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Harold Walter Hunter (1890 Birthplace unknown)

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Richard Report 14 Mar 2015 08:28

Thanks for all the above and apologies for not getting back sooner; I'd given up hope of a reply..

I've since discovered Harold Walter Hunter in the electoral registers for1931-40 living at Doctor Lane Mirfield, so I think we can discount emigration.

His grand-daughter did confirm that he died in the Coalville District in "the late 1970s or early 80s" so the birth date of the 8th August 1890 is significant.

Jansmith - can you please give me your source for the school admission.

I had also reached the conclusion that the father's name on the birth certificate was "made up" but why didn't he invent a more glamorous trade than shopkeeper.

It has also been confirmed that he served in the Royal Horse Artillery in WW1. All I could find was the record for his Victory Medal.

Potty- what is the source for his address of 16 Pole Street Preston in relation to his military record and his discharge after 14 days.

Many Thanks



Richard Report 14 Mar 2015 10:41

Thanks for the above information and apologies for not replying sooner; I'd given up hope of receiving a reply.

Since I first posted it has been confirmed that Harold Walter Hunter died around 1980 in the Coalville District of Leicester and that he was in the Royal HorseArtillery in WW1.

Given these facts I am particularly interested in the "Preston" Harold Hunter (Father George Hunter). Potty, could you dive me the source for Harold's service record including the address of 16 Pole Street and the discharge after 14 days.

Also Jansmith what is the source for the Methodist School record (including the date of birth)?

I've found Harold Walter in the Electoral Register at 8 Doctor Lane Mrfield 1931-1941 so I've discounted emigration.

Thanks again



Potty Report 14 Mar 2015 11:35

Richard, that service record is on Ancestry:

Name:Harold Hunter

Document Year:1914
Residence Place:16 Pole St, Preston
Regimental Number:1910
Regiment Name:W.L.D.Tvs.Col.(Reserve)
Form Title:Territorial Force Attestation
Number of Images:7
Other Records:Search for 'Harold Hunter' in other WWI collections
Family Members:
Relation to Soldier
Harold Hunter Self (Head)
George Hunter Father

Enlisted 16/11/1914; discharged 30/11/1914

Occupation: Tele Wireman


jansmith Report 14 Mar 2015 13:54

Richard it was from find my past records . This is the rest of the transcription I posted.

Archive reference
Folio / page no.
Lancashire Archives
Record set
National School Admission Registers & Log-books 1870-1914
Institutions & organisations
Schools & education
Collections from
Great Britain