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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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Christine2 Report 3 Feb 2005 22:10

I know Delores, but she as just offered me a nice brew. So I think I'll forgive her. Just this once mind:)) Mabe. I'll be round any minute duck. No sugar if yu remember. Ta Clara


Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 22:08

ere - that Mabe's a rum un aint she!!! dolores

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 22:07

Hang on there Clara gal, I was just gonna give your Alfie a nice....cuppa rosey lea, just lookin after 'im for ya, know he aint that bright, just said to 'im I did, take yer coat off and have a warm by the fire, wanna cuppa Clara luv, just brewed it 'as. Mabel x x


Christine2 Report 3 Feb 2005 22:05

Oh - an Alf - int it about yur bed time - ger off om wiv yer - now.


Christine2 Report 3 Feb 2005 22:03

Ahh - got yer there Mabe didn't I. Just in time I ope tu save my little bruver from yer clutches. I aint in t pub at all. An another thing, you aint apologised yet for tryin tu besmirch my good name earlier. What yu got tu say fur yesel now. Clara

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 3 Feb 2005 22:00

Mabe, Anyone in your street probably can't get a word in to say anythin' abaht yer atall!! Beattie XX

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 21:59

'ello Alfie me mucker, Clara's down the pub....again, always there love, you know she is, no pretendin now face it she's a drunk, there I sed it, but you knew that anyway, didn't ya. My freds 'elpin the 'ol Bill, don't spect he'll be 'ome tonight, ya fancy comin in fer a ...........bit of...........'ows yer farver, well you might as well love you ain't gonna get a betta offer are ya, come on kettles on and I got sum of that drink left we got on the day trip to soufend.... come on you know ya wanna, quick shut the bloomin door that Mildreds on the doorstep. Mabel x x x


Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 21:45

I think I'm lost ? Anyone seen me sister Clara ?

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 21:45

Mildred darlin' change them bleedin drawers will ya, it ain't nice, and that Beattie for once is right change 'em quick. Beattie Luv I ain't gobby at all darlin, 'onest I ain't ask enyone on the Street I know em all and they think I'm a right good 'un they do, just cos my Freds a bit of a tea leaf I ain't. Blimey thats just reminded me, 'e still ain't back from the cop shop yet, he must 'ave a lot of informashon to give em, when he phoned our Nel earlier he said they have given 'im some nosh, he had a room to 'imself, and there was a solicitor with 'im, my gawd my Fred must be important, now praps you lot will treat us like we should be treated.....with total respect. Mabel x x x

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 3 Feb 2005 20:56

Gor blimey Mildred - I fort it woz them drains agen! Well Eff, I'm in a rite stait - I'm fresh outta gin!!! Flamin stuff seems to just disappear - must be one o' them orrid kids o mine - I 'ardly tuch a drop meself..... hic. I've made a pointment to get me feet dun the day before the knees-up, and I've even booked in for a set and blue rinse as we 'ave to be oity toity. I won't be outdone by that gobby Mabel Pace in 'er fancy pinny and last week's drawers! Was gonna 'ave a shampoo, but no-one will notice under the blue rinse and 'airnet .... Catch yer later - gotta go and watch me programme. Beattie XXXXXXXX

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 3 Feb 2005 19:16

Evenin' Eff, 'Erd ya causin a riot at that there Gins Re-rerooted you go to. People gettin all bleedin soppy over summit yer said. Ear, I ope yer didd'nt tell em bout me fancy fella on the fish stall. That Cecil is a bit of alright, mind yer, could do wiv more meat on 'is bones. Luverly bloke, pity bout the pong tho. Never mind, if i dont change me drawers fer a few days, no one will notice Mildred xxxx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 18:35

'Ello Eth, I Thought about deleting this thread, after yer postin' then I thought nah you need a bloody good larf gal don't ya? So can I ask that all the peeps who have posted carry on doin so, unless you would rather we didn't, but I think I know the answer to that one :))) So Pinnies out gals, rollers in, and get that gossiping going, givin Eth the larf she deserves. Much Love Mabel x x x

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 3 Feb 2005 16:14

'ere Gladys. don't go kidding yerself Luv the nets. they aint that white, washing 'em the first week in June every year, don't mean there clean ya know. Now mine are done every uvver munf, need it, or need it not, thats when I doz em. Omo is what i uses, always 'ave always will, none of this tablet or liquid stuff fer me, and whats all this conditioner malarky about then, never used the stuff, all theses yung uns, got more money than sense they have. You know the woman in the next Road, 6 doors up? Well she reckons she got a machine, that, wait fer it, does the blinkin washing up, now how can that be? all the dishes would break when it goes on spin wouldnt they? She's a liar that one, always knew it, reckons er son works in the guverment, well if he's anything like her, no wonder the bloomin countries in the state it in. Anyhow, ows you Eff, all go alright did it me darlin? You have a nice cuppa tea, and i'll fetcha the evening paper round later for ya to have a read, got the wet fish today, so fetch ya a bit round, it been wrapped up in the newspapaer all day by the fire. Tell you what tho there aint arf a funny smell in here today, and it can't be Fred, he's out visiting the Police again, 'elpin with there enquiries, He must 'alf no somefings ya know he is always 'elpin 'em. See ya later Luv Mabe x x


JackyJ1593 Report 3 Feb 2005 15:26

ooooh Dolores! You are a one! Piles!! Now did ya mean me or that Gladys Arris woman down the uvver end of the street? Gladys (with the white nets)


JackyJ1593 Report 3 Feb 2005 11:25

Well!! Oh Duchess! You should see what you missed this morning!! I was out at me step just givin it a little shine with the ole cardinal cos I do like a good clean front step. Dont want no one saying I don't do me work. Anyway, I was just sort of watching to make sure you got off ok and remembered to take the pinnie off and the rollers out when er at No 4 came ome in a grate big posh car! It was all black and shiny like. Out pops majesty all hoity toity as she does do and then out pops a fella from the seat where the driver bloke sits so I think he must have driven er. She goes indoors and he follers er!! With bags!! Not the ones as if they been shopping down the market but big ones that has clothes in that is for luggage type stuff if you gone on your olidays to Brighton. Hes moved in wiv er!!! Bet she says hes a lojer. And we all no wot that means!! Must catch the girls at the bingo tonite cos they mite know sumink. Hope the ospitals ok and not too smelly. Gladys (with the white nets)


Christine2 Report 3 Feb 2005 11:05

I'm sure it is Dolores - I know I can trust you to keep a secret LOL


Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 10:56

Clara - your secrets safe here lol Dolores


Christine2 Report 3 Feb 2005 10:50

Well Dolores - if she did, I wish she'd keep er trap shut - I don't want all and sundry nowin now do I :))


Unknown Report 3 Feb 2005 10:39

'ere Clara ducky - I reckons that Mabe saw yer down the corner of the street that night!!! Dolores


Christine2 Report 3 Feb 2005 10:29

Ooh Ethel - I ope I'm not too late to wish yer well today. Only last night me old man tuk me out and we ended up in the Old Dog and Whistle. Didn't get ome till 1.00, so I couldn't drag mesel outta bed this mornin. Ope it all gus well ducks. Mabe - Dontcha know better than to arsk where a lady gets a bit o spare cash :)) Never look a gift oss in the mouff, that's what I says. Luv as aluss - Clara xx