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Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 4 Mar 2006 01:58

Hello to all Wattlers, Hope your having a good day so far. Laurie, did enjoy reading your post, I love train travel so can imagine the scenery, you wouldne't get a refund or a free drink in Ozz or Uk for delays, hope you got a pic of the snowman you and Ray were going to build. shall look forward to your next post. Lew, how exciting going to Antartica, you will have to tell us all about your plans. Have a great weekend everyone Sandra in the Gong

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 4 Mar 2006 02:46

G'Day to all , Laurie you lucky duck hope we get a photo of snow man did you ask man from fisher price where to go to start granma's toy box best toys in the world. Tony have done Aussie quiz mate but will let the uk's do and just keep my answers to myself to see if I get them right and I havn't cheated, no googling allowed isn't that right. Sue have to go now pool calling ( just joking) about 34c here every day for the last few weeks and just lovely and warm in the pool yes has solar but dont need it on yet but will when weather starts to cool down and want to go skinny dipping in the evening (only joshing )pool can't stand cold water though so will keep me swimming till we go up nth . Lew did you get photos yet ? forgot Rebs so will send seperatly if she doesn't fly down and kill me first,Lol also some on Aussie Surnames site good site too for looking for aussie peeps scroll down on the left, right at the bottom it says pictures click on and bobs your uncle thet are all there too Ok where are you Gwenda what's happening are you ok and also Cilla please let us know you are ok girls. Reb let's see dress on Aussie Surnames say c u all later now going to clean out the garage so can store caravan stuff in there so as use guest room robbing peter to pay paul eh ok I'm off love Lara


Lewella Report 4 Mar 2006 04:02

Hey Donna, can you send it south to the NSW Central Tablelands! Finally have downpipes on the new house and would love to catch some water in the underground tank. Hope Zack's birthday isn't too much of a wash out! Have a great night at the Italian (yum - garlic). Thanks for the photos Lara. Now I can put faces to all the crazy people! Lew Lew x


Trifley Report 4 Mar 2006 05:56

Hi Wattlers That's what I get when I spend 2 days away from the puta! 3 pages of gossip to catch up on. It has taken some time as I had to stop to laugh at Tony's Hong Kong experience and joke and it took some time to translate Joodles hotel phone call. It reminded me of one of those dinner time calls from the Bombay call centre for 'Fred's fones'. :) Spent yesterday with hubby's brother & his wife. They have come up from NSW for a wedding today. They are lovely people....the kind you would pick for rels if you got the chance. I always enjoy their company. Pity some of my lot weren't as nice lol lol. Hi Tassie Have heard of a seniors moment but what is a 'CRAFT' moment? Or did you tell me but I just can't remember?? Hi Rebs You must be sewing your little fingers to the will need a hand massage by the tender in the 'corner' or where ever else he he he :)) The dress sounds as if it is going to look beautiful you clever little person you! I haven't found out what it is I can do yet! Lew Lew It sounds as if you cook as well as I do :) :). I tell people that is why I married my husband....because he can cook you naughty minded Aussie peeps! Have a good time in Sydney, but don't forget to look suitably miserable when your hubby gets home. You don't want him to think you didn't miss him! Hi to our new friend Lynda. I am in Queensland, but on the Gold Coast. A place which is VERY wet at the moment. It looks like a winters day....cloudy, windy and quite cool. They talk about Melbourne having 4 seasons in one day! This place is hot & humid one day and cold the next. You should go & visit the 'naughty corner' thread sometime. Let your hair down & act the ninny. It is great for the soul. SuzieQ THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL???? My goodness girl....don't watch weird people acting! Go to the 'corner' and act weird yourself!!! :))) It is sooooo much fun he he he :))))) You will be surprised how good you feel after a visit to the 'tender yayyyyy :))) Jude 3 You obviously know how to take out your frustrations. Demolishing a house AND getting the left overs atta go girl !!! Isn't Laurie good??? Even tho' she is winging her way around Europe she still thinks of us! Have a Liebfrauwein for me! Tony Wasn't there a song....'I like chinese yutta yutta even tho' they only come up to my knees'? Asians are cute but just don't understand Aussie humour lol lol. Donna You are also 'enjoying' the lovely wet weather of the Gold Coast Hinterland. We have had so much rain everything is damp & I can't get any clothes dry. If we get any more I would willingly carry buckets to the b***dy Hinze dam my self! Don't worry about Zack's guitar day you will recognise a tune and see that all the lessons have been worthwhile. Lara How do I get on to the site to view the photos? I have put in Aussie surnames but must be doing the wrong thing. Can't get anything like you described. I have a photo of the rain I could send for Lew Lew in Mudgee lol lol :) I must toddle off now. I have a few things to prepare for friends who are coming for a BBQ tomorrow. Ha ha that's if it stops raining. It will probably mean cook on the BBQ and scurry inside to eat near the heater :( Might have to swap from a salad to cheesey potato bake and corn cobs. Uuuummm see what happens. Hugs to all Trifley (aka Dianne)

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 4 Mar 2006 06:17

Quick Hi, trying to book flights but having trouble making them all connect without spending hours in airports.....GRRRRR Love the quiz Tony. The addy for photos so we can all see what Rebs looks like....he he he search msngroups australian surname lists scroll down to the bottom left to pictures and there we all are have a good weekend, Im back to the flight mess Jude2


Cilla Report 4 Mar 2006 06:27

Afternoon All Lara I am back at long last, I had to go back to Werris Creek to tidy up some loose ends with the house which is finally settled so now all I have to do is wait for the property settlement papers to be stamped by the court & I get my money. I have only just set up the computer again after our move into the new house so now I am back in contact with everyone. Things are just great now getting the house into some sort of order but we still have a long way to go as we have to get a garage put up for all the tools & my craft stuff oh & I( forgot Jim's pride & joy his motorbike which is sitting on the verandah just outside the back door. Got the shock of my life last night when I came face to face with a small snake I wert outside to see if there were any cane toads & a it crawled near my foot he is now a dead snake as Jim clobbered it. I haven't had time to go through all the news yet but I will catch up on what everyone has been up to as soon as i can. Will talk to you all soon Love Cilla.


Aussieone Report 4 Mar 2006 12:08

Evening all Well we didnt win boo hoo but I have been told I am famous and made it on TV with my light/grey coloured hair and pom pom :-0 Trifley not sure if I told you or not either lol but CRAFT means Cant Remember A F ...... Thing I let you put whatever you like in for the 'F' lol. Tony loved the joke about seniors moments. Well I am gooing to go to bed and sulk. Catch you all tomorrow. Cheers Sue

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 4 Mar 2006 13:23

Hello have sent pm to you Cilla and Dianne just put 'australian surnames site' in google and you should get it straight away and the look on the left and scroll down to pictures and click on there and see laras pics etc ok , have to go bed but so happy to see cilla is ok and all's well never mind Sue not started for real yet bye all Love Lara


Gwenda Report 4 Mar 2006 23:47

Hi everyone - I'm Back I've just spent 2 hours catching up and only got back to end of Feb so still have a week's worth of messages to catch up on!!!!! Had a very good trip - lots of success in the cemeteries - about 4 rolls of film to develop - all of headstones or plaques. Lucky I get them done at work and they know my little hobby - pmsl Got wet taking photos at Charleston cemetery - hubby kindly left me to it with the brolly and camera - his excuse - no need for both of us to get wet - how kind. I must have looked a sight - boardshorts, thongs, singlet top attempting to keep brolly over head and take shot one handed - hope the neighbours across the road weren't watching!!! Drive home took 13 hours instead of usual 12 as hubby had CRAFT moment and left his specs at mate's place at Reynella - would be the night before we leave. Had to navigate way to freeway from down there which took 35 minutes plus the 50 minutes to get to Reynella from caravan park at Walkerville. Caught up with my 90 yo mum - don't know how much longer she will be with us - looking very frail and had just had a stomach upset - Lew Lew you didn't send her your salad did you - haha. Came back with a couple of bags full of family history books & photo albums so lots of treasures to go through. Did take some photos back to get Mum to tell me who they were. Sue - did I miss seeing you on TV last night - sorry that the CROWS beat your team - hear it was close for a while tho. Rebs - how could Carlton let that P...r team whip them - wonder which game plan P...r played to - their new plan didn't work against the CROWS but then Chocko said he didn't have the players to play it - what a T....r Vonny - congrats on your news Laurie - hope you're not frrrrrreeezing too badly - did you make the snowman? Have a wonderful time & safe travelling. Hi to everyone else - I really must get a shower and breakfast and catch up on the washing - kids couldn't manage the washing machine and only just managed the dishes so lots of work to be done around here. Will pop back later in the day if son hasn't hogged the net - maybe he will have to go to work. Take care, Gwenda


TonyOz Report 5 Mar 2006 01:51

Morning Wattlers. Nuther warm one here in Vic. Cant understand this weather at the moment in Melb!!...but I'm not knocking Its been a very dry summer in Melb, and the house seems to be shifting on its foundations. Doors jambing, windows not closing properly, cracks appearing in the ceiling??..and we seem to have been unindated by cock-roaches this summer. Sue ( Tassie ) Bad luck for the Hawk's mate, didn't watch the whole game, as we were out for tea. My Son-in-law ( daughter number ones hubbie ) is a Hawks supporter, and managed to get him a footy sighned by all the Hawthorn players a few years ago for his birthday. I do a lot of work for sponsors of footy clubs, and sometimes given a footy by various football sponsors. Also do a lot contracts for Emirate Airlines in Melb, so naturally have a Pies Rebs. Nice piccie on the ASL board....and nice to be able to put a face to the name mate.....:>)) Gwenda. Sounds like you had a great time. When Barb and i are in Tas. cem......we take heaps of Photo's of her relo's and add them to our Family tree album. Hi to everyone else, here and away....:>)) ( sounds like Home and ) I can smell bacon and eggs for lunch ( sniff ) will go check out the madam is cooking, and i must take a Photo of it.....a very rare Av a good un. Tony Oz :>))


Aussiegirl Report 5 Mar 2006 04:15

Hi all Am using Rupees puta here in Palmerston North.. Some of you will remember him as Rooster... He is a funny guy so the name suits.. It is rather cold here today and the first taste of winter. I am wearing a jumper , the first time since last winter. It is supposed to warm up soon again so hope so. A cold blast from over the Tasman.. Bet Tony sent it as it came from Melb. way.. Be just like him to .....glad to get rid of it... Am off to Auckland next week and will try and pop in there but not sure who still has a puta. Miss you all and tried to catch up on all your messages but there were too many so will just have to say I hope you are all behaving yourselves and will get back if and when I can. Love Maryxxx

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 5 Mar 2006 04:29

hello all welcome back Gwenda gladyour trip was successful and your dear mum was still with us too how lovely for you to be able to still ask her who peeps how I I wish >>>> never mind well I have found my Vivians with lots of help back to 1699 so how's that and it came about because I googled for the name and the went through the message boards right back to 2001 and found one lady who wasn't a yank and she came up trumps for me even though she is not of the same line as me she had heaps of info not only of the Vivians but their cousins the Stocks as my great grandmother and ggrandfather were 1st cousins Henry's parents I think died leaving him a 16 year old boy to come to Australia with his siblings aged 4 , 6 ,10, 12 ,and on the same ship were his cousin Jane- Ann aged 12 and her parents William Henry and Ann Vivian and Henry and Jane Ann ended up when Jane Ann was 20yrs old getting married isn't that just so romantic Gosh I wish somebody on that ship had written a diary like the one I told you about for the lady who came from Wales, also Tony you were right Ann's and Jane's ( henry's deceased mother) parents had come out earlier in fact he was an Aussie and she was from the UK and they came and paved the way for the others to come, sadly I guess Henry's Father and Mother were supposed to come too but something must have happened to them as they were on the 1851 census and not on the ship in 1855 so I will now try to find them and what actually went wrong. so do go and have a look at older messages on the message boards in genealogy .com and rootsweb an you can hopefully have as much success like me Vonny , congratulations on your news I'm very jealous better start knitting hehe what a lovely time it is waiting for a new grand child . will go now folks hello and love to all Lara


Unknown Report 5 Mar 2006 08:57

Evening folk! Well, the dress is finished.....and she wore it today. The girl did well. 1st in her reel and heavy jig, 2nd in slip jig, and 4th in set dance which was St Patricks Day. Sorry, no photos of the girl in her dress, the camera got left behind. I'll have to take one of the dress on it's own and stick it on a page somewhere. Speaking of photos............Lara, that photo is going to haunt me forever. *shudders* I knew I should have worn my Carlton gear, then you wouldn't have bothered. lol!! Advance notice.....cameras are banned from Y'wonga meet. Off to catch up on some reading. Hi to all the awol Wattlers who have returned to the Aussie fold. Guess I'd better prepare myself for probable disaster in the naughty corner. Cheers, Rebs xxx


Gwenda Report 5 Mar 2006 09:03

Awww Rebs if I photographed that good I'd want the world to see Glad the dress and dancing went well - bad luck about the camera - sounds like me - even after daughter told me not to forget the camera for her Uni graduation - I did Take care in that Naughty corner - haha Catch you later Gwenda


Laurie Report 5 Mar 2006 09:20

Good Morning here in Godesberg, Its Sunday morning and Ray has gone off on the train back to Cologne for the first day of the Trade Show - I decided some quality time in local area would be the go for me. We spent most of yesterday setting up the stand - 5 of us, and three of them will be lucky if they dont get back tonight and find that their pockets have seen sewn up . . . standing hands inpockets, watching us as Ray and I put it all together. Think of the biggest venue we have in Aust, and multiply by 62 - thats the size of Cologne convention centre. and they are still adding to it. After set up, we went for a walk thru Cologne - know what you mean about 4711 Suzy Q, its everywhere, and how about that Cathederal, we were lucky enough to be there for a mass and have the pipe organs resounding thru the place. We then went and found a little pub near the Opera house for dinner, I asked for a soup and ham & cheese plate, 4 Euro for the plate of cheese and ham and I think I could have feed every wattler. We all left heaps behind, meals are so big (and yummy) We were luck (not) to have half the barracking public for the local footy team on the train on the way home . . . . squashy-smelly-loud-boozy- just like in Aust! The five of us made a human sheild around two youny lads from Kuwait, they are staying same village as us as youngest is having ops on legs . . . talk about laugh, both comedians - I am going up to hospital to visit them this arvo with a few Aussie bits and pieces. The sun is out - the snow is melting and I am off for a walk so will drop in when I can. Hope your all well, and please write smaller messages so I can do other things beside keep up with you ( we are all tared with same brush in that dept I think . . . .) Bye for now and cheers luv Laurie

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 5 Mar 2006 12:31

Hi Laurie how wonderful it all sounds , the mass and the pub where you had dinner I feel as though I want to hop on a plane right now , please keep the posts up its lovely to be there with you sort of anyway, Reb that's really great re the dress and the results congratulations to both of you , have you seen the comments re your photo all good . Mary hello glad to hear you are having a nice holiday and hopefully a good rest after all the hard work you were doing before you left. will say nite now and talk some more tomorrow bye Lara


Laurie Report 5 Mar 2006 16:39

Hi again all you sleepy heads . . Just waiting around for Ray to return, what a day I have had! The walk turned out to be a winner - stumbled across a town square trash and treasure market - I wanted to buy so much, but said to moi 'you can only buy one thing to take home' - so I walked around trying to decide on my one thing and got nothing! But had the best time, all the ancient things by our standard - I thought I had an old beer stein - its almost new compared to some of the antiques I saw. There were some of the most beautiful pieces of china, little ornate cupboards, clothes by the truckloads (funny how popular big coats are over here). I sat in the park and listened to the church bells and thought of Von and the Carilion on Valies day. I found all sorts of shops I want to go back to on a weekday - everything was shut (isn.t Ray lucky) Found a little cafe near the park and had coffee and bagel for lunch - talked to heaps of people and had another heap look at me strange (guess they didn.t understand my lingo) Then I wandered down to the hospital and found the two young lads from last night and gave them a handful of Ozi bits and pieces and found out all about them. A platoon of USA soldiers are paying for the younger brother to have ops done on his legs - said he couldn.t ever walk before - now uses crutches and also in his town they only had 4 old wheelchairs, now the troops have collected up over 100 and had them sent over. Both the boys have made themselves part of the furniture at the hospital and are really sad to be going home next week to Kuwait. Met some really nice peeps at the hospital also. Well I.ll drop in tomorrow, untill then cheers luv Laurie


Anna Report 5 Mar 2006 20:36

Hi guys A short prayer for morning: 'Dear Lord - So far today am I doing all right? I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or self-indulgent. I have not whined, complained, cursed or eaten any chocolate. I have charged nothing to my credit card, but I will be getting out of bed in a minute and I think that I will really need your help then.' Don't you love it??? Have been busy either working at school or helping to paint the renovated rooms here at home. All nearly finished and looking good. Have managed to catch a cold from the germy little Preschoolers! Have been trying to catch up on all the messages from the Wattlers. Lovely to hear Laurie's travel stories - don't you wish you were there! Mary should be heading home soon and good to see Wilson and Gwenda back safely. I hope Lew remembers to get out of the naughty corner for long enough to collect her wandering husband! Congratulations Reb - what a mighty effort to get that dress finished and well worth the effort as your daughter did so well! Vonny - congratulations on your forthcoming grandchild - have you started knitting? Hi to everyone else - shall catch up with you all soon Cheers Anna

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 5 Mar 2006 21:40

*wanders In* Hi everyone :-) I was just wondering if you've tried praline flakes yet, they are soooooooooooooooooo gorgeous :-)))))))))) Vonny congrats on your grandchild to be Anna love the prayer and good luck with your renovating Rebs I believe (from Anna's post) congrats are due to you too Juliexx Just one more thing........................................ PRALINE FLAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)


Unknown Report 5 Mar 2006 23:40

nudge for Ken *waves to all the Wattlers* in case anyone is interested, Julie has offered to send some praline flakes if you give her your address.!! hehe!!! *runs back to naughty corner*