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MarysRoots Report 1 Oct 2015 00:12


I remember my father mentioning his aunt GINNY or JINNY I cannot find any info for her is the name a nickname for something else or a name in it's own right My fathers mother was Elizabeth her sisters I have found are Amelia and May

Thank you


MargaretM Report 1 Oct 2015 02:38

I've known a Ginny short for Virginia.


MargaretM Report 1 Oct 2015 02:46

Some dates and places would help us to help you, Mary.

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 1 Oct 2015 06:56

(looks to be above perhaps, and some others)

Chris :)

MarysRoots Report 28 Oct 2010 13:38

Can anyone help me please if you are looking on the 1911 census I'm looking for William( b1857) & Elizabeth Millington(b1856) I know in 1901 they lived in Sedgley and Elizabeth died at High St,Princess End Tipton in 1922 ,I do not know when William died and would like to know if he was on the 1911 census.
They had 5 children,their daughter Elizabeth b1889 being my grandmother who married in 1907 so maybe not on census the youngest child was May b1899
Thank you for any help

Sue C Report 28 Oct 2010 13:40

MILLINGTON, William Head Married M 55 1856 Boiler Cutter High Fields Bilston
MILLINGTON, Elizabeth Wife Married
35 years F 55 1856 Worstershire Dudley
MILLINGTON, May Daughter Single F 12 1899 Staffordshire Tipton
HEASEGRAVE, Amelia Jane M Daughter Married
1 years F 20 1891 Dressmaker Staffordshire Tipton
HEASEGRAVE, Harry Son In Law Married M 23 1888 Iron Moulder Staffordshire Tipton
HEASEGRAVE, George Henry Grandson M 1 1910 Staffordshire Tipton
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
17415 Reference:
RG14PN17415 RG78PN1066 RD372 SD3 ED23 SN146
Registration District:
Dudley Sub District:
Sedgley Enumeration District:
23 Parish:
12 Union St Princes End County:

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 1 Oct 2015 06:56

She could have been an aunt through either side of the family

Some dates and area would help

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 1 Oct 2015 07:04

West Midlands Birth indexes for the years: 1889

MILLINGTON May Bloxwich Walsall Register Office BLX/042/025

West Midlands Birth indexes for the years: 1891

MILLINGTON Amelia J Sedgley Dudley Register Office SEG/162/216

West Midlands Marriage indexes for the years: 1910

MILLINGTON Amelia J HEASELGRAVE Henry Tipton, St John Sandwell Register Office 36/3/37

West Midlands Marriage indexes for the years: 1876

MILLINGTON William PICKRELL Elizabeth Dudley, St Thomas Dudley Register Office 204/033/100

(if anything else on below link)

(3 Births Jennie?)

Chris :)

edits (perhaps not 1889 posted above!, also looking again at 1911, her Birth 1899, apologies folks!)

Births Dec 1889 (>99%)
Millington May Walsall 6b 662

County Staffordshire
Place Bloxwich
Church name Pinfold Primitive Methodist Chapel
Baptism date 22 Oct 1889
Birth date 20 Sep 1889
Person forename May
Person sex F
Person abode Bloxwich
Father forename James
Father surname MILLINGTON
Father occupation Miner
Mother forename Ann


malyon Report 1 Oct 2015 13:29

Births Sep 1894 (>99%)
Millington Jennie W. Bromwich 6b 863

Births Jun 1899 (>99%)
Millington Jennie King's N. 6c 450

Millington Jennie Dudley 6c 6

Births Jun 1900 (>99%)
Millington Jennie W. Bromwich 6b 974

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 1 Oct 2015 15:22

Mum's Aunt, known as Jinny had the given name of Jane


KathleenBell Report 1 Oct 2015 16:16

Perhaps Amelia Jane was known as Jinny?

Kath. x


MarysRoots Report 1 Oct 2015 22:28

Thank you all for help all I know is my father always said aunt Ginny and I vaguely remember him talking about his aunt May, So I have May so maybe Ginny was Amelia Jane but (Ginny) not sure



ArgyllGran Report 2 Oct 2015 00:15

The 1911 census says William & Elizabeth had had 10 children, four of whom had died.

The ones listed in censuses are:
Amelia Jane

William Millington
in the 1901 England Census
Name: William Millington
Age: 44
Estimated birth year: abt 1857
Relation to Head: Head
Gender: Male
Spouse: Elizabeth Millington
Birth Place: Bradley, Staffordshire, England
Civil Parish: Sedgley
Ecclesiastical parish: Coseley Christchurch
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Registration district: Dudley
Sub-registration district: Sedgley
ED, institution, or vessel: 27
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 2742
Folio: 6
Page Number: 4
Household schedule number: 21
Household Members:
Name Age
William Millington 44
Elizabeth Millington 45
Richard Millington 17
Thomas Millington 15
Elizabeth Millington 12
Amelia J Millington 9
May Millington 2

William Millington
in the 1891 England Census
Name: William Millington
Age: 34
Estimated birth year: abt 1857
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Lizzie Millington
Gender: Male
Where born: Sedgley, Staffordshire, England
Civil Parish: Sedgley
Ecclesiastical parish: Christchurch Coseley
Town: Brierley
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Registration district: Dudley
ED, institution, or vessel: 25
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 2289
Folio: 111
Page Number: 5
Household Members:
Name Age
William Millington 34
Lizzie Millington 34
Joseph Millington 11
Richard Millington 7
Thomas Millington 6
Lizzie Millington 2
Jane Millington 22 - sister-in-law

Joseph Millington
in the 1881 England Census
Name: Joseph Millington
Age: 1
Estimated birth year: abt 1880
Relationship to Head: Son
Father: William Millington
Mother: Elizabeth Millington
Gender: Male
Where born: Tipton, Staffordshire, England
Civil Parish: Tipton
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Street address: 2 Court 6
Registration district: Dudley
ED, institution, or vessel: 18
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 2865
Folio: 144
Page Number: 31
Household Members:
Name Age
William Millington 22
Elizabeth Millington 23
Joseph Millington 1

However, if Mary's father knew "Ginny", then she couldn't have been one of those who died before 1911. No others were born after 1911, so she could only have been Amelia.

None of their sons married a Ginny or similar, nor did Mary's father's father have a sister of that name.

Richard married Eliza Ann; Joseph married Florence; Thomas (actually Edward Thomas) married Margaret:

Marriages Jun 1911 (>99%)
Millington Edward T Wolverhampton 6b 1073
Skelton Margaret A Wolverhampton 6b 1073

Service No:
Date of Death:
Yorkshire Regiment 5th Bn.
Grave Reference:
II. G. 3.
Additional Information:
Husband of M. A. Murray (formerly Millington), of 74, Prosser St., Park Village, Wolverhampton.

Marriages Sep 1921 (>99%)
Millington Margaret A Murray Wolverhampton 6b 1476
Murray Edward W Millington Wolverhampton 6b 1476


JoonieCloonie Report 2 Oct 2015 04:22

just following on the suggestions about the name, and that 'Jenny' is a certain nickname for 'Jane'

do you just recall your dad saying the name, and could he have been saying 'Jenny', or have misunderstood others calling her 'Jenny'? or was she Jenny who became 'Ginny' just as people said the name?

'Elizabeth b1889 being my grandmother who married in 1907'


Jane Millington 22 - sister-in-law

in the 1891 household was married to a brother of Elizabeth's father William, so she was Elizabeth's aunt-in-law?

Marriages Mar 1888 ?
? Holloway Jane Dudley 6c 1
MILLARD Mary Dudley 6c 1
? MILLINGTON Daniel Dudley 6c 1
Parkes Samuel Dudley 6c 1

- edit - no, she seems to be single in 1891, so sister-in-law would mean stepsister of Elizabeth's father William, second marriage of his father maybe ... in 1901 she is in Plymouth with father Samuel

I wouldn't rule out Amelia Jane. The fact that her initial was included in the census even before 1911 (when people were supposed to give full names) suggests that she may have gone by her middle name; it's one of the common clues that someone did that.

... and as Shirley said, she could have been from your dad's father's side of the family and not his mother's Millington side?


MarysRoots Report 3 Oct 2015 01:33


You say Elizabeth b1889 being my grandmother who married in 1907'????

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 3 Oct 2015 09:00


You said that Elizabeth was your grandma and married in 1907 on your other thread

20.oct 2010 13:38

Can anyone help me please if you are looking on the 1911 census I'm looking for William( b1857) & Elizabeth Millington(b1856) I know in 1901 they lived in Sedgley and Elizabeth died at High St,Princess End Tipton in 1922 ,I do not know when William died and would like to know if he was on the 1911 census.
They had 5 children,their daughter Elizabeth b1889 being my grandmother who married in 1907 so maybe not on census the youngest child was May b1899
Thank you for any help

So possible marriage ?

Marriages Mar 1907 (>99%)
BENTLEY Herbert Henry Dudley 6c 6
Hyde Georgr Cleaton Dudley 6c 6
MILLINGTON Elizabeth Dudley 6c 6
Porter Elizabeth Dudley 6c 6


ArgyllGran Report 3 Oct 2015 12:50

That's the marriage (1907) I was assuming to be the correct one when I said that Mary's father's father did not have a sister of that name.

George Hyde
in the 1911 England Census
Name: George Hyde
Age in 1911: 26
Estimated birth year: abt 1885
Relation to Head: Head
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Coseley, Staffordshire
Civil Parish: Coseley
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Street address: No 15 Albert Street, Princes End, Tipton, Staffordshire
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Iron Moulder
Registration district: Dudley
Registration District Number: 372
Sub-registration district: Sedgley
ED, institution, or vessel: 24
Household schedule number: 77
Piece: 17416
Household Members:
Name Age
George Cleaton Hyde 26
Elizabeth Hyde 22
George William Cleaton Hyde 9/12

George C Hyde
in the 1901 England Census
Name: George C Hyde
Age: 16
Estimated birth year: abt 1885
Relation to Head: Son
Gender: Male
Father: John Hyde
Mother: Ella A Hyde
Birth Place: Sedgley, Staffordshire, England
Civil Parish: Sedgley
Ecclesiastical parish: Coseley Christchurch
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Condition as to marriage:
Registration district: Dudley
Sub-registration district: Sedgley
ED, institution, or vessel: 25
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 2741
Folio: 113
Page Number: 8
Household schedule number: 36
Household Members:
Name Age
John Hyde 50
Ella A Hyde 38
George C Hyde 16
Sarah F Hyde 14
Wm Hy Hyde 7

George Hyde
in the 1891 England Census
Name: George Hyde
Age: 6
Estimated birth year: abt 1885
Relation: Son
Father's name: John Hyde
Mother's name: Eden Hyde
Gender: Male
Where born: Sedgley, Staffordshire, England
Civil Parish: Sedgley
Ecclesiastical parish: Christchurch Coseley
Town: Coseley
County/Island: Staffordshire
Country: England
Condition as to marriage:
Registration district: Dudley
ED, institution, or vessel: 22
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 2289
Folio: 82
Page Number: 20
Household Members:
Name Age
John Hyde 41
Eden Hyde 28
George Hyde 6
Sarah Hyde 4

Or have we got the wrong family, Mary?


ArgyllGran Report 3 Oct 2015 13:09

The Jane Millington who's in Plymouth in 1901 (mentioned by JoonieCloonie above) can't be the right one, as she's also in Plymouth, unmarried, with father Samuel in 1891.

This is the only Staffordshire birth of a Jane Millington around 1865-70, and is presumably the Plymouth one:

Births Sep 1866 (>99%)
Millington Jane E Dudley 6c 47


JoonieCloonie Report 3 Oct 2015 18:23

Mary just to clear that up, I think ArgylGran did, I was 'quoting' you about Elizabeth :-)

just to see whether the Jane Millington in the 1891 census might be 'Aunt Ginny'

oops ArgyllGran I didn't look into that other Jane Millington deeply enough!


ArgyllGran Report 3 Oct 2015 19:02

Just to clear up re the sister-in-law Jane, I think ditto-ing her surname as Millington on the census form is a mistake.
I think she's the sister of William's wife Elizabeth Pickrell:

Births Dec 1868 (>99%)
PICKRELL Jane Dudley 6c 137

Jane Pickrell
in the 1871 England Census
Name: Jane Pickrell
Age: 2
Estimated birth year: abt 1869
Relation: Daughter
Father's name: Richard Pickrell
Mother's name: Sarah A Pickrell
Gender: Female
Where born: Dudley
Civil Parish: Dudley
Ecclesiastical parish: St James
County/Island: Worcestershire
Country: England
Registration district: Dudley
Sub-registration district: Dudley
ED, institution, or vessel: 2
Household schedule number: 266
Piece: 3010
Folio: 54
Page Number: 57
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Pickrell 45
Sarah A Pickrell 35
Elizabeth Pickrell 13 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Catherine Pickrell 7
Thomas Pickrell 4
Jane Pickrell 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


ArgyllGran Report 3 Oct 2015 19:03

So I still think Aunt Jenny/Ginny is Amelia Jane.


JoonieCloonie Report 3 Oct 2015 19:17

I agree with you ArgyllGran

she was given two names where May for instance only had one, and her middle initial J was shown in the 1901 census which is relatively unusual

and she was one of two aunts who seem to be associated, May and Ginny

I have a great-grandmother whose middle name was Jane, who was known only as Jane and not by her first name

'Ginny' is likely just a variant of 'Jenny' which was a common diminutive for Jane :-)