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Cynthia Report 1 Aug 2010 19:57

Well that's a new one Anne! It was obviously after the mouse!!

The weather has been quite pleasant - started off damp but cleared up nicely later on. The roads seem very quiet so I think a lot of people around here must be on their holidays.

OH at the docs in the morning followed by a joint visit to the absolutely thrilling!!

Love to all friends. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Aug 2010 21:15

very cloudy and much cooler this morning, but now, at lunchtime, the sun is coming out, and the temperature is rising. It's just hit 19C!

We have over 300 wild fires burning across the province .... and one of those tanker planes that drops fire retardant crashed last night. It seemingly exploded on contact with the ground ............... and it is believed that the two pilots could not have survived. It crashed on the mountain that is the highest point of the road we take when we go to the cabin.

take care everyone



Susan Report 2 Aug 2010 04:19

Hi Everyone

Sorry I have been missing for a few days but I have been in bed with a terrible cold.
The OH had it for weeks being smart said I don't get cold and the next thing I know I am flat on my back in bed on Friday and only got up Sunday afternoon.
Head spins and chesty with this one.... not nice at all.

I do feel a lot better today but my housework is now behind and I don't feel like doing anything so I shant.

We have some very nice sunny weather at the moment so I am going out the back on a lazy boy with a good book ,it is all about Micheal Parkinson,I have always liked him it is a shame he retired one of the best interveiwer in my opinion.

I will catch up with all your posts over the day .

Lots of love to everyone
Glad you had a good birthday Evelyn.


Tabitha Report 2 Aug 2010 14:18

Afternoon all - very quick visit again

Sue - get well soon - not really sure what a "lazy boy! is - but I hope you enjoy yourself. Take care & put your feet up - housework can wait.

Sorry to hear about the pilots Sylvia - Bush fires cause so much damage and death to wildlife - poor little things son't know what is happening.

Where has everyone gone.

Cynthia - he certainly wasn't after the mouse - read on

Well when I left home this morning the cat had taken over the computer chair & no-one was allowed near it.

Yesterday after a very large breakfast - he stretched - went out for his morning consitutional, came back in and took up residence on the desk - with his head resting on the padded part of the mouse mat - he kicked the mouse off the desk - I caught it in time - little back paws dangling over the side - but when you pulled out the drawer with the keyboard on it hit his feet. Then as i typed his tail twitched and he got cross - I touched his feet a few times - so he nipped me & I gave up.

He stayed on the desk in the sun for over 5 hours - then reluctantly went out in the garden for a few more hours in the sun on the grass - when it got chilly he came back in had a very lazy meal - curled up on the desk had a very good clean & back to sleep again. Wouldn't have minded if he had had a hard night - but he stayed in on saturday night & was asleep from before 10pm and didn't get up till gone 7am on Sunday & then back to sleep again.

In the next life when I come back I want to be a Cat or Dog & belong to someone like me.

Back to work as training starts tomorrow - oh goody

Take care all


Cynthia Report 2 Aug 2010 22:23

Life of Riley that cat.....spoilt rotten...:))

Sorry about that rotten cold Sue but glad you are feeling much better. Am sitting in a Lazy Boy recliner as I speak or type - whichever! Very comfy too!

Went to the dentist this small filling for me next week but OH has to have a crown..........around £200' s worth.....arghh.
I don't mind going to the dentist at all and it's even better now as he has a tv on the ceiling so you can watch whilst he works away. It's just a bit disconcerting when he's watching too though!!

Off for an early night because of my early start tomorrow.

Sleep well dear friends. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Aug 2010 22:47


sorry to hear about your cold Sue

Hope you feel better soon.

Life of Riley is right for that there cat!!!

Do enjoy your "training" session Anne ....... hoepfully the 3 of you will be bale to find someting to laugh about each day.

Sleep tight, C ............... and all the others who are now going to bed.

It was very cloudy this morning, but the sun burnt tham all away, and it hs got up to about 25C again.



Kiwibird Report 3 Aug 2010 08:30

Hi Everyone,
Get well soon Susan, hopefully the Temps getting a little hotter in Oz, we had a glorious sunny day 14C here today.
Though on Sunday evening we had bad flooding round the streets where I Live with 38mils of rain falling in 3 hours, 21mils in the first hour, some parked cars were in water up to the top of their wheel rims.

Not good Sylvia to here about your Wildfires, just heard on the news that they are experiencing major wildfires in Russia also the first time in over one and a half centuries.

Hi Anne it sounds like your cat is not getting enough attention LOL and has taken to sitting on your computer desk as a protest. You are going to have to get firm with that cat of yours, over wise it will never allow you near your computer again.

For Those who don't know what a 'Lazy Boy' is It is a large comfy recliner chair with a footrest that will recline back enough that you can sleep in it.
Hospitals here in NZ use them instead of Beds for Day Surgery Patients.

My OH wants one, the only trouble is that if he got one he would fall asleep in it and never make it to the bedroom at night.

Well would you believe it, now that the weather is getting warmer, we finnaly are able to use our Pot Belly Stove again, which means I don't have to wrap up in blankets to sit at my computer, hence the reason I am on it tonight as my whole house is loverly and warm.
Must go and rescue my cauliflower before it burns dry.
Catch you all later Josie


Tabitha Report 3 Aug 2010 18:16

Thank you for the explaination - a Lazy boy sounds wonderful - I would never get my husband out of one - our husbands sound very alike Josie.

I agree he has a wonderful like this cat - butter wouldn't melt & he knows how to get round me - he sits on the foot stall - positions his head on one side - blinks at me & nudges my foot - this means he wants to sit on the seat where I am - Yes I am stupid enough to move over

As you can see I have the computer back again - he is out ion the garden romping around in the sunshine -

So very glad you mentioned Cauliflower - had to go & rescue mine and make the cheese sauce.

Well training what can I say - feeling worn out just sitting looking at the computer & being told - hold it don't hit the button yet - its so so slow.

Well off to get the Cauli in the oven ready for tea.

Anyone heard from Reece - hope she is ok - haven' t heard back from her.

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 3 Aug 2010 20:38

Hi everyone

Anne .. that sounds really boring!!

There is now a haze over Vancouver ....... smoke from the wild fires in the Interior has now drifted out to the coast.

The closest fire is at least 300 miles away, but there are so many steep valleys between the mountains, all leading out to the coast, that the smoke can easily drift this way.

No news of Reece, that I know ....... but I have jsut checked, and she did open the pm I sent her through GR



Cynthia Report 3 Aug 2010 21:38

My OH sometimes comes down and sleeps in his Lazy boy if he is disturbed in the night. He also sleeps in it during the day......seems like we all have the same prob!

Hope you caught that cauliflower before it burnt Josie. There was an article in the new recently about the cauli going out of fashion! We eat loads of veg here and are still munching through our runner beans!

I am sure Reece is well aware of all our thoughts and good wishes - hopefully she will soon feel able to come back and join us again.

Just watching a dvd - Quartermain - with Richard Chamberlain in about could make a picnic out of it!

Love to all. Night friends. Cx


Susan Report 4 Aug 2010 04:17

Hi Everyone

I can't seem to flick this cold ,one minute I am OK then it hits me again.
I love my Lazyboy we have had them for years ,Ideal around the pool that nobody swims in.

Went to see the doctor yesterday,he gave me some antibiotics,I hope they work I feel so tired .....all I want to do is sleep.
That is not like me .

We are off to Bali next Sat,better be well by then.

We are big lovers of Cauliflower and cheese ,My OH has me making it just for him as a meal,best with a roast lamb and mint sauce.

Will try to get back tonight,I must do some housework the house is a mess.


Tabitha Report 4 Aug 2010 13:47

Sue take care now - Housework can wait - hope you get rid of the cold before the trip to Bali - you are so lucky having it so close - have you done French Polynesia as well?

Have to admit haven't see that Richard Chamberlaine one - I love him in the Thorn birds - I can keep on watching that one over & over again.

Well we spent the whole morning discussing how to order a bunch of flowers - this afternoon we are going to discuss how to order a box of chocolates - Oh Happy days - but at least I am getting paid to do it & so are 2 of the managers who are also on the same training.

Spitting with rain - we really need a good down pour - but preferable not as I am walking home tonight.

Oh well 10 mins and then back to the training.

Hadn't thought of Cauli Cheese with Lamb - what an idea.

Take care all


Cynthia Report 4 Aug 2010 21:06

Take it easy need to get well ready for your hols.

Anne......too much training isn't good for you, but it sounds like a complete waste of money to me. I to order a bunch of flowers and a box of chocs......for heaven's sake!

That Richard Chamberlain film was really awful.....don't bother watching it. I'd rather watch Shaun the Sheep any day....he's my pin up. Apart from Frank of course!

Just another tootlin around day..........thank goodness. Not in the mood for a crisis!

Hope the rest of the crowd are okay. Love to all Cx.


Kiwibird Report 5 Aug 2010 07:14

Hi Everyone,
I am sure you are looking forward to your holiday Susan.
It certainly be nice and hot for you, Just whats needed after a cold wet winter.
Do have a good time.

Had an email from Jeanie, She can no longer post on the Boards, but can read the Threads and add to her tree.
She reported having a loverly Birthday last Sunday, but had some rather distressing news about one of her Doggies who was diagnosed with a cancerous Tumor of the Jaw and is not expected to survive very much longer.
Off to make Dinner for the OH.
Take care, catch you all later. Josie


Tabitha Report 5 Aug 2010 13:50

Oh Josie - how sad - I must try & email Jeanie when I get home.

Only a quick note as "Training still"

Lovely day today - still need that rain

Cynthia - i love Shaun the Sheep & have you watched Timmy Time - its so cute - i end up recording them all & John & I have a good giggle.

There are some really good stories & we love Shaun's mum with her rollers in her hair. We think the Pigs need a good beating as they are so nasty to Shaun.

Must go training calls

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Aug 2010 20:27

Hi all

still have the "haze" due to the smoke from the fires. The air quality has now been down rated ....... and people with respiratory problems, the elderly and infants are recommended to stay indoors as much as possible.

Son-i-l has his "exam by committee" today ........... it starts in about 30 minutes, and will probably take 2 to 3 hours.

We're going out for a celebratory dinner tonight (see ... we're assuming no problems, despite his panic attacks!). Hope they get home by 6 pm, as that is when the babysitter is arriving!

He then goes home tomorrow morning, and daughter and baby stay on for another 2 weeks.

Sorry to hear that about Jeanie's dog.



FRANK06 Report 5 Aug 2010 21:18

Shaun the sheep ?

.................he's a puppet !!!

On the other hand, I am a real man with real needs which my OH caters for superbly........... Macaroni cheese tonight, delicious ;)

.........."We think the Pigs need a good beating as they are so nasty"

It's ok Anne, I'm not really a male chauvinist pig....ouch

Thank goodness I have one fan............

Little Nieve now weighs 7lb 6oz from a birth weight of 6lb 9oz and is doing well with mother quite happy to be bottle feeding which also allows her OH to share the early / late feeds etc
It will make it a lot easier for us to babysit allowing them to get a break as it's a lot of hard work to begin with and we are glad to be close enough to help with this one.

Mind you our American grandaughter is suddenly growing up and has lost the "baby" look.
It will be interesting to see them together when they visit Scotland in October..............can't wait.


Cynthia Report 5 Aug 2010 22:25

Poor Jeanie....I was always so devasted when we lost one of our pooches.......I am so sorry.

Smoke situation sounds bad Sylvia - how difficult for those with breathing probs. Hope all goes well for your son in law and that you are able to have a really enjoyable meal.

Frank.....can we get one thing straight please?

Shaun the sheep is NOT a puppet....he is a real cuddly sheep with a superior intellect, fantastic imagination, great innovative skills and a sense of humour which has me creased.

Please.......let me have my dreams.....

I have all of his dvds. I have two models of him here in my lounge and two in my bedroom. He is also hanging on the back of my bathroom door and a teeny model of him wearing a snorkel is on the ledge of the bath.

I am slightly hooked on him.

Good to hear that Nieve is doing so well....babies just grow up too quickly though. I know you are an admirable grandad of whom they will be very proud.

Now, remember what I told you about Shaun. :)))

Night all. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Aug 2010 22:29

sleep tight C

Frank .... I think bottle feeding is much easier than breast feeding!


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Aug 2010 00:14

heard about an hour ago

s-i-l has got his PhD

....... excellent presentation

...... excellent thesis

...... good contribution to the subject

He has to make a couple of minor changes, whicuh he'll do after he gets home tomorrow (Friday), because he has the necessary resoruces there.


will go out this evening for a celebratory dinner at our favourite restaurant.
