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Aussiegirl Report 6 Mar 2006 22:56

Hi all you lovely peeps.. Weather is warming up again and thank goodness for that.. not ready to don the winter gear yet...Back in Wanganui today and having a few quiet days before we head off to Auckland on thursday.via a few county places to visit family. Fred glad you got the little object for Lewis, sorry it is not big enough for you to wear but they didnt have your size...LOL Did you like the pic. of my favourite mountain...Rupee was very kind and let me use his puta... Thanks Rupee.... Sandra How are you .. are we getting some rain as I am a bit worried about my garden.. dont think it will die on me while I am here but heres hopeing...if there is any rain just send it up the coast please.. Joodles.. Glad you are keeping the mob in order while I am away,, are you behaving yourself..hope not. now see you have a german cousin...he.h. she sure types with a german accent...LOL Lara Hope you are enjoying the pool.. Laurie Hope you are enjoying the Bratworst.. very fattening,, but nice with chips... I am having to go on a no food diet when I get home.. Love to you all and hope everyone is well Love


Lewella Report 6 Mar 2006 23:39

Morning All. Sorry you're being picked on Rebs. Those nasty girls and their blasted praline flakes. Just remember, what you eat today, walks and talks tomorrow!!! Good to hear from you Laurie. Yes, I think Terry 'zelling' at the builders will do the trick!!!! LOL Sorry I left you out JulieCat. How could I forget you!!! *Waves madly to everyone and doesn't even attempt to name each individual. Big cheesy grin (hubby's home hooray)* Lew Lew xxx :-)

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 7 Mar 2006 01:58

Just a very quick duck in for lunch break. Nice to see some peeps back again. I'll answer more fully when I get home. (hopefully) I have a thread on general that you all should see :) pmsl. it's about evening classes for men. The time differences play havock with trying to join in with a thread! Vonny


Lewella Report 7 Mar 2006 02:43

Looking trimmer already Donna! I've been watching the Biggest Loser and feel more motivated already. Can't wait to move into the new house - lap pool and gym equipment await!!! I, too, need to drop a stone, then I'll be happy. Problem for me is the wine. I eat well, just drink too much. We should start a skinny Aussie thread and encourage each other, you know, like AA. Every time we're tempted, we just get on the thread and beg for help. LOL. Lew Lew (looking thinner just talking about it!)

Jude 3

Jude 3 Report 7 Mar 2006 04:01

Good afternoon Wattlers, Tried to see Rebs photo of the 'dress' but Aust Surnames only have 2 pages where have all the rest gone? Could someone else have a look please - dying to see the pic. Did see Sue and Jude 2. Its great to hear of Laurie's travels. Well feeling a bit battered and bruised after a weekend of housewrecking. Not fun pulling down ceilings and levering up floor boards in 39 deg. I ended up with heat stroke and a big telling off. But we did save ourselves a few thousand $$$$'s - so it was all worth it in the end. Mind you I'm surprised no one took a photo of us to put in the paper as we had a 6x4 trailer with with 3 1/2 metre floor boards on it - there was more than half the floor boards not on the trailer. Did 40 kmph on the back road and luckily didn't see another car! whew! Had a shower and was making mud pies I was filthy. Haven't had that much dirt on me since I was kid. Our daughter was speechless - just so glad she didn't take a photo - its one I definitely wouldn't want on aust. surnames! Sorry this is a quick hello today, not even supposed to be a work . Hi to everyone - catch you tomorrow. Jude 2 YV update - just re-read Rebs message - been looking in the wrong place - must be the heatstroke! Back again - Rebs the Dress is gorgeous!! - congratulations to you (the important seamstress) and you lovely talented daughter.

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 7 Mar 2006 04:02

G'day All you Wafflers, Vonny loved the mens night classes thread, how clever. Laurie sounds like your having a good time, it's great to get a progress report on what your up to, look forward to hearing about the river cruise. Mary Glad your having a good time, no we haven't had any rain in the Gong so I expect your garden will be a bit sad unless the Northern beaches had some and we diden't. Reb had a look at the dress, your so clever to make that, I have been to Irish dances comps and have seen the dresses, the work that goes into them and the price of them to buy , goodness. Fred nice to see you drop in again, I always used to like reading your posts when on the other thread, hope your wife is well? Jude hope you are having a good time in Tassie, don't buy to much chockie if going to Cadbury's, it is such a temptation to buy everything in the shop. Joodles are you staying home for a while now or are you off again soon ( good luck to you) Too everyone else to many to mention just now hope you are all well and happy. catch you all later Sandra in the Gong

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 7 Mar 2006 04:14

Afternoon All, Just passing by, been in the garden again today......lots of sure i won't be able to move tomorrow:-). Hope everyone is well, lovely to read about everyones travels and news. Take Care Wilson

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 7 Mar 2006 04:27

Jude YV this is the address for the dress NOT surname list: http://groups(.)msn(.)com/GCPhotospage/ page 3 purplemonkeywhatsit..... (don't feel bad, I did exactly the same thing :0) Oooooo Laurie speaks Germanz how clever. lol Cheer up Rebs, is it only ONE type of choccy they have?? Poor things, don't deprive them of their satisfaction. :) Actually, I was amazed at how much Aust chocolate is in demand especially in America. DIL sends regular 'comfort parcels' home to her family. When they go home at Christmas they just fill their cases with Cadbury's. I have just found a fifth cousin twice removed in Oz and a step-cousin very removed in England :) Isn't life grand. Also *chuckle* a VERY tenuous link with Henryviii. Makes a change from convicts. Lew Lew, do you think just offering one evening class a term might work?? Vonny


TonyOz Report 7 Mar 2006 04:46 that frightened ya's.!! O'cast day in malben, and might get a bit of rain ( if where lucky ) Wonder if Lesley ( up in Sydney ) found out about her humongous killer Moth? Lesley put out a distress call last night to the Wattlers, about a monster lurking in her back yard among the wood pile. Apparently, it had eaten one of her cows, and was attacking a large Croc near the house. Vonny, Rebs and i kept her on-line ( to calm her down ) and i hope it ( The Moth ) didn't carry her away into the mountains and cocoon her all up. We were trying to ascertain if Lesley had been hitting the 'ginger wine' ( bottle )...but she sent a Photo of it, and it looked authentic, apart from the battery sticking out the back of it.?? Hope your O'k Lesley...if your reading this...our thoughts are with you..... just hang in there now.....:>)) Guten arben Laurie. Das ist ser gut of yer to sprekin in deutch mein Howya goin mate.........are you giving the plastic a bit of a belting?...hope your having a great time. Hi Ian. Hope your well mate. I'm stil chasing my dead peeps.....but they keep shifting to different grave yards on me. Fred. It's always relaxing on the Wattle thread mate. The benefits of this thread is, that you can Waffle on......and no-body cares, as long as you report in every now and it saves looking up the obituary column in the newspaper to see who's missing, which reminds me.......wonder how Mike ( Geordie ) is........might have been arrested for wearing socks and sandals in Q.L.D. Mary. If your off to Auckland, ya gotta go to 'Tony's' restaurant...hee hee..... Absolutley beautiful food there. Its not far from the Tower ( same street, heading down the hill...... opposite side ) Lovely spot. Joodles. I'm like you, prefer 4-5 star now. Did all me camping and trecking around Oz as a teenager. Like me comfort now when Barb and i go on holidays, except for the odd fishing trip. Lara. Good to see you have found the Vivian's and Stock families, you must be thrilled to have actually found relo's that were listed on the Index's and the shipping records Have you put the O'day/O'dea/Day, Kavanaugh/ Cavanaugh/Cavanagh/Caviner, in the to hard basket.......or have you just dis-owned them? Well the fridge is beckoning, and its time for a V.B....:>)) plus, i gotta go over to the records office and do a few more look-ups. G'day to everyone else, and hope you all had a great day. Tony Oz...:>))


Judy Report 7 Mar 2006 04:49

Hi Wafflers, sorry Wattlers I reallz didnt know it was so easz to learn Germanz - reckon I would pass ???? Wilson - my next trip is 22-23 April - a fair way off - down to Canberra, though I am on standby for a pending funeral at any time down to Nowra/Berry. Am dreading driving down there as I have never driven there myself. (The Canberra trip being by bus) The following weekend while you are all languishing in Lara's pool drinking Baileys - I will be heading off to Forster for 3 days. That's as far as I've looked in my diary to date ! Back to the h********k!!! Jood


SuzyQ Report 7 Mar 2006 05:29

Good Afternoon Wattlers, Another very hot and humid day in my neck of the woods. It was lovely at the weekend when it cooled down for a while. Who was it that said it had been a short summer? I can't remember having a winter last year, it was very mild. Summer seems to have lasted for ever. Roll on winter I say. Rebs, the dress is lovely. You should be glad that i can't do the Irish dancing because I would be knocking your door down to make one for me. Your daughter is also very beautiful, like her Mum, ( though I had better butter you up a bit incase I do decide to take up the dance ). Is that the daughter who wears the dress? Mary, I am glad that you are enjoying your holiday and hope that you arrive home refreshed. How is John, is he feeling better? Laurie, you are stirring up a lot of very old memories for me. I was surprised that there was still the smell of 4711, as you don't hear of it very often now. Your train journey sounded very much like a coach trip I did along the Rhine, with all the vineyards on the hillsides and the castles. It was very beautiful. The food also, I can imagine the cheese platter, I can even taste it. Every thing was of a very high quality in Germany I found. I hope that the exhibition is going well for Ray and he gets lots of orders. If you get a chance, try the chips with mayonaise. Yummy. You must eat them outside though. Hi Fred, how ya doin. Hope the old ticker is holding up. Wilson, I am another one with out much patience when waiting for replies from hot matches. I hope yours turns out better than mine, when he eventually got back to me is was to tell me he had lost contact with that part of the family. Makes you wonder why they do their family tree in the first place if they don't keep contact with living rellies. I really wanted to contact this one. He is a cousin that I have never met, and he may not even know that I exist. My uncle spread himself out a bit during WW2. Tony, I may need your help again soon, to find out about someone who arrive in 1875 with his children. Let you know later. Just had a though Rebs. You should send a drawing of your dress the Forester creations, who knows you may make it on to the Bold and the Beautiful with your designs. Give Ridge a run for his money. Donna, good for you. I will have to take a leaf ou of your book and try to get back to the excersing. I must say my sciatica is much better now the rack must be working. I try to eat healthily all the time because I have diabetes, but it's the excersice that is important. Sorry about your son's birthday, I see that Sizzlers is open again now so you will have to take him for a special treat this weekend. We also went to surfers last Friday but we only went to see the ocean. Trouble was the rain was hitting like needles and we didn't get to see much. LOL Sorry that I haven't mentioned you all, you are all in my thoughts. Must wrap up for now, SuzyQ


Unknown Report 7 Mar 2006 06:07

Afternoon folk!! Thanks guys, I feel a little more confident about the dress now. I really wasn't sure about the design or the color, but it stands out on stage, and I guess that's the whole point. Yes, my girl is gorgeous, but then I'm a little biased. And she doesn't take after her mum. Katelyn is photogenic! lol!! She's also the only daughter I have. Two older brothers (who take after their father :(( ) Susan, I can make you a dress sweetie, but it would set you back around $1000-1500. That's what the parents who can't sew are paying for them with all the latest features. shaped panels and hem lines, etc. Trust me, they're a bugger to make. Lol Rudes, no reports of badly dressed foreigners getting arrested on the news. Must be having too good a time to be worried about puters. I think he's lost n the Bundy distillery. I'm also pretty sure that's what Lesley was on. That insect sounds a bit suss to me. Did someone have the audacity to mention hot matches???? Go straight to the naughty corner, do not pass go and do not collect your chocolate supply. Hot matches grrrrrrrrrr!!! speaking of chocolate, aren't those pommy girls 'orrible? Teasing us with unobtainables. Although to do her justice, Julie did offer to send me some. Very tempted to take up her offer, but I'm not sure flakes would survive the journey........................or the bellies of the customs officers. lol!! I'd also have to take up exercising to counteract the4 effects of all that yumminess.. *glances at weight bench sitting unused outside office window* Donna, do as the French whatever you like, just eat small amounts. Most french woman have lovely figures, and they don't know the meaning of low fat. Strange they hardly ever suffer high cholesterol either. Must be all the red wine that accompanies the rich fat lade4n food. lol!! Any, best go before this turns into an epic. Anyone seen Lara? She's always conspicuous with her absense. Cheers till later, Rebs xx

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 7 Mar 2006 23:54

Praline Flakes :-)))))))))))))


Aussieone Report 8 Mar 2006 00:00

Morning Wattlers Brrr it is a bit cool here today, actually got a jumper on. Hope Jude is having a good time down South, it was forecast for rain, good day to visit Cadbury's lol. Donna and Lew yes it is a good idea we can start up a skinny thread, sounds better that a fat thread lol. I have lost just over 6 kg since I started trying to lose weight. I am not actually on a diet, more a healthy food program, 4 small meals a day with no fat or sugar for 11 days, then I can eat whatever for 3 days, of course in moderation. I also walk 45 mins a day, I read somewhere that walking was as good if not better for you if you want to burn fat, and I am now drinking at least 10 glasses a day of water. I have been on this program for 4 weeks now so I am happy with my progress. Fred good to see you on here, bet you are missing your talks with Mary, I havent been on messenger for a while lately, no real reason just havent got around to it. Laurie love hearing all about your holiday, Im glad its you doing the typing on the foreign keyboard and not me, otherwise no one would probably be able to understand my message lol. Rebs yes the dress is lovely. We are actually having a St Patricks Day festival in one of our country towns where they all dress up in irish costumes and there are dances and everything you could imagine to do with St Patricks Day. Lara hope you are not still trying to work out which pic is the fake one lol. Well not much else is news so I will leave it there and go and steam some fish for lunch. Catch you later, Sue


Unknown Report 8 Mar 2006 00:02

Lol Donna. Keep at it. Special K isn't so bad. beats soggy weet-bix. And Sue...wonderful effort babe. As for 93 year olds. Sheesh, some of them can move. I slipped on a grass court while umpiring a netball game a few years back and shredded every ligament in my left leg from the knee down. As part of the recovery i had to go for walks along the beach front. Well, we lived 100 m from a nursing home and you often saw the old dears partaking in the sea air and exercise along the walking/bike track. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to be overtaken by 90 year old hobbling along with a walking frame??? *spies Julie......what a flake* Devley, Ah yes, St Paddy's Day. I'll be at Dooleys 9am next Saturday for the guinness, and the parade, and the guinness, and the music, and the guinness........... Might wear green this year. Last year I wore orange to be different. Boy, did I stand out!! lol Rebs x


Lewella Report 8 Mar 2006 00:15

lol, Sorry, Rebs shouldn't laugh at you, but just had mental picture of some old dears grumbling along, trying to overtake you. Good for you Sue. You should be very proud of your loss. I'll try and check in later. Better get some work done!!! Lew Lew. PS - Julie Cat - wibble wobble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ppppppppppppp

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 8 Mar 2006 00:51

GDay all Tony I've given the Days O'Days Kavenoughs and cavenagh and Byrnes lot a big miss for a while they were doing my head in and so I decided someone else easier to find would be the go and decided as my second name was vivian it was time to have a go at finding this family who I was named for and bingo, don't know if you got my email re this site on Scotland I found I had on my favs (had no idea why )unless this particular ancester was giving me a clue and saying 'How about having a look for me now its my turn next' and decided Mum's lot are not as bad as Dad's lot for the furphy's they tell so have been looking for Margaret McEwen wife of William Wilson they were married in Sydney but Margaret was born in Stirling Scotland, but instead of looking for her birth etc I got stuck on this site as the photos were simply beautiful and then I realised that I had been to this area when in Scotland in 1998 and had not started my family tree damn perhaps Margaret was talking to me then too just didn't know LOL Rebs I wrote a whole message to all the other day and was saying how lovely the dress was and how thrilled you must have been when you saw how good it looked on stage , and thought oh no here comes a sleep attack and took my self to bed for nap as have to when they come and when I came back to putor the messge was written on a a new message email I must have been half asleep when doing it I was so shocked just wiped it and thought I'd start again but got interrupted as one does and never came back to do it again not much wrong with me that a brain transplant wouldn't fix Laurie great to hear you are not snowed in as we are getting reports of massive snow stormsin Germany. Good on you Vonnny doesn't it make it all worth while when you find someone like that My hot match lady Rita in Townsville sent me an email the other night saying her program on the putor just told her I am her husbands 3rd cousin wow isn't it great, and the other family rellie I have found in Lismore is even further back so would be about 5th cousin as our 5 x greatgrandfathers were brothers Abel and Diolectian Vivian. Hello to Fred welcome any time mate defianatly no trouble on here as you will see we all are peaceful peeps,just a bit mad sometimes Hello too to Ian have wondered where you people all disappeared to at once good to hear from you and hope you are having success in your research, you havn't got some people like me who keep changing their names and having babies to dead fathers UUUUrrgh lol The Days/O'Days of MY LIFE!!!!!! Joodles It's not that easy to learn German my dear leave it the Germans my love I thinkz lol Susan was your uncle a Smith by any chance my hubbies Dad did the same during the war 3xtimes a bigamist and two defacto wives goodness knows how many children . Donna my son wrote a message on my excercise bike and said there is dust on this seat with the date smart little devil so every day I must dust it now heheh and Special K well there's another one I'm not so happy with they are putting saris for over the top of your bathers in one pkt in three first time ever got any thing like that but guess what made for size 12 peeps I would need two b**gg**, just my luck , any way going to sue them as I have been eating it for about 20 yrs and still don't look like the sheila on the pkt. lol got to go folks racing into town to pay some bills, cu love Lara


Anna Report 8 Mar 2006 00:54

Morning Wattlers Another sunny day in sunny Queensland. Rebs - may I add my congratulations to your long list of admirers! What a fabulous job you have done on that dress. How often do the girls have to have a new costume? You wouldn't want to turn around and do it all again in 6 months! I hope your daughter is suitably appreciative - I remember my mother making costmes for me for concerts and eisteddfods and I regret that I just accepted all those hours she put in as 'something that mothers just do.' Sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock and have the opportunity to show the gratitude that I didn't even think about when I was young. Good on you Donna - keep up the good work. I just walk - jogging is a bit much! And Devly - good on you mate - you are doing so well on your new routine. Jude 3 - you have my sympathy! Hubby and I have been hard at it (renovating that is!) and I have sore bits I didn't even know I had. However, ours is all finished and it looks great. Hubby didn't fall through the ceiling and the paint matched and all is right with the world! I'm still trying to put all the books and nick-nacs back in the right places in the bookshelves and wall units etc that we had to move! Vonny - loved your evening classes for men - there are a few I would like to enrol my hubby in but I can't really complain - he's really a s.n.a.g.! I wouldn't trade him in. I do wish he wouldn't hog the remote though! Does anyone watch dancing with the stars? I am completely hooked on that show. Darryl Somers is a pain - I just like the dancing! Maybe I'll take up tap dancing for geriatrics! Hello to everyone else - hubby is yelling out that he's made me a coffee and it's getting cold so I'd better go or I'll be in strife! Cheers Anna


Judy Report 8 Mar 2006 02:16

Gidday all Lara - I should have said it was easz to tzpe in German - NOT speak it!!!! Im worried about our Laurie - we havent heard from her, maybe she IS snowed in! Anna - I had the first two shows taped of Dancing with the Stars - but not last night. I can't stand Daryl Somers either - boy doesnt he love himself - twirling around and carrying on so - he annoys me to death, but I just watch him pityingly. He should leave the dancing to his little brother in law. Wot do you all think about Thorpy - reckon he'll get over his illness and make a comeback? Tootling off to do some h********k - but I think I'll have a Nanna nap first Jood


Aussieone Report 8 Mar 2006 02:42

Hi Anna and Joodles Yes I like watching the dancers in Dancing with the stars but I hate the way Daryl takes sooo long to announce who is leaving the show, especially as I am waiting for All Saints to come on. Joodles it is a shame that Thorpe wont be swimming in these games, he does look really sick when he had his media confrence. He stated before that this was to be his last Commonwealth games but with this illness I wonder if he will swim in Beijing Olympics which he was going to be in until now, guess we will have to wait and see :-(( Well must go and clean out some of my emails, poor inbox is getting full. Catch you all after. Cheers Sue