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♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪

♫♪ Yvonne from Oz ♫♪ Report 10 Mar 2006 08:15

Na Rebs, def tongue in cheek! Vonny


Laurie Report 10 Mar 2006 08:18

Hello all friendly wafflers . . . I haven't been able to catchupon all that has been going on - read three pages and realised I am hungry - need breakie! We're in Brussells now, had a terrific train trip thru from Koln yesterday - and all I can say about this place, is why did it take me so long to find it ! From my window I look down on to the most gorgeous cobbled laneway, chock a block full of galleries. The area we are in is Antique heaven, or chocolate lovers heaven or just plane heaven as the food and wine are pretty spectacular too! I will try and save a few Belgium truffles to bring to Yarrawongs - but to do that I am going to have to tie my hands behind my back. The little restraunt we dined in last night was so crowded, and everyone knew one another - we were the only newbies. They even bring their pets out to dine - seemed strange - but nice and friendly and everyone spoke to us. We're off to explore some more, just taken me an age to write up my journal, (excuse me Dr I think I have RSI from journal writing) I'll drop in when I can - be in Paris tomorrow. I might add - I am being spoilt rotten by the lovely Ray. Catch up with you all later cheers luv Laurie


Trifley Report 10 Mar 2006 08:40

Hi Laurie Yes the Europeans can be a little odd with their dogs. My nephew married a German lass and her rels bought their dogs to the wedding. My sister and her husband were there and as he is a sheep farmer told the dogs (in good ol' Aussie farmer speak) 'Get the bloody hell out o' there' at the top of his voice when one of them got too close to the food. Aussies....... you can take 'em any where ha ha ha :) Trifley


Unknown Report 10 Mar 2006 11:21

Well I'm bloody well shattered I am. They deleted my thread at 9:19 pmest. Pity some twat had to complain about it. It was so much fun.


Judy Report 10 Mar 2006 11:27

Well at least I got in before it was deleted. I couldnt remember the thread's proper name, so just for fun I typed in bloody - and guess bloody what - there are no less than 7 threads with the word bloody in it. Wot are they on about ? Jood


Unknown Report 10 Mar 2006 11:35

yeah, but according to GR they only delete a thread if someone complains about it. Some self righteous twat doesn't have a sense of humour. We were all having a good laugh on there. Not like anyone was forcing them to read through it.


Anna Report 10 Mar 2006 11:40

Bugger! Everyone was having so much fun and the PC brigade had to delete it. And if they object to me saying bugger - well it's on the TV commercials all the time! Bumperbar stickers, kid's T-shirts - everywhere you look there's a bugger somewhere! Ah well Rebs - it was hilarious while it lasted! (Stomps off cursing under her breath!)


Gwenda Report 10 Mar 2006 20:26

Morning all Wattlers, Sorry Rebs - my last post must have been one too bloody many - how petty minded are some peeps - maybe it was reported by the same twat that won't let it be shown on TV. Anyway on the upside we have certainly done our bit for tourism to Oz - now they'll all come flocking to see what the fuss was about - OH says our next ad campaign will end with F*** off - when we try to get them to all go back home - lol Congrats again to Tony & Barb - hope you got your money's worth - haha - will it be worth watching on the big night? Barb - sorry the CROWS beat your Dee's - it's only a game tho. If I follow a Vic team it is them as they are red and blue like my Norwood's back home. Anyone with convict ancestors might be interested in a new CD out 'Index to Colonial Convict Movements 1827-1853' $13.20 available by mail order from Gould Genealogy - http://www(.)gould(.)com(.)au/ Can personally recommend their service. Load of washing is about ready to be hung out and then it's into the shower and get ready for another day of work - yaaayy. Have a great day, catch y'all this arvo Gwenda


Lewella Report 10 Mar 2006 20:34

Morning All, have just awoken to the dreadful news that our bloody thread has been deleted!!!!!!!!!! What Pratt complained? Have they nothing better to do? How pathetic!! Anyway, it was fun while it lasted and I'm bloody surprised it lasted as long as it did. Oopps, better watch the language, otherwise this thread will disappear. Off to Dubbo shortly for the big shop. I'll report in when I get home. Furniture awaits. Lew Lew xxx


Judy Report 10 Mar 2006 21:57

This is a handy little thread to look at MESSAGE BOARD GUIDELINES Handy for peeps like me who didnt know what phantom nudging was - and also tells you how to make the font bigger , which I usually have to do. Jood


Unknown Report 10 Mar 2006 22:02

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS FLASH`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Les from Y'wonga, bless him, who ever he may be, copied most of the thread. It has been restored to it's former glory on the fred memorium. Rebs x


Judy Report 10 Mar 2006 22:46

We've been deleted again mate - I read it right through, was about to answer, should have copied, but when I checked it again - it was gone. :-( Jood


JALimestonePlains Report 10 Mar 2006 23:08

lara have you warned yarrawonga what they are in for with this lot lol JA


Judy Report 10 Mar 2006 23:13

not me JA not me - Im innocent and Im not going to Yarrawonga lol (more's the pity :-(((( - especially as I was the one who decided the date :-((((( Fred has been re-surrected yet again (3rd time) Jood


TonyOz Report 10 Mar 2006 23:53

Morning Wokkles. O/cast in Melb. Where's the 36 c they promised us??.....ya just cant trust a weather Had a great night at the Commonwealth games rehearsal. We caught the train in to Richmond station, and walked up Brunton Ave. to the M.C.G The security was 1st class, and everyone was screened and pockets emptied into your own little cardboard box. Handbags and carry bags were emptied and searched thoroughly. It was like you were flying O/Seas and sign's everywhere saying, if you are found with any illegal items on you...they were confiscated and you don't get E'm back. Video Cameras or cameras were not allowed in to the rehearsal ( fair enough ). Peeps had to be there by 6:30 and the show started at 7:45 ( when it got darker ( to get the effect ). There were about 40 to 50 thousand people., and we were sworn to So i cant tell ya's what went on...:>((( Plus.... i dont want to spoil it for anyone. I can say that, it was Mmmmmm....O'k Lots of flashing lights, and visual effects.....even had a mock Queen arrive in a Toyota...which sent the audience into hysterics....and the familiar wave from HRH. got the crowd warmed up. It was a full rehearsal from start to finish...but we were told that some things would not be shown, as it would spoil the Official opening. A lot of work had been put into it, and the M.C.G playing area was very different. The Athelete's grand entrance into the arena was very good, different,....and it makes for a better entrance onto the ground. The show kicks off with a Typical Melbourne Icon!! i will let you guess what that might Overall...from what we were allowed to see, i would give it a 7 out of 10...but thats my opinion only, not forgetting we were not allowed to see everything. Apart from that it was a good night....but the food cost...$$$$$$$$$$.....but thats typical at these venues. The volunteers around the outside of the M.C.G were excellent as far as knowing which area you were allotted to, and directions given were 10/10. Loud speakers all around the outside of the ground, telling people where and what train platforms to catch, to get back home. The rehearsal finished a approx 10:45 pm...and then 50 thousand people ( at once ) headed for Richmond Station...psml Hope the railways get there act to-gether on the night of the opening....Enough said..:>)) Tony Oz..:>))


Judy Report 11 Mar 2006 00:04

Sounds like it will be really good Tony. Looking forward to seeing it on TV (I mean, it would be lovely to see it for real - I did see the 1962 Games in Perth) - but TV is excellent in that it covers from up above as well - for better visual effect. Im sure we will do the rest of the world proud. Ummm - wots the Melbourne Icon - Fosters? Footie? Dame Edna?? Jood


Judy Report 11 Mar 2006 00:08

Foxy - you snuck in when I wasnt looking!!!! Far be it for me to give you advice - except that you need 3 months and a camper trailer to see the bloody lot!!! You'll have to meet some of us Wattlers - we are scattered the 4 corners of Oz lol Let everyone know how long you can come for - and I'm sure you will be flooded with advice - stick around!!! Jood


TonyOz Report 11 Mar 2006 00:29

Hiya Joodles. Uummm...the Melb. icon......hee hee Wellllllllll.....its big and green......and goes 'ding' ding' Sorry....but you will never guess...ha ha Fred Mate. Iv'e been around on these boards for seems like eons mate.There are all sorts on these boards. The serious, The sad, The characters, The lonely,The pathetic, The Geno, The Religious, The Funny, The World savers, The do gooders,The thread deleters, ect,ect,ect..... No one here ( Ozzie's ) would complain about any thread, and i could just about wack me house on it as a security bond. Our cultral upbringing is layed back and very relaxed. There is nothing you should worry about here when ya visit mate....except that you might not wanna go back home.( as did our English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh ancestors) Have a great trip over Mate....and dont forget the Zinc cream. Il'e have a cold V.B or Fosters waiting in the fridge for ya...;>)) Tony Oz ...:>))...where the sun shines 365 days a year on at least one State in Australia.


Judy Report 11 Mar 2006 00:40

Ah well - it could have been one of Leslie's bugs - the one she saw in her garden - only that one was big and purple, and I dont think it went ding ding lol *touches side of nose* - I think I know wotcha mean tho lol We did have them in Perth yonks ago, and even Bendigo has a touristy one. Syderlee retired theirs before I arrived here. Jood

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 11 Mar 2006 03:24

G'day All, Well have been entertained no end on the going's on , on the boards. What person<<<(to be polite) would do a thing like that and have that bloody tread removed. Here is a letter written in to the DailyTelegraph today (Sat) Billy Connolly regually drops the F----word in shows broadcast here but the Brits ban 'bloody' perhaps they would have preferred 'Where the f--- are you? Say know more. Laurie love your travel tales, glad your having a great time, shall look forward to the rest. Not a lot happening here, having nearly 16yr old Grandson stay the night am cooking a roast for him, he loves my roasts he says, roast beef and yorkshire puds. Hope you are all well cheers Sandra in the Gong