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~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 2 Mar 2006 01:23

Hello to all phantomed well I wonder whhoooo did it if I can't find it I do nudge thread and then I can find don't do for malicious reason so guess its ok then lol Special Welcome and G'Day to Lynda and please chat as much as you'd like. and yes there is someone who lives up your way but havn't heard from the naughty peep for ages it's cilla and she has just moved up there and would probably be glad to find someone else in the same place to talk to but she has disappeared and dont how she is or where she is the sausage had email addies but she's changed her addies lol, Welcome back Wilson how are you did doggies like KI too, aqre youstill coming to yarrawonga please? I will up your town on March 26th for Genealogy Fair so could meet there if you'd like to let me know ok ok Reb do you want a bed at my place for meetup or what ????? watchit you caaaaaar***n porter (can't say it I'll fix you girl Has everyone seen my new photos on surnames some real nice ones on there lol Tony agree with Reb here don't give up the day job mate ''' said goodbye to Laurie and I think she asked pilot to make special detour down here and went over me while I was lying looking up at sky in pool and big plane went over so I waved just in case it was her and wasn't able to see if she waved back but hope she's now doing us proud shopping shopping shopping will go now a lot to do talk later hello Mary too if around and lew jude jude heather albury and all the ones havnt mentioned love Lara

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 2 Mar 2006 01:27

Hi everyone, glad to see you back in one piece Wilson, was wondering if we should send out a search party around the wineries? Rebs, I'm here, just trying to get some extra work done in the office cause I'm off to Tassie next week with my Scottish friend....we're going to have mini-meet with Sue. Lew Lew, dont you know cooking is bad for you? I avoid it as often as Jude2


Lewella Report 2 Mar 2006 01:49

Yes, I know cooking is bad, so that's why I had a blasted salad!!! I can see it now 'Come One, Come All, to Lew Lew's Sizzler Salad Bar. See how many she can knock down with her special italian salad'! Welcome to Lynda and watch out for the one's who get sent to the naughty corner. lol. They've had way too much baileys and cake! Hope everybody has a great afternoon. I'm having a gentle yoghurt for lunch (and, no, I didn't prepare it myself) Lew Lew xxx

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 2 Mar 2006 02:21

Poor Lew Lew, never mind hubby will be home soon and you can tell him how sick you've been. Then you can let him make up for not being here to suffer with

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 2 Mar 2006 02:21

Lunch time all :) Crew - something you ate in the naughty corner no doubt!! lol Lynda, don't even think of being naughty that corner is disgustingly dirty! I know this is terribly obvious, but does everyone know that on General you can choose between View All Threads (default model) and View Your Threads Only? In View Your Threads, you can see every thread you have ever contributed to, but only those threads. Makes them easier to find. (but not if Lara has deleted any LOL) sorry Lara :) Just thought I might mention this incase the unthinkable happens and your Favourites folder goes missing for some reason. Beautiful day today. On the weekend I am going to Sydney to Rookwood cemetry for a 'meet the rellies' around great grandfather's grave :) Should be fun. I think hubby is coming with me - not sure. ~~~~~~~~ to all, Vonny


Aussieone Report 2 Mar 2006 03:01

Afternoon Wattlers Been busy this morning with walking, going to the city to do a couple of things, then grocery shopping, time has gone no where. So I thought I had better pop in to say hi and check up on everyone. We are probably lucky that we dont have sizzers here, we used to have 2 one in the North and one down south but they closed up and left, dont know why as they was always busy. Then the scare in Preston Vic. with the air conditioners, where the elderly man died, cant for the life of me think what it is called, having one of those CRAFT moments, Also poor Lew poisoning herself, wonder what she would do to her enemies lol. We have got Dannielles birthday tomorrow she will be 12 years old, and thinks she is older like most children these days. I won a couple of tickets on the radio the other day and so they are going to a concert called MS Fest, it is for raising money for MS. I found out after I got the tickets that it doesnt finish til midnight, it starts at noon. I informed the girls that I didnt think they should be there til the end on their own. Tamika, my other girl is 14, they didnt like the idea much but thats life. Looking forward to Meeting Jude 2 next week. Ooh that will make 2 that I have met :-) I just heard the news that poor Thorpe may not get to the games with this illness he has, I hope he isnt the 'Tender' in the Naughty corner, with all the goings on with you naughty girls pmsl. I nearly forgot to mention we are in P.B. mode over here at the moment ........ Political B ull***t as an election is on in 2 weeks. So we have our letterboxes full of promises, promises and more promises, the radio and TV are the same, it would be alright if they kept some of the promises ha ha. Although it is the second day of Autumn the weather is still quite warm, beautiful sunny days and tems in the mid 20.s are forcast til at least Monday. I am really starting to enjoy my walks as some of the Maple leaves have already started changing colour, I love autumn colours, Browns and Golds :-))) Well with that I am going to disappear. Catch you after Sue


SuzyQ Report 2 Mar 2006 04:41

Hi Wattlers, Just wondering what Laurie might be doing now. Think she flies out of Singapore today, if I remember and on to Cologne in Germany. I went to Cologne with the school. Its a lovely city and smells of 4711 eau de cologne. We went up to the top of the cathedral and the view over the city is wonderful. Got a bit dizzy getting to the top as it is a spiral staircase. Good to have you back Wilson, glad you enjoyed your holiday. Welcome Lynn, I am in South East Queensland, behind the Gold Coast. Wonder what happened to Cilla. Just a quick note to let us all know you are okay please. Is the dress nearly finished now Rebs. Hope you send a photo when it is finished. What happens when the girls out grow the dress's? Can you sell them? Now girls and Tony, (What would we do with out our Tony ), I have a deep dark secret and I feel I now know you all well enough to reveal it to you. Other friends I have told have surprised me by having the same secret, so I thought I would check it out with you. Now I will understand if you laugh, but I just can't help myself. Every afternoon, at 4.30pm I have an overwhelming desire to watch channel ten. There I said it, yes Wattlers, I am a secret viewer of the Bold and The Beautiful. Did I just hear a huge chuckle throughout Australia. I feel I have just had a load lifted from my shoulders and I can now show my true self to you. I hope that you will all still talk to me and please don't send me to the naughty corner, I might have to miss an episode and then how would I catch up. LOL I will now slink off to do some dreaded ironing and will check in later to see if you are all avoiding me SuzyQ ( the B & B Fan )


Lewella Report 2 Mar 2006 04:47

Now, SuzyQ, I think a quick stint in the Naughty Corner would be most appropriate, although I must admit to being addicted to 'The Biggest Loser' at the moment. Oh 'eck, just go to the corner for a quick Baileys & Biscuits (isn't that whatB & B stands for?) Feeling much better this afternoon. I'll try not to poison myself at dinner tonight. Perhaps I should get takeaway!!! Hope Laurie is having fun. I'm sure she flew over Mudgee on her way out. I could hear lots of chatting!! lol Lew Lew xxx

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 2 Mar 2006 05:24

Hello Wattlers, well I think I survived unscathed, apart from sore feet and have now decided, most definitely that I'm just not cut out for retail therapy, I know I'm a disgrace to the whole female population but it just doesn't do it for me. My dearest daughter had a wonderful time, after living in Port Douglas and not hitting Melbourne shops for 2 years she was in her element. After Saturday and Sunday walking Melbourne - I gave up. She and her husband have hit the outlets in Bridge Road Richmond today, and Brandsmart at Nunawading is the target for tomorrow. She has already bought another suitcase. Now if you pointed me towards a fabric shop (ie patchwork material) you would have to hold me back. Although I will come clean and say I'm a pushover for a shoe shop, and adore handbags. Well I hope Laurie enjoyed Singapore. thats the last bit of warm weather she is going to have for a while,considering its Spring in Europe its not doing great things weather wise. Tony when you go to Thornton next, come back through Buxton and stop at the trout farm, throw in a rod and the trout almost jump on your hook. Pay for it at the counter - 10 mins work and impress Barb no end. Plus you get to still b*** s**t with the boys all weekend. Just tell everyone you have found a wonderful spot on the Goulburn. (another fishing story - lol) Lew Lew what have you been doing to yourself - see this is what happens when you eat too many biscuits and wash it down with Baileys, while ogling the tender's rear. Glad you didn't take salad to Lauries going away party - would have made for an interesting trip. Hey its good to have Jude 2 and Wilson (thought you had retired to a nice fishing spot. Hello and welcome to Lynda. Hope Sue and Jude 2 have a great mini meet. How is your scots friend enjoying the Melbourne weather Jude? She wont want to go home to chilly scotland. Lara how cheeky waving to planes as they fly over hope you are decently attired and not flashing them - lol. Hope Mary is enjoying her NZ break, we will be glad to have her back on a regular basis. Gearing ourselves up for the weekend, I'm going to help demolish a house, if we help we get baltic pine floorboards and lining boards, plus all the weather boards free, we just have to get all out of the house and trailer it to the cottage. Everyone looks at me a little strange and can't understand why I'm excited. MY daughter and s.i.l want to help I just hope its not too hot, but its usually 4/5 deg hotter up in alexandra. Mind you the cottage has great ventilation - there is only 1 room with a complete floor and 2 foot of all the outside walls are missing. My daughter saw it for the first time and said Mum I never thought you would stay in a place like this - you are a 5 star accomodation woman lol. Its so much fun renovating - now the stumping is finished we can construct rather than destruct. Mind you I have to get rid of the 1/2 inch of dirt covering everything - but we could have a free mud bath if we just add water - lol Well must away, still have some work to do. Hello to everyone else Jude 3

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 2 Mar 2006 05:55

Afternoon Everyone, Lara, love to meet you on the 26th, at the genealogy fair. have that day off, I think......haven't got that roster and can't quite make myself go in to get it. I never darken the doors of work after hols unless i am desperate to know something. Not officially back until the 12th, so still have some time, might go tho Melbourne to see grandson. Dogs didn't come to KI, they got to visit with son in Wangarratta. I thought he might return them as we were driving up the driveway but no sign of them yet. Apparently he is tired of picking up s**t, ...... One of the dogs is actually HIS. left at home with parents when he moved out.....Oh what short memories our children can have lol. Still not sure about the Yarrawonga meet yet , I will try to get the time off, but as i have just had hols and have asked for long service to go to Mackay in July, the chances of getting a long weekend could be limited.... But I will give it my best shot. So nice read everyones news..... bit worried about this food poisoning that sees to be going around.....wonder if you drink enough alcohol if it would kill the bugs he he. Take care all. Wlison


Lewella Report 2 Mar 2006 07:26

*running in from Naughty Corner, panting* I gotta stop this racing between threads, it's gunna kill me! Thanks for the alcohol suggestion, Wilson. I've been drinking enough on the Naughty thread to kill an army! I know Wangaratta quite well, my Aunt and cousins live in Bright. Small world, eh. Having an early night tonight, still recovering from my attempt to poison myself! Chat with you all tomorrow. Lew Lew xxx


TonyOz Report 2 Mar 2006 07:27

Afternoon Wattlers.Warming up here in the south, and the air-con is on. Have been on the net booking up B&B's in Scotland for our up coming trip in June. and at very reasonable prices too. Our accomodation in Paris is booked, Hotel Eiffel Kennedy, Rue de Boulainvilliers.( which will be fitting.... Rue in...Rudee.......:>)). Rebs...Lara. Wot!.. didnt you like my joke?.....i received heaps of emails over that joke.They jammed my inbox??? JudeYV3....Blasphemy,............Well...I never!! Buxton Trout farm......deary me......i would never stoop so low as to drop into a trout farm and pretend i caught them in the river......I blokes are stalkers and it's $6:00 a kilo, and i notice that they even supply you with a rod... Is that the one opposite the fire station ???........ 2118 Maroondah Hwy, owned by Mitchell McRae, 11 km north of Marysville on the eastern side of the Hwy...............Sorry, i dont know it. ( cough )'m. Hi Lynda. Welcome...:>)) Hi to everyone else, Joodles,Vonny, Jude ( in Melb ) Wilson, Mary ..Lew Lew ....WT...Susan ( in Q.L.D ).... Sue ( In Tas ) GO>))......BTW...did i mention Collingwood won last week..?? Well...its Chinese for tea. Hope they'll stand still long enough to cook E'm...:>)) Av a goodun....Tony Oz...:>))


Judy Report 2 Mar 2006 08:06

Oooooooh - am I no. 650? Yipeeeeee How'd yu like this The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and room-service at a hotel in Asia, which was recorded and published in the Far East Economic Review: Room Service (RS): 'Morrin. Roon sirbees.' Guest (G): 'Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service.' RS: 'Rye..Roon sirbees..morrin! Jewish to oddor sunteen??' G: 'Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs.' RS: 'Ow July den?' G: 'What??' RS: 'Ow July den?...pryed, boyud, poochd?' G : 'Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please.' RS: 'Ow July dee baykem? Crease?' G: 'Crisp will be fine.' RS : 'Hokay. An Sahn toes?' G: 'What?' RS: 'An toes. July Sahn toes?' G: 'I don't think so.' RS: 'No? Judo wan sahn toes??' G: 'I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo wan sahn toes' means.' RS: 'Toes! toes!...Why jew don juan toes? Ow bow Anglish moppin we bodder?' G: 'English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine. Yes, an English muffin will be fine.' RS: 'We bodder?' G: 'No...just put the bodder on the side.' RS: 'Wad?' G: 'I mean butter...just put it on the side.' RS: 'Copy?' G: 'Excuse me?' RS: 'Copy...tea...meel?' G: 'Yes. Coffee, please, and that's all.' RS: 'One Minnie. Scramah egg, crease baykem, Anglish moppin we bodder on sigh and copy....rye??' G: 'Whatever you say.' RS: 'Tenjewberrymuds.' G : 'You're very welcome.' Jood


Unknown Report 2 Mar 2006 08:07

ROFPMSL!!! Rudes, you actually said something funny. I have images of you chasing Chinese midgets around a gigantic wok!! No idea why, but I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Must need a Baileys or something to sort me out. Susan, dress is getting there. All the applique is done and the bodice is sewn to the skirt. Now comes the hard part. putting in the zipper and adding the stiffening, then doing the hem. It's all pointy and has to be topstitched twice over. Comp is on Sunday afternoon............eek!!! Lara, save me a bed babe. I'll share with Billy if I have to. Bet he doesn't snore and fart in bed. Back to the sewing (pretend dining) table. Hello to everyone. Catch up properly soon. Luv Rebs x

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 2 Mar 2006 12:09

Reb sorry Billy does both hehehe been the victim many a time at least hes not under the sheets with you and when you wake up and pull sheets up it doesn't hit you like a avalanche of disgusting smell , I was asking cause if you rubbish a certain footie team again the naughty chair it will be NOT no punishment there any more for you with that gorgeous hunk tendering and Baileys and chokky cake layed on , your punishment will be something you would not like so behave please LOL . Now what colour is this masterpiece you are about to finish please it sounds like such hard work poor mum eh no I know you get so much pleasure out of it as I did when Cassie did ballet and I did some costumes for her tapping comps when she was very little . Reb you have to be close to exhaustion when you laugh at jokes like that one from Tony re the Chinese for tea it really worries me lol Wilson so it's a date mate for the family history fair will you send me on an email with your phone no please can't put on here and I will send you one with my home and mobile too so we can make arrangements ok I will have to send thru genes to you because for some weird reason I havn't got your email addie don't know what happened when we were exchanging them at Bendigo meet up duh Jude whatever do you mean as if I would be floating around in an indecent state in my pool lol its got different coloured things for light and the bloke who put pool in said the blue light is for when you are having skinny dip and I said oh no we use red one for that he nearly died laughing , the answer to your question is no Jude perfectly decent if you consider an overweight 60 yr old in bathers a decent sight that's me lovie there's no denying it I wish I was with you for shop till you drop outing used to live Bridge Rd and havn't been to Factory outlets places in Cheltenham or the one near you either never mind all ways end up with something I really didn't need . do have to go to bed now so hello to everybody and hello especially to Laurie where ever you are


TonyOz Report 2 Mar 2006 12:53

Joodles....LOL Thats a ripper mate....hee hee. Funny story that happened when Barb and i were in Hong Kong in 2000. Our Hong Kong holiday. When we got to the Motel, we were up quite high, and i wanted to go out on the balcony to have a look at Hong Kong harbour. The sliding door to the balcony was locked, and i couldn't see properly.( misty ) So i rang the desk. I said: I want to go out on the balcony!!! The Lady said: Oooohhhh.... not loud out on balcony. I said: Look i have just travelled from Australia and i want the balcony door unlocked thank you. Reply: Ooooo.....not loud out on Balcony. I said: Can i speak to the Manager please. Reply: Why you want manager?? BECAUSE I WANT TO GO OUT ON THE BL..DY BALCONY. ( Gettin hot under the collar ) Then Barb said: Tony take it easy..Sheeeez. Anyway, about two minutes later, there was a knock on our door. It was the Manager, and a few of her hit men. Excuse me Sir, she said. wot is problom. I replied: No poblom, me jus wanna go lookey at harbour..(.hee hee.) but door lockey, an me cant get outee. O'h she said. You must sign statement form before we unlock door. What for i said.????? I just wanna have a look at the Harbour. Then she explained: You see Sir, people might jump off balcony sir. ( suicide ) Strewth i said. I didnt travel all the way to Hong Kong to jump off ya balcony. I'm Australian, and if I'm gunna jump off something, it will be Aye's Rock in Oz. Well, Barb was trying hard not to laugh. The manager could see i was an Ozzie, and said O'k we open door. ( had to sign form ) I walked out onto the balcony.The Manager and her hit men turned around to leave, and were just about out the door. I yelled out : AAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHhh................SPLAT!! They opened the door again and looked in. Then she said...Not velly funny Sir. But she was smiling. Tony Oz :>))


Laurie Report 2 Mar 2006 13:21

Not Fair you guys . . . I took up all my drinking time here in the Qantas Club, Singapore reading your chatter - ease up a bit will you . . . . they have good champers too . . . . Have had a lovely day in Singapore - did the shopping this morning - then this afternoon we found a lovely water hole down by the river and eased our way up to the flight this evening. Siting next to a Danish couple in the watering hole and guess what . . . . hes a genealogy nut too . . . but he speaks no English, so the wives did all the talking and as a result I now have someone to do the searches for me in Copenhargen. Might just find out more about Gtgtgrampy without having to go there myself. Joodles, hope your feeling better cuz, tried to ring . . . . Well just enough time left to go have a shower and put on the first layer - in 15hrs time there will be another three on top of that . . . Catch up with you later - Suzy Q . . . I think your Bold and Beautiful for coming out of the closet . . . Tarah cheers luv Laurie


Judy Report 2 Mar 2006 19:44

Morning all - (sitting here in the dark) Tony you are such a stirrrrrrrrrrrer !!! lol (and a wicked sense of yooma) Laurie - I dont think we were expecting to hear from you so sooooon! I looked for txt msg from you - I must have been on the phone when you rang. Hope you have bought your camera by now. Im off away for the weekend folks - today till Sunday .... yeah yeah - I know - Im ALWAYS away. But these days I have to take lappy with me to keep atop of all ya messages! Great to see you back Wilson Have a great day all. Jood


***Shaz*** Report 2 Mar 2006 20:10

Hello you Crazy Lot Laurie, have a great time on your hols Suzy Q, your not alone, I also watch the B&B, I love Sally, often wonder if she is the Darlene from the Micky Mouse Club years ago, must try and log onto Disney and try to find out AAAAARRRGGGHHH Tony me lad you crack me up, what else would we have expected coming from you, poor Barb he he Lara what is this family history fair about, does it only happen in Vic, sound interesting, also finally glad to put a face to Rebs Jood, have to make a date for another day out (Winsdor) sometime Havent logged for couple of days so really havent read all messages just skimmed thru, had a bit of tummy bug not completely gone but at least am feeling a little better Welcome Lynda, dont take to much notice of this madcap bunch otherwise you may turn out like the rest of us Hi to all else, Judes 1 & 3, Vonny, Sue, Wilson, Mary, Sandra,Leah,Mary, Rebs,Lew Lew,Cilla if your there and if Ive forgotten anybody Im sorry Byee Shaz


Judy Report 2 Mar 2006 22:49

Ooooh Shazz - ya got on three times this morning. Actually I couldnt get on for an hour - seems to be ok now. Im waiting (and so is Faye) for you to make the day !!!!!! (in Windsor???) Thur-Fri next week are ok with me (unless I have to go to a funeral) Hope you are feeling better now. Off to do some housework and pack. Cheers Jood