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William Briggs

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Amanda Report 1 Jan 2016 23:55

I wonder if anyone can find anymore information on this relative.
His name is William Briggs born 1960 Hackney London other than that I know little about him. My family don't even remember him being born which is strange as I was born 5 years later but I have a birth certificate for him.
Mother was also William Briggs born 1922 Hackney and I can't see if this relative has since died either. He was married to a Dutch lady named Carritge Leurink(may have spelling slightly wrong as the writing on the erg is poor) known as Carrie. They also had children Eileen 1947 Helen 1946 and Antony 1954 all born in Hackney.
If you have any matches I would be most grateful.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2016 01:03

"Mother was also William Briggs born 1922 Hackney"

Did you mean his father? His mother's maiden name has been transcribed on Freebmd as LUERINK


PollyPoppet Report 2 Jan 2016 01:07

Helens birth

England & Wales births 1837-2006

First Name HELEN
Last Name BRIGGS
Birth Year 1946
Gender Female
Mother's Maiden Name LEWRINK
Year 1946
Country England
County London
Event Quarter 4
District HACKNEY
District Number
Volume 5C
Page 1138
Entry Number
Line Number 64
Category Births, Marriages & Deaths
Record set England & Wales births 1837-2006
Collections from Great Britain


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2016 01:11

Do you know if they stayed in the Hackney area? There is a possible marriage in 1981 to a Ms Ward.


JoonieCloonie Report 2 Jan 2016 03:21

is Helen deceased, and if not does she want her birth details posted on the internet?

Amanda, it isn't clear what your own connection with William Jr is

can you not ask his sisters about him?


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 11:55

William Briggs is my cousin as is Eileen and Helen older members of my family are deceased and I don't know any way of finding out other than searching my tree.
Yes I meant his father was also William Briggs and yes that looks like the mothers name she was Dutch as I remember my mother saying this and that they all went on a family holiday to Holland before I was born.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 2 Jan 2016 12:49

You have triple posted your answer. Best to delete two of them

So this is Williams birth

First name(s) WILLIAM
Last name BRIGGS
Birth year 1922
Birth quarter 4
Registration month -
Mother's last name BELSHAM
District HACKNEY
County London
Country England
Volume 1B
Page 826

Not seeing a marriage for him was he in the forces and married in Holland ?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2016 13:01

Possible marriage for William Briggs snr?

GRO Index Army Marriages (1881 to 1955)
First name(s) WILLIAM
Last name BRIGGS
Marriage year 1946
Marriage place HOLLAND
Spouse's first name(s) -
Spouse's last name -
Page 1159
Line number 111

First name(s) GENITZE
Last name LEURINK
Marriage year 1946
Marriage place HOLLAND
Spouse's first name(s) -
Spouse's last name -
Page 1159
Line number 137

Images do say she married a Briggs & he a Leurink


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 13:18

Thank you for the wedding details. I have William seniors birth details and William jnr but really wanted to know anything for William junior after his birth eg marriage, death as I couldn't see anything. Thank you for your help


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jan 2016 14:06

As mentioned earlier, there is a 1981 marriage to a Ms Ward in Hackney. Only a copy of the MC would tell you if its the right person.

If that doesn't work out, how about looking for his siblings who may be easier to find?
Antony D Briggs 1954
Helen Briggs 1946 as mentioned above
Eileen J Briggs 1947

'A' Antony Dick Briggs is a company officer.
Follow the link for Companies House (.gov site) to view the correspondence address
There's no guarentee that its the correct person, but its worth the price of a stamp.

We realise you want to find out about William, but if records are hard to find its sometimes easier to trace a relative who can give you the information.

Do remember that GR doesn't approve of living relatives being added to trees without their permission. The exception is when birth family are looking for adoptive relatives or vice versa


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 15:37

Thanks will have a look they are already on my tree and have been for many years but just wondered after a couple of years if I could find any new info on William will order a copy of the marriage certificate thanks.
I will look into the Antony link as well. Thanks again for the help.


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 16:06

Do you have the details of the 1981 marriage to award so I can apply for the certificate please. Thank you


JoonieCloonie Report 2 Jan 2016 16:41

I am still confused about why the older siblings born in the 1940s and 50s would not know about William born 1960 ...

that was my question 'can you not ask his sisters about him?' (I neglected the brother) and that is what Detective is proposing

your answer was

'William Briggs is my cousin as is Eileen and Helen older members of my family are deceased and I don't know any way of finding out other than searching my tree.'

I'm not sure what 'searching your tree' is :-)
but it always seems to me that the way to find living people is through their living family

so I guess we assume you are not in touch with his siblings, your cousins

>>> this link confirms (by the birthdate) that the person Detective identified is indeed your cousin

if for some reason you cannot contact him, I would get a copy of the 1956 marriage certificate to make sure the wife's name has been transcribed correctly and to get her age, because the given name shown in the GRO index does seem quite unusual ... google translate detects "genitge" as being Dutch but then offers the same word as the translation, which may suggest it is a name ... a reasonable possibility is Grietje ... in any case, Genitze looks like a mistranscription to me

it may be that she adopted a different given name which makes looking for a possible subsequent marriage and a death difficult, but knowing her age could assist

I don't like to be indelicate when discussing living people, but have you considered the possibility that Wm Sr and his wife had separated, and young Wm was a child of hers with a new partner and thus might have taken his surname

also to be serious about finding Wm Sr, you need to have his birth certificate in order to know his exact date of birth, so you can identify his death if it is in the accessible GRO index, assuming he died after 1969

if you are unable to contact any of his children, the name of the informant on the death certificate could tell you something

with his wife's correct name and age, and knowing the date and location of Wm Sr's death, you might then be able to find further info about her

you have the 1960 birth certificate ... do you want to post a scan to your 'keepsafe' and post the link here to see whether the mother's name can be deciphered? you can delete the link then so as not to leave the docment public


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 16:57

Thank you Joonie Cloonie. My dad died in 1969 at this time William and his wife were I believe still together. My mother never saw the Briggs family again after my fathers funeral, apart from now and then bumping into Eileen and Helen while out shopping locally. When I originally discovered the birth of William Jnr my mother had no knowledge that this child ever existed which made me think that maybe he died at birth but could not see any death registration therefore, I was intrigued to find out what may have happened to him. I have the certificate but do not have access to a scanner but can take a picture and s be it to an email if that would help.


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 17:13

Just read birth cert again shows mothers name Luerink but first name is hard to read could be Carritge or Garritge? And in he jeans birth cert shows Leurink first name is hard to read. I have pictures will try and pop them on keepsafe. How will you get to see them? (Never used this facility before)


JoonieCloonie Report 2 Jan 2016 19:16

you copy the link for the item on keepsafe and paste it into a message in this thread

but in any case I think you have a very certain way of contacting Antony at this point and to me, that is the most appropriate way of obtaining information about living people, i.e. from themselves

rather than posting about them on the internet

my assumption being that you want to be in contact with the cousins, and not just add them to your tree :-)


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 19:21

No I am not really wanting to necessarily meet them just wanted to update my tree. But will contact Antony and see if he can update me if indeed he is a relative.


JoonieCloonie Report 2 Jan 2016 19:24

okay, well in that case I do think it is inappropriate to be talking about them on the internet

(you do know that living people should not be in your tree on line, or otherwise shared, without their consent anyway - it is against the rules of this site in particular, and it is not ethical generally ... I have actually found myself and my living parents in on line trees after a distant cousin shared my personal info and I have been adamant in my request that the info be removed)

I especially wish PollyPoppet would delete the birth details about the daughter


Amanda Report 2 Jan 2016 19:47

Well I started my tree on here many years ago and things were obviously never as strict then. I have not shared my tree in the last 6 or so years and i us on there for me and my family as a reference of our history. I will probably get it printed as I can see that thus us now an option. I simply asked for help from those that have the software and j I wedge not to break rules or upset folk.
Things have really changed in here since my last viewing several years ago.


JoonieCloonie Report 2 Jan 2016 20:08

terrible blurry photos!

okay so the earlier certificate definitely says GERRITJE

the later one, CARRITJE is my best guess

here we are, using the address on the later birth certificate, she is shown on the electoral roll as GERRY and earlier as GERRITJE and later as GERRITGE