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SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jul 2010 17:54

How very sad ................. yet how nice that he went easily and with grace and dignity.



SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jul 2010 17:57

I emailed GR on Saturday re a survey that is apparently being conducted through GR's page on Facebook. I got an answer this morning. First, my pm to them, and then their answer

Subject : Feedback
I understand from other members that there is an online survey ....... on FACEBOOK. I refuse point blank to join Facebook, it is having serious privacy concerns here in Canada, and is under investigation by the Federal Privacy Commissioner. Please can you tell me why you are conducting an online survey through such a site. And also, how may I participate in that survey. I have been disenfranchised by you ...... and so have many other members. I am not the only GR member who is not a member of Facebook. Is this a deliberate way to again only get information from a select group of GR members? I did suggest in an earlier email to you that you should contact GR members through the email addresses that you have. This would ensure that only active members would contribute to the survey as they are the ones who will have maintained their home email addresses with you. On an open site such as Facebook, you are likely to get a weird collection of responses. I look forward to receiving a reply from you ..... and hopefully, a chance to participate in the survey.

Dear Sylvia

Thank you for your email.

Please find below a link to the survey that you refer to.

If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Genes Support Team

So it sounds as if there will not be a survey done through THIS site.

and we have to go to that exterior site if we wish to have a say in the future of GR ... or to make comments.

I did look at that link .... and it says it will take about 20 minutes to answer about 20 questions.



Cynthia Report 26 Jul 2010 19:44

Sounds a bit as though GR are passing the buck Sylvia. Sounds like your OH is going to be busy gardening for a while. Good job you are going to have a break from your visitors for a while.

Frank........I feel so much better knowing that you are still around and as cheeky as ever! Reading glasses? She wasn't wearing glasses....and no, she didn't need to go to the optician either! Glad the two little girls are doing well and that grandad is just about coping.

Hope you feel better tomorrow Ann...maybe the weather is getting to your colleagues.

Out in Yorkshire for most of the day tomorrow but it seems as though it is going to rain...!!

Off for a browse. Cx.


Susan Report 27 Jul 2010 04:04

Hi Everyone

Well I won't be part of the survey either as I too do not go to Facebook.

I have been asked to join by others but they are under investigation are they not .
It is a silly site anyway and quite dangerous re' personal info going astray.

Frank get yourselves an electric blanket then nobody can take your space and you stay warm all night without any covers.
Glad to hear all the babies are doing well,you lucky things I have to wait for Great Grandchildren now.

A little under the weather yesterday ,I am surrounded with people with colds but I seen OK today,I am lucky with not picking up colds.

Anne don't let them get you down,I have the same with some of my friends,I am an up person most of the time and it is only others that try to bring me down.

Off for my bike ride .
Catch you later.


SylviaInCanada Report 27 Jul 2010 05:00

I have just completed the survey ...... I used the link that GR sent to me, and went to the zoomerang site

I had been told by someone that zoomerang is a very reputable survey company in the UK ........... and that the Facebook page just directed you to the zoomerang site anyway.

Please do do the survey .

................... it took me about 20 minutes, largely because the last two "questions" actually ask for suggestions and comments on the site. I had to do some hard thinking!



Tabitha Report 27 Jul 2010 13:10

So sorry to hear about Reece at least they had time together

I will send her a small message -

Thanks for the Survey - I like surveys - there is a marriage one on the General board (I think)

Seems a very sad thread at the moment

Take care all


Dozey Report 27 Jul 2010 14:04

Hi everyone

Yes indeed Tabitha - a very sad thread at the moment. Unfortunately that old saying about death and taxes is a very true one.

I too have sent a message to Reece. Hope it will not be too long before she feels able to return to this thread and be amongst her very good friends.



FRANK06 Report 27 Jul 2010 21:39

I have to agree that this thread has indeed taken on a very somber feel but it's always hard to accept that new life which can bring such pleasure often has to be mitigated with the reality of death.
I still find it upsetting that our two grandaughters never had the chance to meet their gt grandfather who would have been delighted to have spoiled them both rotten.

I think this poem says it all........

Along The Road.

I walked a mile with Pleasure, she chattered all the way.
But left me none the wiser, for all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow, and ne'er a word said she.
But oh, the things I learned from her, when Sorrow walked with me!

Robert Browning

To Reece, our deepest and heartfelt condolences,

Take care.


SylviaInCanada Report 27 Jul 2010 21:45

Hi Frank

it is sad to think that.

my daughter never knew either of my parents ...... and only saw OH's parents every 2 or 3 years for 10-14 days at a time. One died in 1985 and the other in 1993

OH never knew my mother ......... but thought my dad was a great guy, and a typical Lancashire man!



Cynthia Report 27 Jul 2010 22:09

I guess we all have regrets one way and another but I am a great believer in Hope.......for all sorts of reasons.

On a cheery note....have had a lovely if somewhat tiring day today. Took my party of 43 folk on a day trip to a place which has been very special to many of us over the years.

It was sadly closed and sold under sad circumstances two years ago, but so many people were devasted by it's loss, that a scheme was launched to buy it back again. Long story but a very heartening one.

Lots of smiles and laughter, a few tears shed I noticed and much rejoicing along with .........hope. Happy, happy days remembered and, hopefully, regained.

However, I am now wilting [like a little petunia Frank] and feel it is time to go zzzzzzzzzzz it's a very tiring business being an organised person I'll have you know!!

ps. thank you for the Browning piece Frank. So true.

Night dear friends.....Cx


FRANK06 Report 27 Jul 2010 23:53

Our would-be gt grandfather (my OH's father) was a Fifer and an ex miner who was taken by cancer shortly after he retired.
He was a wonderful grandfather who on taking the girls out, would always have that wicked glint in his eye that said "we're going to have fun !!"

My saddest memory was of taking the girls home to Glasgow on the day before he passed away. They were upset that they couldn't give him a goodbye cuddle in case they hurt him..........................................


Tabitha Report 28 Jul 2010 13:05

OH Frank - how sad - but at least they knew him - I never knw my Grandfather but mum told me he would have spoilt me rotten

I agree we all have regrets - oh for a time machine to be able to do & say all the things you wished you had when people were around with you.

Don't know if this helps anyone or will make us all feel worse - but here goes

Miss me, but let me go
when I come to the end of the road and the sun has set for me.
I want no tears in a gloom filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little, but not too long
and not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me, but let me go.

For this is a journey we all must take
and all must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan -
a step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick of heart,
go to the friends we know,
and bury your sorrow in doing good works -
miss me, but let me go.


Dozey Report 28 Jul 2010 13:14

Well, Tabitha, that certainly brings a tear to the eye on reading it but sure on another level it will bring comfort.


Tabitha Report 28 Jul 2010 13:34

Thanks Jeanie - How about this one instead - a little more uplifting - Should i remove the last one?

God’s Garden

God looked around his garden
And found an empty place,
He then looked down upon the earth
And saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you
And lifted you to rest.
God’s garden must be beautiful
He always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering
He knew you were in pain.
He knew that you would never
Get well on earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough
And the hills were hard to climb.
So he closed your weary eyelids
And whispered, ‘Peace bethine’.
It broke our hearts to lose you
But you didn’t go alone,
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home


Evelyn Report 28 Jul 2010 17:36

Hello Everyone,
We are now at home in Guernsey after a very smooth sea trip home.
Wifi at the campsite was down so I havent been able to get on line for several days.
I have just read the thread and am sad to hear the news of Reece,s beloved Peter, no words that I can utter will make her feel better but I am sure she will be comforted to know we all have her in our hearts and prayers.
Whilst we were away the son of friends of ours hung himself, he was 32 years old, I cant face the friends at the moment neither do I know what to say when we do meet up, such sadness in some peoples lives.
I am feeling a bit down at the moment and could do with some good news, is there any out there anywhere?

Must go now much love to you all
Evelyn XX


FRANK06 Report 28 Jul 2010 20:22

Anne, I would leave them both up as they each deal with loss in different ways.

I'm sure that good news will come round again as surely as night follows day but as our new arrivals have all their lives ahead of them, we can allow a day or so of contemplation in the ways of the world.

I certainly shed a tear or two when looking for a suitable quote to use while sharing Reece's pain.


Dozey Report 28 Jul 2010 20:32

Anne, I agree with Frank. Do not delete. Sunshine always follows the rain - eventually. We just have to be a little patient and wait for time to heal.


Cynthia Report 28 Jul 2010 20:49

Hello my friends, very contemplative mood today I see.

No harm in that at all........sunshine does indeed follow rain and, for Reece, the sun will shine again one day.
It's through the sad times that we learn to appreciate the good times isn't it?

Not a very exciting day here, just had lots of jobs I thought I would never get through....but I have, so I am pleased with that.

I quite like ordinary, boring days........

Have done all my messaging and received loads of grateful pms which is encouraging. One chap is doing a one name study and was expecting all those with his name to come flocking to him.....sadly I had to disappoint him....ah well.

Sleep well all. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Jul 2010 22:17

Hi all

lovely poems

another hot sunny day.

Today, the city's Parks Board is expected to raise the fire hazard in city parks from Very High to Extreme .... which means smoking is banned in all city parks, on golf courses etc, and on the beaches. The ban will be removed only after several days of good rain.

I went to the doc's yesterday ........... she wanted to look at my knee after using that Diclofenac gel for 2 weeks. Swelling is down, pain is less ......... so she doesn't want to see me again until my full medical in October/November.

She said that we know the knee is caused by degenerative osteoarthritis, so didn't see any point in sending me for an xray to be told that again!

But she did give me another prescription (plus refill) for the Diclofenac gel ........ to be used "as needed"

it will soon be time to go for coffee :))))

Be good

if not

take care :))))



Cynthia Report 28 Jul 2010 22:20

Don't fall off the bus in your haste for that coffee :)))