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Dozey Report 28 Jul 2010 23:03

I know it's not quite the 29th July yet - but I'm doing it anyway


Hope lovely surprises
Are coming your way,
To make your
Birthday a
Wonderful day.

Happy Birthday



FRANK06 Report 29 Jul 2010 00:02

Cynthia, how kind.

I thought you were being nice there and saying "I quite like ordinary, boring guys........" and I, I'm in there!

Until I read it again and realised you said "I quite like ordinary, boring days........" DOOHHH ;)

Sylvia, I'm impressed at them being able to ban smoking outside although it does seem a sensible decision.
Over here, we are not allowed to smoke indoors in public areas so all the nicotine addicts stand outside pubs, cafes etc having a puff.

And what is it with coffee..........I'll have a Grande Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino Blended Creme......what?

When I was in America, I struggled to get just a white with a splash of cold milk and even when my daughter translated, I still ended up with hot frothy stuff in my coffee..
You even risk a hernia trying to carry some of these creations.

I guess I'm just an old fogie at heart ;))

Evelyn, best wishes on your birthday and I'm sure that as a regular visitor to France, you will not be into all these strange so called coffees.......or do they have them over there as well?


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Jul 2010 01:30


DOH ......................

................... you just order a BLACK coffee, carry it to the Service counter, and add your own milk or cream!

Although I must admit that in many places in the US, it will be those little cartons of cream or milk. Canada is much more civilized ....... most places will have thermos-like jugs of real milk and cream (even in Starbucks!).

Actually, smoking is banned inside all public buildings here, in all pubs, bars, eating places, clubs, stores, etc ........... AND outside them as well, if within about 10' of doors, opening windows, and patios.

............... which means you no longer have to walk through that fog of old smoke when leaving a building.

Until last year, smoking was allowed on patios (of bars and eating places) in Vancouver ..... except that more non-smokers than smokers liked eating out there.

Some pubs and clubs have been allowed to set up smoking sections ........... which have to be separate rooms with special filtering systems to the outside. AND staff cannot be forced to serve customers in there. That's very expensive, so not many places have done it.

Only about 20% or less of people smoke in Vancouver ..................... go anywhere else in the province, and as much as over 75% will be smokers. But the law governing indoor smoking applies all over the province.



Susan Report 29 Jul 2010 08:38

Hi Everyone

Some very nice poems Annes.I am sure Reece will find comfort in them.
Please don't delete,they are lovely.

Sylvia it is the same over here with smoking you can't even smoke outside at coffee shops now incase people walking by inhale the smoke.
I don't smoke so it does not worry me but I do think we are going a bit to far ....soon they will tell us not to breath fresh air.

We have had over the last 18 months a 45% increase in our power bills and it is starting to hurt ,a lot of the elder people cannot afford to put there heaters on.gas has gone up 25% as well.
That is why we go out to the forest for wood at least we can be warm and in summer we can afford to put the aircon on,or we used to be able to afford it ,wait and see what the summer brings .

I have just got back from the Mother in Laws ,she has Roses too .
She is 90 yrs old and still lives in her own home with the help of a few of us.
I did get scratched to pieces today with cutting back her roses,the right leg was the worse... blood everywhere,I take an asprin everyday it looked worse than it was.

Evelyn a very happy birthday to you.I wish you health wealth and many more years to come .we can have a party next year for you.
I bet you are very glad to be home,I know I am always glad to get home no matter how long I have been away.

I was blessed with four wonderfull Grandparents that I new and remember very well,they all lived to a great age,all in the Uk of course.
It is very sad to think a lot of people do not have any memories of there Grandparents.

Well I had better think about dinner,The OH will be in shortley,he is finding things a little difficult with not having the Grandson with him.


Evelyn Report 29 Jul 2010 12:27

Hello Friends.
Thank you so much for your good wishes for my birthday,Ron has bought me a very nice Amethyst necklace together with matching earings(I chose it) so I do like it.
My son and daughter have bought me a joint present but it has not arrived yet, they are usually quite thoughtful with their gifts so I look forward to receiving it.
I have never noticed there being numerous types of coffee in France, I usually just ask for Grande Creme or Petit Creme and thats what I get. Too many varieties just confuses me(thats not difficult).
Someone at the door now so I must go, love to you all
Evelyn XX


Tabitha Report 29 Jul 2010 12:57

Happy Birthday Evelyn - some good news at last

Frank I do love your notes

Work has picked up again - good for me I hate to be bored & got really fed up - but its all or nothing here and loads of people want to go on holiday this week or next or Christmas - whichever way you go its all full -

Doing my head in - where are all the normal people theses days.

Have to fly (wish I meant it )

Nice to have you back with us again Evelyn

Take care all


Cynthia Report 29 Jul 2010 14:46

Happy, happy birthday Evelyn - sending lots of (((hugs))) to a very special person on her very special day.


.... my OH admits to be one is enough thanks!

I just love coffee shops and am well known for it.......

latte, mocha, frappachino.............just lead me to 'em.

If we lived nearer each other, I would pick Sylvia up and go on a coffee shop trail........sampling coffees at places which took our fancy.........

off into the realms of fantasy again!


This is an issue at the hospital where I do my voluntary job. We see patients staggering along the corridors in their nightwear, pulling their 'drips' with them.....some carrying unmentionable bags - all to go outside for 'a smoke'. Some have to be brought back in by wheelchair and others have fainted with the effort..........dear oh dear. I find it rather sad.

Mind you, when I am escorting people to various parts of the hospital, I look through the windows and see the staff gathered at the smoking bays puffing away.......can't win really! those roses - they seem very good at fighting back!

take care all. Cx

Looking for normal people Anne? Well, don't look on here!! :)))


FannyByGaslight Report 29 Jul 2010 15:13

Hoppy Bufdy Evelyn.

Must wrap up your pressie and post it now ,if you are back from France.

Ishbel sends her love.

Viv x


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Jul 2010 20:33


I hope you have had a wonderful day

The smoking ban was not brought into effect yesterday ................ but the conditions are being watched very carefully, and the Parks Board will have an emergency meeting if and when necessary.

On September 1st, the city will bring in a new by-law that will ban smoking at all times in all parks, on golf courses and on the beaches ............... now that will be interesting

Both to see how they "police" it, and how people respond.

Even the heaviest smoker is usually willing to at least take care when it is a fire risk, but a law?????

C .... I've always felt sorry when going past the hospitals to see the smokers huddled outside, with their drip lines etc

......... I do feel sorry for them, after all they are being asked to go cold turkey at a very stressful time in their life. As a one-time smoker (I quit in 1990), I can understand their problem, even while knowing it is best for them!

I would love a coffee shop hunt!



FRANK06 Report 29 Jul 2010 20:52


I used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day but managed to give up in 1982 when our first daughter was born and I found that I couldn't afford it any more.

Glad I did too as I am much healthier although no wealthier as my wife and daughters managed to spend the spare cash quite efficiently......... they are probably training our grandaughters at this very moment or is it just inbred into women ;))

My mum smoked from the age of 12 !! and only gave up a couple of years ago when her chest problems got too much to cope with. She still has big problems which isn't surprising after 63 years smoking...........and she was a nurse !

When I was in hospital for my kidney stones, there were three old guys who regularly took their drips for a "breath of fresh air" and did struggle to get back to the ward.
One of them had indeed been told they could do no more for him, so he didn't see the point in stopping now.

By the way Cynthia, I was just wondering if those skinny lattes really work ..............

P.S. My OH thinks one boring old fogie is enough for anyone ;))


Cynthia Report 30 Jul 2010 17:07

Don't know if the skinny lattes work Frank.....never touch 'em, but if double chocha mochas are anything to go by, they may account for the
...oh forget it!

Perceptive woman your OH. :)

Spending cash is something most women excel at.....I mean, what else can you do with it?

Hithery thithery day today but had a nice lunch out with my OH and daughter. Went to see grandchildren before they embark on their week's camping should see the pile of stuff going with them.......i n c r e d i b l e!

Pouring with rain but mustn't complain. I really mustn't complain. At least it's fattening out my runner beans which are absolutely delish.

May pop back later. Cx


Dozey Report 30 Jul 2010 17:40

Hi good people

See you're all busy chatting away as usual.

Evelyn Hope you have now cheered up. Lovely present you received.

Do hope you pop back before my bedtime Cynthia. As you are the grower of vegetables need to tap into your knowledge. Only got one sizable cucumber on my plant and it is not smooth skinned - it's got something that looks like prickles on it. I was given the plant so I've no idea what sort it is - never seen one like it. Suppose there must be more than one type.

My daughter's driving back from a few days in Scotland today and tomorrow my middle grandchild is off on a camping school trip when she gets back from that family are going to France for a fortnight and when they get back from that eldest grandchild is staying at home but other two are off to North Kent to be with other grandparents for a fortnight. That looks like five out of the six weeks fully occupied:-)

There have been some wonderful verses on the thread lately - but I'm not going to add to those. To be frank (no not you Frank) I can only think of a couple of lines from Romeo & Juliet but they are not really appropriate so I'll give you a little serenade instead.

At a concert down at Kew
Some convalescents dressed in blue
Had to hear Lady Lee
Who 'ad turned sixty three
Sing all the old, old songs she knew.
Then she made a speech and said:
"I look upon you boys with pride.
And for what you've done
I'm going to kiss each one."
Then they all grabb'd their sticks and cried:

Good-bye-ee, good-bye-ee,
Wipe the tear, Lady dear, from your eye-ee,
Tho' it's hard to part I know,
I'll be tickled to death to go.
Don't cry-ee, don't sigh-ee,
There's a silver lining in the sky-ee,
Bonsoir, old thing, cheer-i-o, chin, chin,
Nap-poo, too-dle-oo, Good-bye-ee!

Also a reminder of the Sound of Music - So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye.

Take good care of yourselves.



Tabitha Report 30 Jul 2010 17:51

Where is everybody? EDIT - Where did you 2 come from - there was no-one here when I arrived

Very dull day today & very humid - I feel so tired - we have a weekend to ourselves.

Just been told I am on a training course next week - 2 weeks in the classroom and 1 on the phones. My friends & I are all very confused and very fed up as the whole thing could be condensed into 1 week. However if they want to pay us all to do nothing for 3 weeks who am I to complain.

My friend Emma did the same training a few weeks ago and was so bored - I know I am going to be in such a ratty mood as I hate doing nothing or trying to look busy.

This is what the others who have done the same training said -
we spend the first day learning how to use the system ( I have been using this particular system - for over 2 years now & spend nearly all day using it - i also have access to some of the very advanced options on it - which the trainer dosn't)
Day 2 - we learn how to order flowers and set up a booking on the system
(I do at least 2 or more flower orders a day and on average it takes about 30 mins from ened to end to complete the order - longer if I have a good look round to find the right florist and flowers)
Day 3 - we learn how to order Chocolatesc & childrens Teddies etc - (same as above on day 2)
Day 4 - We learn about wine orders - (same as above on day 2)
Day 5 - We look at other gifts & retail items- (Don't ask - I will have lost the will to live by now)

Day 6 & 7 How to book a restaurant table and where to look for the good ones - we also get to spend a morning or afternoon walking around the town - looking for a restaurant that fits the synopsis we are given. then we have to do a presentation to the rest of the group on why we went for this particular option (no comment)
Day 8 - theatre bookings & how to find whats on (Still no comment)
Day 9 - Concert & sports events (Hits head against table)
Day 10 - go over the last 9 days training to see if there is anything we are unsure about

Day 11 - we get to do some call listening in to see how its all done in the real world and then move in to another area.

Day 12-15 - we get to take calls (just a few to start with)

I am normally on the phones - i deal with the majority of things that come in on a vast variety of complicated items and also complaints.

Beam me up scotty - I am so going to need counselling during this time - anyone want to do some sanity checks over the next 3 weeks - I think I may end up dringking a few glasses of wine in the evening - a lot more than normal.

Deep breath keep calm and bring out the witch hazle for the bruised head.
The three of us are going to stick together and make the best of it if we can. We all sit next to each other & know each other really well.

Stay tuned for the out takes it will certainly test our patience.

Jeanie - its your birthday soon isn't it

Take care all - will pop in later to see who is around


FRANK06 Report 30 Jul 2010 22:26

My dear Cynthia,

Have you not been watching the news........we are not allowed to use the word fat any more so your runner beans will just have to be slightly obese.

and you will have to start drinking skinny lattes.......double chocha mochas indeed ;)

Anne, don't you think it's just wonderful when everything that you do is reduced down to a tick in a box and failure to tick that box correctly results in pandemonium



Kiwibird Report 31 Jul 2010 04:50

Hi Everyone,
Belated Birthday Greetings Evelyn already the 31st here,
only 17 more weeks and I will be another year closer to 60.

Frank ..... Coffee is wonderful, ...Coffee is divine. there are properties in coffee that release certain chemicals in the Brain that are good for your mental health.
A lesson in Coffee for you, Coffee with a dash of milk is a Flat White. Black Coffee is a Long Black,
Espresso or Short Black is strong black Coffee served in Demitasse cup.. [looks like child's teaset cup]

Coffee made with milk only is a Latte or [Cafe au lait]
A mochachinno is a mixture of hot chocolate and coffee with steamed milk.
And finnaly a Cappuccino is Black Coffee topped with milk froth.

Coffee is only fattening if you combine it with CREAM CAKES!!!!

So Forget about the Low Fat, Non Fat, Trim, Skinny Milk, Decaf, Soy and Artificial Sweetener.
And order an honest to goodness cup of Coffee made with real milk and sugar. I can quarentee you that 1 cup a day will not make you fat.

Hi Sylvia you and I seem to be cursed with the same problem, regarding our knees.
My Doctor told me that I will need Knee replacement surgery but they will only do it when the knee finnaly gives out and I cannot walk anymore.

In the meantime walking down hill and negotiating steps is so excruciatingly painful and taking anti inflammatory s and pain killers including gels has been a waste of time.
As I live in a very hilly area and have to negotiate both steep slopes and steps to get to and fro to the train to go to work and I really suffer
and If I won Lotto the first thing I would do would be to get knee replacements, I don't care if they have to be done again in a few years, I will simply get them done again.

Anyway enough about my knees. Starting to see a few more sunny days and it's getting a little warmer.

Take care everyone, catch you all later.


Tabitha Report 31 Jul 2010 14:48

Nice to see you back Josie - sorry to hear about the knees - mine play up a bit too - something to do with age?

I loved the lesson in coffee - what is a frappacino then?

I can't drink anything hot - I only drink cold things and the colder the better. I don't drink milk either so am classed as a very strange person at work. I detest the smell of tea, but love the smell of coffee. My ex boss tried to get a ht chocolate down me one very cold winter. I had walked to work through the deep snow and according to him looked frozen and my lips were blue. My lips blistered and I ended up with a few blisters in my mouth as well, he felt awful.

I did try a real hot chocolate when we came home from ~St Lucia (we purchsed some real chocolate from a plantation) didn't even like it luke warm - just no good. I haven't long tried soup again and thats luke warm.

Frank - how are things with the babies these days?

Is any one watching WDYTYA? Looking forward to the one on Monday it may be more interesting.

Are you a December baby Josie?

Will pop back in later


FRANK06 Report 31 Jul 2010 22:04

I'd just like to thank you all for the coffee advice, but it still seems too much like hard work trying to figure out what you would like.
As much as I admire Sylvia's suggestion that I order a black coffee and put some milk in it, it would appear to go against the grain to ask for something as common as a black coffee in asking for a cheese sandwich in a five star restaurant!!

The grandchildren are all doing wonderfully with both the mummies coping well.

Sophia is growing ever larger and has found her voice.....and, look out!

Little Nieve is ......well.........little. She looks so tiny when compared to her big cousin but I'm sure she will soon be growing her way out of the onsies etc.

To infinity and beyond!


Cynthia Report 31 Jul 2010 22:25

Frappucinno.....wonderful concoction of ice, milk, coffee etc.etc. mmmmmmmmmm.

Good verse Jeanie but no idea about your cucumber - sorry.

What a mixture of topics in the last few hours.....cucumbers, coffee, knees, babies, birthdays, training courses....can't keep up with you all.

Dear Frank, thank you for the information re my plump runner I allowed to say plump?? Have just frozen a batch for later in the year. You're right about the skinny latte of course.....but not just yet.

Love to all. Cx.

Oh....Jeanies left the site hasn't she? Hope she keeps well.


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Jul 2010 22:54

Hi all

New great niece arrived this morning

....... Brynn Mallory was 7 lbs 11 ozs ...... a little smaller than her big sister was 2 years ago. Ellia was over 10 lbs!

Mother and baby, and the rest of the family, doing well.

daughter and co arrive back in a couple of hours ...... so expect me when you see me for the next 3 weeks.



Tabitha Report 1 Aug 2010 08:07

Morning all

Thank you for the Frappacino advice - never know I may try one

Will have to pop by later as I have a CAT on the mouse mat and two back feet hanging over the keyboard

Finding it hard to type as a tail keeps twitching at me when I type and just been nipped for touching his back paw by accident

Have to go as CAT has taken over the computer -