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Cynthia Report 29 Apr 2014 08:35

Good morning everyone :-D

Thank you for the fried bread Gins, but I need something to go with it. Hope Dea doesn't mind if I snaffle some of her bacon. There was rather a lot for one person on those sandwiches. I will own up of course! :-D

Dreadful news in the headlines today.... :-(

Bathroom and upstairs cleaning today I think. Probably a walk first but it's very foggy outside. :-0

Have a good day......... :-D


Dea Report 29 Apr 2014 08:49

Good morning all :-)

Thank you for the lovely bacon butties Ginns - I don't know how you manage to cook them and then resist eating them :-0 :-D

I don't mind in the least sharing them with you Cynthia, Ginns always cooks a 'generous amount' :-)

See you all later,

Dea Xxx


Linda Report 29 Apr 2014 08:56

Morning all,

Just enough bacon left for me :-)

Two little ones fed and one on way to nursery.

Bed stripped and washing on. Its lovely and sunny here hope it lasts.


Dea Report 29 Apr 2014 15:11

It's 'the way of the world' now isn't it??

I went out for lunch today and the place we like to go to has various bottles of condiments on the tables.

They have a lovely mustard there which I REALLY like !

When the waitress came with my meal I said to her 'I don't suppose the Chef would let me buy a bottle of this mustard? - I really like it but have tried everywhere to buy it and I can't find it anywhere!'

She replied 'must people just take it! " 'The camera is behind you so it won't be picked up' ! I said 'are you insinuating that I should just help myself?' and she said 'well, I will forget this conversation ever took place and leave it to you' - I smiled at her and replied that I would 'think about it'............

When she came back later she said that she 'had a deal for me' - If I put £1 in the charity box on the bar then I could take the bottle.

This I did but did not like to slip it nonchalantly into my handbag but instead carried it out in full view of everyone but still felt 'VERY naughty' .:-0 :-S :-D

I don't think that I would make a very good 'shoplifter' !

Dea Xxx


Gee Report 29 Apr 2014 15:44

That's nice of the waitress, I'm sure she got permission to let you have it for a donation, so you didn't steal it Dea

Does it have a brand name and is it strong.......I love strong English mustard :-)


Dea Report 29 Apr 2014 16:10

It is Heinz Ginns and it says on the label 'mild' BUT it is not mild it is VERY tasty !

I have been looking for weeks in all the supermarkets! - Last week I saw what I thought it was marked 'new' and on offer for £1 in Morrisons but when I got it home it was different - this one was marked 'smooth and mild' and it certainly was mild - not at all tasty enough!

Anyway, I have got enough for the next couple of months now as only me eats it ;-) :-D :-D

Dea Xxx


Gee Report 29 Apr 2014 17:00

My fav, spread thick, it makes your eyes water

Colman mustard


Linda Report 29 Apr 2014 20:08


That was nice of the waitress and you made a donation for it so as Gins said you didn't steal it :-)

Got all the washing dry today and the girls were out in the garden all afternoon.

It looks like a nursery out there but it saved the house getting into a mess :-)

Got them again tomorrow and we are babysitting for a few hours on Friday :-)


Gee Report 30 Apr 2014 08:17

Mornin all~~~~~~~~~~

Bacon butties, toms and fried bread, enough for everyone

Dull day here, hope it brightens up later


Linda Report 30 Apr 2014 08:36

Morning all,

I am still half asleep.

I have put the kettle on and also cooked some sausages and scrambled eggs,

black pudding and potato scones. Have left in the warmers,

Fruit juices and coffee.

Toast and rolls

Enjoy :-)

Got to go and get O to nursery


Cynthia Report 30 Apr 2014 08:39

Good morning.. :-D

Good heaven's, what a spread to be sure!! Thank you both.

I don't mind mustard but not spread thickly......yuk......just a soupcon will do me nicely! ;-)

Off to get some work done...~~~


Dea Report 30 Apr 2014 08:50

Thank you both for the lovely breakfast - a little of my mustard will go very nicely with that ;-) :-D

Dea Xxx


Linda Report 30 Apr 2014 17:23


Girls are just away.

As they were leaving O likes to walk on the low wall holding on to Grampa's hand.

F had a tantrum cos mummy put her in the car and didn't let her walk on the wall :-)

Had a fun day O practised her writing in one of those books you can buy.

Then she did some colouring in and then she played on Grampa's Ipad and then on my tablet :-)

Now got to do a quick tidy up, housework can wait till tomorrow, then cook dinner which will be spag bol (nice and easy)

Then I plan to chill for the rest of the night :-D

Now where is everyone?


Gee Report 30 Apr 2014 18:20

Good for you Linds........chill

We've just had a real storm, thunder, lightening and hail stones and RAIN

It's gone now and looking bright!

Caught up with all my marking today :-D


Dea Report 30 Apr 2014 18:43

Sounds like you have both been working hard today - you derserve a 'chill' evening.

Enjoy the spaghetti bolognaise Linds i am having home made tomato soup :-D :-D

Dea Xxx


Linda Report 30 Apr 2014 20:59

So much for a quiet night.

Been on the phone (twice) to my Mums cousin.

The cousin that I have met a couple of times when we were in the US is on tour is Scotland just now.

She is arriving here on Sunday for a week and the cousin who phoned me tonight is trying to arrange a night for everyone to meet up.

This is the 3rd time she has changed the arrangements (not all her fault)

She is working "blind" as the visitor hasn't phoned her yet to say what she has arranged for her visit.

The visitor is the cousin who is working on the FT with me.

Next week is going to be busy. Not to mention what is left of this week

:-) :-)


Gee Report 1 May 2014 07:32

Mornin all~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bacon and tom butties, fried bread and mushrooms, toasted teacakes

You're going to have a busy week Linds!


Dea Report 1 May 2014 08:26

Thank you Ginns - this is all delicious <3 and I am going to have a toasted teacake for my pud ;-) :-D :-D

Dea Xxx


Cynthia Report 1 May 2014 08:53

Morning all...and thank you for the breakfast..... :-D

Here and there today. Was supposed to be helping our late friend's daughter hang some curtains in her mother's new home but there is a delay.....I will be there tomorrow afternoon cleaning carpets, so will get the curtains up then hopefully.

So, in the meantime, taking some time out to tidy up our little patio and off to get some more plants.

Later - taking friend out for coffee if it isn't raining.........

Be good.


Linda Report 1 May 2014 13:09

Wow I slept in this morning. Must have needed it. Can't think why?

Have got some order restored. Still looking for one of F socks - she loves running around barefoot :-)

Off to do the shopping.