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FRANK06 Report 6 Aug 2010 00:18

Wow Cynthia,

".........he is cuddly with a superior intellect, fantastic imagination, great innovative skills and a sense of humour which has me creased."

You haven't mentioned marriage, but if Shaun was a mere mortal man, he'd be amazing ;)

Sylvia, I quite agree and although the world at large seems to frown on bottle feeding, not everyone sails through breast feeding.

My eldest daughter had quite a difficult time as baby was not getting enough milk with the result that she was feeding every couple of hours at least.
As she did not feel comfortable feeding downstairs with us, she would feed in her bedroom which produced the following sort of timescale.........

7.00............ change baby, wash and feed.
Try to express milk.
Bring baby downstairs.
Try to eat breakfast.
Try to snooze.
9.00.................upstairs,feed baby
Bring baby downstairs
Try to express milk.
Clean / sterilize feed bottles, pumps etc
Try to eat something.
Try to snooze.
Baby is hungry again.

Etc, etc, etc.

You get the general idea and of course you can get drained (figuratively speaking) very easily once the helping hands have gone and you are on your own.

Now that baby is bottle feeding, she is satisfied and contented and life is more akin to the story books of happy mother and baby!
That happy ending came with a struggle as guilt and fear can tend to force you to carry on breast feeding even though you are aware that it's not working well.

Doesn't help when a model gives birth and is back modelling bikinis after six weeks telling everyone that breast feeding was so easy and that it should be unlawful not to do so................

I mean breast feeding not modelling bikinis ;))


FRANK06 Report 6 Aug 2010 00:25


Congratulations to your son-in-law and hope you enjoy your celebration meal.
Go easy on the fizzy stuff ;))

Cynthia, I suppose you will be telling us that Shaun the sheep got a PhD as well...........



Kiwibird Report 6 Aug 2010 09:29

Hi Everyone,

Was Glad to hear that you are a real man with real needs Frank.
I am also glad to hear they are being met.!!!!!

Breast is Best when it comes to Babies and for me I was a veritable milk cow
with my second baby I used to express milk so others could feed him also.
However there are many Women who have problems and are unable to Breast feed and it is sad that societies attitudes are in many cases both uneducated and intolerant of these women.
I am glad that your Grand daughter is now a happy and contented baby and that your Daughter can start to enjoy motherhood.

Off to have my Dinner now and looking forward to watching Dancing On Ice on TV later, this is the first time this programme as ever been shown here in NZ and we are probably only getting to see it as the Shows host Philip Scofield is a Kiwi.
Anyway have always been big fan of Ice Dancing and of coarse Torvil and Dean. So are thoroughly been enjoying this show.

Catch you all later Josie


Tabitha Report 6 Aug 2010 13:58

Congratulations Sylvia

Fantastic news about the Grandkiddies

However - i am deeply hurt to find out you think Shaun is a PUPPET, thats as bad as saying Gordon the Gopher was a PUPPET or Santa dosn't exist - really Frank you need an education

Cynthia thank goodness for someone who knows realality - I don't have anything of Shaun at home except the items I have recorded.

Do you watch Timmy Time as well?

I think we need to educate Frank - we need to sit him down and show him the show - so he can appreciate Shaun's acting ability.

Puppet indeed - what a thing to say to us

Off back to traiing again. take care everyone


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Aug 2010 18:53

Had a great meal last night

and the babysitter worked out well, so J has hired again for our anniversary and OH's birthday, so we 3 can go out for dinner

s-i-l should be just about ready to board his plane on his way home.

then we have to baby proof the house ........ niece and her 20 month old son are on the way to visit her mother, but it is impossible to get a plane from where she lives (Whitehorse, Yukon) to where her mother lives. She has to come through Vancouver .. and has a 7+ hour long lay over.

Not had to baby proof for a very long while!

Anne .... I've often meant to ask .... did you get any feed-back from that family you were booking into Vancouver and Whistler???

take care everyone



FRANK06 Report 6 Aug 2010 20:39

Hey hey, we now have Friends over Fifty where we can find that special person of our dreams.

Shaun Sheep,

I enjoy getting close up and personal with cuddly over fiftys who can share my superior intellect while creating an amazing comic book character about a wooly puppet who likes talking about himself.

Preferred partners should be vegan and enjoy outdoor life and a bit of grass.

No bleating hearts please................


Cynthia Report 6 Aug 2010 22:07

'scuse me Frank. Shaun doesn't talk but his eyes say everything! I do like expressive eyes.........

Timmy seems to be everywhere but I admire Shaun for his intellect and his......eyes.

Had a nice lunch out today - looks like we all enjoy a meal out doesn't it? At least I didn't have to come home and baby proof the house! That should keep Sylvia on her toes.

Hope you enjoy watching Skating on Ice Josie....I saw bits of it but it made me very nervous. I stuck to Strictly Come Dancing......if felt safer.

Love to all. Cx.


Susan Report 7 Aug 2010 07:14

Hi Everyone

It hit me again,My doc tor thought I may have one of the bad flu's but no only a normal flu but be cause I have been on a diet he thinks it may have made me a bit run down to start with.

I have lost 3 kl's anyway I have been so sick but I am on the mend now thank god.

It will take me a while to read all the posts but I shall get to it sometime today.

We are looking forward to our trip ,it will be nice and warm in Bali.
Get back to you all tonight.
Thankyou all for your good wishes.


Cynthia Report 7 Aug 2010 22:14

No visitors today???

Poor Sue, you have really been badly hit with whatever it was so I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am not surprised you are a little run down as you seem to have been hithering and thithering all over the place latey.

I do hope you enjoy your holiday and get a good rest.

Nothing very exciting to report today but, as you know, that's how I like it!

Going back to the other man in my life........Shaun.......everytime I look at him I tend to think of Frank. Will I get over it do you think?

I am on the look out for a small version to sit in the car with me so that I have someone to talk to when on my mum's taxi run!

Oh yes, I heard from Tracey this week. Little Madison is doing very well but it seems she has a hearing prob. Tracey hopes to pop in now and again to see us.

(if I had a memory, I would be dangerous!!)

Love to all. Cx.


Kiwibird Report 8 Aug 2010 10:31

Oh Cynthia.... how could you possibly think of Frank when you see Shaun?

For one thing Shaun is an adorable cuddly sheep ..don't know about Frank and for another Shaun doesn't wear a kilt...

Frank called him a puppet
I think sadly to say Dementia is setting in and Frank has confused Shaun with 'Lamb chops' who was a puppet who's alter ego was Shari Lewis.

Personally I Prefer my Lamb Roasted and served with mint sauce.

Now that I have caused outrage, I will slink off.

Take care everyone, especially you Susan. Catch you all later Josie


Tabitha Report 8 Aug 2010 12:15

Josie - I am in shock ( I too like Lamb & mint sauce) but how can you mention Shaun in the same way.

Susan - hot lemon & honey - with a Whisky chaser - you need to get well for your hols.

Sylvia - the family are going at the end of August - but I will check with them - their dates changed

Lovely day here again - quite warm - does nothing for the water situation though.

Cynthia - try Shauns website - there should be a car Shaun on it you can purchase

Not sure if I think of Frank in the same way as Shaun - Shaun is cuddly & cheeky & gets into trouble a lot - nothing like Frank really.

Wonder how Wayne is & Robert - he hasn't been out of his shell for ages.

Evelyn - what are you doing - you haven't visited us for a while now.

Well off to finish lunch - will try & pop in again later - Take care all


Robert Report 8 Aug 2010 15:21

In shell, Contemplating and meditating.

Thinking of you all.


FRANK06 Report 8 Aug 2010 16:21

Thank you Anne for bringing a touch of sanity back to this thread !

It's all lies you know as that Cynthia is just jealous. She has been making sheeps eyes at Shaun while insinuating that I have feelings for Lamb Chops ....... only with mint jelly.......mmm

As any Scotsman would confirm, sheep do not wear kilts as it would leave their extremities extremely vurnerable to thistles and gorse out on the hills.
This is reputedly where Scottish dancing first originated after some kilted natives were less than observant of the surrounding area.

By the way Josie, Lamb Chop was a girl so who's confused now ;))

Nice one Robert.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Aug 2010 21:32

Hi all


Anne said ..................... Shaun is cuddly and cheeky and gets into trouble a lot - nothing like Frank really

I think Frank is at least 2 out of those 3 ................... his OH might get upset if I say he's also cuddly :)))

It rained yesterday ........ whoopee!

I said earlier a niece had her 2nd child on the 31 July. The mother is now having a problem with her back ............... her back "went out" on Tuesday, by the next day she could not walk. Her husband had to literally carry her everywhere. She is almost 6' tall, and nicely built!

I don't know whether you know that all your ligaments etc in the pelvic area get "softened" so the pelvis can stretch open to let the baby out. Then they tighten up again after the birth. It seems that something must have gone a bit wrong during the birth at her sacro-iliac joint (the one right in the middle of your bum), and more went wrong as the ligaments tightened up.

She had 2 hours of physio on Thursday, and was able to walk out the door after it (husband had carried her in). She is under strict orders not to lift ANYTHING, including the baby. Husband has to do everything (including nappy changes), 24 hours a day, giving her the baby only to hold and feed ................ she also has a very active 2 year old. She lives in the same town as her mum (OH's sister), so has family help, and the elder daughter has been staying at least some nights with my sis-i-l. Her brother and sister are already there or due there today. J goes up tomorrow evening for a quick 2 night visit.

We're just hoping things get better soon.

Son-i-l got home safely on Friday, about 10 hours door to door. Now getting the 2 cats settled again (they had hosue sitters for 3 weeks, so cats have to get used to "normal" treatment!).

Having roast lamb (!!) and mint sauce tonight



Cynthia Report 8 Aug 2010 22:41

Lamb Chop v Shaun??? no contest!

Ever see Shaun do Riverdance? Brilliant.

Roast lamb

Hope your niece recovers fully in the not too disant future Sylvia. Such a shame with two little ones.

Relieve to see that Robert has managed a little wave from his shell ~~~~~~~ waves back.

Has Sue gone away now? Time goes so quickly and I get my days muddled v. easily! Must be an age thing.

Just watched Sherlock Holmes - I like it even though I absolutely adored the traditional ones, especially those with Jeremy Brett in the star role.

Well, it's been a long day so will bid you all goodnight. Love. Cx


Susan Report 9 Aug 2010 05:29

Hi Everyone

Cynthia ,We go on Sat morning the flight takes off at 7.30 am so we have to leave Busselton at 1.30 am in the morning to be at the airport for 5.30 am ,two hours before flight takes off.
We are really looking forward to it ,a nice rest for the hubby too he is tired of work he says ,but he will be back at it as soon as we get home I am sure of that.

Nice to hear all the babies are thriving,I was one of the ones that could not breast feed with both of mine and they did ok.

Robert I am so glad you have popped in I felt I may of offended you and drove you away,you have really made my day now.
Please dont be a stranger.

Anne A hot Lemen and honey with a rum chaser is what I did have last night as I have now finished my antibiotics.
I do feel a lot better today and everyday I improve,just intime for my trip.

It si very cold in Wa at present ,2c last night I had to turn my electric blanket back on in the middle of the night.
Looking forward to a bit of warm ,then I will be glad to get back to the cold .

I am getting all my washing up together,will pop in later.

Love to you all


Tabitha Report 9 Aug 2010 06:51

Morning all - very quick visit

I loved Lamb Chop & Shari Lewis - with her little crinkled nose - must be a sheep thing - I do adore pigs those - as i am a Pig myself (Chinese Astrology) my beloved is a Dragon. So we have lots of little dragon & piggie things around the room.

Hope your niece gets better soon Sylvia

Welcome back Robet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Waves too

Frank - what can I say - I am sure I have seen Shaun in a kilt on one of the programmes - tossing a caber as well with a little Tam on his head. Or was that a dream?

Cynthia can't wait for the nest update.

Susan glad the rum worked well - have you tried a hot buttered Rum - wonderful

Off to breakfast now - take care all


FRANK06 Report 9 Aug 2010 20:27

Dream on Anne, If I was a puppet wearing a kilt, I certainly wouldn't want someone's cold hands working me.............

Cynthia, the only thing worse than Shaun the sheep would be a kilted Shaun the sheep doing Riverdance ;)

Anyway, how do you dance with four feet.......a bit like me with my two left feet only twice as bad!??

Susan, I coorie in to my OH in bed and she shoo's me away cos she's so hot............. (it's the change you know ;))

Sylvia, thankyou for your kind words and I am pleased to say that I am definitely not least not in the "Cynthia style" of cuddly ;)

Lean 'n mean.......well not mean in a bad way or in a Scots way or .......well not actually mean at all, just lean.

Ye ken...........


Cynthia Report 9 Aug 2010 22:13

Very glad to hear you are feeling even better Sue....all systems go for the

How's work going Anne? Hope you enjoyed your training courses.....hahaha I bet you could have lead them yourself to be honest. obviously don't watch S the S. Two back legs for him when dancing! Very talented he is! A bit like you I suppose.....can turn his hand/hoof to anything.

Cuddley? mmm.......well, I am quite tactile, but only hug when I know it is going to be well received.

Lean 'n mean? Like the famous grilling machine??

With that, I had better beat a hasty retreat.

Night night friends. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Aug 2010 05:20

Hi all

OH and I are on our own again .. for 2 nights!!

Took daughter & baby to airport this afternoon for her quick trip to see her aunt and cousins ..... should know more about the new Mum on Wednesday.

The weather has been cooler since Saturday, but I believe hotter weather is on its way within the next couple of days.
