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Mary Grayling c1814

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Kucinta Report 13 Jun 2015 18:10

The 1854 Mary Grayling death Yvonne posted, may belong to this lass. As age at death wasn't recorded in the indexes at that time, it's hard to know:

Census 1851:

Name: Mary Greyling<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Age: 14
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1837
Relation: Daughter (Child)
Father's name: Edwd Greyling
Mother's name: Ann Greyling
Gender: Female
Where born: Arlington, Sussex, England<<<<<<<<<<<<
Civil Parish: Arlington
Ecclesiastical parish: Holy Trinity


Catherine Report 14 Jun 2015 15:01

Sorry haven't been back for a while as have been really busy.

Glad to see that the question of where the info about the horse and van accident has been answered.

It's true that you have to be carefull when finding info from someone elses tree as you just don't know how much research they have done before putting it onto their tree, but may be worth at least contacting the tree owner to see directly with them.


Caroline Report 17 Sep 2015 14:59

After several weeks I am still non the wiser to Mary Grayling marrying Henry Bennett. I have been contacted by a distant relative of Henry and he has Mary Quinlan on his tree, but why (as already has been mentioned) did they marry in Portsmouth. Its a long way (in those days) from Sussex/Surrey. I have also found a marriage of Henry Bennett to a Mary Welland in a parish called Pepper Harow in Surrey in 1832, which the date fits, but surname doesn't Still confused :-S :-S :-S anyone any other ideas? :-) :-)