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Looking for mother of Ellen Horan 1/11/1896

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ArgyllGran Report 14 Jun 2016 10:35

Maybe the marriage of the one in the censuses (whether or not she's your Ellen ):

Ellie Horan
in the Ireland, Civil Registration Marriages Index, 1845-1958
Name: Ellie Horan
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun, 1907
Registration district: Cork, Ireland
Volume: 5
Page Number: 134
FHL Film Number: 101261
Records on Page:
John Dowdy
Thomas Leahy <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Agnes Hallahan
Winifred Smith
George Metcalfe
Ellie Horan
Mary M'Carthy
John O'Leary

I know this concentration on Ellen doesn't appear to help find Margaret Trimble /Quills - but just trying to make sense of the family.


ArgyllGran Report 14 Jun 2016 10:29

I suspect that tree is badly researched, and should be taken with a large pinch of salt - the census records at least can't be the right Ellen.
As Shirley has said, the age of the one on both census records is way out from 1896.
(Again, where did you get her DOB from - is it from an actual record, or just from someone else's say-so?)


ArgyllGran Report 14 Jun 2016 10:16

As you have the exact DOB, does that mean you have Ellen's birth cert?
What does it say?
Or have you taken the date from that tree on Ancestry?

Was Margaret Trimble/Quills married to Mr Horan?
What was his first name? [EDIT: for what it's worth, the tree says his name was James, but gives no proof or dates - presumably his name's on the children's Birth certs?]

Why either Trimble or Quills? Do you mean she had been married before, or are there two different Margarets in the running?

The tree shows the census records as posted above by Shirley. When did Ellen marry James Murphy, and when was the son born? Would she have had time to have been married before to Mr Leahy as suggested in the 1911 census?

[EDIT: Oh yes, just noticed the supposed date of 1917 for marriage to James Murphy ]

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 14 Jun 2016 09:46

A public tree on Ancetsry has this record

Ellen Horan

Birth: 1 November 1896 (1 Nov 1896) - Eire (Ireland)
Marriage: 23 Apr 1917
Spouse: James Murphy
F: (Name Unknown)
M. Margaret Trimble

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 14 Jun 2016 09:18

Did she marry in Ireland or in America ?

The marriagee cert should give some details

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 13 Jun 2016 19:31

Have you tried family search site

Can't see her on the 1911 Irish census ,this looks her on the 1901 census

Born 1886/7 though not 1896
1901 census
Residents of a house 26.1 in Queen Street (Queenstown Urban No. 1, Cork)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Horan Margaret 40 Female Head of Family R Catholic occ pedler. married
Horan Ellen 14 Female Daughter R Catholic
Horan Margaret 13 Female Daughter R Catholic
Horan Mary 7 Female Daughter R Catholic
Horan Christopher 4 Male Son R Catholic

Can't be the same family as Ellen is married now but not to Murphy
1911 census

Census Years1911CorkQueenstownHarbour TerraceResidents of a house
Residents of a house 10.3 in Harbour Terrace (Queenstown, Cork)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Horan Margaret 50 Female Head of Family Roman Catholic
Leahy Ellen 24 Female Daughter Roman Catholic
Horan Mary 18 Female Daughter Roman Catholic
Leahy James 2 Male Grand Son Roman Catholi


Deborah Report 13 Jun 2016 19:19

I believe her name is Margaret Trimble or Quills from Queenstown Ireland, Married to James Murphy also from Queenstown has a son John Murphy in America recently died in 2013. If anyone has any information I would much appreciate your help.
I am a novice at this searching.

Thank you