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Unknown Report 17 Aug 2006 12:39

I have an unresolved dispute with another website where someone has entered my Family Tree under their name. I emailed them to ask how they were related to my Mother and Daughter, and have not received any reply. I have asked the Webmaster to have that tree deleted, but also with no luck. However, I have happily shared all my research with a 6th cousin in Australia, and relevant parts to others who have proved a link. I know that I have a lot of certificates yet to buy in order to prove my almost 10,000 blood relations, and any information I receive is noted as unchecked, or unproven. As with any Detective work, which this is, you note the clues. If someone tells me that ggggf was born in Bubbleswick, had a wooden leg and drank Guinness, down it goes until proved wrong. You can always keep a separate tree of Proven Relatives, but I thought the idea of this Site was to promote research, not just to display our Trees.


Mystified Report 17 Aug 2006 12:08

I am not 100% sure but the 50000+ names, person, I am sure I saw on a message board elsewhere about 1 year ago. They were bragging how they had started their son-in-law's tree and in 3 months had amassed 25000 names. I made a comment and strangely enough I was barred from that message board......... Thank God


Sheila Report 16 Aug 2006 23:24

I have only been on Genes since March and as O C has pointed out,it's our tree to do what we like, but I see no point in getting 55,000?? on your tree the cost would be prohibitive, When living overseas it is even more so. So you must be on the mark with every certificate you apply for,, i find my 100+ enough to cope wilth sheila


Dea Report 16 Aug 2006 14:57

Quite right Ann, I will also 'share' in my own way. I have given help and information to MANY people, expecting nothing in return, but they have to have some conection to the information which I am willing to share. I wil not just open my whole tree to anyone who wants to 'collect names' Dea x

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 16 Aug 2006 14:53

Hear hear, Ann! I'm not bragging, but I have been researching my tree for nearly 40 years. Inevitably, I have FAR more information on my relatives than has any contact I have ever come across either on here or anywhere else. Like Ann, I have Wills, Marriage Settlements, removal, settlement and bastardy orders, letters, land agreements and transfers, maps, letters and so on - all these cost money and a lot of searching which I DIDN'T do on my computer, I got on a bus or a train and did it. I have also amassed thousands of records related to my family name, but these people are not my direct, or even indirect relatives. I often spot a message which relates to one of these people and I email the person concerned offering them the information - which often consists of certificates etc. I am a member of GR not in order to spread my tree willy nilly around the internet with anyone who fancies a share, but (originally) in the hope of matching with someone who really DOES belong on my tree and who has done some serious research of their own. I quickly realised that GR is not that place. I remain a member for the absolutely priceless and invaluable help I get from the other members. It is fairly easy to tell who takes their research as seriously as I do and I would be more than happy to be related to any of them! I avoid like the plague those who have constructed a tree entirely from the internet/other people's trees and those who cannot/will not buy as much as one cert. Before anyone jumps on and pleads poverty - yes, I know money is tight for some people, but that will not make your tree accurate! So - its MY tree, MY hard work, MY money - and I will please myself who I share it with. Those who do not like this attitude will just have to do their OWN research. OC


Sheila Report 16 Aug 2006 11:46

O C ---I do not think he would be game to tell us, for one thing his computer would crash with all the added info... on second thoughts a good outcome Sheila

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 16 Aug 2006 11:40

Sheila Gosh, yes, I hadn't thought of it like that! So, for information about my measly 400 proven rellies, I am going to get, in exchange, 55,750 BCs, 55,750 death certs and untold marriage certs....hmm, that's quite a bargain... What was his name again??? OC


Sheila Report 16 Aug 2006 10:29

Ann,---- With 55,750 rellies on his/she tree they must be related to us all. He/she has spent all that money in births, marriage and death certificates we'll save a fortune.In postage as well for us in OZ Sheila


Merry Report 16 Aug 2006 10:28

Thank you Dea....I have sent you a pm. (another one coming in a minute!) Merry


Jeanie Report 16 Aug 2006 10:08

After quite a gap I have had contact with 3 genuine family members of my husband in the last 2 days. Hot matches connected me to someone who shares his gt grandfather. I put the name in quick search and found someone else. Then I had a contact via my tree on ancestry to another genetically connected rellie of husbands. On my side of the family I have made many connections to my Scottish side. I have my tree on tribal pages and thanks to the fact that Rods aunt is a hoarder we have photos and letters from the mid 1800's. So my new contacts have managed to see photos of their rellies from 3 generations back. I have had some very pleasant communication with people only connected via marriage and if they want to put my family on their tree I am happy to oblige though I don't put them on mine. If I did not have my tree on rootsweb I would have missed out. Jeanie A.


Roger Report 16 Aug 2006 09:18

Also people are complaining about how many relatives they have, well if you could get far enough back the answer is we are all related as we are supposed to have started from just two people. lol. But, Genes is not like ancestery and all other family history sites, so why are you on it if you don't pass on information!!

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 16 Aug 2006 09:09

I'd be delighted to open my tree to relatives, unfortunately most of the contacts I've made on here haven't been on my direct line which is what I am actually interested in.I'm happy to share what info I have with 'family' members. Roger an automated response maybe be quicker, but a personal one is much more polite, I've never sent an automated reply, infact I don't even know where they are Linda


Dea Report 16 Aug 2006 07:38

Well done Merry ! There is a VERY large Cemetery not far from the airport I don't know how the system works over there but I could e-mail them and ask before I go, and yes, my Spanish is quite fluent thankfully. Anyway pm me some details and I will see what I can do. Dea x p.s. - It always annoys me when I see the character Manuel (who I love, incidentally), muttering away in 'Spanish' as, being from Barcelona his first language should have been Catalan )

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 15 Aug 2006 22:19

Merry Trying to divert myself so that I don't jump in the car and drive 200 miles...I may do, tomorrow. OC


Merry Report 15 Aug 2006 22:14

Tee hee!! Positive wishes for your daughter, btw. She will be fine.....I've been reading about it on various sites. Merry

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 15 Aug 2006 22:11

Nobody likes a show-off, Merry...(LOL, in case you thought I was being nasty) OC


Merry Report 15 Aug 2006 22:04

¿¿.....I can! lol!! Merry


Merry Report 15 Aug 2006 22:01

Yes, but my Manuel has lived here since 1942, so he is just starting to lose his accent a little! Merry

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 15 Aug 2006 21:56

Merry Manuel said Que not Eeh. (Cant do the back to fronty question marks on here) Dea Merry made her family go to various boring family history related venues and told them it was a holiday!!! OC


Merry Report 15 Aug 2006 21:49

Hello Dea, Eeh?? (as in Manuel!)...........Yes, my f-i-l is from Barcelona!! It would be fantistic if you were able to go to the Cemetery there. I bet it's huge though??!!! How is your Spanish for asking for the whereabouts of a particular grave? I can only ask for a beer! (Una cerveza grande, por favor!) Shall I PM you some names? (there's only two main ones!) Yes, I was on holiday in Oxfordshire, but now I'm back (If you need details - lol - see my thread, imaginatively entitled, ''I'm back'') Merry