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·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 2 Mar 2006 23:03

Morning All, I will never be able to think of eating chinese for tea the same ever again lol. And I love chinese......or is that I love to eat chinese......or I love to eat chinese style meals he he. My mother was fostered/raised by a chinese gent and an english lady, is this unusual? We always thought that mum must have had a chinese conection somewhere.....but havn't found it yet. Jude if you don't think a 60 year old in bathers is indecent, just picture an overweight 40 something year old dashing as fast as she can throught the caravan park in broad daylight, wearing nothing but a small towel and a red face... I hope the campers recover he he, i am sure they are still having a good laugh. Naturally our site had to be the furtherest from the shower block. Lara.. I will pm you soon with details. Is there any one else going to the genealogy fair in Bendigo????? OK off to have a hair cut, check in later. Take care all, Wilson:-))

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 2 Mar 2006 23:10

Morning Wattlers, Shazz, there sems to be a bug going around, you didn't eat any of Lew Lew''s salad did you? Jude YV, Margaret(from Scotland) is coping really well with the weather and if it wasn't that she is missing her grandkids I dont think she would be too fussed about going back. She is off to Philip Is for the weekend, then we are going to Tassie next week,Port Fairy folk festival at the weekend, then Nth Territory the following week. Then Margaret goes home and I go to Sydney to meet my daughter and travel with her to Hong Kong for 2 days. 2weeks after that will be Easter and we are talking about going to the UK so hubby can spend some time with daughter too. Roll on May I'll be exhausted by then and will not be leaving Victoria(well unless I get a really good offer) Tony, I love your sense of hummer, you remind me so much of my dad. His mission in life was to make at least one person a day smile, he always had a joke ready or was doing something crazy. Hi to everyone, will catch up over the weekend Jude2


Lewella Report 2 Mar 2006 23:58

Morning Wattlers. Hooray, it's Friday. Hubby comes home on Monday, so I'm off to Sydney Sunday night. Seemed to be fully recovered from my self inflicted poisoning. Anyone want me to cook for them!!!! Shazz, you crazy thing. We get the message (3 times in fact). Hey, you weren't eating at my place the other night were you? Oh Tony, you card! And I thought there was a law against cannibalism! And that poor manager in Hong Kong!! Haven't been in HK for years. Loved it though. Only problem is I'm 5'10' and blond and stand out like the proverbial dogs **lls. Although I must admit I had no problem in the crowds, just looked straight over the top of them! LOL. Hey Laurie, sounds like you're having a great time already. Travel Safe. Well, better get some work done, blasted clients!!! Lew Lew xxx


Judy Report 3 Mar 2006 01:23

Awwww no-one even noticed I was going away for the weekend, and no-one except for Tony even noticed my joke (if that's what you call it) :-)) *creeps away sadly* Jood


Aussieone Report 3 Mar 2006 01:43

Afternoon All Gee we have been busy waffling. I have been reading all the goings on. Just not replying straight away. Rebs gee I bet you would be glad to finish the dress. My Nan used to be the one for sewing, knitting, patchwork, ohh **ll too many things to mention, she was right in with the CWA and was always making something, tried to teach me but I never had the patience. Tony yes I did see that the pies had won and was waiting for you to mention it. Hopefully those Crows wont play as good as they did last weekend :-0 Have to be careful I dont loose my voice on Saturday night at the footy, or I will have fun trying to talk to Jude and her friend Margaret when we meet. Joodles yes I did see your joke and I can feel for the poor guy. Whenever I get a phonecall and it has a foreign voice on the other end, like these telemarketers, I ask if there is someone who can speak with an Australian accent as I couldnt understand them, a few times they have hung up :-))) I hope you have a great weekend away. Hello to everyone else. Catch you after. Cheers Sue

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 3 Mar 2006 02:04

g'day all, Taken nearly all my lunch time to catch up!! I liked your 'conversation' Joodles and very true to form!!! I am trying to decipher sentences like that every week. Do have a good weekend. Yay Rebs, almost there :) Oh blast got to go! Told you I used all my time reading. Will try and log on this arvo. Vonny

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 3 Mar 2006 05:24

hello all Susan so very good to get that off your shoulders girl let me tell you there are thousands like you ,they are thinking of starting B&B annonamous (can't spell it) , but you would fit in real well at a caravan park we went to at Mossman in fnq the lady who is not the real wife of the owner that's what he calls her whose name is Joy puts the closed sign out at 4:30 pm everyday and watches B&B and there was another couple there and one night we had entertainment and and they wouldnt even come we had a concert with a bloke on guitar and Joy said to them I'm taping B&B so you can see it late up in the flat and they still wouldn't come to concert, goodness how they could hear tv as the concert was just behind their van in camp kitchen lol Shazz, Reb was going to kill me for putting photo on so shhhh she reckons she doesn't photograph well like someone else I know heheh well let me tell ya I wouldn't mind looking like she does in any photo lol Joodles have a nice weekend and did think that piece was funny so sorry didn't mention it but was so busy got ancesters coming out my ears at the moment,any way I don't know why you don't get a mobile home girl you are never in the one place very long and would very good you could just go around visiting all of us and daughter and never Pay rent electricity or rates again lol Donna your time in SA sounded fun lol but never mind something different and as for the rain can you please send some down here we had a our firt rain since xmas last week half an hr and it poured but all washed down the gutter ground too dry to absorb it, then stopped and back to very warm again tell your son happy birthday and we are going to want to hear all his progress when we have queensland meet up you are going to have to tape it for us Donna tell him to learn Kumbiah he'll say What and tell him best song ever on guitarand very simple to play. Shazz dont know ifthey have fairs in other states mate will try and find out or you could googke for them just put genealogyfairs and then wait till it comes up with pages and the click where it says australian pages and should get if you don't yell out on msn and will go and look for you hows the OH's lessons going? Wilson will wait for you to tell me re the fair what happening ok don't forget though please like me, I will see if any girls want to come from here with me from newly formed fh group as would be glad of the company Jude 2 so I guess you wont be coming up at the end of April surely you could fit it in LOL omg you will be waking up saying 'where am I soon ' Good girl Laurie did you see an overweight lady in a little pool waving to you I had black bathers on with blue flowers so I would be easy to see I saw big plane go over about 5:45 and said ohh there's Laurie she asked pilot to detour down here to say goodbye how nice lolhheheehh. keep up the good work shopping drinking champs and emailing and photos don't forget no rest for the wicked love to ya! Tony having Chinese tonight will round up any you missed who esacaped from your wok lol omg have to go sorry if havn't spoken to any body will dolater on hello to lew, diane, vonny,sandra and mary and patricia anna and leah ian and mike and if you are still reading, and the naughty naughty Cilla what are you doing that is more important or interesting than talking to us lol ?????? love Lara


***Shaz*** Report 3 Mar 2006 05:40

Hi All, PMSL, just logged again this arvo after having so much trouble this morning trying to add reply but HA HA HA HA, I see you all got my message x3, was having so much trouble this morning, comp froze me out for nearly two hrs and had to go and restore this arvo and as usual the things I learnt this past week have now forgotten talk about CRAFT disease, I think thats my middle name Jood, yes I was having trouble this morning I started writing my message at 5.45 and everytime I went to add reply it kept throwing me back to the home page, I noticed a few UK peeps having same trouble anyway looks like all fine now, OK will get back to you re Windsor, have you spoken to Faye since last Thurs and yes Im feeling a little better now just like Lew I think it was something I cooked at home, might join Lite & Easy saves me cooking he he Hi Jude, no I cant blame this one on Lew, must confess no one to blame but myself Lew Where in Sydney are you staying Sunday night hope its somewhere nice Well as you can see I have fixed up my messages and now only have one on here, silly ol wine drinker me Anyway av a good week end all might try and log on again later tonight see what you lot have been up to OO Roo Shaz

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 3 Mar 2006 05:41

G'day Wafflers, Its taken me ages to read your messages but certainly entertaining. You all sound as tho you are leading very busy lives, what with holidays, dressmaking, tourist guide, shopping, visiting the naughty corner ect ect. Me. very quite just helping DIL with some house work as she has just gone to work full time after doing 3 years UNi for nursing, takes a while to get into a routine when there are 3 children in the house and a husband that has to do shift work. Laurie nice to hear from you, enjoying that Q club ( oh what a life) you will certainly need those layers, they tell me it has dropped well below freezing in the UK?? have a great time tho. Welcome to you Lynda, come back soon, always good to see new faces. Won some prawns in a raffle last night along with oysters so will be having them for dinner tonight, the oysters done kilpatrick and prawns with a nice salade. Well SuzyQ we know what you will be doing at 4.30pm, lol .to each their own, I love All saints on a tues night, it's just come back from summer break, also love watching Amazing Race, a new one has just started. Tony did enjoy the HK story, Well have a good evening all, and catch you over the weekend maybe sandra in the Gong

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 3 Mar 2006 05:44

Afternoon all, Wonder what's happened to Mike? let me see: snakes, spiders, crocodiles, box jellyfish, leeches, mosquitoes, sandflies, sunburn, nettles, bull ants................ did I miss something? Oh yes Queensland drivers (ducks for cover) Nope, can't think of anything that could have happened to him! Ahhhhh how about no internet connection? But you lot do have bush telegraph don't you??? (runs away FAST) PS it's Friday afternoon :-) Vonny


Lewella Report 3 Mar 2006 06:36

Evenin All. 3 more sleeps 'til hubby gets home, so I'm off to a friends house today for DVDs and pizza (that way I can't poison myself again!). Shazz, I'm staying with a friend in Ashfield on Sunday night and I'll insist that he wait on me hand and foot. He is actually my travelling companion for next January when the 2 of us are off to the Antarctic! *Big Wave and smiles to Lara, Vonny, Jood, Jude, Jude (is that enough Judes?) Sandra, Sue, Donna, SuzyQ, Wilson, Tony, Rebs and I'm sorry if I forgot any one* Have a great night all, Pizza, Yum. Lew Lew xxx


Unknown Report 3 Mar 2006 10:30

Hi everyone. god you lot can talk! Couldn't get on this moring so got stuck straight into the sewing. Sress is all together, just have to add the stiffening up through the bottom then sew the hemline. Unfortunately that's that hardest part because the dress is so hard to manoeuvre when it's stiff. Something the guys will relate too :-pp *runs to naughty corner* is there anybody left, or has everyone gone away for a weekend, week, month or for the year? Lew, pizza? Yuk! Really gone off pizza lately. Much prefer to eat Italian or chinese........least I did until read Rudees joke. LARA!!! THAT PHOTO!!! I'm sunburnt, hair is........lets just say I should have left it tied up, I'm squinting from the glare. Blahhh!!! Off to the naughty corner with you girl. No idea where Mike may have got too. I gave him my phone numbers to call from the airport, but he never did, unless I slept through the phone. That was the week I was really sick though, so I probably wouldn't have gone anyway in case I passed something on. Mustn't have internet where he is, or him and Sylvia are having such a great time the puter is the last thing on their minds. Maybe he's got lost in the Bundaburg distillery???? Donna, Susan, Anna. enough rain for you? I actually slept without a fan for the first time last night. Judes, when you go to the cadbury factory, ask them why we don't get the praline flakes. If they're good enough to serve to the poms, then us classy Aussies should be entitled to them as well. I still drool at Alters mouth watering description, and that was almost a year ago. Off to check out the threads, since I couldn't get passed the 'happy genes error' this morning. That would have to be a misnomer if I ever heard one. :(( Cheers Folks, Rebs xxx


Lewella Report 3 Mar 2006 12:26

Hiya Rebs. Sorry, but the Pizza was yummy! Having only recently moved into town (use to be 30km out on 1300 acres), any takeaway is a treat, and better still this was home delivered! Gotta be happy about that!! Glad to hear the dress is coming along nicely. Hey, where do these photos appear? Is it somewhere on this page, or what? Love to see what everybody looks like. Lew Lew xxx


Laurie Report 3 Mar 2006 15:17

Well its good afternoon where I am . . . The flight was pretty ordinary . . . not much in the way of sleep . . . but once we got to Frankfurt , Germany . . . . it started to snow. We had to wait for others coming in from other parts of the world before we caught the train to Cologne - by then the snow was about 4inches deep. Got on the train - aptly named the Ice Train, and we were only about 20mins in to the trip when we stopped . . . . good sign when you are on an express fast train! Ray and I had been talking to this guy, he was on our flight - and on the same train. (He had been on holidays in Cambodia - retired ex International manager of Fisher Price Toys) so we had a german to let us know what was happening. Apparently with the snow storm the points on the railway line weren`t working . . . Sitting for 90 mins, then the announcement free drinks in the salon car - then the announcement refunds will be given for tickets! Once under way we were treated to one of the most beautiful trips through the Rhine Valley, just an amazing journey, full of castles, and great little villages set among the vineyards along the river valley. Every village has its own gothic cathederal. If we hadn´t got our money back <i would say it was the best $50 ever spent. I am typing on a foreign keyboard, with letters in different places - so hope this is legible. It is still snowing here in Godesberg where we are staying . . . . the hotel is so quaint, actually we have a very large room, looking over the town square. I already have found somethings <i just have to do here - Nero´s mother was born here, and they have some pretty amazing things in the museum apparently . . . . plus they have an arcehilogical dig you can go take a peek at, showing things unearthed from <roman times. That is unless the snow keeps building up to keep me indoors. There is a park across the road, and Ray is waiting for me to go help him build a snowman - Although it is snowing - its still not terribly cold - Off to build a snowman then a few hours sleep before we go off out in search of food. Stay well all and will talk again later Cheers luv Laurie


Aussieone Report 3 Mar 2006 23:35

Good Morning Everyone Well it is a lovely hot day here again today, last night was real muggy so it was sleeping on top of the bed, already 18 degrees expecting 28 so it will be a great night for football. Laurie sounds like it would have been a beautiful trip on the train, not that I like trains but the scenery would be worth it. Lara hows to new pool going plenty of use? Well must go and get lunch ready as so I can get organised to go to footy and work on the stalls before the game and then I am going out to help hold the banner up, have to make sure we dont let it hit any of our players and put them out of the game before it starts lol. Then its plenty of voice with the cheersquad :-))) Catch you all tomorrow. cheers Sue

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 3 Mar 2006 23:39

Hey Lew Lew, Want to take my hubby to Antarctica with you as well? It is one place he really wants to visit - and a volcano. He reckons he could do the two in one down there, visiting Mt Erebus at the same time. Youngest daughter's having a 'house warming' today for all friends and family. They have just moved into a new rental house. Youngest son is now staying with them as well. He is going well at Uni so are very thankful. Eldest daughter is expecting!!!! So we will be grandparents in Sept. for the second time :) Lovely to hear from you looking forward to descriptions of your trip :) Must go and do some h... cough cough...rk Vonny


Lewella Report 4 Mar 2006 00:05

Congratulations Vonny on the impending arrival. Another twig for the tree! I'm travelling to the antartic with a gay friend, Pete, so your hubby mightn't be safe! lol. At least Pete and I will be able to compare notes on the cabin boys. Laurie, sounds like you're having a great time. I've never been to Germany and would like to go. Hubby's grandfather was a German who was interned in Newbury UK in WW1, where he died. Hubby is very german looking and speaks German, so we hope to get there eventually. Sounds like great weather in Tassie, Sue. A bit cold in Mudgee today, but it still doesn't look like rain. Off to the new house this arvo to make sure the builders are working their litte butts off!!! Chat soon, Lew Lew xxx


TonyOz Report 4 Mar 2006 00:15

Morning. Nice and warm again today in Melb.31c..... Did my good deed for the up nice and early and mowed the nature strip for the council...:>)) Hope they appreciate it, and give me a discount on me rates..? We live on a corner block, 60ft frontage and 180ft down the its like mowing the Hi Laurie. Nice to hear from you, and hope your keeping warm. Would be absolutley lovely to see all those beautiful villages along the Rhine Valley by train, and the old Gothic Churches, and Castles......can't say i envy Hope your taking some nice Pic's. Vonny. Congrats for your daughter, and you and hubbie for the upcoming event in Sept. Tassie. Good luck with the footy mate. I watched the Brisbane v's Melbourne game last night, and was barricking for the Dee' Barb is a Melbourne supporter, so good to see them win. Senior Moments: At 85 years of age, Wally married Lou Anne, a lovely 25 year old. Since her new husband is so old, Lou Anne decides that after their wedding she and Wally should have separate bedrooms, because she is concerned that her new but aged husband may overexert himself if they spend the entire night together. After the wedding festivities Lou Anne prepares herself for bed and the expected 'knock' on the door. Sure enough the knock comes, the door opens and there is Wally, her 85 year old groom, ready for action. They unite as one. All goes well, Wally takes leave of his bride, and she prepares to go to sleep. After a few minutes, Lou Anne hears another knock on her bedroom door, and it's Wally. Again he is ready for more 'action'. Somewhat surprised, Lou Anne consents for more coupling. When the newlyweds are done, Wally kisses his bride, bids her a fond goodnight and leaves. She is set to go to sleep again, but, aha you guessed it - Wally is back again, rapping on the door, and is as fresh as a 25-year-old, ready for more 'action'. And, once again they enjoy each other. But as Wally gets set to leave again, his young bride says to him, 'I am thoroughly impressed that at your age you can perform so well and so often. I have been with guys less than a third of your age who were only good once. You are truly a great lover, Wally.' Wally, somewhat embarrassed, turns to Lou Anne and says: 'You mean I was here already?' The moral of the story: Senior moments have their advantages. Av a great weekend everyone. Tony Oz..:>))


Lewella Report 4 Mar 2006 00:29

LOL, a good one Tony. I'm 44 and my hubby turned 67 two days ago. I'll tell him that one when I pick him up from the airport on Monday. He'll like it!!! Lew Lew

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 4 Mar 2006 01:44

Morning All, Looks like another warm one coming our way. Just finished vacuming and washing the floors (Whole house), nearly killed me. How can a house get so dusty and dirty when there hasn't been anyone in it? Oh well now I can justify sitting at the puta for a while, he he. Congrats on your news Vonny, we have one grandson, and would love more, maybe one day........ He is coming to visit tomorrow, haven't seen him for a month, so looking forward to that, means i will have to cook for the hordes, but it will be worth it. Loved your joke Tony, I have worked in aged care so could relate to it, lol. Laurie, the train ride sounds like a real adventure, and Free, as well. I have never really even seen snow. We lived in the strathbogie ranges for a while and it snowed once, but melted quickly. Must put that on my list of things to do......Go see snow.... Mmmmmm pizza, when we first moved into town from the farm, we liked to get take away delivered too, haven't done that for ages..... you are giving me ideas Lew Lew lol. Thought i was on a winner a few days ago, I put in the name of a relly on Genes and a genes member name appeared with the approx right b date, so sent off a message, the put in the same relly's Husband and Yep same genes member turns up again, so off went another message.......Getting all reply. Starting to feel disappointed, as i am sure with both of them under the one members name there has to be a connection. Hey what weekend was decided for the Yarrawonga meet?, I have come back from hols to find the April/May roster has been done early, so haven't got to put in any requests.......sad face., will have to try to do some swift swapping, bribing,sneakyness. he he. Take care all, might look in later:-)). wilson