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Is it possible that not all births were registered

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Ozibird Report 6 Apr 2010 23:21

Why can't this be him?
Births Mar 1885
CHANDLER William Bethnal Green 1c 201


Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 23:09


Thank you! For a moment I thought you were psychic! Lol! Again, thank you so very much for taking the time to help me. With your idea, it opened up a whole new possibility. And from there Maureen kindly sent the baptism details for them all. So, if it hadn't been for you and all the other lovely ladies who replied to my plea, then I would have drawn a blank again, and probably resided myself to never really finding out about them!

With very best wishes and sincere thanks Caroline.

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 6 Apr 2010 23:00

Hi Caroline,

I worked out who you were looking for by clicking on your name to get your surname. I worked backwards from there knowing that it was someone on your dad's side and called Billie in 1901.



Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 22:33

Gwyn in Kent and Maggiewinchester,

I'm sorry it takes me a while to catch up on what is being said, I'm not the quickest of typists!

Gwyn, That is an interesting observation that you have made. Perhaps they didnt marry straight away?

Maggie, That must be frustrating for you, And it must make it virtually impossible to go back further.

Best wishes and many thanks for responding and sharing information with me. Caroline.


Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 22:26


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. They match what I have! :o) you are very kind for taking the time to help me. I have had a look on freebmd for a Chandler - York marriage and cant find one as yet, but they are not fully transcribed, so that is probably why. But there is no doubting that they are the family I have been looking for!

Shame my William isn't on the baptism list, or Mary (another sister). But I am very grateful to you for your help. And Rose too for noticing such a miniscule link in the first place.

He had a very interesting job in 1901....a scavenger! They hit on very hard times around Elizas birth.

With my very best wishes, an extremely happy nd grateful Caroline!


maggiewinchester Report 6 Apr 2010 22:25

Just an aside.
My dad wasn't registered in his year of birth (1926), but was registered 4 times (5 if you include the one that was crossed out!) when he was adopted in 1942 - the year he joined the Navy - and pesumably needed a birth certificate!
Gran always hinted that he was born in Juarez, Spain, but I don't go with that - however, his dad may have come from there.
I've tried to get his birth certificate, to see if a father is mentioned (he had his mother's maiden name) but the GRO always seem to come up with 'problems'!!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 6 Apr 2010 22:15

Interesting that the same person baptised some of the children, but when Henry was baptised in 1881 his mother Sarah was recorded as Sarah York, but 2 years later the vicar referred to her as Sarah Chandler.



MaureeninNY Report 6 Apr 2010 22:12

Thanks,Gwyn. Wasn't sure if it was Ion or Ton or something else!


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 6 Apr 2010 22:10

When Ann was baptised in 1883, the family were living at 36 Ion Square.

I'm sure I've looked at that address in recent weeks...?
Perhaps Rose remembered other threads about this family ?



MaureeninNY Report 6 Apr 2010 22:01

Hi Caroline,
Luckily for those of us with London ancestors Ancestry has filmed a lot of the records. Here are the children that I think belong to your Henry and Sarah (the ones I was able to find,that is). Do they seem to match your info?
London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906Name: Henry Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 23 Oct 1881
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Box cutter
Mother's Name: Sarah York
Parish: St James the Great, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
born Sept.29,1881
Address:2 Collingwood ?Place

Name: Ann York Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 25 Nov 1883
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Carman
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St James the Great, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
Born Oct 28,1883
can't read the address

Name: Richard Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 29 Mar 1891
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Carman
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St James the Great, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
Born March 12,1891
15 Newcastle Street

Name: Thomas Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 2 Apr 1893
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Carman
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St Philip, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
15 Newcastle Street

Name: Charles Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 13 Oct 1895
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Carman
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St James the Great, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
Born Sept. 19,1895
46 Mount St

Name: James Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 17 Apr 1898
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Carman
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St James the Great, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex
Born March 29,1898
46 Mount St

Name: Eliza Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 27 Jan 1901
Father's Name: Henry Chandler Occ:Scavenger?
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St Augustine, Haggerston
Borough: Hackney
County: Middlesex
Born Jan 9,1901
57 Goldsmiths Bldgs

Good luck!


P.S. I swear our Rose has psychic abilities!!


Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 21:33

Hi Rose,

Thank you for all your help. May I ask another question please? I was just wondering how you knew I was looking for William I can't see that I'd put his name on the thread before my message earlier this evening!!!!!! Spooky!?!?!

Best wishes Caroline.


Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 21:30

Hi Maureen,

Thank you for your reply. May I ask do baptism records state the fathers job? Sorry if that seems a very silly question. As I have never delved into baptismal records before....I would have no idea of where to start looking!

Unfortunately I don not as yet have any of his siblings BC's. It wasn't so long ago that I discovered he was one of ten children!

I will follow up that lead. I will order the younger sibling BC's and see where that leads me.

Thank you so very much for your help and suggestions.

Best wishes Caroline.


MaureeninNY Report 6 Apr 2010 20:46

For what it's worth-I really think Rose might be on the right track with the birth for William Chandler York. There doesn't appear to be any sign of a person with that name afterwards.
It looks as though one of your William's sisters was baptised as:
Name: Ann York Chandler
Record Type: Baptism
Date: 25 Nov 1883
Father's Name: Henry Chandler
Mother's Name: Sarah Chandler
Parish: St James the Great, Bethnal Green
Borough: Tower Hamlets
County: Middlesex

Do you have any of the children's birth certs??



Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 19:37

Hi Rose,

Thank you for having a look at that for me, I believe his mothers maiden was Walker. I can't recall off hand where I got that name from without looking through all my paperwork. I have ordered several Wiliam Chandler BC and none of them have been him! Grr!

Kind regards Caroline.


Caroline Report 6 Apr 2010 19:33

Maggiewinchester, SylviaInCanada,

Thank you both very much for the info. Again, more options to look at. And things I hadn't considered.

Best wishes,

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 6 Apr 2010 00:40

Is this the one:

Births Jun 1886
YORK William Chandler Bethnal Green 1c 148

He's under his mother's maiden name.



SylviaInCanada Report 6 Apr 2010 00:19

The problem with registrations after July 1 1837 but before mid-1875 was that although it was compulsory to register births, the onus was upon the Registrar to find out about births, and then to attend the family to register the birth.

As you may imagine, this often did not work out, and parents did not seek him out either!!

The law was changed in mid-1875 so that it was the responsibility of the mother to ensure that the baby was registered. She had 6 weeks in which to do that ............... but some (many??) took longer, and then may give the wrong birthdate to escape the fine!

Another time for baptisms to take place is just before the child was to start work. Some employers insisted that their servants/workers were baptised before being employed, and that they attended church regularly. So you could try looking about 8-15 years after birth

It is also possible to find mass baptisms of several siblings ..................... either because there was no vicar in the village, or because the parents couldn't afford it.

I often try putting in a 20 year period for baptism



maggiewinchester Report 5 Apr 2010 23:44

If you can't find a baptism around the time of their birth, look for one around the time they married/possibly married.
Nearly all marriages at this time were in a church - and you had to be baptised/christened to be married in a church.


Caroline Report 5 Apr 2010 23:23

Rose and Mrs Grumpy,

Thank you for your responses.

Rose, I'm looking for my Great Grandads birth. I have tried all sorts! I eventually found him on the 1901 census as Billie! (female spelling!?!?!), so I am aware of weird variations. I know that his parents were married when the children were born, so I hadn't thought of his Mums maiden name being used, thank you. Would that be normal then?

Mrs Grumpy, Oh dear, how frustrating! I would definately be sat in a corner somewhere hitting my head on the wall if I came across that in my research! Luckily 3 of the 10 were registered in my search, so I can go from there.Thanks to census records I found that he was one of ten, my Dad had thought there was just two lads!

Thank you both very much for replying to my question. Given me some more to think about!

Regards Caroline.


Caroline Report 5 Apr 2010 23:12


:o) You are a star! Thank you once again! £2 doesn't seem a lot now, but I'll bet it was back then, as money was tight for a lot of folk.

Am heading fro bed now, but will check out those sites tomorrow.

You have saved my sanity! I can now end this fruitless search after some four / five years (on and off). I strongly suspect that my Great Grandad wasn't registered, So, now to see where else this adventure will take me! More questions I'm sure! With answers from lovely people like yourself taking the time to help.

Best wishes and very many thanks, Caroline.