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Message for..Ethel Of Stoke Poges & Bogna

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ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 9 Feb 2005 17:04

'Ere ! I'm gorna 'ave a moan ! Yer know what I bleedin' 'ad in me wheels on meals dahnt yer? Bleedin nooples, long stringy fings that I could 'ave done me knitting with. Got one stuck in me teef an all. And these chicken balls.....blimey, 'ad no idea chickens 'ad em, no wonder they walk funny. Blooming said it was chinese new year, they said, tradition they said, s*d bleedin' tradition, give me bleedin fish n chips anyday. Fort fings were lookin up when I got ta me arfters, wot did I find??...bleedin' fortune Kickie. Bloomin' fancy name for a cracker I say, took a bite, and bleedin' nearly choked. Silly bit of paper inside. Wonder why it said, "That wasn't chicken". Mildred xx


Christine2 Report 9 Feb 2005 10:15

Mornin Gals I ave just realised Mabe, that I never got round to defendin meself, when you wus castin nasturtiums on me character tother day. I told yur before, I was standin in that line of gals at Kings Cross cause I thought they was in the queue fur the butchers. When that car pulled up and the man said owe much, I told im, I said "I don't know yet till I get to the front of the queue but they must ave some cheap steak or summat to ave a queue this long. Am in a bit of a rush today. I gotta get me nets dolly blued an clean me windurs, so I'll catch yur all later. Luv as alas - Clara x p.s. I bet that Effie don't after clean er winders-I bet she as a windur cleaner. Er bein so posh an all. I mean, she must be if she can afford tu travel in an extra long stretched car !!

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 9 Feb 2005 08:42

Oh Gawd Blimey, I'm late fer me bus, but just popped in ter say, won't be about til tonight, got a problem wiv, the bloke down the post office, he said I gave 'im a pat on the bum, i didn't, you know me gals, but the ol bill wanna see me now so i've got an appointment at half past ten, and they said i could be there a while, so when i finish I'll go straight ta afternnon bingo down the center. real put out I am I wanted to go to the market this morning, Get us a bit o cod Mildred, I'll pay ya later luv. Mabe x x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 9 Feb 2005 08:36

Sorry abart that gels. Ah 'ad to go darn the old nick to fetch Bert 'ome. They've taken all 'is plarnts nah and charged 'im. Ow can yer charge somone fer growin plarnts? Anyroad, got back an jest 'ad a little sip a gin an ah must ave bin so tar'd ah dropped orf. Woke up this mornin wiv a fumping headache and someone's nicked all me gin! Them crutch bags sarned classy. 'ope yer've got a nice orange, yeller an green one fer me cos it'll match me parachute fong wot Dolls makin. Jest poppin art to get some more gin. Elsie


JackyJ1593 Report 8 Feb 2005 23:26

Didnt fink poshuns like you had farmer giles! I know old Ethel had em cos you could here er ollering right down the street. Sure ya culdent use them crutch bags for your giles? Ope ya get em sorted soon luv and ope the bombs work. Glad


Mommylonglegs Report 8 Feb 2005 23:17

Ello Gladys, Mabel and anyone else about. Have finished all the crotchering. Them Crutch bags are all ready. Me nukkles are all swollen and aint arf givin me some jip. Must have over don it a bit. Just gonna put some of that erm Olive oyul on. It really does elp yer now. Fink me piles are back agin. Got sum of them fings that look like little bombs. Yer ave ter shuve em up yer rear end and it elps tek ther pain away. am sure Ethel had ter have em a few years back. Must tell yer about the water chaps having to bail out wiv ther buckets last night. I was such a loff.


JackyJ1593 Report 8 Feb 2005 23:00

A larf!!! Whadya mean a larf!! Fink we is the larfing stock do you? Well let me tell ya gal that life is ard. Dont get many larfs in our life. I dunno. No respec the yununs of taday. Gladys in a huff.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 8 Feb 2005 22:55

Cheeky young minx. We ain't 'ere to make you larf girl, this is a serious thread, about the lives of old folk. Thats whats wrong wiv the bloomin world today, you yung uns fink its all about 'avin a larf. tut tut tut Mabel x x


Mommylonglegs Report 8 Feb 2005 22:50

Nudge, cause this thread really makes me laugh. Jenny.xx

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 8 Feb 2005 16:15

arfternoon all Went ta a tea dance dahn the royal. Diddnt want tea, so asked 'em for summit stronger....they gave me coffee.....mean gits ! Danced a 'scuse me dance, and nearly caused a blooming riot between Hector Higgingbottom and Wally Crabflea. Was like a bleedin sarnie between 'em till that floosie Flo Cummings turned up. Bold as bleedin' brass she was, wiv 'er long sparkly dress an' tiara. Hector's teef fell out, just missin' me toes, 'an Wallys wooden leg dropped off in shock. Cora Peagoggle had ta make a fresh brew, AND give 'em 3 sugars ta perk em up again.. Flamin' don't know har she does it, her bein' ninety seven and a bit..... Mildred xxxxx

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 8 Feb 2005 14:09

You gals are all about today then, an theres me bin a work an now back, before i'm orf agin. Elsie luv, those girls that do the business, well lets just say, they get paid well, and some of 'em come from up Norf on an away day, yep they do, tell ya all about it saterday & Glady's yer right they are ladies of the nite, but they do it in the day an all yer know. Sophia, get on with ter crotchetting, you know nuffink, and you are a snooty one you are, so there. Clara you'd know all about them gals wouldn't ya love, after all wasn't it you that got a job there on a saterday when your ol man was inside? Gotta go now, back to work. see ya all at Bingo, and don't forget if yer get there by 5 for the early sesssion, you get a cuppa tea free and a rich tea biscuit. Save us a seat will ya Effie, gotta go an collect me pension on the way, gonna go to that post office down the town, I know it's a bit off the route, but the bloke who serves ya in there, got a luvverly bum he 'as. I always ask for one of them envelopes he keeps on the shelf, so he 'as to get up from is seat! Cor 'e sets me up for the night 'e does, is 'e married d'ya know? See ya all later luvvies. Mabe x x x


JackyJ1593 Report 8 Feb 2005 13:51

Talkin of nickers, Else jogged me ole memry box and I reelize I ain't ordered me silk nickers!! Can I ave a pink pair wiv lital rose buds fings on em. Gotta look me best for the 'Doo'. I'm goin on a ya know they don't have no steam no more!! They run on lectric now! Elsie, did ya no me dad/ He was confused. A lot of the time. Mum fought it was the drink that did it. Gladys (with white nets washed wiv blue gag in the copper).


Christine2 Report 8 Feb 2005 10:06

Mornin Gals It's very kind of yu Sophia I'm sure to be doin all this crotcheting for us but could yer just explain somefink to me please. You see I've never eard of a crutch bag. Owe exactly do we wear um? It sounds a bit painful tu me - I'm crossin me legs just thinkin about it. Cause, yu know I can't go wiv um on Saturday don't yer? I wish I cud but they goin a bit far fur me I'm afraid. I'd still like one o them crutch bags though, once yuv explained owe to wear um. The rest of yu - watch out fur them gals wiv short skirts wot yur all talkin about - don't yu go lettin um lead yu into bad ways will yer. Yur friend - Clara x


Mommylonglegs Report 8 Feb 2005 09:18

Ere Mabel!!!!!! yow'd better watch who yoom calling a Snooty Cow. Else ther'll be bovverr. Sum of us ave better things to do than sittin excorsizing our digits and chins all day long. Ave bin very bizzy wiv that crotcheting ook that Clara kindly borrowd me. Av shredid the old silk stockins and med yer all a lovely crutch bag to put yer rainhats and pinnies in on Saterday. You can even pin yer rose on it as well. cant ave yow all turning up ter visit the guest of onner looking like tow rags. Fort i wud be able ter cum wiv ya all. that chap thats still a virgin wiv all the dosh on the netty told me i cud cum fer 80 nicker. Turns out thats just ter get there. Bit to much fer the betta alf ter furk out. What wiv me spending money and all that on top. cud not come wivout me drop of stuff to drink going back on the train. Guess wot. Ethel kept me up til the early hours this mornin, rabbiting on about nowt speshull. Think i might go and ave a bit of a lie down. Will be back soon cus i must tell yer all about the trubble we had wiv our waterworks last nite. What a loff. Sophia. xx

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 8 Feb 2005 08:22

These gels carnt be the same ones then Gladys cos Mabe sed they'll be there at 12 an that's broad daylite innit? Anyhow, why wud they be art at nite? Yer ole Dad must ah've bin confused! Elsie


JackyJ1593 Report 8 Feb 2005 07:47

Ooo Elsie! My ole dad used ta tell me about the gals that stood on corners at Kings cross. He used ta say them was 'ladies of the Nite'. Gladys (not Arris)

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 8 Feb 2005 00:37

Okey dokey Mabe ah'll be standing on the corner then. All those gels waiting fer a lift an all? Wot sort a business can yer do in a skirt that looks more like a belt? Must be blooming freezing too. Elsie

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 8 Feb 2005 00:20

Clara Luvvie sulkin don't suit a woman in he 70's looks stoopid it does, so slap a smile on, yer silly ol bag, now thats told ya. Elsie I'll be coming up the Caledonion Road into Kings Cross round about 12 o'clock, now then if you are on the corner, with them other nice girls there, you know the ones, with there skirts that show there drawers, and ask all the blokes if they want business, well if you're there I'll ask one of the young men to stop and 'elp you on, but ain't waiting for ya, if you're not there you'll 'ave to get the tube. Mabel x x x

~♥ Daisy ♥~

~♥ Daisy ♥~ Report 8 Feb 2005 00:12

Ere Mabe ah doan spose yer'd give us a lift gel? Jest swing by Kings Cross. Got these FMBs and they play 'avoc wiv me 'ips n back. Will be wearin me new corsage speshally fer those as doan know me - real elegant it is. And ah've warshed me pinny. Come up a treat. Yer can 'ardly see the gravy stains. Mah Bert an 'is plants are darn the nick. The cops keep calling 'em weeds and tellin 'im 'is in big trouble. Yer'd fink they'd be art on the street looking fer drugs or sumfink wouldn't yer? Elsie


Christine2 Report 8 Feb 2005 00:12

Well if Effy can ave one of them stretched things and Mabe can ave a coach an orses, surely it's not too much to arsk fur a pair of red bloomers. Clara (sulkin) p.s off to me bed now but expect a possitive reply tomora