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GB RELAY.This is a read only thread. Do not post o

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Mommylonglegs Report 14 Jun 2005 08:22

Jules. Thanks for your offer of help in getting a Pink suitcase for Gaynor Bears belongings. Somewhere in the relay, she will be transported on another motorbike. So not too sure if they can cope with a suitcase. Hang fire until i find out who it is. Jenny x


Mommylonglegs Report 14 Jun 2005 09:12

Calling The Fen Tiger. Julie. Gaynor Bear needs a bigger bag to carry her belongings. I would like to get her a Pink suitcase. But realise she has her other motor bike ride adventure soon. Can you cope with a suitcase on her journey. If not I will have to think again. Thanks Jenny x


Bobtanian Report 14 Jun 2005 11:07

Just wait till we fit her for a parachute!!LOL


Val Report 14 Jun 2005 11:26

Hope the relay is going well and you are not letting Gaynor Bear up to anything she shouldn't


JackyJ1593 Report 14 Jun 2005 13:28

Dawn, I think we are all sorted now. It was me causing problems!! I hope GB doesn't have too much luggage as I am down to a hand and a half at the moment! Jacky :-)


Julie Report 14 Jun 2005 19:38

Evening All... Just handed Gaynor Bear over to Ros.... Gaynor has enjoyed all the attention in the office today & has been on the computer too, so is well up on her IT skills now, also took her to my Sheltered Housing Scheme & had a ride on the bath hoist, even had a go on an Electric know, the ones the old folk ride without due care & Photos will be available asap.... Its been a pleasure, thank you :) Julie

Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 14 Jun 2005 21:32

Gaynor Bear is now resting here in Redditch. She has spent the last couple of hours researching her family history at the LDS church in Redditch. Think she only found the bear essentials. Pictures will be sent on soon. Ros.


JackyJ1593 Report 14 Jun 2005 23:38

Dawn, I am meeting Ros on Thursday afternoon and passing GB onto Gwyne on Friday afternoon. Hand is a pain (literally) as I have crushed the top of a finger in the car door. Jacky :-)

The Bag

The Bag Report 15 Jun 2005 08:19

Tracy, Group 5 are down to recieve the bear on Saturday, would like to fix a time to pass on to you. I am ready, just waiting to hear a time from Dawn Bob Is ready... Jess

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 15 Jun 2005 09:32

Hi Jenny and everyone I think Bob in Group 6 might be using a motorbike to handover to Group 7. Not a problem though as I can always transport the case by car whilst GB is hanging on to Bob! Daisy


Mommylonglegs Report 15 Jun 2005 11:51

Sending a very late Good morning to you all. Sorry, had a day off yesturday. Thank you all for posting on the thread. It really is nice to hear all your news on what Gaynor Bear is up to. Helps us all to get back into the fun of the relay and know that it is still going on. Jules, looking forward to seeing your photo's. Hurry up and get them on the GB site. Jacky, I do hope your hand is getting better. Have done the same in the past. Pain was so bad the next day. Ended up going to A&E and having to have my nail peirced to release the pressure. gosh did that hurt. But the relief was fantastic. Hope it does not come to that for you though. Bob. Will you please make sure GB has all the right gear on for her Glider flight. I just cannot beleive she is actually going up in a Glider. Hope you are not kidding us. Please get some great photo's if you can. Val. Pleased to hear via messages that your little secret is progressing well. I cannot wait to see it. Though thinking about it, how on earth are we going to to get it transported during the rest of the Relay, safeley. Perhaps a trip from Tynemouth to you in Exeter might be a nice idea. Let me know what you think. I could do with a break. Lol. Dawn. I have answered your email, re Press Release for the Fire Station. Let me know if it ok for me to telephone you. You have done a grand job organising group 4. Thank you. Ross. Can you please make sure GB has clean knickers on when you pass her on. Let us have the photo's asap. Many thanks to you all, for your efforts with the GB Relay. You have all done a fantastic job. Jenny. xx


Unknown Report 15 Jun 2005 12:08

Hi Jenny & Everyone, So glad to see things are going well with the other groups. Despite emailing all 30 of our Group, I am STILL waiting for confirmation of their involvement from several members, so I've put an urgent message (jokey but firm!) on the MSN site to try and get them to respond. Those who have responded have got lots of good venues and ideas, so we're 'cooking' - BUT if the rest don't respond, I'm likely to boil over and the gas will go out. It will be such a shame to have to exclude people if they don't respond in time, but I MUST get the publicity under way and, to do that properly, I have to know where GB is going. It's no good everyone coming in at the last minute, wanting to be included. There are too many of us in the Group for that, and last minute changes won't be welcomed if they mean putting everyone else out further along the chain. If you're reading this and you're in Group 8, I NEED to hear from you NOW (if I haven't already) to make this thing work. I'd really love our London Gadabout to be a roaring success, but it won't be without everyone's co-operation. We all know it's for the very best of motives, so come on, let me know what's going on - PLEASE! CB >|< XX


Mommylonglegs Report 15 Jun 2005 15:06

I have just had an hour long chat on the telephone to Camberwell Beauty. One of many phone calls that I have made to different members during the GB Relay. CB really is putting a lot of time and effort into Group 8. London has many places of interest for Gaynor Bear to visit, plus such a lot of members that want to be part of the Relay, well over 30 of you. Group 8 is taking one hell of a lot of organising. All sorts of things are having to be taken into consideration. Can all those that initially offered their help, and still wanting to do so, please get in touch with CB asap, if you have not already done so. If CB does not hear from you soon, she will have to re arrange that particular leg of the relay. We are hoping for Gaynor Bear to appear on one of the Breakfast Time Television Shows, and she is also likely to be invited into The Houses of Parliment. More details will be given as and when we know if this is definate. Please remember, for The Gaynor Bear Relay to continue, GB really does need the support of all those who initially said they could help. If you can no longer help us, we will understand. But could you please let me know. Many thanks to you all. Jenny. xx


Mommylonglegs Report 15 Jun 2005 15:17

Sorry I forgot to say. This thread is the only one I am allowed to have for the GB Relay. Loads of members like to read where Gaynor Bear has been and what she has been up to. But it also needed for all that are in the relay to post their queries and let us know when they are available etc. PLEASE do not delete these posts. Jenny x


JackyJ1593 Report 16 Jun 2005 09:12

You beat me to it Gwynne! I was just about to post a message to ask the same. Jacky :-)


AnninGlos Report 16 Jun 2005 09:22

Do the postcards have to actually travel with her now? Maybe some of them could be parcelled up and sentto Jenny (What do you think Jenny?). Ann Glos


Mommylonglegs Report 16 Jun 2005 10:45

Good morning all. As you know, I have realised that Gaynor Bear is collecting quite a lot of things whilst on her travels. I had thought about getting a Pink suitcase for her. But after reading the last few posts I am now realising just what a problem this is going to cause some members. Below i have re -added the list that Chrissie did for me a couple of weeks ago. I have arranged with one of the members of Group 4, to update this list. I believe Jan from York, provided a form of some discription, so items GB collected could be added, so I was able to keep track of what she had. Postcards are supposed to be sent to me, so I could put them on the relay site. I have only ever received one, which was from Jan herself. I have not been able to put this on the site as my scanner has broken. But will buy a new one, so this can be done. This is the only suggestion I can make. My two eldest Daughters live in the West Midlands. I can get probably, Kirsty to come and collect from who ever does not mind hanging on to most of GB's belongings, till she can get to you. It would be nice if a few of her things could be kept with her. Definatley her autograph book, pen, handbag, Cap with her badges on, change of knickers, Tshirts and sash, Pink Mac, Towel, toothbrush and toothpaste. Lol. Oh and her B&Q outfit, as it is so cute. Plus sponsor Forms and copies of the Press Release. Let me know if someone will remove all the rest of her things and keep them safe until Kirsty can get to you. Sorry for rabbiting on. Jenny. Here is what Chrissie sent me. Hello everyone. Chrissie has very kindly given me a list of Gaynor Bears posessions. I think I am going to have to get the Pink Suitcase. It seems as if she may be missing an earring. So if those that have had GB could check down the sides of their sofas, I would be very gratefull. Lol. Jenny. Inventory of Gaynor Bear possessions 2 Vests. 2 T-shirts. 3 Pairs pants. 2 Silver star Earrings. 1 small black earring. 1 Rose Quartz crystal necklace. 1 Pink Towel. 1 Pink Rucksack. 1 Bikini. 1 Mac in a bag. 1 Handbag. 2 Gift bags. 1 FA Cup winning picture. 1 Chester Guide. 7 Postcards. 1 Pink cap with 9 badges. 1 B & Q Apron. 1 B & Q Cap. 1 Red book with certificate. 1 Sash. 1 Pink autograph book. 2 Bags sweets. 1 Chocolate Orange. 1 Toblerone. 1 Toothbrush and paste. 1 inventory list and donation forms. 2 key rings attached to bag (daisy & Minnie mouse) 1 rose (real but dry) 1 lipstick. 1 Mirror. 1 Pair purple daisy earrings. 1 Hairnet. 1 Ridings FM Pen and key ring. 1 Black Cyrus pen. 1 Pink Pen. 1 Chester key ring. 1 Graham Smith Heating pen (nicked from Uncle Graham)

The Bag

The Bag Report 16 Jun 2005 12:42

Gb comes to me on saturday. Would be happy to have a sort out and get Non-essential items back to you, my partner travels the country on a daily basis and could drop stuff back to you, or someone else quite easily. I had planned to cycle to my next drop, so wont want to carry too much! jess


Mommylonglegs Report 16 Jun 2005 13:20

Lizloojay. Many thanks for your Sponsor Form,cheque, for 'The Pink Fund' and card. Received a few minutes ago. Absolutley great. This will be forwarded on to Pink along with the next batch of cheques. Well done. Jenny xx Pink. Thank you so much for your beautiful card and message. Such a kind thought. I am Tickled Pink with it. Jenny. xx

The Bag

The Bag Report 16 Jun 2005 13:39

as another member has just pointed out to me, i have my dates crossed! We are not getting the bear until 25th June..oops... thought it was this saturday....Hold that photo shoot and trip round the brewery.... Gosh, hope i can re-arrange... Jess-in -mess