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Eileen Report 2 Aug 2009 00:00

So glad you found your father in time Melody. Sadly I missed mine, and later discovered that he had never forgotten his English children, and had told his later children about us and pleaded with them to go on looking for us.

Its lovely that your father will not spend the rest of his life wondering where you are.

I found my half sibs. about 20 years ago........but only found my full sister this May, after a forty year search. When I was 25 I discovered I had a full sister. We had been adopted separately...........this year she started looking, at aged 63.........and found the message waiting for her on the Adoption Contact Register run by the Govt. I had put the message there 15 years don't give up hope, all you searchers.........put messages everywhere, even throw them in the sea in day, someone will see it..............

birth name
born 1944, adopted 1946 - reunited with b.mother 1972, and many other relatives over the years. Finally found full sister, born 1945, this May.....


Grabagran Report 1 Aug 2009 16:45

Have just read your story on Success board, and want to wish you and your father a lovely reunion with one another when you get over to England.

May you spend many happy hours together.


LiverBird1 Report 1 Aug 2009 11:06

Fantastic ending, or should I say Beginning!

Good luck to you both!!!

Cassy :-))))


HeadStone Report 1 Aug 2009 10:48

I too love a happy ending.
Well done to all.


Julie Report 31 Jul 2009 12:32

Hi Melody

Have only just seen this & i also had a lump in my throat while reading this
I am so happy for you both

Take care xx

Off the read the success board


ChristineinPortugal Report 31 Jul 2009 08:13

So pleased to hear you've found him.

I remember some of your threads looking for him.

Hope you manage to meet up sometime.



Melody Report 30 Jul 2009 23:28

thanks everybody, i rang the hospital last night, my time , they told me he was leaving hoapital 6 pm , uk time . He was too tired too talk , and gave the nurse a message that he will ring me when he gets home. She told me that my father was awake most of the night talking too you about us finding each other again. Sh ealso said that he has the biggest smile on his face .
Bless you dad xxx

Melody x


kay Report 30 Jul 2009 16:52

Have just read your story on success thread.
What a lovely outcome for you both.
Please keep us updated on your fathers health...hope he gets better soon...was perhaps the news that will spur him on in his recovery.
Good luck to you both.


Chrissie2394 Report 30 Jul 2009 16:44

What a fantastic result. We are all so lucky to have such fantastic help from other members who put themselves out to try and help. I have to admit I have a tear in my eye, good luck to you both.



Nickydownsouth Report 30 Jul 2009 15:03

What a lovely happy ending, can`t wait to read the whole story on Success.

Good luck to you both.



AnninGlos Report 30 Jul 2009 14:53

Wonderful story and a wonderful result, so pleased for you, hope you can get together sometime.

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 30 Jul 2009 09:26

Hope you gave him a hard time for not updating his email address on here.



Melody Report 30 Jul 2009 01:21

Hi there, What celing? must have missed that , gone right through it lol
He is Dennis T smith , birmingham 1938


Lindsey* Report 30 Jul 2009 01:17

Yes it will arrive tomorrow.
When you come down off that ceiling, do share the whole story with us, as you must have been on a roller coaster of emotions, oh and which Dennis was he ?


Melody Report 30 Jul 2009 01:09

I have left a message on the success board, but it not showing up, does this take some time too show ?


Battenburg Report 30 Jul 2009 00:53

Join Skype. You will be able to talk to him every day. You can also get a camera and see each other as you talk. I talk to my son in Peru and Im in NZ


Melody Report 30 Jul 2009 00:51

Hi everyone
I have adedd a letter on success thread, telling you all the full story. Im still on cloud nine thanks too all of you miracle workers


Sheila Report 30 Jul 2009 00:01

Click onto Success stories, then click onto add topic and put in what you want :O)


Melody Report 29 Jul 2009 23:54

does any one know how i transfer my thankyou letter on here too the success stories

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 29 Jul 2009 23:43

I do love a happy ending !!!!
