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Walter Bruce & family

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Kucinta Report 20 May 2015 11:26

Seems John Bruce and Sarah Ann Bruce (Holden in 1861 census) both married Holdens, almost certainly siblings

Name: John Bruce- coal dealer
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1836
Age: 21
Spouse: Jane Holden
Spouse Age: 18
Record Type: Marriage
Event Date: 12 Feb 1857
Parish: Gray's Inn Road Holy Trinity
Borough: Hackney
Father Name: Robert Bruce - contractor
Spouse Father: John Holden - broker
Register Type: Parish Register

Bride married with permission of father as under age.

Name: Sarah Ann Bruce
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1836
Age: 18
Spouse: Charles Holden - undertaker
Spouse Age: 19
Record Type: Marriage
Event Date: 13 Feb 1854
Parish: Gray's Inn Road Holy Trinity
Borough: Camden
Father Name: Robert Bruce - railroad contractor
Spouse Father: John Holden - undertaker
Register Type: Parish Register


Terence Report 20 May 2015 12:52

I am a direct descendant of Henry William Bruce (1876) and last in line with the exception of my son aged 36 and still single with no prospects. Therefore to find a male Bruce from Robert (1800 about), and Walter (1847) the sons of Walter in Frank and Frederick (last trace 1901 census ) are the only hopes. Thanks to your information Frederick may have married to Rose and maybe died in 1914 with only a daughter but what of Frank ?
On other members of the family I have traced much information and even located an hithertoo unknown but now a friendly cousin, from a bigamus marriage but the Bruce males are really hard to track.
Any other help would merit lots of thanks.
Terry (Terence) Bruce


Kucinta Report 20 May 2015 21:23

Currently can't find Walter John Bruce baptised 1869 after census 1891 ( he is not to be confused in the census with the Walter Joseph Bruce who married Eliza Jane Crozier in 1900).

Name: Walter John Bruce
Age: 21
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1870
Relation: Lodger
Gender: Male
Where born: St Pancras
Civil Parish: Paddington
Ecclesiastical parish: St Paul
County/Island: London
Country: England

Household Members:
Name Age
Ezekiel J Collison 43
Louisa Collison 41
Henry E Collison 21
William T Collison 20
Ezekiel J Collison 18
Charles A Collison 16
Ada L Collison 12
Ellen F Collison 8
Elizabeth M Collison 6
Edgar F Collison 2
Emma F Collison 4/12
John William James 18
Walter John Bruce 21

His occupation is recorded as undertaker.


Kucinta Report 20 May 2015 21:41

Robert Bruce in census 1851:

Name: Robert Bruce
Age: 51
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1800
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Elizth Bruce
Gender: Male
Where born: Dunba, Scotland
Civil Parish: Limehouse
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England

Household Members:
Name Age
Robert Bruce 51 c 1800 Dunba, Scotland Contractor.
Elizth Bruce 34 c1817 Darton, Lincolnshire, England
Sarah A Bruce 16 daur c1835 Buckingham
James Bruce 2 son c1845 Bentley, Hampshire, England
Robt Bruce 16 nephew c Oxfordshire, England smith
Robt Bougere 27 serv
Christ Durrand 20 serv
Mary Lingrove 17 serv

No signs of sons John or Walter from 1861. I guess nephew Robert might be worth pursuing to see if he left a male line.

I wondered if this were they, packed off to school.

Ages a little haphazard, and no places of birth, but there'a John and a Walter.

Name: Walter Bruce
Age: 6
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1845
Relation: Pupil (Institutional)
Gender: Male
Where born: N
Civil Parish: Hartley Westpall
County/Island: Hampshire
Country: England

Household Members:
Name Age
Thomas W Cuddeford 38 schooolmaster
Adile Cuddeford 37 school mistress
Thomas Cuddeford 8 son
Louis Cuddeford 5 son
John Bruce 14 c 1837 pupil
Robert Bruce 4 c1847 pupil
Walter Bruce 6 c1845 pupil
Mary Lee 13 serv