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Brendan Brooks/ Brendan Stanislaus Brooks Dublin 1

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Unknown Report 10 Nov 2015 17:13

Catherine Brooks nee Doyle was my grandmother. She died in 1921 and her husband Frederick died in 1954. Their son, Brendan, was my father and Lorcan was his cousin.
If you contact me, I can explain the Gilligan connection and give you futher fmily information. I would like some further information on the Lusk connection and on the rest of Catherine's family - Laura, Andrew etc.
I have found information on Mary Alicia.


greyghost Report 10 Nov 2015 19:50

Lilli posted originally 5 years ago and had reply in 2013 with further information from Jane who would appear to be a relative.

Neither appear to have posted on this thread or elsewhere since and may not now be members of GR.

You could try clicking on Lilli's name and send her a personal message - if she still has the same email address as she registered with GR they will notify her that she has a message in the system.

For a variety of reasons she might not receive the message and if she does, may not reply. You can check to see if she has seen the message by checking your own out box to see whether a closed envelope sits by the message or whether it's been opened


Unknown Report 10 Nov 2015 22:25

Thanks - I know neither of them has been on in a while, but I was hoping. I sent Liili some information in the past.
Just recently, I saw Jane's contribution. She is definitely a relative and I imagine we both have a good deal of information to share. So here's hoping....