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Dizzi (Update page 40)

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'Emma' Report 3 Dec 2012 12:49

Thanks for the update Carole, it just keeps getting better
and better. ;-)

Dizzi so pleased for you, keep up the good work :-D

Emma x


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Dec 2012 13:01

That is welcome news and thank you Carole


BrendafromWales Report 3 Dec 2012 13:15

Just looked in for an update....
You are such a good friend Carol...and what a journey to see her,,but nice to see for yourself and then pass on the news to us.

Keep on improving Dizzi..thinking of you.
Brenda x


AnninGlos Report 3 Dec 2012 13:43

Lovely that you were able to actually go and see her Carol, that will have been a tonic for her. Thank you for keeping us in touch.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2012 15:32

Come on Dizzi, the next step is to get home in time for Christmas. You have done so well, keep up the good fight, and get well soon honey.
Thanks again for keeping us updated Carol.
Love and hugs Mo xxx


Claddagh Report 3 Dec 2012 15:44

Again good news about Dizzi, may she continue to get better & better a.s.a.p, so she can be home for Christmas, bless her.
What a good friend you are Carol, to travel so far to see her! Thanks again for keeping us up to date with her progress.

Eileen x

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 3 Dec 2012 15:44

Afternoon Dizzi.

So glad you are on the mend.

Still sending Healing Thoughts to you and much <3 <3



UzziAndHerDogs Report 3 Dec 2012 16:13

Awww Carol how wonderful for you and what good news. I´m sure seeing you made Dizzi feel better even if it was only to fall asleep on you.

Come on Dizzi you are getting there. :-D


Woody's Report 3 Dec 2012 16:19

Glad to hear that Gwen is on the mend. :-) Hope it won't be too long till she's back home.x
Polly's also asking for her. Neither of us are on here much these days, but we still look in now and then!
Many thanks for the updates, Carol.


kandj Report 3 Dec 2012 16:23

Keep battling on Dizzi, all your GR friends are thinking of you and willing you on. xx


Cooper Report 3 Dec 2012 18:01

What good news Carole, it was lovely you could visit Dizzi.

Sending hugs to you both

Teresa :-D

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 3 Dec 2012 18:10

Oh, didn't know Dizzi was ill, haven't been on here for weeks.

Sorry to see you've been so ill Dizzi but so pleased to see you're on the road to recovery now.

Here's hoping you get stronger every day and back home with your family in time for Christmas. <3

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 3 Dec 2012 18:19

Good news that Dizzi is a wee bit brighter.
C'mon Dizzi, perk up and get better so you can get out of hospital and home again very soon. We miss you on here and want to see you posting again :-)

Thank you for keeping us posted Carol ;-)

Karen x


Kay???? Report 3 Dec 2012 18:35

Lovely news,,,,practice glaring and blinking Dizzyso much more ladylike than poking your tongue out....... hope everyday is a better day and wont be long before they are talking of home for christmas.... :-D


Elizabethofseasons Report 3 Dec 2012 18:52

Dear Dizzi


Very pleased and relieved you are feeling better.

Will be very pleased when you feel able to post on the GR boards.

Lots of love and good wishes to you.

Elizabeth, EOS

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 3 Dec 2012 19:56

Was quite tired last night so am now expanding details of my hospital visit to Dizzi on Sunday.
Having scrubbed up & put on our plastic aprons we were shown were Dizzi was... not that we needed to be shown, that colourful hair spread out across a pillow could only belong to our Diz!
The slit eye look went as her eyes opened wide and a broad grin formed above her pipe work, when she heard our voices.
We practiced our lip reading skills as she mouthed questions, refused to smuggle her a drink of water even if she did pout, as she cannot swallow yet. We did tell her that the food bag did look like a latte & promised a real one from the Costa downstairs as soon as she is allowed it.
We passed on all your good wishes & told her that she had a support thread of over 20 pages, when her eyes screwed up I had to tell her that she must not grizzle or they would think we were upsetting her & send us away.
Though she is still quite weak & nods off every so often, her One to One Nurse Demetri (Yes male. lol) said that she had cheered up since we arrived.
We left her with a smile on her face promising to visit again next week.


Susan10146857 Report 3 Dec 2012 19:59


I just knew she would......I don't think she realised how many people cared.


Mauatthecoast Report 3 Dec 2012 20:05

Just knowing folk care and are thinking about you can go a long way to aid recovery. :-)


PricklyHolly Report 3 Dec 2012 20:51


I have been thinking about just how terrifying it must be, to wake up from a deep sleep, to find you can't speak....and then you realise you have a tube inserted in your throat!

Aww, poor Dizzi.:-\

This is going to take some time.....but i know you will pull through this.

You are my shining star and likkle ray of sunshine

I wish i could whisper in your ear............"Oi, you are gonna be ok!"

Cos you are..................


<3xxxx <3

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 3 Dec 2012 22:20

Thanks Carol for explaing more about your visit to Dizzi..

Dizzi, Come on lass you can get throught this and come out the other side fighting fit.

Take one day at a time and think of the Christmas you are going to have..

Sending massive Hugs <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sue :-D