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FRANK06 Report 8 Sep 2010 20:04

"it is all part of life and I still have him around"

That says it all since whatever we have to go through, it is worth it when it brings those sort of results.

My own father-in-law had just retired when he too was taken by Bowel Cancer which is devastating.

Our thoughts really are with Reece as she comes to terms with her new life ahead.
We spend our lives growing up, get married then if we are blessed we bring up the children and see them off into the world.
All the time with the same person by your side and the thought of such a loss is quite unimaginable.

Take care out there......


Tabitha Report 9 Sep 2010 14:13

How lovely to hear from Reece

Its so hard when you lose someone very close - I still have days when I think - Mum would have loved that etc & feel so silly - i lost her over 18 years ago now.

Very manic at work & i am doing a 6 day week - stupid or what.

Get up etc - go to work Manic manic - go home eat fall asleep - go to be bed wake up early (as slept during the evening) get up and so on

Add in row with hubby as he thinks i am snappy at the moment !!!!!!!!!!

Nice to see you Robert - hope the shell was ok while you were away.

Cynthia you don't look old enough for Great grand kiddies

Susan - was eating lunch - not a lot put me off - Hope everything goes well & you get the results soon.

Frank very thought provoking - I agree whole hartedly.

I have had to start a TO DO List now - unheard off - just couldn't keep flipping through 6 or 7 pages of work & looking for the bits without ticks on.

Too many things with nothing against them

have to rush - take care all


Cynthia Report 9 Sep 2010 20:52

I agree Frank....unimaginable. I nearly lost my OH to heart trouble back in the 80's when we had been married for about 16 years and yet here we still are and into our 43rd year. I feel truly blessed and am grateful for each day together.

Anne, Anne, you are working far too hard, just be careful and look after yourself.

I expect Sylvia will be back next week....hope she has had a good rest and enjoyed herself. No doubt she has found a coffee shop somewhere!

Meanwhile, Shaun the Sheep is enjoying his jaunts in the car with me. He's good company when I am driving on my own............poor sad thing that I am......sigh

Off to see what is happening on the boards. Oh yes....really pleased......a new series of New Tricks starts tomorrow night and it's one of my favourite programmes...Yipee.......

Night all. Cx


Susan Report 10 Sep 2010 03:35

Hi Everyone

Your words Frank are so very true,Bowel Cancer is not a nice way to go.. I watched the OH"s Father who had also just retired die of Bowel Cancer and he lost so much weight at the end ....I intend to keep mine no matter what he has to go through.

Robert I am sorry you did not enjoy London,it is OK for a short period of time.

I suppose England is starting to get cool now as your Winter is getting closer.
The last time we came we came in Oct and left in Nov ,I would love to bring my Aussie OH back around Christmas so he can have a white Christmas but there is no garantee it will snow for us .
He has never seen snow,how sad is that.

I spent yesterday getting my books up together for the Tax man ,I am very late this year.
I am still waiting to see my opthomoligist re my eyes ,21st Sept I see him ,they think I have glowcoma as the presure in my eyes is way to high,that would explain the way my sight has gone down.

I should be very thankfull that I am in good health and I do have a good life,I think of Reece and what she must be going through.

It is very strange how we all have a veiw on what we all look like but have never met one another,we are indeed very blessed.

60th on Monday so whatever day everyone wants to have a group party I will be there.

Better get some work done,have a lovely day everyone.


Evelyn Report 11 Sep 2010 10:28

Hello Everybody,
My mother, Diane, who,s roots we still cannot find died in 1952 of bowel cancer,she weighed 3st 7lb just before she died, an extremely sad sight, it is indeed a cruel desease.
To brighter things,how honoured we are to have had a visit from Robert, glad to know you are ok friend.
I had an e mail from Wayne, he is well and VERY busy, as always, he sends best wishes to everyone.
The weather is lovely here at the moment though we have had some rain which was much needed.
Reece as always my thoughts are with you.
Cynthia you always seem so busy but you also seem to get so much out of life and you are indeed the kind of friend we all want and need and I am delighted to have you as a friend.
Time now to have a quick tidy round and get ready to go out for lunch, such a hard life I know but someone has to do it.
Much love to you all
Evelyn X


FRANK06 Report 11 Sep 2010 12:00

Yes indeed, bowel cancer is one of the situations when the considerations of "Mercy killing" really take hold.

My father-in-law was skin and bone, unaware of anything and pumped full of morphine at the end.

He was at home but my mother-in-law and my wife were still finding it increasingly distressing to keep him "clean" for more than an hour before having to start again.

All this even with the excellent McMillan nurses in attendance.

So difficult..............


Cynthia Report 11 Sep 2010 13:48

Evelyn, how nice to hear from you again. Please return our good wishes to would be so nice to hear from him again on here when he has time.

Have spent the morning at my daughter's flat putting up new curtains and new bedding for her. She is at her brother's until tonight. OH came with me and only nearly fell off the little ladder once! It's easier to do it on our own as we are used to each other's ways. Anyway, it looks very nice so I hope she is pleased with it........she chose and bought everything a couple of weeks ago.....everything has to co-ordinate - which it does, beautifully.

Did anyone watch New Tricks last night? Brand new series and one of my favourite things on tv. Evelyn, are you going to watch Strictly tonight....remember how excited we got with last year's final and Chris Hollins??? I am looking forward to it..........OH is looking forward to the new Merlin series so no doubt some give and take is the way forward. All after we have had a Chinese - I made an executive decision on tonight's meal!!

Looked out of the bedroom window this morning and there was a kestrel on the roof of our little sunhouse. It was being given a hard time by a magpie and eventually flew off. Guess it was a young one.

Hope you all have a good day.



Tabitha Report 12 Sep 2010 06:59

Morning all very quick visit - grumpy is around

Will be glad to get away fro a few days

Did a 7 hour stint in the office yesterday - must be mad - but need the extra cash - just wish it didn't come with extra tax though

Lovely to hear from you all - it wonderful to have such good friends

Frank I need your expertise again - we ran the cleaner - wonderful - however - on grumpy's computer - the toolbar does not save the history & grumpy only ever works from the toolbar - unlike normal people who use favourites etc. Ran the same cleaner on mine & mine does save the history till I run the cleaner again.

Any helpful input as to what I need to change on his computer toolbar as they seem to be set up the same.

Only 3 days in the office this week then 1 day at home to pack shop etc & then away for a week. Will find the cash to set up the dongle so I can keep in touch.

Take care all - will pop in later


FRANK06 Report 12 Sep 2010 10:56

Hi Anne,

Your grumpy sounds just like my grumpy as she always keys in her sites and never uses favourites!
Ccleaner cleans out everything, history etc, full stop !

If you want to keep any sites, use favourites but you can keep cookies from all the sites you visit which will carry some passwords like GR etc.
If you don't clean it out, your computer will eventually fill up totally with downloads etc until it does not have any more room. Ccleaner click on Options then Cookies.

This will bring up a list of cookies from all the sites you visit.
This will clear every time you run Ccleaner but before running it you can select any cookie on the left hand box and either drag it over to the right hand box or do multiple selections ( Hold down ctrl and click ) and send them over to the right hand box by dragging or click little arrow in the middle.

Any cookies on the right will never be deleted.......those on the left will always be deleted.


Evelyn Report 12 Sep 2010 11:00

Good Morning Friends,
Its a beautiful day here in Brittany, I have been a busy bee cleaning the cooker, I didnt really want to but felt obliged.
Ron is outside cleaning the mobile home and appying some preservative to protect it over winter.
I really love it here in Combourg it is so peaceful, earlier 4 hot air balloons went over, silly old me got the camera out of course, these photos keep me going over the cold winter days.
We are not going out today so I shall have to cook, I bought a JML Star Chef so will use that, lets hope it lives up to its promise.
Anne I hope you enjoy your holiday and come back refreshed and keen to work once more.
Robert will you need to do any work on your shell before winter sets in?does it need to be relined or any thing like that?.
I hope all is well in your world Frank and that the babies are well.
Ron might appreciate a cup of coffee so I will go and make one for him.
Take care everyone
Evelyn X


Evelyn Report 12 Sep 2010 11:13

Hello Frank,
I am not very computer savvy and have put lots of things on Favourites some of which I would now like to delete but have no idea how to do this, please can you help?my laptop is running quite slowly and I wonder if it is getting clogged up with all the things I save.
Thanking you in anticipation


Tabitha Report 12 Sep 2010 13:25

Hi Frank
Wonderful as usual - however - Grumpy is ok witht he cleaner deleting every so often.
However the command bar only holds one item

However my comand bar will keep filling up with all the odds & ends

How can I get his command bar to keep the history in it - instead of having to add the same thing every time.

I have added all his likes to favourites - will he use it - NO he won't

The flat looks lovely Cynthia

Evelyn - sounds like you need a rest after cooker cleaning - use Franks download its wonderful & has speeded the computer up a bit.

I need to make sure I charge up my dongle & phone battery before Friday.

Trouble is weather dosn't look that good - so may have to look for things to do inside places - rather than out.

OH getting excited over the GP as Button in the lead.

Cynthia - what did you think of "New Tricks" never missed one yet.

Have to admit after watching Strickly last night not sure if I will be as excited this year. Poor old Anton they do it to him every time.

Will wonder off - see you all later


FRANK06 Report 12 Sep 2010 16:21

Hi Anne,

Two thoughts here.........

1. In Cleaner Options / Settings ensure that the box to run Ccleaner when computer starts is unticked. That makes sure that it will only run when you want it to.

2. Under Cleaner / Windows / Internet Explorer untick the History box which means that it will NOT clear your hubby's history but it will clean up everything else.

........anything to keep him happy ;)

Did you ever get your DVD sorted?

Now then Evelyn,

On the first page of the download make sure you click on the BIG GREEN ARROW to download.

On the second page it will say...........

Thankyou. Your download will start automatically.
If not then please click this link.


Download and run Ccleaner which will clear all your history and any rubbish that has bulit up over the years.

1. On the opening screen click on "Run Cleaner" in the bottom right hand corner and as the first run can take from a minute to an hour depending on how much there is to clean out so just let it run.

2. When that's done cleaning, click on Registry and click on "Scan for issues" which will clean up your registry.

Once run click on "fix selected issues" which will ask.......
Do you want to back up changes to the registry? "YES" then "SAVE" then "FIX ALL SELECTED ISSUES" and that's it all clean and tidy......

It's available from above which is a lovely site full of free software.

CCleaner 2.34.1200


Robert Report 12 Sep 2010 16:49

Hi Evelyn,

Shell is normally warm in Winter but as I am old - I have a VERY significant birthday in 3 month's time , I am seriously looking for a Sheltered Shell.

The problem is, I will be with a bunch of old fogeys. Now who would want that!


Susan Report 13 Sep 2010 02:18

Hi Everyone

I have had the most wonderfull weekend,most of those that came to Mother In laws 90th came down again for my birthday .
It is not until today but they can only come on the weekend,I got taken out Saturday night for dinner and again by another lot on Sunday and so many visitors ,it was really lovely.

My sister in the Uk sent me a lovely bunch of flowers and I am waiting for the OH to surprise me later to day when he gets home from work.

Kids all coming over tonight ..

I can't say I feel any older and I am very proud to have goteen to 60,most of my female rellies have died earlier that that .
Any date set yet for our combined party ...really looking for ward to that.

Robert what is your birthday this year do you want to give us a number,I hope your shell does not get to cold for you over the winter .

Wayno it would be nice for you to drop in with some news on the Murry ,it must be filling up fast now with all the rains in the should give it a new lease on life.....God nows it needs it.

Mother in law has just turned up for morning tea .... be back a little later.
The Birhday Girl.


SylviaInCanada Report 13 Sep 2010 04:52

Got back yesterday (Saturday) afternoon ................. it started to rain a couple of hours after we got in. Fortunately Iain managed to unpack the trailer and the car before that happened!

It's raining hard today, and it is soooooo cold ...... we turned the central heating on first thing this morning.

The week went well ...... the weather wasn't too good, we lit the wood stove every day and kept it going all day, it rained most days, and it got cold at night! The fire kept the cabin lovely and cozy! But it was lovely and peaceful.

OH did have to do quite a few repair jobs to do that we hadn't expected, which means that he didn't manage to get done all that he had planned to do.

A pack rat (officially called a bushy tailed wood rat) had managed to find a spot where he could chew a hole in a wall, and had got into the store room where we keep tools and such like ...... made one heck of a mess as he chewed the lino on the floor, chewed all down the sides of a ball of string (means lots of little bits of string instead of one long long piece!), etc .................. and then left his bloody (literally) pee which resulted from him having gorged on the poison we had put down in there.

No sign of the body though.

That meant repairing the hole in the wall, cleaning up the mess, pulling everything off all the shelves and checking it all, washing everything down with disinfectant, re-laying some lino, etc etc. One good thing was that we did some sorting of the stuff ........ into the garbage, re-cycle (at the Share Shed in the village), take home again, etc.

The neighbourhood bear had decided to try to get into the screened-in sun porch (no glass windows, just mosquito netting over 4 large window openings). He'd taken a swipe at one corner of the netting in one window, ripped it down so there was a large squarish hole down at one corner (about 12 x 12"). Plus, one of his claws had torn down into one of the struts of wood underneath the window. Wonder what state his claw was in??????????

Then he'd turned his attention to the screen door and tried to break out one of the windows in that.

That meant taking out the whole damaged netting and replacing it with new screening, and forcing the metal frame back into place in the door. The screening in that was also damaged, but we just patched it with duct tape.

Finally, OH went to retrieve the large wheeled garbage can that we use to collect rainwater from the roof and which had been blown to the bottom of the grassy slope ............ or so we thought!

Nope ............... bear had used it as a plaything. You wouldn't believe the number of holes in that can from his claws!!

I did a lot of knitting, and we both also read a lot in the evenings.

Berry season was either late or sparse (according to all the locals), so we didn't collect any of the wild stuff.

We had a good drive back home ........... the sockeye salmon (my favourite salmon) run was huge this year, some reports say it could be the best in almost 100 years. The First Nations are allowed to catch all the salmon they need for their own food and ceremonies, and are also allowed to sell some of what they catch. So yesterday we stopped by one of the reserves where they had set up a Fish Shop, and bought ourselves a lovely 4 lb sockeye salmon caught on Friday. It was already dressed (head and tail off, and guts removed) ............... and cost $15 (or about £7).

OH will cut some steaks off it, leave a large piece whole, and we'll freeze it all for later use.

We realised on our way home that this will be the first time that we have had river-caught salmon ...... we usually buy our wild salmon from the docks down here on the coast, salmon that has been caught out to sea or in the estuary. It'll be interesting to see whether there is any difference in taste.

Talked to daughter earlier today (Sunday) ago, and finally got to hear about their "hurricane" last weekend.

It was actually downgraded to a Tropical Storm by the time it hit Halifax and Dartmouth. J said they got a lot of high winds, but little rain. They had little damage to their house, although she said they hadn't yet really checked their roof. The power was out for about 22 hours, but they didn't lose any food. The freezers stayed cold. She did throw out a couple of items from the fridge part which were close to their time limit anyway (eg, yoghurt that was a day over time).

There were a lot of limbs broken off trees in the city limits, and a few trees blown over. She said one neighbour up the street was really lucky. They had a big old tree in their front yard, it was blown over but fell very neatly sideways ..... across their lawn and the neighbour's, and missed both houses!



SylviaInCanada Report 13 Sep 2010 04:58


Hope you have a great day.

Lovely to hear from Reece .... thank you C for posting that. Please give her my best wishes next time you have contact.

Robert ....... now you have me wondering which significant birthday you are having in 3 months time?

One of our closest friends ishaving a major celebration on the weekend of October 10 ...... which is also Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada. She turns 80 that day.

Josie ..... I was thinking of you when we heard about the earthquake, but also about a friend from another site that I am on. Sally lives in the Lyttleton area, above Lyttleton actually, on that high road that goes around from Christchurch. Her house seems to have stood the test .......... but she lost a lot of glass and china. Fortunately her wine collection was in one of her 2 fridges, and the door stayed close! So the collection is still intact!

OH had 18" of his colon removed 5 years ago, and has been free ever since, touch wood!

take care everyone



Robert Report 13 Sep 2010 11:35

Why can't I keep my big mouth shut! - you nosey lot.

Just let's say I get a 25p (per week) increase in my Old Age Pension!!


Kiwibird Report 13 Sep 2010 11:37

Happy 60th Susan, I hope you have had a great day.
My OH has his 60th in November. I still have a few years to go.

Ah.. Venerable Robert I see that you are going to be having a significant Birthday in December. Only the best people are December Babies I wonder if you and I share the same date?

Glad to see you back from the Wilds of your cabin Sylvia glad to hear that The Bear had long gone before you arrived.

Well Spring arrived .... we got one absolutely fabulous day
then it plunged straight back into winter
We have had plenty of rain, hail, thunder and gale force winds to add to the shaking that has been going on since the Quake a week ago.
In Wellington we have only been having tiny quakes less than 3 on the Richter scale. So we do not feel them, however our cat has been very jittery and so have all my friends cats. Who do feel or sense them.

It has been a different story in Christchurch were they have been having continuous shallow aftershocks of between 3 and 5 and a lot of buildings that survived the initial Quake have now become unstable and have been condemned.

It sounds wonderful where you are Evelyn I have always dreamed of flying in a Hot Air Balloon maybe one day I will get the opportunity

Enjoy your couple of days off Anne

Off to bed now, Goodnight everyone catch you all later. Josie.


Susan Report 13 Sep 2010 13:53

Hi Everyone

I have had a wonderfull day ,Flowers Friends dropping in and the Oh finished work early so we had a nice day together as well.

The daughter and her family along with the son and his family came over tonight,I like the presents but I like more having all my family around me.
We have a good time together I wish we did it more often.

Thankyou for your good wishes.
Off to bed with a hot chocolate