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Sue Report 2 Jan 2005 01:38

Kingsley Park Middle School was once Northampton School for Girls, the girls' grammar "in my day" (which then moved to Parklands), so I went to college next door to where I went to school, too! Sue

Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 2 Jan 2005 01:41

Yes I went to NSG when it was at Parklands :-) Did you know that we have gone back to the two tier system here in N'pton? Shaz x


Sue Report 2 Jan 2005 01:49

No I didn't Shaz. When did that happen? I taught evening classes at Parklands - typing - in 1982-1984. Did you know a teacher by the name of Jenny Rhodes? What's your son doing at Moulton College? I assume that's the agricultural college? I wanted to go there as my 2 ambitions in life at the age of 13 were to marry a farmer and be a farm secretary!!!! Do you ever go to bed? I've just seen the time and really must think about going. Sue

Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 2 Jan 2005 01:58

LOL Me too I gotta go to bed I havent been to be since...... well I actually got up at 8,30am on the 31st and I am still up!! Shattered though! Two tier began in Sept 03 when all primary schools kept their year 4's who of course became year 5. So Middle Schools were left with just 3 years and then last Sept it was finalised with all middle school kids going up to upper schools and of course Lower schools keeping their year 4's again as well as the year 5's. So now its reception to year 6 at Primary then year 7 to 11 at upper. Oh and Lings is now called The Academy!! Mrs Rhodes is ringing bells actually... I left there in 84! Well I'll wait 5 mins to see if you reply and then I'm away to my bed :-) Goodnight Shaz x


Sue Report 2 Jan 2005 02:02

Right - it's bedtime! Jenny Rhodes taught typing and I think she was also a 5th form form teacher, although it may just have been that she was teaching 5th formers to type. Anyway, if you do remember her, we're still in touch (she taught an evening class the same night as me which is how we got to know one another). We have exchanged Christmas cards all these years, and she now lives near Gloucester so we meet up periodically for a day's shopping in Bath. Speak again soon no doubt! Sue