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SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jul 2010 05:09

Hi Madmeg

The very first posting on this thread is advice on how to help us to help you.

If that is not what you are seeing, then you have your setting to show latest post first

The thread was deleted about 2 weeks ago ....... and apparently for no reason.

GR re-instated it ........ unheard of, yes? ........ and at the same time, they stickied it.

No-one who posts on here knows why it was stickied ......... we had been posting regularly on it to keep it near the top so people would see the advice.

Now I see that some people are unhappy, and there is even a thread mocking it

The sticking truly has nothing to do with Susan or anyone else posting on here .... except in the sense that several of us complained when it disappeared for the 4th time.



SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jul 2010 05:16

The "crew" arrive on Monday, so we are busy trying to get the room ready.

When J left after her marriage 11 years ago, she literally took everything in her room with her, except for a desk that had been built in place, and a shelf and drawer unit in the closet. So we started from scratch ....... we only do have 2 bedrooms in this house, but we decided to turn that one into a den/spare bedroom, with a hide-a-bed (do you call it a sofa bed?), thinking we would get more use of the space than if it remained a dedicated bedroom.

I was determined that the 3 drawer + 4 shelf unit would be left empty, so as to be available for anyone who came to visit.

Later we bought another little 3 drawer unit on sale from Ikea .... so there would be 6 empty drawers for visitors

Well, we all know what happens to empty drawers and shelves don't we???????????

We've had to find room elsewhere for the 3 boxes of books, and 2 boxes of other things, plus some of my clothes, that had slowly crept in there!!

J and MJ are here for a toal of 5 weeks, M here only for the first 3 weeks. ........ so they will need places to store things!

I'm not sure how often I will be able to pop in for the next 5 weeks or so ..... I'll do my best.

Meanwhile, please all take care of yourselves!



Evelyn Report 17 Jul 2010 10:54

Congratulations Frank and his O H on the birth of Nieve Mary, likewise to Nieve,s parents of course..Nieve you already have good taste,you chose Frank for a Grandad.
The wind has died down somewhat today though I shall keep my spare tyres handy, may want to go bouncy with Cynthia later while Ron nods in front of the T V.
I wonder if the news that another Travel Company has gone bust will make extra work for poor Anne, she seems snowed under already poor girl.
I was glad to see the end of the football on T V now for my sins all we seem to have on is Golf, I must admit to liking the St Andrews course though, we have been there several times (not to play I must add ), in the main street at St Andrews there is a Pancake House,WOW the pancakes there were delicious, whenever we visited my son and daughter in law in Scotland they always took us for pancakes in St Andrews, such a treat.
Must go now time to get ready for going out to lunch ( again ).
Take care everyone
Evelyn X
X for Nieve


Susan Report 17 Jul 2010 15:22

Hi Everyone

Frank ! many congratulations,what a wonedrfull time for your family.

I remember very well the birth of all our Five Grandchildren and it was a fabulous time for us,all the little things the kids come out with they were so funny.
It is a shame they grow up.

Cynthia it was a very hard time for us but he is OK with it and he knows as soon as we can we will restart his apprentiship.
It may do him good to get another job for a while so he can see how good he had it working with his Grandad sometimes they can take you for granted.

I am sorry if this thread sticking is questionable to you or anyone else it is no ment to,I did not ask Genes to stick it that was there doing.
I have not seen the thread mocking it ,that is a bit much.

O H!! What I would do for a stress free life.

I am off for a few wines with friends we have over so I had better get back to them.

Love to you all,from a very cold OZ


FRANK06 Report 17 Jul 2010 16:42

Hi all,

Well that's our grandaughter out of maternity and off home with maw 'n paw already.

Admitted 16th July 08.30...........Discharged 17th July 15.00 !!


How things have changed over the years as my OH was in for five days with both of our girls

Hope we are not upsetting the natives with our "stickie", however I do recall a few murmurs when it was first put up in that style.........oh well.


Tabitha Report 17 Jul 2010 18:39

Congratulations Frank - Well done another little baby girl for Scotland

Hope Evelyn hasn't blown away yet - its very windy here as well

My advice as always is you see loads of threads around - but you don't need to read them or make comments - each to their own ideas - we are happy with this and each other. I find no need to comment on things I have nothing to do with - so I don't.

Will pop back again later - Where's that Champagne Frank?

Kiwibird - send me a PM if you want to - wouild love to know about the surname on your 1066 - my OH has connections in NZ and his goes back to 1066 - Is there a chance we could be related?


Cynthia Report 17 Jul 2010 21:16

Good to see Josie again........~~~~~~~waves - sounds like you are having an exciting time with your tree.

Hope there are not too many sleepless nights in store for the new mum and dad - could come in useful you know :))

Sylvia, sounds like batten down the hatches time....but I am sure you will have a wonderful time. Guess we will see you as and when you are not baby minding!!

As for the other thread.....Sylvia has done a grand job, so let's allow it to pass.

Not a very interesting day today, but that's life!!

Love to all. Cx.


Cynthia Report 17 Jul 2010 22:10

I hardly know how to post this, but it was a request.

Earlier this evening I received a message from our dear friend Reece. She is so very sad and full of sorrow at the fact that her dear husband has but a very short time to live. He is being allowed home on Tuesday to be cared for by a team of palliative nurses and doctors.

I have sent a message of inadequate words of comfort on my own behalf but thought that the others on this thread would prefer to send their thoughts in their own words, rather than me speaking for them.

54 years of marriage is a wonderful achievement and Reece will have many happy memories to cherish but, at this time her sadness will be overwhelming.

Reece hopes to return to this thread one day in the future.



SylviaInCanada Report 17 Jul 2010 22:13

Thank you for posting that Cynthia

It's always hard to know what to say ........ but I wish Reece and P, and their family, the best over the next few days and weeks

I hope that P's passing is easy and peaceful.



Susan Report 18 Jul 2010 15:56

Hi Everyone

Cynthia that is terrible news about P,my heart just breaks for Reece.

I have sent her a Pm.

We have a had a quiet weekend really not in the mood for getting anything done .
We had friends over for a few wines last night but they did not stay late.

Frank when I had my first child I stayed in for ten days,5 days for the second.
My daughter had her second child in the early hours of the morning and they let her and the baby home that same day.
Too soon I think but what what do we know.

I am off to bed .
Love to you all


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jul 2010 18:10

Hi all

lots of "marine cloud" around this morning ............ keeping the sun away, and meaning it is nice and cool!



Cynthia Report 18 Jul 2010 19:59

Have been thinking of Reece today.............

We could do with a good storm here to be honest....I think it would clear the air before the hot weather comes back [as is forecast apparently].

It was a rather busy morning but calmed down this afternoon. Took daughter to a garden centre for coffee and cake and bought a lovely plant for a diamond wedding anniversary.....60 years! whew!

Daughter is feeling a bit achy with her Fibromyalgia so that dampens things down a bit. It seems to flare up in all different places....legs, head, jaw etc. Not a happy bunny really but you can't blame her.

It must be the baby season as a friend's daughter in law had a baby boy this morning.....ahhh.

Off for a mooch I think. Love to all. Cx


Cynthia Report 19 Jul 2010 14:26

Oooerr. Everyone busy then? Well, Sylvia is expecting visitors so she is going to be run off her little feet for a while I guess.....

Anne is probably running round in circles with the latest holiday crisis......

Frank is.....well, Frank could be anywhere I supppose!

Bit of a depressing day here today. Went to see the Diamond wedding couple but ill health has taken it's toll on the husband and now have just heard that the old chap across the road has died. sigh....

May do some ironing and cheer myself up.

Hope there is someone around to talk to later.........Love. Cx.


Susan Report 19 Jul 2010 14:47

Hi Everyone

It is quiet cynthia,but it will liven up over night I am sure of that .
it is always while I am in bed worse luck

I too have been thinking about Reece all day ,it must be so hard for her after all those years of marriage,we have been married for 40 years,I must admit I have been spoiling him today a bit.

It make you realise what you have at times like this.

We had a fairley busy day,OH still has a bad cold and of course being male it is the worse cold ever.
He says he is going to work tomorrow I will wait and see.

Well I am off to bed .
Catch you all tomorrow.


Evelyn Report 19 Jul 2010 15:54

Hello Friends,
Phew! it is VERY hot here today.
We have been out for lunch of course I had lamb and rissoto,very nice too, today I went crazy and had dessert a beautiful chocolate gateaux with mandarine sauce.
The campsite is very busy, lots of folk with touring caravans moving in, they usually stay for a couple of nights and then move on further down country. Most of the mobile homes on site are privately owned so we see the same folk every year, its like a little village really.
My eldest granddaughter is back home after her sailing adventures in the Baltic, she arrived home on Sunday morning and on Sunday afternoon she was at work, it all helps with her pocket money whilst she is at Uni.
I hope the youngest granddaughter is enjoying her outward bound adventures.
Watch out Cynthia I might pop in for coffee, I could give you a hand with the ironing.
Now I am going to finish my book, I have another one to read once I have finished this one.
Much love to you all

Evelyn XX


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Jul 2010 17:20

Hi everyone

just popping in quickly before I go to have my shower.

There was a lot of marine cloud this mroning, but it has burnt away, and it should be a lovely day ..... about 24C

The forecast is good for the next 4 or 5 days also!

J& co arrive in about 4 hours

Expect me when you see me for the next few weeks ....... I'll try to drop in when I can

Behave yourselves!!

Take care



Cynthia Report 19 Jul 2010 19:18

You know what? That Sylvia is a spoilsport! Fancy expecting us to behave!!

Sounds like our Evelyn is having a good work then?? :))

Must go and finish off on the TTF board and then I'm through messaging.

Love. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Jul 2010 04:31

family arrived safely, but tired

We sent them for a walk, then met them at the coffee shop (!!), came home and had some salad

They were all in bed by 6:30pm our time ....... which was 10:30 pm their time! They had been awake since about 4:30am their time

so a long day for them.

MJ was very good ......... but wasn't interested in a nap ...... too many new things to see!!



Tabitha Report 20 Jul 2010 05:45

Thank you Cynthia for passing on the news - What can anyone say at this difficult time - I will send a PM and email to Reece - its so sad

We have the same thing with a friend I use to work with - she has been moved to a local hospice for a bit of TLC for a few days to give her husband a break. She wants to hang on till November when her youngest daughter gets home from her Antartic expedition.

Evelyn keep up the good work

The new Travel crisis has not reached us - our clinets use more expensive operators - I am glad to say we have never used this company.

Well have to dash off as need to get ready for work.

Nice to have the Family around then Sylvia. Glad all arrived safely.

Take care all - Reece & P will be in my thoughts..


Cynthia Report 20 Jul 2010 13:53

I wonder who deleted?

Hello all, and glad to hear that the family have arrived safely Sylvia. I can foresee lots of pram pushing over the next few weeks, just watch those knees of It will take them a couple of days for their body clocks to adjust I expect.

Coffee shop? Did someone say coffee shop? Yes please!

Glad you haven't had the havoc of the latest travel chaos Anne, I did wonder. All those poor folk with their holiday plans ruined. Oh dear.

I guess we will all be thinking of Reece during the coming days.

Well, I had better go and get some messaging done I think and it's absolutely been pouring down here - thank goodness :)))

Love. Cx