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.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 9 Mar 2006 09:24

Good morning everyone :-) I have not seen any fish (except the salmon in my fridge lol) The scarfs are gorgeous, I have a cream one. I haven't been around cos I was at college all day. Lew would love to see pics of this house if possible. Have fun everyone :-) Juliexx


Aussieone Report 9 Mar 2006 09:27

Hi All Jude 2 Sorry I thought I mentioned in one of my first couple of pm's that you needed to book to go through Cadbury's, pity they didnt make an excepting and let you buy some goodies in their shop. Tony and Barb Happy Anniversary to you both. Tony is it something that Victorian males have with this 'Blokey' thing. David, being an ex Vic loved your little poem and asked me if you know the song Bloke!!!! Me personally all I can say is you blokes had to copy Meredith Brooks, and her version is the best lol. anyway hope you had a great day, I have to wait til 22 June, but we have only been together for 4 years then, Gee it only seems like we got together yesterday, they say time flies when you are having fun he he. Well apart from having a lovely 24 today expecting 26 tomorrow only getting down to about 10 overnight, not that cold !!!! still running around in tshirt and trousers, sorry Jude couldnt help myself. You can laugh back at me when we come over there in April, when we are probably the only ones running around in Tshirt, pedal pushers and thongs. Well I will leave it at that so I can have my last meal of the day, yummy fruit, better than tatties lol. Cheers Sue


Cilla Report 9 Mar 2006 10:08

Evening all Hot sticky & wet in Mackay today but still beautiful. I am happy tonight as Jim is home again after spending 4 days away in Mackay (we live 55km away now) we had a small car accident last Sunday & as we had a loaner car from the dealership while we are waiting for a new one we didn't have wheels until today he has borrowed his nephews ute for a few days,hopefully we get some news from the solicitors tomorrow on when my money is being released from my house sale,stupid solicitor forgot to tell me that the money goes into their trust account until the property settlement papers are stamped by the courtsAnyway enough of my gibbering how is everyone I have missed what you are all up to as I have been getting settled into my new house but now that I have more time I will keep up with you all. Will talk to you all later. Love Cilla ps Happy anniversary to Tony & Barb.


TonyOz Report 9 Mar 2006 10:36

Evening Wattlers....:>)) OMG!!!.....someones been inper,inpersa,inpersona......pretending to be me..... and written a terrible poem about my Barb........the cad. I would never,ever,ever,ever,never write stuff like that, or even think about such things...... I'm a gentleman. Joodles. Ya know me to well mate.......and we aint even met....:>)) Thanks everyone for your wishes..:>)) Barb and i have been to-gether for 13 years, and we look upon the 9th of March as a sorta Anniversary of the time i proposed to her. ( as we ain't hitched......yet ) Lara. I was looking through the msn Photo/piccie board, and noticed you and Mike married in May 1973.....Carolyn ( my first wife ) and i married in Feb 1973....I wore a light blue pin striped suit, with flagged/flared pants bottoms, a vest and double breasted It was about 36c ( in the shade ).and we were all sweating like crazy, and the girls flowers were drooping with exhaustion.........LOL... .....Anyone else marry in 73.?? C'mon...tell us about your wedding day. Anna. Barb is the idle of my eye mate, and without her i would be sitting at some bar, probably flat broke. She has a very bubbly personality, and a good sport, but she can also give as good as she gets. Its the Irish blood in her, and she packs a mean punch. I have the scars to prove Well,.. off to give me girl a cuddle, and just hope Barb dont catch me....LOL Tony Oz..:>))

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 9 Mar 2006 11:34

HI Trifly don't say Bloody on here cause you might offend the poms lol just heard the poms won't play our tourism ads because they say Bloody on it have you ever heard such utter BS in your life? Do they watch their own tv shows or what? Bloody is every second word on some of their TV shows .What are they on about for goodness sake? I love Jacaranda's Dianne and wanted to put one out the front of our house and we removed the nature strip tree and now Mike won't let me put my Jacaranda in one day when he's not here it will magically appear like when the birds drop tomatoe seeds in my garden and tomatoes keep popping up,it will be have to be a large one though and be put in in the winter and the problem is we never stay here for winter and you can't expect house sitters to plant trees for we have lavender here that grows really well and we have heaps or iris's too and they love the weather and the soil here too and of course the roses grow well but are such hard work to keep looking nice. Well you girls keep talking about Polly Waffles and I did love them once and the best cure for that is what happened to me with two of my favourites them and Toblerones I was only on a second date with some bloke and he bought me a polly waffle at the movies and we both ate them during the movie and mine didn't taste nice and so I left half of it and didn't eat it and said when the lights came on do you want this and handed it to him and he said oh yuk and when i looked at it was crawling with grubbie things and I vomited there and then all over this bloke and guess what don't remember his name cause I never heard from him again boo hoo and similar story with a Toblerone too so havn't eat one of those since either. Have to go as going to watch the end of Amazing Race so goodnight all love Lara


Gwenda Report 9 Mar 2006 12:53

Late Happy Anniversary wishes to Tony & Barb. Loved the poem. OH and I married in '78 - stayed in hotel where reception was held as we flew down from Alice to marry. His bowling mates and a couple of my friends came back to the room after - got us in the mood when the projector and blue movies came out -pmsl - bet not too many peeps can say they watched porn on their wedding night. On that note I'll take myself off to the naughty corner - bad luck Jude didn't get to Cadbury's - I could have a pig out - finished my fruchocs tonight. Catch you tomorrow Gwenda


TonyOz Report 9 Mar 2006 13:24

Gwenda. I noticed on Foxtrot Freds thread, you lived in Alice for a while. Alice springs is my all time favourite holiday spot in Oz. I just love this part of Oz, and Palm Valley, Ross River Resort, Simpsons Gap,Kings Canyon,Uluru,Kata Juta, Devils marbles,all the Gorge's, and the beautiful MacDonnell Ranges. ( sigh )......:>)) I have done some Oil Painting while holidaying here, as the colors are unique. Barb loves the Alice also, and its a toss up between our favourite. The Whitsundays or the N.T.......but they are chalk and cheese, and i guess we get best of both worlds. The Desert or the Coast......good thing i'm a Love your story about your wedding We stayed at a Motel in Melb. and it was treat to see one of those beds with the coin slots ( Vibrating /massaging bed ).....I wacked about $3:00 of coins in it on our wedding was such a novelty and so relaxing......we both fell asleep!!! Ain't love grand...:>)) Tony Oz..:>))


Judy Report 9 Mar 2006 19:39

I too love Alice, Tony – been to all those places except Kata Juta???? (Well I cant recall the name) I certainly agree with you about the beautiful MacDonnel Ranges. Whilst I didn’t climb the rock, I was lucky enough to fly over it. My dear Dad has passed away in Perth, and I broke my camping trip to fly home for the funeral. I’m sure Dad arranged for me to fly over the rock – both ways! I might add, at the funeral, everyone was dressed conservatively in suits and dresses, and here’s me in camping boots and oversize jacket. I did kinda stand out. The nicest thing about funerals though, is seeing relatives – and I was thrilled to see a nephew I hadn’t seen for some 40 odd years. But the Alice is only one of many beautiful spots in Australia. The old ruins in Dalhousie Springs in a sort of oasis is beautiful, as is Purni Bore. And as I have mentioned on here before – one could spend months touring around Far North Queensland – ooooh – and don’t for get the beautiful Flinders Ranges in South Oz. *reminiscing of days gone past* Jude ooops - sorry, Jood


Gwenda Report 9 Mar 2006 20:47

Morning all Wattlers, Ooohhh Tony - do they still have those beds somewhere - what a hoot that would have been - pmsl Joodles - Kata Juta is the Olgas - Tony & I are just showing off - lol I used to look at the MacDonnell Ranges every day - just loved them. They changed colour too as the day progressed. Another good spot is The Gemtree - out around Harts Range - you go out there and fossick to your hearts content - the one place the kids could get dirty without being told off and they just stayed in the car - d'oh. The radio this morning is full of the poms banning our tourism ad - wonder what Alf Garnett would say. Apparently it breaches their advertising standards because it has a swear word in it - never mind that their movies are full of the 'f' word - that must be okay. Weird world we live in - when I was younger b****y was about the worst you could say until the Americans started using the 'f' word on a regular basis and the poms and us copied - now it's rare to hear a teenager say b****y. Gotta move - I'm back to work this arvo - gee I've enjoyed this week at home not being interrupted by work on Wednesday but it's back to the grind now - well until the end of the month when we are back to Adelaide for a family gathering. Have a great day everyone - catch you later Gwenda


Judy Report 9 Mar 2006 20:54

Gwenda, I guess I am old fashioned .... or stubborn!!!! It will always be Ayers Rock and The Olgas to me! I do recall Gemtree also. - whooooooooooo - I shouldnt be here, I m due out shortly .... catch yas all later. Jood


Unknown Report 9 Mar 2006 20:59

FFS!!! What's wrong with our add? Thought it was pretty bloody good myself. I understand they have beeped out the offending? word, but I bet they haven't blacked out her t*ts nearly falling out of their restraints.!! ?????????????????????????????

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 9 Mar 2006 22:59

Morning Wattlers Have been reading all your messages and PMSL. You have made my days, have had gastro bug last few days (its a hell of a diet). Still had to come to work tho, ( I want a job with sick days! - pouting and stamping feet), no fun when its your own business and there is no one to work for you. Enough wingeing - feeling better today. A belated happy anniversary to Tony & Barb. What a blokey poem - haven't heard that one before. We were also married in 1973 - June 23rd - it was the coldest June day in Melbourne since 1886 (or close to it). Everyone in the photos look frozen, - white knuckles /blue lips. There is a photo with my veil horizontal and the wind chill was - well bbrrrrr! Ken wore a lovely purple velvet suit, flared trousers of course and every time the kids look at the wedding photos they give him heaps. He even had the long Elvis sideburns. He told me if I was late to the church - he wasn't waiting around - so I got there 15 mins early and the minister made me wait until the dot of 4.00 pm. He must be the only man to do a dip down and up under the veil when the minister said you may kiss the bride. He claims he didn't know he had to lift the veil back off my face to do the deed. The whole congregation just burst out laughing. We had a lovely 2 day honeymoon in Mildura, we were broke after putting on a deposit to start building our house. Plus the wedding had to be put forward 6 months (in a hurry!) I used to love polly wafftles until one day at a friends place some bright spark decided it would be funny to slip one in the swimming pool while everyone was having a great time - you have never seen a pool evacuated so quickly - first glance it did look quite real floating around. Ken and the boys are chocaholics - I would prefer some nice cheese, biccies and olives. mmmm. Our oldest son sits down with a good book and a family block of choc and just eats it like a biscuit. Lara you bought back some horrible memories - Ken had bought a wagon wheel to eat at the pictures (when we were first going out, he opened it up and offered me first bite - it was full of ants - I did manage to make it out of the theatre - just - but it was a revolting experience. Don't feel quite the same way about chocolate like I used to - especially wagon wheels - on the rare occasion I buy a packet of them for the guys I have to split them in half just to check. lol. Glad to hear Laurie is no longer lost. Much as I don't like the heat, I'm still glad I'm here and not in UK or Europe brrr! Mind you had our split system put in the cottage this week - so I don't care how hot it gets this weekend. I'm going to be cool, cool, cool! We are doing the floors this weekend in the cottage - more b*****y dust and dirt. I have a feeling talking about b****y - that a lot more people are going to use the phrase 'where the b*****y hell are you? Well its 9.55am in Melbourne - 'where the b****y hell are you all? lol catch you later jude 3 YV


Gwenda Report 9 Mar 2006 23:25

Trifly - reading your message about Simone Warne & dancing - if that's what she thinks she's doing - here is a quote from Shane in an interview he did with Jana Wendt in The Bulletin - 'They're (his kids) going to see it as my fault - which is the case', he said. But at least Simone got a career out of it. 'She understands the reason she's getting these opportunities. She wouldn't have got them if she wasn't with me,' Warne said. I'm sure she's still there only because his fingers have been texting like crazy - she should have gone after the first night. Hopefully Kate will go next week - she's not taking it seriously at all. Anyone watching The Biggest Loser - I'm a bit worried that some of these challenges are way OTT - I'm waiting for someone to have a heart attack on the show - exercise is one thing but running up and down steps 25 times is toooo much. I'd better move it, move it or I might end up on the next series - lol. Catch you later Gwenda


Lewella Report 9 Mar 2006 23:28

I'm bloody well here, Jude 3, great to hear from you. Sorry you've not been feeling well. You didn't eat some of the salad I managed to poison myself with about a week ago, did you? pmsl Oh yes, the old floating polly waffle joke. That brings back memories. All this talk about NT and now I want a holiday. S'pose I'd better move into that new house first! Off to Dubbo shopping for furniture tomorrow. Goodie. I lllloooovvvvveeee shopping. Hope all you Wattlers have a wonderful day. Chat soon. Lew Lew xxx


Lewella Report 9 Mar 2006 23:46

Sorry, couldn't resist, yiipeee 800. Hooray, let's celebrate!!!!! Coooo Eeeee (and bloody, bloody, bloody!!!!!!)


Judy Report 10 Mar 2006 02:14

You got me b****dy giggling here Lew Lew - and you didnt even bother to put yourself in the NC this time - I spose you reckon it was justified lol I could just see you saying it! I think its about the only swear word I use - How can one say 'hell' - it absolutely HAS to be 'b****dy hell' to put substance to the occasion! I must confess to using s**t under my breath sometimes tho. You have to go to Dubbo for shopping - ? I'd have thought Bathurst would have been closer??? Yes Gwenda - Im watching 'the greatest loser' - I too am surprised with the things they have to do - its more like that other show where they are living on desert islands and having to eat grose food and do all sorts of almost impossible tasks. I thought in this show, they would just do exercises and diet, and thats how the winner would arrive - the one who lost the most. I think I am a candidate for the 'greatest putter onner' pmsl Oh well, Im off to have my feet 'done', Cheers Jood


Lewella Report 10 Mar 2006 03:16

Hi Jood, s'pose I should send myself to the NC, but bloody hell why should I!!! lol Dubbo has bigger and better showing and is about the same distance as Bathurst. You're not getting your feet done by the 'Tender in the NC are you, 'cause I think he's otherwise occupied, lol. Lew Lew xxx


Trifley Report 10 Mar 2006 03:19

Hi Wattlers I don't care what terrible stories you bloody lot come up with.......... I still like polly waffles! Lew Lew before you start piling all that new furniture up against your new walls, remember.............power points! They should be double points and there should be at least one in every wall. We moved into this house 2 years ago and found that all the points (what there was of them!) were singles! Untill we snagged a friendly electrician to update things we had extension leads running all over the place. You don't have to use them......but if you need them, by god the're handy. And don't forget the most important room in the house............. the one with the computer, monitor, printer, fax, modem, desk lamp, speakers and of course bar fridge to keep the charddy cold! By the way........this house was built by poms. Don't they use electrical appliances in England? Have just added another clown loach to the fish tank (another $10). This time we have fitted it with a homeing device so that if anyone gets hungry and tries to nick it we can follow it right to the culprit hee hee! Glad to hear Laurie is safe.........thought we might have to send out a search party for her. Ohh shucks, that would have meant we all would have to pack up and go to Europe to look for her........bugger! Good luck to all you dieters. I'll let you know how much I lose with my special 'clean as a whistle' diet next monday ha ha ha :) Tony.....a hubby is one of those! Could be good or bad hee hee :) Had better toddle off for a while. Have to do all the ironing from yesterdays wash. Hugs to all the wonderful waffle wattlers! Trifley


TonyOz Report 10 Mar 2006 03:38

Arvo Wattles........... Guess What!! Tony Oz.. :>))

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 10 Mar 2006 03:43

Lew Lew good luck with the shopping - I would rather shop for household furniture etc that clothes any day. Let me know if you find a shop on your travels with a dressing room that has a mirror that makes you look like Megan Gale or Elle Mac Pherson instead of the short waisted, dumpy reflections I always get. Do all dress shops have 'fat' mirrors or am going to the wrong ones? lol. Maybe I should start watching biggest loser , my boys keep telling me that I'm cuddly - hhmmpphh!!! Of to make a cuppa, the dead peeps are driving me nuts today, as well as the live ones I have to talk to! Catch you later Jude 3 YV