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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jul 2009 21:15

Oh Grace,all our lives can be boring at times. You must be enjoying your break away. How long are you away for this time? I am trying to remember,without looking back on the thread,wether you said you were in Herne bay or Whistable.
Do you go into Canterbury whilst you are down this way? The cathedral is lovely,and I love shopping there as well. Have you seen the ducking stool
along the high street,by the river.
Hi Sallie. Jean is so good at guessing what we all look like. She will have a shock when she does eventually get a photo of me.
I am having problems at the moment,it seems at the moment,that none of my clan have got a scanner,for me to be able to copy a photo to send.
One of my daughters,tells me she may have a way round it,so I will wait and see.
How lovely that your son came earlier,to see you.
I hope your friend gets on alright tommorrow,and the outcome is a good one.
Fingers and toes crossed for Jennie.
I am going now girls,got to have a nice cuppa,and as Roly is out will have to make it myself.
~~~~~~~~to Jean,Marilyn,Debbie,Sue,Huia,Marie and anyone I have forgotten.
Night Night god bless. Love to all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 31 Jul 2009 16:15

Sallie, are you the same Sallie who is starting scrap booking? I have loads of pages I have photographed if you would like to see them , send me your e-mail addy and I will send them...
hi, Mo wheres me photo you promised, dont think you are getting away not sending I am sure there are others that I should be getting so fingers out ladies. got to fill the album somehow....
hope you are all keeping well,

love Jean xx


GRMarilyn Report 31 Jul 2009 16:30

Hi everyone !!

I had a lovely reunion last night.....and we seemed to recognize most girls .
cause that's what we were 40yrs ago .!

All different shapes and sizes, but what a scream we had , looking at old photo's of our selves we were like school kids giggling away.
We did make a noise in the restaurant but everyone seemed to join in from other other tables !!

Now we are arranging the next one for next year !! Hopefully .

Its a bit better here today ....but the forecast is not good for tomorrow ,so I'm glad I did my washing today.

I hope you all send me snaps of yourselves, Mo & Jean has seen ME !!
Now I would like to see YOU !! LOL
Got the grandchildren staying tonight ,so I'm off the get their tea ready.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope you get better weather than me here in Devon ....
Marilyn x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Jul 2009 19:07

Hi girls.
Oh Jean,I have only got one more route to try,to get my photo sent out. I have got to go and see my son tommorrow,he is my last hope. My three girls cannot help me. The only other option I have got,is to mail it to you,and Marilyn.
Guess what,my son has just rung,he is going to do it for me tommorrow.
My god how spooky is that.
Well Marilyn,it was you lot down in Devon ,we could hear up here in Kent,
making all that noise last night.
I am glad you had a good time though.
We had a school reunion,25 years after we left school. I could not believe how much everyone had changed. I am afraid to ask if we would have another one now,as I don't know how many of the original crowd are still
I know that we lost one,a few years after the reunion. Another of us has altzeimers. It's so frightening,when I think she is the same age as me.
And I have lost contact with the others,over the years.
You will have a lovely time with the children tonight,I am sure. They keep you young don't they. Even though with my lot,I am exhausted by the time they leave.
We have had a really warm day today,but it's not a good forecast for tommorrow.
Take care,speak to you all later. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 31 Jul 2009 20:01

Hi Ladies,

Well Richard and Christie have gone back, the house feels empty without them. Jennie and Michael have been here quite a lot of the time as well, so it is very quiet again, now that they have all gone home.

Jean, yes I am the same Sallie that have started scrap booking. I started last year when my brother was Ordained. It was the first scrapbook I've made. I was pleased with my first attempt. I've been getting along with the family history one I'm doing, but have got to the stage where I just can't think what else to do. I would be grateful if you could send me some of the photos you have taken. Hopefully, they will give me a few ideas.
I'll PM you my e-mail!

Marilyn, I could hear you all laughing up here in Derbyshire -- said to Alun, 'it must be Marilyn in Devon and her friends enjoying their reunion'. Really glad that you had a good time.

Mo are you and Roly doing anything special this weekend? Hope you are both okay!
It's going to be very quiet here over the the weekend, nothing exciting happening.

My friend had the all clear, today. So we are all chuffed to bits here.
She has to go back to for a check up in 3 months time, but at least she now knows she doesn't have to have any treatment.

Hope everyone else is alright, and that you all have a good weekend.

Best wishes to you all.

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Jul 2009 20:39

Sallie that is good news about your friend,all our prayers have been answered.
We have nothing special planned for the weekend.
Have to go and see my son,to get my photo sorted. Our Jean has told me off,for not sending it yet. lol She's being horrid to me,come on girls back me up
If anyone else would like to see my ugly mug,please send me your e.mail addy,as soon as possible please,as I will have to get my son to forward them on for me.
Love to all. Mo xxx


GRMarilyn Report 31 Jul 2009 22:15

OH Sallie & Mo,

Was I that ...... LOUD...... ???? LOL

Well I have had my grand children today and I'm pretty well tired.
So its bed time for me....

Night everyone....sweet dreams for all.

Marilyn x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Jul 2009 22:26

Marilyn,you were so loud we had the police round twice. I had to switch my
laptop off. lol
Sweet dreams,Night Night.


GRMarilyn Report 1 Aug 2009 11:10

Morning All.

I'm just popping in to say Hello...

Still got Grand children, but going sooooooooon !

MO, have no fear I lost my voice the next day ,so can I have it back Please !! LOL


Zack Report 1 Aug 2009 12:35

Hi everyone Marie here, What a loud lot you are and all so Happy good for you. I am rather worn out the girls have been sick again. I went to a reunion of our quartet on friday night we went to the Tai Restaurant had a lovely meal and lots of catching up we were a bit noisy as well.
Sallie I am pleased to hear your Daughter is ok and they are looking out for her at the hospital.
Jean I will send you my E-mail addy but not to-night as I must get to bed as I walked with my friends for an hour this morning and then gardened for the rest of the day so I am pooped
mo I will send the addy to you also. I bet you are also pooped Marilyn.
(((((((Hugs to you all ))) Marie from oz.


JustJean Report 1 Aug 2009 17:01

Hi, Marie,would love to get your e-mail addy, are you going to send me some photos too. hope you slept well.

well girls at last the lovely Mo has sent me her slide showing of all her poses very fetching

~~~~~~~ to Marilyn ~~~~~~~

love Jean x


GRMarilyn Report 1 Aug 2009 17:55

Hi Everyone,

Waves back to Jean ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Just about to have visitors ,just popping in to say I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Maria, where about's are you in OZ ??

Marilyn xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Aug 2009 18:31

Evening all. Sounds like Dixon of Dock Green,when I say that. Ohhhh did I say that,showing my age arn't I.
Golly Jean and Marilyn,I was so afraid I would have ruined your puters,by sending my pics,but as Jean has been on here since I sent them,they must be o.k.
Are so,Marie,It could have been you Jean and I heard the other night,and not Marilyn as we suspected. Goodness me,we are a rowdy lot on here,
but I love it,the more noise the better.
I look forward to receiving your e.mail addy Marie.
How's your weather now?has it warmed up a bit.
Sorry to hear the grandchildren are still not up to par,bless them.
Hey up,I have just read that Marilyn has company tonight. Oh no ear plugs time again I think
Hi Sallie,Sue,Huia and Debbie I know you are on holiday,but just so that when you get back you know we have not,forgotten you. Oh and Grace
who hopefully is looking in.
Best wishes to you all. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 2 Aug 2009 16:59

Hi Everyone,

At last I am able to get back on the computer! We were out most of the day yesterday, it was very late last night when we got back. Alun and I got invited to our friends house that we haven't seen for a good while, Joy had made us some food, so you can all imagine the rest of the story. So very late getting home--but we had a good evening with them.

Marie, sorry to hear that the girls are sick again--hope they will both be better soon. Please give them a big hug from me. Try and get some rest,
looking after little ones is very tiring.

Jean, I've left you a message on Ann's thread. I'm going to get Alun to check this laptop, just in case there is something wrong. I'm afraid I'm not very good at the technical side of computers.

Mo, I loved watching Dixon of Dock Green years back, ( now I'm showing my age) we always sat down as a family to watch it. Hope all is well with you, Roly and the family, and that you have had a nice weekend. I was expecting a quiet weekend, and then received an invite to our friends house, late on Friday.

Marilyn, have you recovered from looking after your grandchildren yet?
I hope you have got your voice back--sorry I didn't realise that they had taken it off you. Ha, Ha.

I hope that Debbie and her family are having good weather for their camping holiday.

Just saying hello Huia, Sue and Grace. Hope all is well with you all.

Well I'm just going to check my e-mails, can't understand why I haven't received Jean's.

Speak to you soon ladies.

All the best.

Love, Sallie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Aug 2009 16:35

Hello girls.
Grace do you know the Jolly Sailor pub,in Seasalter. Well my son was running it,up till about three months ago. He then got transferred to a pub nearer to us. I cant believe we have probably driven past your camp site,
especially if it is opposite the sea wall.
I know what you mean about the shop lifting in canterbury. I was saying to Marilyn how bad it had got in Bromley. There is always a big Police presence up there now because of it. And also the violence.
Ooooh you are good,cooking a big piece of topside,whilst you are on holiday. But I dare say it works out more economical,than going out for a meal,when there are lots of you present.
It certainly sounds like you had fun. Are you sure the tears were running
down your faces,and not anywhere further down the body. I know if it were me,the tears would have been running down my No offence meant.
I would have loved to have learnt sign language. I have a lady that lives at the back of me,who is deaf. And fortunately she lip reads,as I tend to forget she can't hear me. Both she and her husband are deaf,but her three boys could all hear.
I wonder where,Jean,Sallie,Marilyn,Sue,Huia have got to.
Marie my love,I have sent you an e.mail,I hope you have received it.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 3 Aug 2009 17:47

Hello Ladies,
Hope you are all okay. It's very quiet on here today.

Grace so pleased you all had a good time yesterday. Like you said a good laugh certainly does the soul a lot of good --even in the bleakest of times, if we can see the funny side of life, it helps. I've never been to Canterbury, but have always wanted to go -- hopefully we will go one day. One of my daughter's friends went to Canterbury University, she liked living there.
Good luck to your granddaughter, she deserves to get on.

Mo Alun and I use to live in Beckenham when we were younger, ( many moons ago) We always liked going into Bromley shopping. My auntie moved to Bromley from Catford when my uncle died, her daughter lived a few roads away from her. My cousin and her family still lives there, been promising her that we will go and visit her and her hubby one day. We never seem to have the time.
Hope that both you and Roly are okay, and that you had a good weekend.

Heard from Jean earlier today, I have been having trouble receiving photos of her scrapbook pages by e-mail. At least it's all sorted now!
It was nice to see a photo of Jean and her hubby. My problem is finding a photo of myself on my own--don't like having my photo taken, so all the photos of myself are taken with other people.

I hope Huia, Sue, Marie and Marilyn are all alright, and that Debbie and her family are enjoying their holiday.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Best wishes to everyone.



Sallie Report 3 Aug 2009 17:52

Sorry posted twice, so I've deleted one.



JustJean Report 3 Aug 2009 18:16

Here I am, we had a visitor this morning, now who would come visiting on a monday morning???? then I decided to do some more scrapages, then I went for a nap, just put the potato pie in the oven, now I am whacked all that activity at my age too !!

Hi, Grace you sound very organised , its lovely when you all meet up, how many were they?best wishes to your daughter....

~~~~~~~ To MO ~~~~~~~ or else she

love to all Jean, p.s. Isent Marie a e-mail but wouldnt go , maybe I got the addy wrong, so whats new !!!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Aug 2009 19:23

Jean,I also sent Marie an e.mail,and it did not go. When I checked her addy,I had forgotten to put the O in her surname,silly silly me. And I am more than sulking,I am sitting in the corner with my thumb in my mouth,and crying. lol
Hi Sallie,we are fine thank you [fingers crossed ].
If and when you do get down to visit family,I will have to come to Bromley
and meet you in town somewhere.
Don't forget I am one of the original Essex girls, But I do not wear white stilletto's,and dance round my
Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 3 Aug 2009 20:09

Mo, p.m. sent

Jean x