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Mazfromnorf Report 4 Jan 2010 20:31

thats good time passes better when its busy the returning is the hard bit lol


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 20:40

You're not kidding!! I really didn't want to go back, although I feel a lot better in myself for having been out of the house today!! Apart from a couple of cashiers at the shops I haven't spoken to anyone since last Saturday!


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Jan 2010 20:43

its hard at this time of year ,i have only seen frog about three times and he goes early due to the weather ,as he has today .
it is so cold here still


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 20:57

It is here too. I couldn't get in the car this morning. The door was frozen solid!! The forecast isn't good for quite some considerable time so there is no end in sight yet. I dread my gas bill coming, but you've got to keep warm haven't you.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Jan 2010 21:04

yes that is when work is a bonus lol with the heating not on when i am out , i am going to ge a bath so will get to bed before the heating goes off ,
see you soon


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 21:14

ok Maz. Take care xx


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 21:43

Booooooooooooo. Evening all.


RockyMountainShy Report 4 Jan 2010 21:51

How cold does it have to be before the door freezes solid!????


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 21:57


Do you mean to say we have something you don't have RMS??????? I mean the frozen car doors - lol!


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 21:58

Evening LG!!! How are you?

Not falling for that one RMS!!

Oh, by the way, we have decided to leave the pets over there indefinitely!!!


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 21:59

Evening DET!!


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 22:06

Evening. Bloomin cold like everyone else just upped the heating and blow the gas bill LOL. My car door was frozen solid tonight too.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 22:09

Good evening all. Glad to hear you're both blowing the budget on the heating bill - lol


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 22:09

Just watching the news. Omg, are we now in for five months of solid party political arguments every night on tv!! I'm going into hiding!!!


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 22:09

Not blowing DET!!!!! BLOWN UP!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 22:13

Lol...or sob, sob.

My sister in law, who lives alone, says she keeps hers on low when she is at work, and her bills have actually dropped! Something to do with less energy being needed, than to reheat a cold building.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jan 2010 22:15

You gone again LG?


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 22:18

No I am here just fetched a fresh cuppa LOL.


LaGooner Report 4 Jan 2010 22:19

Just a thought we could gather all the political bits of paper and burn them to keep warm LOL


YG Report 4 Jan 2010 22:20

Yes, that is right DET. The only problem is that mine is an old system and does not have a temperature control to set it, plus it is scaled up and so is not working efficiently. There is little the council can do until they fit the new combi system later this year.

As the forecast looks like being extra cold for some time yet I think I will leave it on while I'm at work. At least there is a thermostat so it will keep cutting in and out