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A Right Royal Brood

Published on 5 Jul 2013 16:20 : 2 comments : 3439 views

Following last year’s remarkably accurate predictions of the Royal baby’s birth date, the family history website Genes Reunited have researched The Duchess of Cambridge’s family tree in an attempt to uncover how many royal children we might expect.


Middleton family history suggests that six children is the average

Second Royal baby to follow in two and a half years


If the average family size of Kate Middleton’s relatives was to reflect the number of children the happy couple will have, then we can expect quite a royal brood. Six children per household was the norm amongst her family with Kate’s great-great-great grandmother Charlotte Powell giving birth to an incredible 12 children between 1847 and 1874. 

Last year Genes Reunited researchers scoured the Royal birth and marriage records from the past 100 years and calculated that 851 days was the average period between a Royal wedding and the arrival of a baby. They predicted that the birth and sex of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first child would be a son born on the 27th August this year. With the official date being given as the 13th of July, that prediction proved strikingly accurate. 

Genes Reunited has also predicted that the second child will be born in April 2016, after researching records on the Middleton side. Just like the age gap between Prince William and Prince Harry, there are a couple of years between The Duchess of Cambridge and her sister Pippa. 

If The Duchess of Cambridge looked to her family tree for inspiration, she may choose John for a boy, or Anne for a girl with these being the most popular choices among her ancestors. The Duke of Cambridge’s line shows that Charles, George, Henry, James and Michael are the most common names for boys. 

Head of Genes Reunited, Rhoda Breakell, said: “Following our very close predictions of the birth date, we wanted to look into the Middleton records to see what we might be able to uncover. We were surprised by the number of children in the Middleton family and wonder whether The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will follow in Kate’s ancestor’s footsteps. Using the 515 million records available on Genes Reunited, people can look back through their family history to discover fascinating patterns which may exist amongst their ancestors."

Read more here: 


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by Thomas on 5 Jul 2013 17:02 : Report Abuse
you can predict this but you cannot tell me what has happened to my notes and my Sisters notes when revamping Genes Reunited. Still waiting to hear of a really valid explanation from the wiz kids back there.
Did not even make a back up of the existing e-mail [email protected]

Mr T.V.BAILEY :-D ;-) :-0 :-S
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by Glenwell on 8 Jul 2013 14:48 : Report Abuse
Historical birth tendencies don't have any relativity to modern times ~~ It was a different era then ~~ Also it is normal for a couple to have a child in their first year of marriage whether 100 years ago or the present day ~~ Regards