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Tabitha Report 14 Aug 2010 11:47

Back again - had a few busy lunchtimes - so couldn't pop in.

Finished class room training - gosh those 2 weeks went quickly - thank goodness - now we have a week in the Uni - well I only have 3 days (thankfully)

Hope Sue & Hubby got away ok and have a fun time in Bali -

Congratulations Sylvia & hubby on your anniversary

Frank you do push your luck don't you - good job Cynthia is around to keep you in check.

Cynthia - what on earth went on in your kitchen - how many Grandkiddis do you have?

Josie - you & I seem to be travelling in the same circles - you do all the handling of the posh clothes & I speak tot he people who wear posh clothes & go posh places.

I have found a couple of fantastic restaurants in London - good food & reasonably priced.

Have to vanish to get lunch on - will try & pop in again later today if not 2Moz (as they say on text)

Wonder where Evelyn is these days.

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Aug 2010 05:00

Hi all

it has been soooooooo hot here that we all retreated down to the cool basement for most of the day

We had lunch and dinner down there.

J sorted through some of the boxes she still has stored .............. throw out, to the Sally Ann, take home with her now, us to take with us at Christmas, or back into storage for another couple of years!!

I came upstairs to the computer about 30 minutes ago ......... at 9pm, it is still 28.5C outside and 31.8C inside. Maximum this afternoon in our backyard (in the shade) was 31.8C

More of the same every day through until at least Thursday!

Josie .... I hate to disillusion you. OH didn't catch the fish ....... he bought it off a fishing boat at the fishers dock. Like you, we don't do hunting and fishing .... tho' we love fresh fish, and deer or moose meat!



Cynthia Report 15 Aug 2010 07:16

I have this mental image of Sylvia and family huddled in the cellars during the heatwave. Must have been doing too much family research with people living in dire conditions in cellars in the c19th!!!!

We've had a lovely few days here too but not as hot as that Sylvia........take care, we don't need you getting sunstroke!

Funny how kids still leave stuff at home isn't it? Ours had some stored before we downsized and then it .........went....much tidier!

How about booking a table for us all at one of the fantastic restaurants Anne....we could do with a good get-together and natter. How time would fly!

Sue will be at her holiday destination by now I think...hope the rest does her good and she comes back refreshed and relaxed.

Quite a busy day ahead and am going to a local agricultural show this afternoon. It's been rained off in the past but the weather looks great for it today. Usual dispaly of cattle and horses with sideshows, craftwork displays etc. Will just have a wander around and admire anything which needs to be admired and probably meet old friends.

Take care...must go and jump in the shower. Cx


Tabitha Report 15 Aug 2010 09:30

Morning all - I am getting concerned over Evelyn

Sylvia - could do with a bit of your heat over here - we had rain yesterday at last.

Cynthia - enjoy your day out

Lots of lovely restaurants in London- lovely prices too - i fancy the OXO Tower the Bistro not the restaurant - wonderful views - I would also love to go to the Jules Verne in Paris - check out the websites -

Off to finish the ironing and do some sorthing out

Need a helping hand from Frank - how can I speed up the computer - its having a bit of a go slow. Did a Defrag & clean disc yesterday also a chkdsk and it was a lot better - today its back tot he goslow mode.

Must be weekend feeling.

Love to Reece if she pops in for a quick read & Jeanie

Take care all - will pop by later.


FRANK06 Report 15 Aug 2010 12:50

Hi Anne,

Slow, are we............what are you on :))

Windows XP with SP2 or SP3.

Windows Vista SP2.

Windows 7.

What firewall, antivirus etc?

You don't happen to have AVG 9 which likes to grab resources as it boots up and does a big scan from the off.
Does this happen regularly?

Cynthia, the cellars ??!!...............Our American lot huddle together down in the garden basement when it's hot with the aircondtioning, stereo, 56" plasma, barbeque, bar................sounds horrific.

Oooopp north ......we use the caves but only when (if) it's too hot and once we've seen off Robert's eight legged friends (the Bruce, not our shell hopping friend) although our Robert did mention his fully stocked cave somewhere in the glens.

We too,still have loads of our girls' "momentoes" boxed away and yes, they do pop by and now and then to give them the once over with the "you can't throw that out

................can we borrow your cave Robert ;)


Tabitha Report 15 Aug 2010 13:45

Frank - you lost me somewhere -
XP home edition - not sure what the SP refers to -
I do have Norton 360
and my CD/DVD RW has stopped working & isn't showing up on the system - so looks like we need a new one.

No Windows 7 or Vista

Sounds like the US family have a wonderful life

I still have a load of things in the attic from my teenage years - I really must get rid of the stuff - when i was younger i bought a load of things for my bottom drawer and things for when i had a family - well that never happened - but they are still in a box - I really must find a home for them and free up some space - wonder if anyone would want to buy them on ebay.

I must be one of the few people who don't use ebay.

Will pop back again later if I get the chance.


FRANK06 Report 15 Aug 2010 19:55

Hi Anne,

SP stands for service pack so you will have Service Pack 2 installed and should really be thinking about installing SP3 if you don't already have it.


Norton 360 is fine as I used it up until last year when I tried Norton Internet Security 2010 which is also very good.
It was cheaper to get NIS 2010 than Norton 360 v4 and when I'm due to renew next I'll get Norton 360 v4 next year as it will be cheaper than NIS !!

MY mother-in-law had a six year old laptop with XP and ended up getting a new on as it had become so slowwww.

My only thoughts apart from old age..........not you Anne, the computer... are that it's just clogged up with rubbish so you could try cleaning it up.

First of all I would download and run Ccleaner which will clear all your history and any rubbish that has bulit up over the years.

1. On the opening screen click on "Run Cleaner" in the bottom right hand corner and as the first run can take from a minute to an hour depending on how much there is to clean out so just let it run.

2. When that's done cleaning, click on Registry and click on "Scan for issues" which will clean up your registry.
Once run click on "fix selected issues" which will ask.......
Do you want to back up changes to the registry? "YES" then "SAVE" then "FIX ALL SELECTED ISSUES" and that's it all clean and tidy......

It's available from below which is a lovely site full of free software.

CCleaner 2.34.1200

Once that has finished cleaning download and run Malwarebytes again from filehippo.
Update it as you should when running any antispyware/malware and then run the scan.
This could take quite a while, but is good at sniffing out baddies.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.46

That should tidy things up and may even speed up your computer.

Worth a try.


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Aug 2010 20:01

Hi all

quick visit ...... another hot day.

Yesterday broke a record set in 1946

today is expected to be even hotter

Retreating to the basement again

..................... it's just coming up to noon, and it's already 30C outside and over 32C inside this room .................. with the fan going strong!

see you later ....... maybe!!!



Tabitha Report 15 Aug 2010 20:08

Thanks Frank = will let you know what happens

I can't remember how old it is - at least 4 years I think

Take care all - will try & pop back tomorrow


FRANK06 Report 15 Aug 2010 20:18

With regard to the DVD try opening "Device Manager" and see if DVD is listed there.
If so, click on it then under "actions" click "update driver software" and allow it to find any driver updates online.

Also in "my computer" or "computer" is DVD showing there.

I know they do sometimes vanish but they do give up the ghost eventually.

Sylvia, just be careful as your skin will be all white and "peally wally" living in that basement .

Cynthia and co won't recognise you, well not unless they are wearing sunglasses ;))


Cynthia Report 15 Aug 2010 20:49

You've gone all technical Frank! Hope Anne can cope with your's mind boggling....but then, you are so good at getting one's mind to boggle. I could do with you here though Frank....daughter's computer has died and it rather looks like there isn't any power coming through the charger. She is not happy!

Must be hot to keep Sylvia away.......she needs a little cave like Robert's to retreat to.

How are you Robert? Waving to you ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Went to the agricultural show but was a bit disappointed....the usual horses, cattle, stalls etc and crowds of folk but it lacked a certain 'something' if you know what I mean! I did indulge in some candyfloss and fresh doughnuts though.......oh dear, thoughts of Mrs Michelin spring to mind but at least I haven't had any tea yet!

I forgot how tiring it is to traipse round on the uneven surface of a field.....showing my age now!

Evelyn? Yoo hoo........where are you????

Love to all. Cx.


FRANK06 Report 16 Aug 2010 01:26

Oh Cynthia, you sweet talking thing.

With candy floss AND doughnuts, It's not Mrs Michelin in spring you shoud fear,'s Mrs Michelin in autumn you should be worrying about.
Mind you it's probably neccessary to build up your protein stores for the winter.

As for Anne, it's just stuff I've done for my mother-in-law when she had Windows XP SP3 and myself of course when I had Windows '98 !!
Sometimes works, sometimes not...............

I've just been playing about with Photoshop Elements 6 and you can slim people down in the photos as well as doing their makeup, eyelashes, teeth whitening.
You can make an old dog look quite wonderful with a bit of time.

It's amazing stuff..............


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Aug 2010 05:00

Hi all

................ have emerged from the basement

ours isn't quite as spiffy as Frank's US relations ...... we don't have air conditioning! You really have never needed airconditioning in Vancouver, but it seems that the times are a'changin'!

It is carpeted though, we have a dining table in one part of the basement, and OH's computer and "office" in the other. Unfortunately, we can't get onto the internet from his computer ...... we do have a router etc etc, but something has gone wrong with the connection in the last few weeks.

The high in the shade in our backyard today was 34.1C, inside this room it got to 35.7C ........................... it was about 24C in the basement, but felt much cooler than that!

where's Evelyn???



SylviaInCanada Report 16 Aug 2010 18:04

no-one's visited since this morning???????????

another hot sunny day .................26C in the shade in the backyard at 10:00am. Over 30C forecast again for the afternoon

Daughter wants to go to Ikea. Leaving in a few minutes

Back home for lunch, then find somewhere cool for the afternoon and evening

Guess where?

Woke up about 5:00 am this morning, saw OH had pulled a BLANKET up over him.

Realised I didn't feel too well.

Realised fan had been turned down to setting one.

Turned fan up to 2.

Drank 8 oz water.

Felt much better.

I was dehydrated!

He said "I felt cold in the middle of the night so I turned the fan down and got the blanket".

I swore silently!!!!

Back when it's cooler!

Weather is supposed to start cooling down on Wednesday or Thursday. Down to clouds and 18C on Friday ......... when daughter leaves.



Cynthia Report 16 Aug 2010 22:28

Just popped in to say goodnight!

Went to the dentist today and watched tv! He has a set on the ceiling so it's helpful to take one's mind off things. Actually, I don't mind going there at all and yes Frank, I still have all my own teeth!

All that talk of windows........mine could do with a wipe down soon.....any chance?

Daughter has now gone to her brothers for a few days so I can relax for a bit.......famous last words.

Imagine......our Sylvia swearing silently! Wonders will never cease.

On that note......night all. Cx


FRANK06 Report 16 Aug 2010 23:38

Yes, good idea that with the TV on the ceiling except of course that I take my glasses off when I'm in the chair so I can't see the ceiling never mind a TV !

Well done Cynthia for having teeth after all those doughnuts and candy floss............floss, do you floss??

That's what my dentist asks me every time I visit.........come on, life's too short to floss ;))

Now then Cynthia, relax, breathe slowly................

"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence"


Tabitha Report 17 Aug 2010 13:45

Well silence seems to be the order of the day.

What is happening here - are we in danger of dissapearing again

Evelyn has vanished
Robert is in hiding
Wayne seems to have vacated so has Catherine
Debbie & Jeanie have divorced themselves from GR
Reece is looking in now & then & will be back when she feels ready
Susan is in Bali - lucky thing
Josie is knee deep in dry cleaning
Frank is trying to keep our computers up & running
Sylvia hiding in the basement with the family
Cynthia living it up at the fairground witht he candyfloss
I am still in training - but we have been let out of the dungeon - we are now on the 2nd floor (getting altitude problems now) in the daylight (on with the glasses) all the curtains back & looking out at the other building and busy main road.

Who did i leave out?

Talking about candyfloss - my little newsagents now sells Candyfloss in little pots at 50p a pot. Will try one soon just to see what they are like.

Well 10 mins left and need to finish my cheese salad - its not that inspireing - esp when looking at restaurants with all that lovely looking food.

Take care all


Robert Report 17 Aug 2010 15:11

Hiding - Yes.

But still watching to see that you are all behaving!!!!


Cynthia Report 17 Aug 2010 18:39

Good analysis Anne. Mind you, we keep going don't we? you think we are behaving ourselves or is there room for improvement?

Frank, I was having a tooth filled not giving birth!! I have no fear of the dentist and we get on well.

Long gone are the days when I used to get into a dreadful state before visiting the dentist...he was an elderly Jew - unmarried and not very tolerant of children. His needles were thick and blunt (or so it seemed). He once either smacked or kicked my son for fidgeting in the chair. Wouldn't get away with that these days would he?

It has been drizzly here today but is now sunny and dry so out goes the washing....again!

Take care friends.


FRANK06 Report 17 Aug 2010 19:28


I'm not surprised your unmarried, unchild friendly Jewish dentist wasn't happy with you.

I imagine he must have been flabbergasted on seeing you lying on your back watching Corrie on the ceiling mounted 60" plasma with your legs in stirrups and asking for a painkess extraction without (blunt) needles.

Ooopps, did you say teeth..............

Confused ooopp north ;)