51

Evening everyone. 11:30 pm here in Malbin. Warming up again over the next few days ( or so they tell us ? )..and friday up to 33c. Just popped in to say, have a safe and great trip Laurie. Take heaps of photo's, and a few in Paris...hee hee........coz.. thats where we will be in July. Dont know if you have been to Singapore before?( Probably have )....but If your looking for a good place to eat in Singapore, try 'Clarke's Quay' on the river front ( near the boat ferry's ). The bus trip from Changi Airport is about 45min trip to city. Little China town is great for shopping, and Little India also, but you gotta have a strong stomach in little India ( on a warm day )......LOL Take care mate.....and catch ya ron. Bon Voyage.......joie de vivre Tony Oz ...:>))


Laurie Report 28 Feb 2006 22:33

Well Folks . . . today is the big day In a few hours we will be off, off and away! Thank you all so much for your good wishes, and just for you all I will have a wonderful time. The winter woolies are packed waiting at the door, just need a hubby home from the office so we can get the show on the road. I'll keep in touch when I can, just dont make me read too much . . . . Thanks Tony, Yes, I know Clarkes Quay well . . . chilli crab on the menu I hope . . . . we're staying just near there for the night, not into Orchard Rd I know what you mean about little India and the smells - but the fabric shopping there is unreal! Got the walking shoes ready! China town is high on the agenda as Ray is looking for the new camera to replace the one I lost in Jakarta - good place to barter from one stall to the other! Will leave some photo opportunities for you in Paris . . . All we need now is some good weather (in our dreams by the sound of it) Joodles, I hope your feeling better - will try and get you on phone while I'm waiting around at the airport. Toodles one and all - stay well luv Laurie

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 28 Feb 2006 22:52

Morning all, Good bye Laurie, sniff sniff, we'll miss you, sob sob, cries buckets. have a great time :) very busy week so will only be able to pop in briefly till the weekend and maybe at lunchtimes. catch you then, Vonny


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 23:05

Have a great time Auntie Laurie. Don't forget us. :-)) (((((xxx))))

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 28 Feb 2006 23:13

BYe Laurie (waving madly)