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·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 8 Mar 2006 02:45

Afternoon everyone, Another perfect day, I love this time of year. Donna, Hope you shins feel better soon, running is so bad for your joints. I would say walking is better, but went for a walk with husb this morn to get the paper. I could hardly keep up, (I think he went fast just to prove something to himself). My legs are longer than his so i shouldn't have any trouble keeping pace. He says i don;t walk, i dawdle, he could be right he he. Vonny, love your classes too, there are a couple my husb could attend. I am in the same boat as Anna, and would be happy to get the remote off him for a while as well :-). OK i am off to search for dead peeps, or at least try to find a birth certificate. Take care all. Wilson


Lewella Report 8 Mar 2006 03:14

Afternoon All. Hubby's just had a meeting with the builder and I'm glad I wasn't there! Kitchen man also copped a blast, so maybe there'll be some action now. Here's hoping we can move in by end March!!! Haven't watched a lot of Dancing with the Stars, but I like Grant Denyer. I'm a big fan of Sunrise. I think Mel and Kochie are great. Chat with you all this evening. Lew Lew xxx :-)))


Trifley Report 8 Mar 2006 05:22

Afternoon all My this is a friendly, chatty thread. It has just taken me a 1/2 hour to catch up on all the gossip. Must admit, tho', some of that time was spent in the 'corner'. That place makes me feel like Wonder Woman. I romp around and have a ball while my strange side has free rein, then I become normal and head back to here. It is the most fun you can have with your clothes on! The wonderful rain we have had here has almost filled the Hinze dam and has made everything in our garden green and lush. The Indian summer we had over the weekend has prompted the crepe myrtle and night scented jasmin to bloom again. They all look good. Hubby & I decided that seeing as how we were having good rain but severe watering restrictions we should put some of our potted plants in the ground. So yesterday we dug and mulched to our hearts content and now have a nice new garden bordering the patio. Should look good next summer when the brunsfelsia (yesterday, today & tomorrow) are in bloom. You are certainly a clever lot. Sewing dresses, tzping in German, being strong willed enough to loose weight and holding down jobs as well as maintaining homes. Isn't it great what the Aussie woman can do?? AND we do it all WITHOUT flakes and praline!!! :))) Have a great afternoon ............ I am off to work on the family photo album. Toodle ooo Trifley

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 8 Mar 2006 05:24

Afternoon Wattlers, Cloudy today in the Gong but no rain. I to love watching Dancing with the Stars, not a fan of daryl Summers either Joodles. Love to watch Grant he is a case and a half and also a great fan of Sunrise as well Tassie and All saints. Amazing Race is another favourite series just started again. Have been listening to talk back radio today ( have only just started to listen to them) the main topic today is about all the African refugees and the illnesses they have and a lot not being screened, especialy Aids, Tb Hep B to name just a few. It is quite a concern when you listen to it and the cost involved to treat all these people. TB is also on the increase again, I wonder why? And when our heath system is a bit on the crook side, well better get down off the soap box now otherwise will be getting into trouble catch you all next time Sandra in the Gong


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 05:37

Okay, it's unanimous, we all loath Daryl Somers. God, that man can prattle on like an old woman on a speed trip. And someone really needs to tell him he isn't all!!! Should've stuck to hostng childrens television. lol!! I am so bored. I'm never bored usually!! After all the stress last week of getting the dress finished in time, this week I'm exhausted. Can't seem to be arsed doing anything. And it's all hot and humid again. : (( Roll on winter....please.


Trifley Report 8 Mar 2006 05:51

Just dropped in on my way back from the 'corner'. Is it me or is that place getting crazier? My 2 cents worth about 'Dancing with the stars'..... can't stand Darrell Sommers either. Do like Grant Denyer but think my vote would go to Kostya Zu (spelling?). Imported illnesses....unfortunately our health system (particularly here in Qld) would not cope with a major outbreak of some illness such as TB. I think innocculations for these diseases should be compulsary. There I go....shooting my mouth off again. But I am sick of being politically correct, standing with my head down, not saying anything for fear of offending some noisy minority group. Perhaps I should go to the 'corner' AFTER I come here not before. I think a little of 'Wonder Woman' just slipped out. See y'all later folks Trifley


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 05:57

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Trifley, back to the naughty corner with thee. pmsl!!! ps got a pack of monte bikkies (whats left of them) yummy Dark I allowed to say that? pmsl!!


TonyOz Report 8 Mar 2006 07:28

Arvo Wattlers.Warming up again down South, and 33c expected for friday, so looks like B.B.Q weather again for the weekend. Was listening to the news on the car radio this morning, and yet another stabbing inccident in the outer suburbs of Melb. Thats about 5 or 6 stabbings in Melb. over the last month, and 3 that happened within 24 hrs, with one bloke stabbing his wife 20 times in front of there 8 year old. What the heck is going on, and what a terrible impression this will leave on a childs memory. Well Melbourne streets are gearing up, and getting ready for the up-coming Commonwealth games, and many cars are being diverted on there way to work. Sections of the bayside up around the St.Kilda and Port Melb are fenced off, and Tents and Marque's dotted along the shoreline. It's going to be havoc on the roads over the next few weeks, and a normally 45 min drive took me 90 min to reach my destination this morning. Melbourne road system is bad at anytime of the morning, and the Freeways are chocka's from 8:00 am till 10:00 am on any day, so there will be a lot of smoke coming out of motorist ears as they try desperatley to get to work over the next few weeks.It's a good thing petrol is cheap.....Hmmmmm We watch dancing with the stars ( both being ex Ballroom dancers. ) and both cant stand Darrell Sommers. He just isn't right for this kind of show, and mumble's his way through it with corny jokes. All this talk about Praline flakes, flakes and Chocolate whatever' Cant beat a Tim Tam bikkie, or a Teddy Bear biscuit dunked ( you know when it goes soft and falls inta ya cofee. ) and ya look around to see if anyone is watchin, before you stick ya fingers in and scoop it out....... Bring back the biggggg thick'WAGON WHEEL' biscuit...i say.....:>)) The Choccy flake's you buy to-day are no thicker than a pencil. 'POLLY WAFFLE' lovers of the world unite........:>)).Yuuuuuummm. Lara. Thanks for the Scotland web site mate. Lots of info on it. ta x Well better go cook something for tea. Toast sounds good. Hope everyone had a great day. Tony Oz...... The Polly Waffler...:>))


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 07:54

Lol Rudes, shouldn't that be Polly Wattler! *heads back to naughty corner for telling corny jokes*


Trifley Report 8 Mar 2006 07:54

Hi folks.....I'm back again. While I was fiddleing around with the family album I thought I might start one on the photopage. So if any of you are interested in seeing what a wine trifle really looks can find it in my album. Hi Tony.....if you want a wagon wheel you will find them in the Arnott's shelves in the grocery stores. Unfortunately Weston's sold the line to Arnotts. I love them but we have an embargo on Arnott's biscuits in this family more Wagon wheels for me. And pollywaffles.....after all that talk in the 'corner' i raced out to buy me some but no luck. Couldn't find them any where. I will keep looking tho' as I like a bit of waffle now & then! Lets hope they haven't gone over to the dark side too. 'Bye Trifley


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 08:06

Donna, did you watch extra tonight? One of the storylines was the potatoe diet. One woman lost 18 kilos in 3 months, but you have to cut out bread, rice and pasta. (cutting out pasta hurts a bit since I love Italian) But eating tatties for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and any way you like?? Diet made in heaven..................yummy!!! Trifley, loved the photos. You are very photogenic. xx

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 8 Mar 2006 08:40

Gday, evening at least well devily you earned your name with that one didn't ya hhheeee , still havnt decided which pic wasn't real must go and have another look lol Anna you have no idea how much I could murder Daryl Somers he is so false and Sonia as well gushy stupid woman, you makes bad taste jokes that werent funny the first time I heard them some 4o years ago, the concept is great and I like Kosta Szeur too he is a real nice bloke ,funny a great dancer just needs to act more with it , but the shouldnt have got rid of Luke he did such a great job last night so improved from his first night they should have got rid of that Kate Lambrook she s a dill and couldn't dance to save her self and sorry but Simone Warne is a dreadful dancer and she drives me mad. Reb I have to tell you I'm an old woman who has to take speed booohooo and sometimes only sometimes of course can't shutup so now you've really done your dash and you will be sleeping in the garage girl course you've been and gone and hurt me feelings big time, and no amount of grovelling or crawling will help unless of course you come bearing gifts such as a bottle of Baileys or something else equally noice really noice like that that we can drink before the others get here hhheee. OMG people bringing in these diseases that we got rid off or never had before here it's a disgrace and the government dept responsible ought to be shot.OK off the soap box now . Sandra the amazing race is one of my favs too and have watched every one from the first one that they used to put on here at 11:30pm at night then when it won at the Awards they decided that it should be on earlier thank heaven , the other show that is the best ever to come out of the USA is Third Watch and they Bu***R around with that too and make me very cross Trifly Dianne yesterday, today, and tomorrow, brunsfelsia is one of my favourite plants I have two in the garden here but can't get them to flower like they do in Queensland . If you ever go to or near Gympie there is a antique shop on the Noosa rd that looks like a house a long building and you go in there when ytt is in flower the whole place smells divine they have the best plant of it I have ever seen so much so that I thought it was a climber as it was when I saw it about 8ft tall after I bought mine both of them I found out the two I have are not the perfumed one as only one is strongly perfumedand I havn't yet got that one but will. In indropilly too lots of houseshave it and just driving around there is lovely when its flowering. Joodles I have been determined to learn a second language and I chose Italian and bought a program for the putor to do it and havn't looked at it for months as well as the excercise bike lol should take it to the naughty cnr with me sit on the excercise bike while sorting those naughty peeps out in the cnr, and speak to them in only Italian heehe Anna too much info you and hubby been hard at it omg I nearly had a coronary when I read that girl. Vonny have had those classes up on the notice board in my kitchen for a while and had the ones I thought Mike should do circled and he wrote no way get alife woman on it just goes to show you he thought they were for real Lew the builders weren't Ezy Homes were they that is the name of the builders from hell that Cassie is taking to court because they shouldnt be allowed to build a dogs kennel. Better go and hope we do hear from Mike before he goes back thats if he goes back lol well will say ny nite now see Reb can't shutup when just have taken a tablet hehe Bye all Love Lara


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 08:55

PMSL Lara................btw, I don't do grovel very well. And I'm actually happy to sleep in a boat on the lake as long as I get a break from here. lol!!


Judy Report 8 Mar 2006 09:32

Ooooh - wot was the tatie diet all abart????? So Im not the only one who can't stand Daryl - stupid idiot he is. I think he performs for himself. Trifley - peeked at your pics - very nice, noticed you had your View Club badges on - I am Program Officer for the Springwood View Club - you going to Geelong for the convention this year?? Lara, I'd rather trz tzping german methinks - much easier than Eye talyon Jood


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 09:40

The diet was great Jood. You can eat tatties brekky, lunch dinner, whenever. And however you like them, potatoe and tomatoe omelet, tattie and tuna pie, baked tatties, wedges, unlimitless. But you have to cut out bread, rice and pasta, and you should be sparing with the additives such as butter and sour cream. apart from that your diet is basically normal. Meats, fish, other vegies etc. Sounds pretty good to me. Rebs x


Judy Report 8 Mar 2006 10:17

Now now - Reb - MYYYYYYY tater salad is to die for - so if you think your's is better'n mine and Lara thinks hers is better than yours - then weez all gonna hafta swop recipes. (I bin looking at ya thread) *wunders if chips are acceptable* Does that naughty cat follow you round wherever you go Reb???????? Jood


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 10:30

lol!! pity you wont be at Y'wonga Jood, we could have had a tattie salad bakeoff. lol!! Yeah, the cat thingy person loves me. She'd better not rub up against me though. I think chips are okay, 'pending on what you cook them in. And fat ones are better than skinny ones. like 'em fat, I do.

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 8 Mar 2006 10:39

Evening all, Rainbow chocolate covered ginger just doesn't sound the same! lol I wondered what had happened to Wagon Wheels - Hubby loves them but a while ago they went small - more like wheel-barrow wheels! must of been when the company changed hands. Minding grand daughter today. She is such a joy. Poor daughter is quite sick this time with number 2. I have tomorrow off so will chat then :) Vonny

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 8 Mar 2006 10:40

yes Joodles should be coming to Yarrawonga and we could make the rest of the crew pick the one they like the best and determine once and for all which potatoe salad is the ultimate one lol


Gwenda Report 8 Mar 2006 21:03

Morning all, Rebs - what a dress, congratulations on a job well done - certainly different from what we normally associate with Irish dancing - I know I wouldn't have had the patience to do all that. Used to knit a lot which was okay but hated the sewing up - lol All Polly Waffle droolers - try Coles - know they sell them here in Canberra - not sure about Woolies - don't think I've seen them there. To all weight loss achievers - good on ya - count me in - after Easter, daughter's birthday, when I finish me Fruitchocs ..... no really - I do try to eat healthy and am keeping up with the walking. Did an hours gardening yesterday and a couple on the ironing - just got to keep moving, moving, moving. Lara - thanks for the emails - love 'em Guess what I'm watching at 4.30 each day - no not B&B - Top Cat - loved that cartoon. At least OH can come home from work and play games on puta while I'm busy with TC, Fancy, Brain, Benny & Choo Choo and of course the long suffering Officer Dibble. Well time to start the day proper - hi to everyone - too many to mention without offending if I miss someone. Hope you all have a great day. Catch you later Gwenda