Privacy Tips
Safe and Secure Environment
Genes Reunited allows people to search, contact and chat anonymously to other members in a safe and secure environment.
To help you ensure you only reveal the type of information you want to when contacting other members on the site, here is some basic information that all members should familiarise themselves with. It may seem really obvious but these tips will help you enjoy the site.
- We never reveal your email address to anyone on any screen of the Genes Reunited Service. You should never reveal your email address and personal contact details to anyone through the site.
- Log off or exit from the Genes Reunited Service when you are not using it and never tell anyone your password.
- You decide which members can view your family tree by granting them access to it or not in your contact centre under My Contacts accessed from a tab on your homepage once you're logged in.
- You must have permission to include any living individual's details and photos in your family tree.
- You can choose whether you want details of your living relatives to be shown in your family tree when you share it with others, or whether you prefer their details to be hidden. You'll find this option in the My Account Details page which can be accessed from a link on your homepage once you're logged in.
- We use a secure payment server through our payment providers, meaning that your full credit or debit card details are never revealed to us or shown on the site.
- You are in control of (and ultimately responsible for) what you say and do on the site. If you feel that a member is persistently harassing you please report this member to the support team who will take the necessary action.
- Act responsibly and use your common sense when talking to other members. Whilst we offer you an anonymous platform to chat to other members, you need to use your judgment and common sense when speaking to members.
- If you are going away or you might be left in your home alone, don't advertise this to other members as it could make you vulnerable to break ins.