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Please help me a find a missing Mother :-) Found!

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Luckylainey Report 3 Jan 2016 00:19

Well tonight has been quite remarkable. Within 5 hours Pamela has been found and sadly we have learnt that she only passed away in October 2015. I knew that there were some wonderful members on this site who are always so knowledgeable, kind and generous with their time and efforts. Thank you all so much but special thanks go to Rambling Rose and Kay who have been slogging away behind the scenes and may have discovered some living siblings for my friends dad. I have passed all the information onto my friend who is quite overwhelmed and has gone from excitement to sadness and tears all in one evening, but at least now they know the truth of their family circumstances and are not living in the dark anymore. We are both truly grateful to all those who have helped us in this search. You are all Genes Reunited stars! Bless you xxx