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YG Report 5 Jan 2010 16:18

It's lovely out here too apart from the main road which is obviously dirty! It is only the dirt that is showing where the road should be and I think the BBC forecast is wrong because the local radio has just announced more snow for tomorrow. I definitely won't be at work!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Jan 2010 16:20

Someone has just phoned me and said she heard on the news that the snow will be here until the end of January.

What happened to global warming?


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 16:22

Errrrr!! What!!!! Mmmm!!! Definitely need some wellies then!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Jan 2010 16:31

If you have a look a the comments on the BBC news site at a feature entitled ‘Analysis: Why is it so cold?’ one person who attended the seminar at Imperial College on the causes of Climate Change (not being CO2) last October, thinks the cold will go on until February!

To be honest, I think the Met Office do a pretty good job, considering it’s a guesstimate and can’t always take into consideration local micro climates. The local radio ones are probably more specific although even those can get it wrong. It all boils down to analysis of the same data.


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 16:38

Yes they do generally do a good job, although my ex would disagree whole heartedly with you. Mind you, he will disagree with almost anything!!

It has almost stopped now, but the temperature has dropped considerably. Should be a good skating rink tomorrow on the road!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Jan 2010 16:41

o well we will all need to take out a loan to pay the heating bills ,lets hope the summer is a good one then lol


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 16:55

You're right there Maz!!


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 16:56

There's a severe weather warning out for the Milton Keynes area so LG better get on her broomstick and go to stock up!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Jan 2010 16:59

i was looking at that on the met office it is covering a large area
its into west sussex where my cousin lives ,we are only supposed to have showers but each forcast is different


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 17:42

Snowed in!! Can stay in bed under the duvet all day!!



Mazfromnorf Report 5 Jan 2010 19:16

Gizmo thnks its fantastic he loes the snow ,and cries to be out in it ,
it is that bad here my son is staying in tonite lol he never stays in so will be kicked off here soon lol


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 19:17

Put your foot down with a firm hand!!

My cats are so funny with the snow. They don't like it but run outside like maniacs for their toilet and then charge back in taking huge leaps to clear the snow!!


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 19:56

Weather warnings are always fun! You can take bets and see who gets the most.

5 inches ! and they close work down !!!!! Very nice of them I think.

What kind of vehicle does this wheelchair bound person have?


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 19:59

I thought so too RMS!! Pity it wasn't fours earlier!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 20:07

No snow here in fact there is no frost either so there !!! Best not speak to soon LOL. We are due for it in the early hours I believe


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 20:26

It's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coming LG!!!!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 20:32

Well thats me going into hibernation then LOL. Heating up full blast,I have a well stocked fridge and freezer so I will be ok LOL.

Poor ponies I do fell so sorry for them


YG Report 5 Jan 2010 20:41

It seems really strange tonight because there hasn't been one car go up the road in the last two hours. It is so quiet.


LaGooner Report 5 Jan 2010 20:44

I am a good way off the road so I don't here any traffic anyway. Just looked out of window still no orrible white stuff!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 5 Jan 2010 20:55

OK until you can say that you have had to CRAWL up your driveway because you can't stand up you will get no sympathy from me.

SORRY :_))))))))))))))))