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Unknown Report 14 Feb 2004 01:05

Thanks Brian, Can someone please tell me whether it is ok to install the ad-aware disk that I got free with pc mag, If I have Norton anti-virus which is updated daily? or will that muck the pc up? Sue


Judy Report 14 Feb 2004 01:40

Sue: Adaware is, for most, the preferred spyware all means, download it and run it often! Judy


Judy Report 14 Feb 2004 01:41

Karen: Transfer of files from PC to floppy, depending on size of file, literally takes seconds. Judy


Unknown Report 14 Feb 2004 01:53

Thanks Judy, I will load that in now and if you hear any screams you will know that I have managed to crash the pc! Sue


Judy Report 14 Feb 2004 07:58

Sue G: There is a thread, which I will nudge up, that will advise, step by step, instructions if you should need them. Thread is on TIPS board, titled: Adaware - Spyware Removal. Judy


Unknown Report 14 Feb 2004 09:33

Thank you Judy Sue G


Joanna Report 14 Feb 2004 14:40

Brian, try this link for your Mustek scanner


Sidami Report 14 Feb 2004 18:14

Hi Karen I have just tryed to save an email by cut and paste and it works I wondered how to save an email without having to print it all off, this way you highlight what you want, as sometimes when replying to emails we just click the reply buttons and we don't always want the whole lot of the emails. Thanks good tip. Regards Sue

Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 14 Feb 2004 19:23

Popups is still a bit of a bugbear of mine. I have the google tool bar installed which stops most, but I still get a few, do I have to live with these or is their something else that can be used. I regularly clear out temporary files and run adaware. I am using windows XP Ros


Judy Report 14 Feb 2004 19:31

Ros....more than likely the Google tool bar is what is adding it the pop ups to your computer. These programs that offer to stop or remove spyware from your computer do but at the same time they add their own spyware. You may want to consider removing the Google toolbar and if you don't already have a program like Adaware...get it and use it several times a week. Adaware will remove spy and pretty much keep you pop up free. Judy


Thomas Report 14 Feb 2004 23:39

KIM, if i have read your problem correctly; you copy and paste a url into mail and send it home, i do that from work to follow threads. i too had problems opening the thread again says it is an invalid link?? After several tries i noticed that for whatever reason a space was appearing in the URL when i pasted it into the address bar(or double clicked it from the mail) take the space out and hey presto it works!! The space appears here ‘threadedbo ard’ click on the address bar and use the left/right arrows to move to the space then press the del key I have no idea why the spaces appears.... What system do you run? Ian Ian . Laidlaw at ntlworld . com


Judy Report 15 Feb 2004 05:52

Sue G: I was just looking over this thread and noticed I only answered part of your question about Adaware. You mentioned having Norton. Norton and Adaware are two, entirely different animals. Norton Anti Virus protects you against viruses. Norton Firewall, if you have that, protects you against hackers.....Adaware removes spyware that is placed on your computer, without your knowledge, by the sites you visit on the internet. Spyware, when allowed to build up on your computer, reeks havoc and can cause many different prolems....which is why it needs to be removed. Norton runs in the background of your computer protecting you....Adaware is a program that you manually have to tell to scan and remove spyware. Both Norton and Adaware have definitions that need to be updated regularly....Norton has an automatic update setting where Adaware does not....Judy


Unknown Report 16 Feb 2004 00:02

Help! For some reason today when I try to enter a site I keep getting a Gateway Timeout error as soon as I click to enter the page, It does not seem to be consistent as, for example, I did a search on ancestry half hour ago and it was ok, but when I went to do one just now I got the error message. I did a search earlier and some of the pages I tried to view did the same. Surley this error should only occurr if a page takes too long opening not as soon as you try to open it? Any help or suggestions please Sue G


Unknown Report 16 Feb 2004 00:28

Thanks Karen, I will try that now. I usually do that on a regular basis, at least once a week, but I have got to admit since I have been grabbed by the genealogy bug about 3 weeks ago, I have forgotten to do it. Copy and paste is a bit to technical for me at the moment so I will leave that one to you and keep on with the good old pen and paper!!! Sue G


Unknown Report 16 Feb 2004 00:57

Hi Karen, I just did it with browser still on, It seems to have worked ( well I just managed to get on the page at ancestry I was after anyway!), took ages so I will have to remember to do it more often. I hate to think how long it is going to take to defrag, I haven't done that since before christmas, better do that one over night! Thanks again Karen Sue G


Unknown Report 16 Feb 2004 01:05

LOL Karen, Glad I am not the only one! Sue G


Judy Report 16 Feb 2004 02:35

Karen....posted answer to your query, ie: emptying temorary internet files, on your new thread.....Judy


David Report 16 Feb 2004 17:51

Have just installed ADaware ,backed up my file with a floppy as suggested really chuffed that i managed as i am a bit of a commputer nerd BUT do i have use a new floppy every time i update my tree and does my file automaticaly update or do i have to do it?? David


Amanda Report 18 Feb 2004 16:08

Help needed please, I would like to print of some of the PDF charts etc and also view the return of owners of land 1873 from the family tree CD's that come with the magazines. I have done this before, but now seem to be having problems. I can not open any of these. Adobe is installed, could this be not working now? I recently intalled Norton antivirus software, but not sure if this is the problem. Any help much appreciated. I think an updated computer course could be what I need. Is there anyone who knows what I need to do!! Amanda


Sidami Report 18 Feb 2004 17:40

Please can someone help me with the paf that I have. The problem is that I put the floppy disc in to see what I had copied, then when I went back to put some more data on it a screen came up saying which one do I want for some reason I seem to have it backed up in about four different names, anyway the problem is that I clicked on the top one and when it came on the screen I noticed that there was some names missing, please can someone tell me in english how to get back to all my original data. Sue...................