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YG Report 5 Jan 2010 21:45

Not sure about that LG! He makes it rather humid!!! Wouldn't mind a boakin or two though. I have a h*** of a draught through my back door. I've covered it with masking tape for the moment!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 21:47

LOL YG. Pity you have not got a cellar you could shut him down there for underfloor heating !!


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 21:53

I didn't want to tell you but their in jail. They were caught with Rover the elephant and earl the eel trying to seek into the bank.


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 21:54

That would be nice wouldn't it lol!!

I'm pondering about tomorrow morning. I won't get the car out of my road and don't think I will be able to reverse round the corner onto the main road either. Too much snow that is frozen solid now.

I could walk NOT!! without wellies!!


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 21:56

You must have a pair of boo ------ wellies SOMEWHERE everyone has


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 21:56

Sweet Pea will soon sort out that problem RMS!! You won't hold him down for long!!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 21:57

No jail can hold my boas they sneak out through the bars LOL.

I am not leaving the house at all if more falls. It has stopped again at the moment.


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 21:57

I've got boots, but they are ankle boots amd the snow comes over the top!!!! We don't normally get it like this in the UK!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 21:59

I have high boots but they have a small split and they leak LOL


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 22:00

I didn't buy high legs because I have a problem with my bad foot and was lucky to get these that fitted ok, but I think I will have to get some 'fuddy duddy' boots or buy wellies if global warming is going to be responsible for bringing this lot every year now!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 22:02

No such thing as global warming in my opinion LOL. I have what I call work boots with big treads on bottom they stop me sliding about. I used to wear them when I did leaflet distribution as a job


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 22:09

They are just saying on the news that it could go on till March!!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 22:11

Out with the woolies and the long johns then LOL. I am watching itv . They do love it all though don't they they will milk this for a while yet


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 22:15


you poor poor things, hhmmmmmmm is it to cold and snowy for you??

(Is that enough sympathy or do you want some more?)


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 22:17

No I don't care I will sit and look out of the window at it LOL


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 22:17

Just going to let Duffy out for a minute!! She's telling me she wants to go out!!


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 22:19

Duffy the duck?


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 22:19

My Fenix just came flying in through the cat flap howling LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 22:24

Being chased by the snow was he??? LOL


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 22:26

They took one look and wouldn't go out of the door!! It is absolutely freezing!!!