Genes Reunited Blog

Top tip - Genes Reunited blogs

Welcome to the new Genes Reunited blog!

  • We regularly add blogs covering a variety of topics. You can add your own comments at the bottom.
  • The Genes Reunited Team will be writing blogs and keeping you up to date with changes happening on the site.
  • In the future we hope to have guest bloggers that will be able to give you tips and advice as to how to trace your family history.
  • The blogs will have various privacy settings, so that you can choose who you share your blog with.

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Finding Living Relatives

Published on 8 May 2012 10:26 : genes reunited boards living relatives : 25 comments : 5525 views

Family history isn't just about finding your ancestors. For some of you it can be about reuniting with your living relatives. We have put together a short guide on how Genes Reunited can help you find your family.

Are you looking for a family member you have lost touch with? Genes Reunited could be the place for you. We have a message board where you can post details of the person or people you are looking for.

Living Relatives board

Before you use it there are a few guidelines to remember:

  • It is an open message board and the information you post can be found in any search engine anywhere around the world.
  • Try searching trees on the site first, to see if anyone has already added the name of the person you are looking for to their tree. You may need to send a message to the tree owner to confirm you have found the right person - search trees here.
  • Please only post details that do not infringe upon anyone's privacy rights.
  • The town or area where you think the person might be and name is acceptable.
  • Please do not include addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers.
  • Add as much information as you can to your post, including details of how you are connected to this person.
  • Please note that the people helping on the message board are NOT employed by Genes Reunited, therefore it is always appreciated when you say Please and Thank you. Members are helping you for free and any looks ups are paid for out of their own subscriptions.

To add a post on our Find Living Relatives message board click on 'Add Topic'.

Give your post a subject and then type your message in the large box where it says 'post'.

Once you have finished typing click on 'submit'.

Your message will be added to our message board. As soon as you have posted it we do suggest you stay around for a few minutes straight afterwards. Quite often you'll receive a reply or two in a matter of minutes and the member trying to help you may well be asking you more questions.

To quickly locate your post at any time click on 'My Threads', which can be found on the left hand side of the page.

And don't just take our word for it, our site really can help you to find your friends and family. Take a look at this lovely success story recently posted on our site by one very happy member.


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by Joy on 8 May 2012 12:13 : Report Abuse
Please add a separate note on adoption - that you promised in facebook."

More and more posts appear in the Genes Reunited site giving personal information of the person they want to find that are an intrusion into people's privacy.

Please give guidance to the members of the site that wish to give help, if possible, without infringing upon anyone’s privacy rights.

Please stress that no member of Genes Reunited, nor its staff (as far as I am aware) has a connection with Nicky Campbell (from the programme sponsored by Genes Reunited).

Please moderate the find living relatives board in the same way as the success board.

I cannot see a link to "success story recently posted".
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by LadyKira on 8 May 2012 20:33 : Report Abuse
You could do with a pointer to counselling and a reminder that the family may not know or want to know about them.

Maybe GR should offer a third party/counsellor to make first contact.

That would ensure safety. ie that the seeker is not an abusive father or that the wrong family is contacted.

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by Annemarie on 13 May 2012 07:29 : Report Abuse
find living relatives great idea :-D
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by jesshall222 on 14 May 2012 15:14 : Report Abuse
I'm trying to find my father who lives in Australia. I have an address and name. Paul Roberts 20 Shelford Grove, Dingley, Melbourne, Australia.
And I believe he had a brother called Michael. They came to visit England in the early 1990's and they returned to Australia. If any one knows how I can find him or know him, I would appreciate any help. My mother has died and very few people knew him so I don't have much to go by!
Jessica Hall. :-)
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by Lynda on 14 May 2012 19:46 : Report Abuse
Looking for living rellys is the hardest - especially when they have been adopted!
I would love to find Martin Thomas, son of Greta M Thomas, who was born at Stratford-on-Avon in the late 1940s. I know he was adopted but have no clue to his new identity, or even if he is still alive. He would be my half-brother, and I may be the only person who could tell him about his mother. :-\ ;-)
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by john on 15 May 2012 19:50 : Report Abuse
hi i,m looking for my mother who i met when i was about 15 i dont know if she is still alive as i am now 56 yrs old i was fostered and my father came to fetch me from chester to rhyl if any body can remember me please get in touch thank you........
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by bobcat on 17 May 2012 23:40 : Report Abuse
I can't get this to work. I click on topic and nothing happens........just as I can not get my gedcom to up load which you still have not got sorted out for me!
best wishes Diane (Williams) Taylor
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by bobcat on 17 May 2012 23:43 : Report Abuse
Tennyson Williams......any descendants of John Williams and Elizabeth Harrison who gave all their children Tennyson as a middle name still living in Lincolnshire? I am looking for anyone who descends from their grandson Henry Suddaby Williams and his wife Elizabeth Sergeant. Henry is my greatgrandfather. Please get in touch. Best wishes Diane(williams)Taylor
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by Sheila on 18 May 2012 00:05 : Report Abuse
Terence O'Connor was placed in Nazareth Lodge, Belfast on 27 January 1906. He had been found wandering the streets and was deemed to have no proper guardianship. From Nazareth Lodge he was sent in 1913 to Killybegs, Co.Donegal. I can find no records relating to him so have been unable to trace his family. Does any of this ring any bells with anyone please?

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by Mandy on 20 May 2012 20:39 : Report Abuse
Hello, I'm trying to trace my stepsister who I didn't know I had until today. She was born Pauline North, parents Stanley and Aljce (nee Morris) in Warrington in 1940. I can't find any more information and don't really know what to do next. All help gratefully received, Thanks.
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by Barbara on 22 May 2012 23:06 : Report Abuse
Hi, Looking for Tommy Abbey from Liverpool, last known address was Vulcan Street, Garston, but when visited last this street had been flattened

Thank you
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by Barbara on 22 May 2012 23:09 : Report Abuse
Hi, Looking for two cousins (sisters) of mine Shirley and Mandy (was Blezard) last known address somewhere in Norfolk

Thank you
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by Sarah on 25 May 2012 21:31 : Report Abuse
Hi I am looking for a John D Graves, he was born in Liverpool in 1949. I know that he lived in Portsmouth in the late 60's/early 70's. I also know that he was in the Royal Navy. Any help in finding him, I would be really grateful.
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by Jillian Robin on 27 May 2012 07:05 : Report Abuse
Im looking for the family of Harold Robert Graham born:1915 Narranderra NSW and Eileen Merle Graham Born 1921 Queensland,I believe they had 2 children Rosalie and Robert. .
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by shana on 28 May 2012 19:22 : Report Abuse
to find adopted relatives try your local athourity quoting adption act 2002 the right for relatives
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by Stephen on 31 May 2012 11:46 : Report Abuse
HI looking for
last known address
Kelmscott western australia
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by sheila59 on 3 Jun 2012 16:47 : Report Abuse
Hi am looking for Angela Pitcher born on 28/09/1960 in Hilingdon Hospital ,Adopted at a few weeks old
her mother's name was Lillian wilder born 03/05/1917 ,
married John Albert Pitcher.
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by dsg on 4 Jun 2012 22:14 : Report Abuse
I am looking for Iris Coomber, was Fillingham, maiden name Young. Last living in Eastbourne, born in 1928. She is my mother.
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by Bamboo on 5 Jun 2012 08:56 : Report Abuse
Hello, I could do with as much help as possible. I am trying to trace a Keith walker born in the 1950's (possibly 1953 or 1956) I believe him to be of Jamaican origin and may have had a connection with the merchant navy, birmingham and south wales in the 70's. Also possibly had a brother with a connection to south wales. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you <3 :-)
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by Catherine on 5 Jun 2012 13:21 : Report Abuse
I am looking for my brother, Gerald Giblin. Born in Halifax in 1942 and a carpenter by trade. Not been in contact for about 25 years. Havee searched for years without success. Here's hoping!!! :-)
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by Ru on 6 Jun 2012 11:38 : Report Abuse
Is it me or am I misunderstanding this.

I thought we were to comment on the Genes Reunited Blog, but it seems members are using this to add their requests or have I got it wrong.

Perhaps Genes, you would like to send a message to each of those who have added their requests, but are not commenting on the blog, advising them that they have made a 'mistake' if they have if you see what I mean.


What a good idea and I agree with Kentish Maid about counselling. Perhaps you could direct them to someone who could undertake this.

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by diana on 11 Jun 2012 07:49 : Report Abuse
Looking for Alexander g brabham who married a Linda m Baxter in 1964 is also like to know about Linda
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by diana on 11 Jun 2012 07:49 : Report Abuse
Looking for Alexander g brabham who married a Linda m Baxter in 1964 is also like to know about Linda
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by Deborah on 19 Jun 2012 11:24 : Report Abuse
Looking for my Mother Jaeanette Taylor born 1941 married Douglas Ling and had daughter Deborah(me). Please do not contact any family members other than myself through genes reunited.
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by Petef on 3 Jul 2012 13:56 : Report Abuse
Please would you clarify how you , Genes Reunited, see the difference between public information that is submitted by thread for everyone to view and personal information that is exchanged by Private Message on a
1:1 basis. It is important, especially in cases of adoption, that there is somewhere to exchange information the Poster considers to be personal; and/or confidential.
Thank you.