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Aussieone Report 6 Mar 2006 00:14

Morning All Well it is a lovely day here today, Jude from Melb 2, and her friend arrived safely and we had a cuppa in my local shopping centre before they headed to Cradle Mountain. I put a pic on my album on ASL for you to look at, if you dare as I dont know what Rebs is complaining about cause I think it would be one of the worse pics of me, I dont photograph well at the best of times :-( Anyway it is the second pic in my album, I left the convict brick on as the first pic, hoping my album wont disappear before Jude gets back home. Tony firstly thanks for the info you sent I will forward it to my cousin, and commiserations on the footy, Jude 2 was looking forward so much for it to be a Geelong Collingwood match next week :-) Oh well seeing as I have been galavanting about all morning, going on my daily walk, having coffee and a chat, then getting on here to see what we have been up to I had better now go and do you know what that is waiting to be done :-(( Catch you after. Cheers Sue


Aussieone Report 6 Mar 2006 00:23

Hi Ken I have sent you a pm Cheers Sue


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 02:00

Hi guys. Pic of the masterpiece is on photopage. http://groups(.)msn(.)com/GCPhotospage/ Purple Monkey dishwasher album on page 3 Devley, your photo is great. At least you are photogenic. I always look as if I'm squinting, frowning, snarling or all of the above. pmsl!! Guess we're all critical of our own photos. Sounds like you're having a great time Laurie. Enjoy!! Off to catch up on all the laundry and h****w**k I didn't do last week, and the week before..................and the week before that as well. lol!! Have a great one Folks, Cheers, luv Rebs x

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 6 Mar 2006 02:35

Afternoon all, I'm all tombstoned out after yesterday! But first things first: WOW Rebs - the dress is gorgeous wow wow wow! I have no idea why you and Tassie are complaining about your photos either! Laurie, reading your stories is next best thing to being there, thank you. I await the next instalment eagerly :) Anna - what a great prayer :) lol Well, we left home at 6am yesterday and arrived at Rookwood for the family get-together at 9.30. Spent most of the day talking with rellies and hunting headstones. Also launched my cousin's book about one side of the family that she has researched. (unfortunately some of her dates are wrong but I haven't told her yet!!) Then hunted for a rellie on John's side of the family and headed for home. Detoured via Liverpool Pioneer Cemetry and spent a further few hours hunting for names on both sides and copying them down. So have lots of info to go through!!!! Finally arrived home at 9 pm. Was it someone on here who gave the hint about wetting the headstones to help see the writing?? Well it was a great hint. Spent my time wandering around Liverpool Pioneer Park with a bottle of water 'baptising' likely looking stones to try and read the writing! pmsl. Now I just have to duck across to the 'naughty corner' to speak to Julie about some chocolate and then answer some messages. looks like I may have a match :) Back later, Vonny

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 6 Mar 2006 04:19

Afternoon Wattlers, Lovely day here, really too nice to be inside, but just had to take the chance to look up some dead peeps. Still waiting on a reply from a hot match that matched with THREE of my rellies, so am sure it is a winner. I get sooo excited, and want an answer to my message NOW,... patience is a virtue they I don't have that virtue lol. Spent some time this morning in the garden, and am thinking we should move somewhere where there are NO water restrictions. I am able to water for I hour between 7-8 in the evening three times a week with a hand held hose. Not quite enough. When we built this house we put in automatic sprinklers for the lawn and garden beds and I have not been able to use them yet 2 and 1/2 years later. OK, i am off to look for some more dead peeps. Take care all, Wilson


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 09:06

Thanks Vonny. The whole dress is made of sequined fabric, and the back of the dress is identical to look at. It looked great on stage, I think because the designs simplicity, although I am still unsure about the design itself. It's the first time I have made one without the traditional celtic knotwork. And it's very!! Donna, still raining here. although we're supposed to have a top of 32 tomorrow. We have a fantastic Italian restaurant around the corner from us. My favorite food. I don't think anything beats Totos in Melbourne though. Italian to die for. lol!! Off to get some dindins. Would you believe I've cooked minestronie? lol!! drop in later. Cheers folk xx

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 6 Mar 2006 09:26

Rebs The dress is gorgeous and you have a beautiful daughter :-) Juliexx PS PM me your addy and I'll send you some praline flakes lol


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 09:32

Thank you Julie, fortunately she doesn't take after her mother. lol Thanks for the flake offer, but customs would probably confiscate (eat) them.................... if they haven't broken into a thousand flakes. ps, since you seem to be a regular here you'd better add your dob to the birthday list. Leave the year out if you wish. lol!! Rebs x


Lewella Report 6 Mar 2006 09:38

Evening All. Back from Sydney with hubby in tow. He had a great time skiing for 3 weeks, but now it's back to reality and the fact that the house needs to be ready for us to move into by the end of the month and that that's looking less and less likely! Drive to Sydney was good, although I still hate Parramatta Road, particularly in the Challenger. Too big a car for such narrow lanes. Had a great night with my friend Petee, the one I'm cruising the Antarctic with next January. We had Thai for dinner and laughed for hours. You're a clever little vegemite, Rebs. Love the dress. So much work! Chat with you all again soon. *Waves to Joodles, Jude, Judy, Judy (this bit's always confusing!), Shazz, Vonny, WT, Lara, Sue, SuzyQ, Tony, Sandra, Mary, extra big wave to Laurie, Gwenda (God, who have I forgotten) Big wave & smiles to everybody and nighty night* Lew Lew xxx

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 6 Mar 2006 09:42

Lew you forgot me :-( Rebs my birthday is 27th September lol Juliexx PS Where's the photo of you???


Judy Report 6 Mar 2006 09:55

Ummmmmm - I missed seeing 'the dress' - c'mon Rebs - where do I see it?? Gidday Laurie me mate - sounds like you are having a right good time. Mary - hurry back - your time is up I think - you are needed here. Lew - loved your pics - many thanks. (love the siamese/burmese cat too) Lara - was looking at the lovely pic from your house of the lake, I am soooo sorry I cant get down there and see you all. Hi to all - I am not even going to try and remember the names - oh all right - Lew, Reb, Laurie, Lara, Vonny, Shazz, Leigh, Sue, Sue, Jude, Jude, Gwen, Heather, Wilson, Cass, uhmmmm oh help - Rudie, JA, Michael, a few newbies, Juliecat, (Im not cheating either) , that is it - I'll say some Heil Merrys if you like - to apologise for the ones I missed (tho Im not a cathlick) Ooops Sandra from the Gong - do you know I saw a ferry wharf up Woy Woy way called Lintern Wharf or Jetty????? Nite all Jood


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 09:57

Joodles, dress is in my album on GC photo page. http://groups(.)msn(.)com/GCPhotospage/ page 3, you can't miss it lol!!


Judy Report 6 Mar 2006 10:46

Finallllllllllllllly found it Reb - your new name threw me off!!! Lotta work in that, you should be really proud. Jood


badger Report 6 Mar 2006 11:01

Hiya peeps ,just popped in to see how you all are this lovely sunny morning. I see mary is still enjoying her holiday,what a card she is,she sent me a lovely little jumper for Lewis with Little Kiwi on the front of it,which was so kind ,needless to say ,i have photo'sof him in it ,and he looks the bees knees,but i won't be putting any of them up just yet ,i want Mary to see them first,which is a sop to the lady cause if she has scottish blood in her veins she may be related to me [poor Mary lol] So nice to find yet another thread with no aggro on it that i will keep popping back if you will let me ,have a nice day everyone and Joodles [waves at joodles.].Fred.


Judy Report 6 Mar 2006 11:07

Hiya Fred me mate - last I heard you were sailing off into the sunset. Hope you had a great holiday. Course you are welcome to join us - they are all mad on this thread. I still check in your thread now and again - to see what you are all up to. Soon you will be getting your spring, and it seems kinda like our autumn (fall) is already here. Its been a short summer this time. I miss Mary on here, not sure when she is due back, but we will get together and have lunch in Sydney one day and hear all about it. Love Jood


Laurie Report 6 Mar 2006 11:27

Hi Wattlers all . . . its just gone mid daz <mondaz here, mz guessing its just gone about the same amount past 10pm in Aust (well some of it anzwaz) Before I go anz further I will explain the spelling . . . I am sick of trzing to rectifz the fingers to fit the German kezboard so . . . it zou dont like it . . . . sorrz . . . (I just assumed thez were all the same worldwide ,. . . WRONG) We had a lovelz night out at <italian last night - eat up a storm on the drid toms <rebs . . . plus lots of other things. Todaz <i have been the good wifez and done the laundrz at the laundromat - booked mzself on a river cruise tomorrow, and been up the hill to the castle ruins - booked us in for dinner there tonight, (its >OK the restraunt has walls! Now its time to hit the shops, and I dropped in to the bus. centre for a break before I walk back out in the snow. Glad zou got hubbz home safe and sound <Lew, get him out there zelling at the builders for zou. Hi Joodles, hope zou got to see a doctor and zour <OK. Hello to all I have spent too long reading now I wont have time to answer. Staz safe and well and cheers from Germanz luv Laurie


Dawnieher3headaches Report 6 Mar 2006 11:34

Hello all of you and please excuse me for butting in am normal so quiet and restrained.. Just incase any of you want to play I have a thread up about Hickory Dickory Dock a game I'm doing that does have a purpose but can't put on here as thread might go. If anyone is interested PM me the more the merrier would be great to make it ll of Genes not just us UK lot. dawnie xx

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 6 Mar 2006 11:37

Good Evening Everyone, Sorry I've been off the boards for a few weeks - spent a lot of time chasing dead people (but then that's what I joined this site for) Best Wishes Ian


Judy Report 6 Mar 2006 19:13

Hi all, - thought you were speaking in Germanz Laurie! lol Hi BR, wondered what you West Aussies were up to - havent heard from any of you for ages! Lara - I mean to say ages ago - Ive done my travelling around Oz in Camper Trailer and Tent - seen all there is to see including tracks, deserts, oasis etc. Even after my little jaunts these days, there's 'no place like home' I have dear friends who would happily live in their caravans forever and ever, but its not for me. Once I could easily adapt from a tent to an 8-star hotel, but these days, I'd rather a motel to an 8-star hotel (which is out of the question!). Love to all Jood


Unknown Report 6 Mar 2006 22:35

*wanders in dejectedly...sniff* come to seek refuge. Dan told me to go do hou....the 'H' word, and Julie and Gwen are still teasing me with praline flakes in my own corner. *waves at Ian* Hiya babe, haven't seen you around for a while. How'er you been?